The Socialists/Communists/Marxist Plan to Kill MILLIONS OF AMERICANS!

Here’s the 1982 interview of an FBI agent regarding conversations with BILL AYERS (the President’s friend that actually started Osama’s presidential campaign). You’ll note that these communist wackos planned to topple capitalism and then kill 25 MILLION AMERICANS! Well…now they’ve just about finished killing capitalism (following the Cloward and Piven strategy) and guess what’s next? These people (socialists/communists/marxists/terrorists) are running the country. Just as I’ve said time and time again - socialists, communists, and marxists LOVE to kill people by the millions!!!

You heard it here first!

So a few Weather Underground Radicals in 1982 came up with a “Mein Kampf” kind of plan in their far-left smoke haze.

And you, PM, believe you have uncovered their nefarious scheme that involves reeducating and KILLING capitalists. Whooaaa, that’s capitalists like you and me!

Maybe we should nominate you for a Peace Prize! You are saving the World! Think of the millions of lives saved with your one post!

Your gullability and paranoia are standing you to good stead. We’ll fight off those devious Weather Underground wackos together…lead on! Just because I’M not paranoid doesn’t mean that it’s NOT happening, right? We’ll get those capitalist-killers yet. How dare they…


Well, I’m pretty sure it’s been given out for less in the past… That’s funny or sad depending on what side of the fence you’re on.

So a few Weather Underground Radicals in 1982 came up with a "Mein Kampf" kind of plan in their far-left smoke haze.

Which would be fine if these wackos weren’t friends of and advisors to the Terrorist in Chief TODAY! Even that would be ok if it weren’t so completely obvious that Osama is following the Cloward and Piven strategy (also decades old) to DESTROY THE COUNTRY!

Maybe we should nominate you for a Peace Prize! You are saving the World!

Thanks, I certainly do deserve the Nobel Prize at least as much as the Terrorist in Chief. What has he done to promote peace? Has he stopped the war in Iraq or Afghanistan like he promised? Has he closed Gitmo? Has he stopped rendition? Has he stopped Iran from continuing their pursuit of nuclear weapons?

I also deserve the Nobel Prize more than Al (I invented the internet) Gore. I have done MORE than he has to save the planet - I’m not the one that jets all over the world in corporate jets pumping out carbon like it’s going out of style!

Your gullability and paranoia are standing you to good stead. We'll fight off those devious Weather Underground wackos together...lead on!

You saw the video FO! I’m not making this up - it’s there right before your eyes to see. These socialist/communist/marxist wackos have told us who they are and they’re running the country. Do you think they’re just kidding? They’re the ones they’ve been waiting for and their purpose is to destroy the USA and our way of life!

I was watching a show where there was a pole crowd.They were asked questions on the president’s leadership and response to Oil gusher.It really scared me(and I know I"ll be labeled a racist for this :rolleyes).

The majority of the crowd was outraged and disgusted with the response.There were four black americans,and only one was against this administration’s leadership.ANd I just thought to myself this is such a problem.If the tables were turned,and this was Bush,could you imagine??

I for one judge a person by the content of their character(I heard that somewhere before :shocked).These are very dangerous times when people can’t overlook their race issues and call it as they see it.

I also heard an audio of Obama depicting “White CEO’s” and praising the teaching of Rev. Wright(yes that’s right,the same one he said he did’nt hear saying those racists statements).This was’nt a rumor,or Rev Wright,IT WAS OBAMA!!!ANd he was reading it from his own book!!Where the hell is the media??

So obviously he listened to his preacher and lied about that,so we are supposed to beleive he had no idea of BIll Ayers??Either he’s the most clueless person,or we are.Everyone is walking on eggshells for fear of being called a racist.Meanwhile your country is being"transformed" as promised.It’s a perfect deversion,and most bought it hook,line and sinker.

The majority of the crowd was outraged and disgusted with the response.There were four black americans,and only one was against this administration's leadership.ANd I just thought to myself this is such a problem.If the tables were turned,and this was Bush,,could you imagine??

