The Socialists/Communists/Marxist Plan to Kill MILLIONS OF AMERICANS!

Here’s a quick list of Mikes “OTHER” predictions here…

NONE of which have happened…NONE…as in ZERO…NADA…ZIP

DOW 1000!!! (But that was in 2009, OOPS, missed that one by 10,000 points!!)
FORD files for BANKRUPTCY protection (Brockovich “NAILED” that one too)
OBAMA IS THE a n t i c h r i st (My personal favorite because anyone that looks close can see the 666 on his head!!!)

Now he has a DATE for the KILLIN’S, the MAMIN’s, the STEALIN, and the Rev lu shin…to start!!!

Set your clocks folks…

2012 is the year (but could happen tomorrow???)

Yep…I think what happened here is while digging his latest ACME BOMB PROOF BOMB SHELTER Mike stumbled across an ANCIENT MYAN CALENDER…We all know the world is ending in 2012 according to that failed society…So hey…Why not RUN WITH IT???

Step right up folks…

Get your USDA recommended dailey dose of
“WHACK JOB” at the good ole REICLUB’s Random Ramblin section at anytime, on any day!!!

And don’t forget to reserve your families spot at the FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS being set up in a town near you!!!

What a SERVICE this site provides!!!

Here’s a tip to the moderators…

THIS SITE IS GOING DOWN THE TUBES…People who came here REGULARLY and contributed things of VALUE. DON’T BOTHER ANYMORE…Want a quick list???

Jared from Indiana…GONE
FDJAKE…On my way OUT
and on and on

Good luck Folks…I can no longer COMPLETELY WASTE MY TIME arguing over Presidential ANTI CHRISTS and COVERT PLANS and THEORIES to kill “MILLIONS of AMERICANS”

Here’s a little PREDICTION for you…

Keep leeting people here DIVIDE the GROUP based on POLITICAL OPINIONS and this site becomes a JOKE…It’s on its way RIGHT NOW.

Nice work…One of the BEST sites in the internet reduced to a political SOAP BOX for a guy NOT BUYING ANYMORE REAL ESTATE!!!

Beautiful…Just BEAUTIFUL!!!

hey…I like that company:

speaking of companies…Russell reconstitution due out later this month.



"When the final day comes, rest easy. You’ve purchased the best, an ACME BOMB PROOF BOMB SHELTER! Tell your neighbors to screw, you knew it was coming, they SHOULD HAVE!


limited lifetime warranty
void do to acts of war, terrorism, explosives, fire, or REVOLUTUION

Be sure to order our newest product!! The ACME COCKROACH communicator…When everyone else is DEAD…You’ll need someway to communicate with your new NEIGHBORS!!!

this product has not been tested

Be sure to order our newest product!! The ACME COCKROACH communicator.....When everyone else is DEAD....You'll need someway to communicate with your new NEIGHBORS!!!


where do you get these from?


Mostly Jake doesn’t post here as he his hands are occupied applauding himself or patting himself on the back and he has no free hands to type. I made my money with Ford FDJAKE. How much have you made on your paper profits? Sure I was cynical at the time I sold about them being the next company to file for bankruptcy but it is also the ONE time I gave you credit for passing along some info on this site that offered any value. And I can assure you, I am still buying plenty of real estate. I

Here's a quick list of Mikes "OTHER" predictions here...

NONE of which have happened…NONE…as in ZERO…NADA…ZIP

DOW 1000!!! (But that was in 2009, OOPS, missed that one by 11,000 points!!)

I’m still predicting that. There is NO recovery (except the imaginary TEMPORARY ponzi scheme being perpetrated due to the wild spending of TRILLIONS of dollars by The Chosen One).

FORD files for BANKRUPTCY protection (Brockovich “NAILED” that one too)

Go back and look at my posts - I NEVER said that Ford would file for Bankruptcy, I said that they COULD file for bankruptcy (like the other auto companies) and that Ford was a very risky investment (and I was right). I did that to counter all the hype you were putting out about Ford. You’ll note that your buddy RookieNYC sent me a BUNCH of PM’s demanding that something had to be done about your stock market advice as it was going to cost many newbies a bunch of money. I agreed and tried to temper your hype with a dose of reality about the risks.

Furthermore, I’d like to point out that you started buying at $6 or $7 per share and therefore haven’t even doubled your money on those shares. I doubled my money on Ford on my first trade (admittedly with very little money - I just play in the stock market) and I actually REALIZED my profits. My profits are in CASH - NOT ON PAPER!


Yep, I definitely think that you’ll see food shortages and riots.


That was actually your idea, but I agree with you that this always happens when society breaks down. Cops violating the law; stealing; and perpetrating other crimes certainly DID happen after Katrina and can be expected to happen when our economy collapses.


I haven’t said ANYTHING about ‘Armed Marauders’, but again, when society collapses - people stealing other people’s food and other property can certainly be expected. This DID happen after Katrina.


Bill Ayers and his communist/socialist/marxist radicals get the credit for this one FDJake. I provided the video to prove it.


Absolutely! The USA is BEYOND broke and our economy WILL COLLAPSE!


There will not be a shortage of water - our planet is mostly water. However, in a total collapse, electrical outages of varying lengths could certainly be expected. When there is no electrical power, municipal water systems will stop pumping water and yes - that means water shortages. As a firefighter and first responder - you should know this stuff FDJake!

Now he has a DATE for the KILLIN’S, the MAMIN’s, the STEALIN, and the Rev lu shin…to start!!!

Quite the contrary, I have said repeatedly that I don’t have the date, but that my best guess is a couple more years - around 2012. That has absolutely nothing with the Mayan Calendar.

You’re good at taking pot shots FDJake - but I’m still waiting for you to explain how the USA is going to get past all this runaway entitlement spending; government takeover of key industries; and huge tax increases? How is the US economy going to survive that?

The socialist government in Washington is implementing HUGE tax increases starting in 2011. That WILL result in LESS money to the treasury. Osama’s cap and tax scheme, which doesn’t even have to be voted on by congress, will result in $7 per gallon gasoline. What will that do to the economy? Obama himself, said that his cap and trade system would necessarily cause electricity rates to skyrocket. What will that do to the economy? I could go on and on, but you know the issues. How is all this going to be resolved without a collapse? Answer: it is NOT!

…Even after being proved WRONG many times, the predictions continue…

“Viva la revolucion” Mike

Jake… dont leave without giving me that 30k advice mate! Come on boy whatcha thinkin boy?!!



I agree about this site going down the Tubes. Although I do understand Mikes concerns, its really dissapointing seeing how almost nobody but Vader/Mike/Bama really posts anymore. And its usually the same stuff over and over. Look, im ALL FOR SMALL GOVERNMENT, but it flat out does get old.

Jake, Rookie, Christopher (who I talk to on facebook often), and many others have basically left and it stinks. Ive been posting on this board for almost 3 years now and love it here.

I graduate Nursing School in August and REALLY would like the good advice that some poeple on this board can give (Rookie/Jake) but if they leave, look whats left!

Hoosier, you’re right, if I am one of the last people posting here, the site is IN BAD SHAPE, lol.

I really only post because I think Mike’s views are extreme and can’t stand by and see them go uncontested. Other than that, I’m really in a “move on, nothing to see here folks” mentality.

I wish more folks would post different viewpoints without Mike dominating and trying to make folks who don’t believe what he does seem like uninformed idiots. It’s really not fun posting here anymore.

Just so you know Vader, I didnt mean that in a bad way directed towards you.

Look, im more Libertarian/anti-big government than probably anybody here.

Im for ending all entitlements/government spending/ending the drug war. The stuff the Government does really really makes me sick. Howerver, I dont rant about it over and over.

Look, honestly, im a young guy and I REALLY want to make money. Im about to be out of school and I come to this site because there is (actually, USED to be) alot of good people willing to help. If its going to stay the way its been the last 3-4 months, its pointless for even me to come here.

No Random Rambling may be going down the tubes but this is not the “site”. The site is the 9 forums ahead of Random Ramblings. When I get on this site I start at Beginners and work my way down looking for new postings since the last time I was there to see if there is anybody I can help or anything I can learn and then before I log off I go to Random Rambling.

Remember this is a real estate site and this stuff we talk about here is just for laughs and grins. Everybody here is an adult and you can’t re-raise them. They are going to think what they think and you are going to think what you think. Take it for what it is and remember we are here to make money not change people’s minds. If the Russians take over and we all of a sudden become communists. This site will not become the voice of the coordinating resistance strikes using the call sign “Wolverine” (I watch too much TV). What we would do is help you become a rich Russian.