Sellnbama - you’re clearly a RACIST!!! :banghead (sorry, I’m being sarcastic of course. Just had to get that in there before FO showed up to play the race card) How dare you notice that although the vast majority of Americans are disgusted by Osama’s response to the spill, these blacks were supporting Osama. Could THEY be racist? (answer: no - only whites can be racists). And you might have noticed that 95% of blacks voted for Osama. Could THEY be racist? (answer: no - only whites can be racists). Or you might have noticed that The Racist in Chief accused an entire police department for acting “stupidly” when a black friend of his was arrested, EVEN THOUGH HE DIDN’T HAVE ANY OF THE FACTS. Could the president be a RACIST?

I also heard an audio of Obama depicting "White CEO's"

…and here it is:

You can hear the Racist in Chief, using his code language, showing his RACIST LEANINGS!

The left laughed when Palin said that Obama was "palling around with terrorists.

Guess what? It ain’t funny…

Ayers is Obama’s neighbor and they ARE pals - Ayers is not 'just a guy that lives in his neighborhood.

There is just so much that we don’t know and has been obfuscated from most Americans…Obama has not been upftont or open about anything. Ya gotta believe there’s a reason.


You guys continue to smoke that CONSPIRACY DOPE. Must be good stuff? Keeps you high, uh-huh, uh-huh?

Look back into your own lives. Are you the same person you were at 21? Heck, no. Is Obama the same person he was then? Heck, no.

I used to admire radicals in my younger days; I was vociferously against the Vietnam War; I admired the hippie “Down with the establishment” mantra. Cops were pigs. I knew it all.

Now I AM the establishment. It’s called a life curve. We are all on it. If I were to run for national office I’m sure all kinds of old stuff could be dredged up that I wrote and spoke as a young hothead.

Has anybody researched Obama’s Kindergarten drawings yet? For Leftist Leanings? Get over all that. What’s the man doing today? That’s what’s important.

Here is a fact of voting history:
The MAJORITY of Catholics voted for Kennedy-- first Catholic president.
The MAJORITY of Blacks voted for Obama–first Black president.

Would the MAJORITY of Mormons vote for Romney, a Mormon, if he ran? You betcha.

Would the MAJORITY of women vote for the first woman to run? Here’s the divide–I don’t think they would cross party lines to do so. If they are an Independent voter, they would if the candidate is a moderate, middle-of-the road vote-getter. If it’s a Sarah Palin, no.

This Gulf thing is HUGE. Way worse than Katrina, a natural disaster followed up by an inadequate government response. (Notice how everyone wants the government OUT unless you need 'em?).

The Gulf disaster is an industrial accident combined with a natural disaster. It’s as if BP drilled into a volcano. Can’t stop that PRESSURIZED OIL from the heart of the earth.

Safety rules are written in blood. This time the life blood of the entire Gulf Coast.


I used to admire radicals in my younger days; I was vociferously against the Vietnam War; I admired the hippie "Down with the establishment" mantra. Cops were pigs..

I doubt if that surprises anyone here. Obviously, you still greatly admire the socialists as you’ve gone out of your way to show us. Your answer to EVERYTHING is a giant socialist government that can serve as the mother and father for the ignorant, helpless American people.

Now I AM the establishment. It's called a life curve. We are all on it. If I were to run for national office I'm sure all kinds of old stuff could be dredged up that I wrote and spoke as a young hothead.

That would be understandable if it were not for the Terrorist in Chief’s CURRENT ACTIONS! He started his campaign for President in the living room of a KNOWN COMMUNIST TERRORIST (Bill Ayers). He has surrounded himself with self-described socialists/communists/marxists. These people didn’t USED TO BE socialist/communist/marxist radicals - THEY ARE SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS/MARXIST RADICALS. Ever heard of Van Jones or Anita Dunn (whose favorite “philosopher” MURDERED 70 MILLION PEOPLE!)


He’s friends/neighbors with him N-O-W!!!


…, again, Hello-Duh, all of his school records are sealed under lock and key. His name was changed and he went to kindergarten in Indonesia - as an Indonesian citizen. He won’t let anyone see anything - in fact, they arrest people that dare to even peek.

Is that ‘open and transparent’ to you?

I have a sad newsflash for you: You’re NOT the establishment - far from it. You’re still the same-old-same-old just older and, apparently, none-the-wiser and significantly out of touch. You’re just another Obamagroupie…you believe EVERYTHING that he spews as if it were the gospel…as if he is, in fact, the Messiah. I’ve seen hundreds of your ilk. I’ve forgotten about more of this crap than you’ll ever know.

You need to pay attention more and see what’s going on around you - the future of America as we know it is at stake - you’re just too star-struck to recognize it. I’ll bet you idolized Bill Clinton, too…

You confess to being “vociferously against the Vietnam War” (read - hater of the military and all things related), to admiring the hippies (shocker), and believing that “Cops were pigs”. None of these are exactly endearing American/Establishment qualities.

Then, you have the audicity to accuse the others of us of smoking dope.

What the hell is wrong with you people?


When it comes to extremists, maybe YOU should just look in the mirror.

You had to go way back to the '80’s to dredge up the Underground Radicals. That handful of dissidents were so far-left that the FBI was monitoring them.

Now we have people so FAR-RIGHT that the FBI is monitoring them. These far-rightists talk about terrorists all the time. They HATE our elected government representatives. They talk about over-throwing the government. They are fanatics.

How fat is YOUR dossier?


So sorry that you can’t analyze Obama’s Kindergarten records. There has to be SOMETHING in those scribbles that is VERY ALARMING. Maybe even written in INDONESIAN?!

So sad that Americans are getting so xenophobic. Not traveling. Just watching Bill O’Reilly and listening to Limbaugh. Americans getting fatter and fatter. Dumber and dumber. Scarier and scarier.


You have trouble “connecting the dots” to see the pictures, huh?

Suppose just for a minute that your Messiah-in-Chief went to Indonesia (fact), and wanted to go to school (fact) and in order to do so in Suharto’s Indonesia, you had to be a citzen (fact) so you became an Indonesian citizen (fact). Then you come back to the U.S. and want to go to college…you see a great opportunity to get “free stuff” (ahhh, ‘free stuff’, the Socialist Holy Grail) so you apply as a foreign student and get foreign student aid (ahhh…free stuff…ahhhh). But later in life, this becomes a problem because you want to be President and give all of your liberal/Socialist/Communist buddies ‘free stuff’, too but to do that you have to be a natural-born-U.S. citizen and, actually, you’re not even really a citizen at all and the proof is the pesky foreign student aid. So what to do? Ahhhh…get it all sealed and defend it voraciously so as not to blow the delicate cover. You spend millions and millions of dollars defending a possibly non-existent birth certificate and all of your college/uniersity records. Why is that?

For the record, I don’t ever watch Bill O’Reilly and have never listened to Rush Limbaugh. I am retired from over 20 yeas of active duty in the military, have worked over nine years in direct White House support, and am by no means dumb.

I’m not even sure how “fatter and fatter” even correlates to this or any discussion but, somehow in your little world, I’m sure it does. But, more likely it’s a distractor (“look here…no, no, not there where there’s facts - over here where I’m making crap up”)…

Does that help you any, Britt? Or are you going to wander on, blissfully unaware of anything, lost in your own little Socialist/Pollyanna world where the government is the giant cow in the sky with a teat for everyone…the be-all-end-all?


Wow, socialist takeover leading to millions of americans dead…

PM, you and your disciples need straight jackets.

It’s extremists like you that caused normal Germans to turn into Nazis and HATE and KILL jews.
6 million people died because extremists convinced Germans that the jews were the cause of ALL their problems, just like you are doing now with socialists. THAT is the thinking that’s going to get people killed!!!

Mccarthy and the communist witch hunts, remember those??? That’s where your speech is headed, where someone gets accused of being a communist(socialist in your case) and their life is over because people are scared and paranoid by conspiracy theorists like you.

You believe what you believe and that’s fine, you want smaller gov, the U.S. to be more in harmony with the constitution, that’s fine. But you are going waaaaaaaay over the line here guy, you are sounding VERY RADICAL and that’s ringing all kind of alarm bells in my head. You’ve got loose cannon written all over you.

Ah-hah, so you are a “Birther”. Isn’t that the term for the conspiracy believers who refuse to believe that Obama is a U.S. citizen?

This subject has been laid to rest over and over. The State of Hawaii has given the documentation over and over. I even heard the Governor of Hawaii speak on that poor, worn-out subject.

Do you really think the Republican Party and John McCain WOULD HAVE OVERLOOKED a little fact like their opponent for president not being a US citizen?! COME ON.

There are some other windmills you can tilt at. Is the earth really round? Did Kennedy get shot by Oswald? Is Elvis really dead?

I know that you are a Moderator, but you crossed the line by using my personal name in your post. With right-wing fanatics everywhere, a person can’t be too careful.