You are 100% correct this site IS more than random ramblings…

BUT…The FACTS cannot be argue with…

We HAD a MILLIONAIRE money manager here that is currently financing mulitple deals with some very interesting strategies…(ROOKIENYC)
HE’S GONE!!! He doesn’t waste his time here anymore…OVER and OVER again he has said how SICK he is of the CONSTANT barrage of Rossi slop…So he doesn’t waste his time here anymore. And who LOSES???

The M E M B E R S lose…NOT ROOKIE…He’s still out there doing deals and raking in $$$$$…He just doesn’t bother to spend his TIME here arguing with some whack job that thinks we’re all gonna be eating CANNED BEANS in bomb shelters for the foreseeable future.

ChristopherW…An ACTIVE Mortgage broker rarely posts here anymore, he also got tired of the never ending BS. (As previously STATED in this thread)

VADER has had almost enough…I give him credit, he hangs in there and tries to bring some REASON to this section. Only to get HAMMERED for it.

Allagash a REGULAR contributor for YEARS is now down to one or two sentances and he’s GONE.

The WRITING is on the walls here Gentlemen…Keep letting ONE PERSON produce GARBAGE day afetr day and you end up with a SITE FULL OF GARBAGE!!!

As I said…

Beautiful…Just beautiful!!!

We HAD a MILLIONAIRE money manager here that is currently financing mulitple deals with some very interesting strategies....(ROOKIENYC) HE'S GONE!!!! He doesn't waste his time here anymore....OVER and OVER again he has said how SICK he is of the CONSTANT barrage of Rossi slop....So he doesn't waste his time here anymore. And who LOSES?????

That’s funny FDJake! It really is. Just a few months ago, I was barraged by RookieNYC with e-mails complaining about you and that someone needed to do something about you. At that time, he said he wasn’t coming here anymore because of YOU!

ChristopherW.....An ACTIVE Mortgage broker rarely posts here anymore, he also got tired of the never ending BS. (As previously STATED in this thread)

Is this the same ChristopherW that you have berated and belittled time and time again?

Quit Whining FDJake. If you want to post something - POST IT! If not, then it’s clear that you don’t have anything productive to say.

Random Ramblings is NOT going down the tubes - in fact, I can’t think of a time when it’s been more active. There have been 92+ posts in this thread alone!!!

As for your silly list of who’s gone - you’re not gone - you’re still posting! RookieNYC is on vacation. Rich in CT was gone LONG AGO, probably before the Socialist in Chief was even elected.

Finally, FDJAKE, if you don’t like my opinions - DON’T READ THEM! It’s very easy, if you see a post by me to simply move on to the next. Furthermore, as I’ve said, if you have ANYTHING productive to say, post it! You can post on any topic you like. So can ChristopherW, RookieNYC, or anyone else. You like to complain about my posts, yet you apparently don’t have anything original to say.

Someone’s full of crap…rookieNYC said he was out pretty much until September:,46889.msg228828.html#msg228828





“If you don’t like my opinions DON’T READ THEM.”



But hey…I know the ENTREE SECTION of the menu SUCKS but just look at the great BREATH MINTS WE HAVE!!!




NO ONE’s FULL OF CRAP here KEITH…Read the guys recnt past POSTS…He’s said it half a DOZEN TIMES…He hardly posts here at all anymore due to ROSSI…HIS WORDS…NOT MINE!!

Jake, check ur inbox.

No defense of PM (he’s a big boy and can defend himself) but you’ve posted your share of drivel on this site, too Jake…(as have I)




Contact BROCKOVICH and ask HER to help you get started…

After a few months of wasted time there…Get in touch with me and I’ll give you MY advice…We’ll compare WHO did a BETTER JOB of actually MAKING YOU MONEY!!!

That’s a STRAIGHT OUT CHALLENGE…Hoosier documents the advice and tries it…Then the $$$$$ can do the talking. And we’ll SEE you DESERVES a pat on the back or a kick in the @ss!

Guilty as charged Keith! :beer

And I don;t want to turn this into a pissin match with anyone…I’m just making some observations based on the complete LACK of posting by people I at one time stopped here DAILEY to check on.

If your CUSTOMERS are telling you something and you DON’T LISTEN…The end results are NEVER IMPROVEMENT!

Just my 2 cents.