You used my first name in all of your posts and YOUR first name is unhidden in YOUR profile…that’s on you, not on me (don’t believe me? Look for yourself). If you don’t want your name known, hide it. And, that has NOTHING to do with me being a Moderator or crossing some imaginary line. Just like a Democrat, play the ‘Moderator card’ when you’re getting your lunch eaten…“that dog don’t hunt”. Is the race card next? For the record: I’m a pasty white German guy…

Birthers are those that believe that Obama was born in Kenya (or elsewhere) - thus the name. He spends a lot of time and money pushing back against that also. This has nothing to do with birthplace or the state of Hawaii…stop changing the subject. Typical liberal response…I say, “A, B, C” and you come back with, "You guys are always saying, “D,E. F”…I said nothing about birthplace, nothing about the state of Hawaii. As usual, you lost sight of the salient points of the debate and mentally wandered off. It’s like debating nuclear fission with a Hershey bar.

And, “Elvis is not dead. He just went home” Tommy Lee Jones as ‘Kay’, Men in Black, 1997

Mr. Hastedt (no first names - the right-wing fanatic boogermen might get us!)

Wow, socialist takeover leading to millions of americans dead...

Yeah, it’s completely unbelievable IF you can pretend that the socialists/communists/marxists didn’t kill more than 150 MILLION people in the last 70 years!!! Do you lefties know ANYTHING about history???

It's extremists like you that caused normal Germans to turn into Nazis and HATE and KILL jews.

Now let me see if I understand this correctly, I provide a video of an FBI agent that infiltrated Bill Ayers and his fellow communist radicals (the likes of which are surrounding the Terrorist in Chief today) who provides detailed information about the communists discussing killing 25 MILLION Americans who won’t go along with communism and you label ME and extremist??? Yep, you’ve learned your lesson well from Terrorist in Chief Osama.

6 million people died because extremists convinced Germans that the jews were the cause of ALL their problems, just like you are doing now with socialists. THAT is the thinking that's going to get people killed!!!

Well, at least you understand the concept, although you’ve got it completely backwards. It’s Osama, the Terrorist in Chief, who is trying to convince Americans that the tea party members are extremists and dangerous, when the truth is that ALL of the violence to date has been on the part of the left (like the SEIU union member who beat the black protestor). Just like Hitler convinced the German people that the Jews were the root of all their problems. See the connection - Hitler and Osama Obama?

I addressed you by your name because YOU HAD JUST SIGNED YOUR POST WITH IT. It had never occurred to me to look you up like you did me.

You and PM are WAAAAY out there. It’s hard to comprehend that any intelligent person could believe the stuff you espouse.

A Socialist Cabal bent on taking over the world and killing capitalists. Led by Barack Obama. Millions to die. And you believe that. Seriously.

I said that you smoke CONSPIRACY DOPE. Meaning that you buy into those wacky conspiracy theories. Not that you smoke dope itself, actually.

Maybe I just need to dumb down my sentences a little, sorry.

That you believe all that crap is in itself just unbelievable. I am shaking my head. Speechless. Can you not see how irrational it is? Have you had any education whatsoever? Amazing.

We live in scary times indeed, Vader, if people believe conspiracy theories. If people think an extremist viewpoint is normal.



Sieg Heil, Mein Fuehrer!

Get them early, bend their minds! Obama Jungend

Does third grade count?

…and you should see someone about your typo-stuttering.

And, “…look you up…”??? What do you think profiles are for? You know that your name in the top left corner of each of your posts (your name in blue) is actually a hyperlink straight to your profile - you do know that, right? It’s not like rocket science, or anything…hell, even I (with my third grade education and all), ‘figgured’ that one out with just some simple ciphering.

Actually, where I went to school, we learned to think for ourselves not just regurgitate the pyscho-babble of the professors. That’s where we differ. I’m guessing that you’re ‘educated beyond your intelligence’ (I’m guessing BA and MA) and I’m not.

And, just for the record, You’ll have to take up the fight regarding, “…a Socialist Cabal bent on taking over the world and killing capitalists. Led by Barack Obama. Millions to die.” with PM. I think that if you look back, I said nothing of it. But again, more the “A,B,C”, “D,E.F” thing…like debating nuclear fission with a Hershey bar

Mr. Hastedt (watching my back for booger men)