You guys continue to smoke that CONSPIRACY DOPE. Must be good stuff? Keeps you high, uh-huh, uh-huh?
Look back into your own lives. Are you the same person you were at 21? Heck, no. Is Obama the same person he was then? Heck, no.
I used to admire radicals in my younger days; I was vociferously against the Vietnam War; I admired the hippie “Down with the establishment” mantra. Cops were pigs. I knew it all.
Now I AM the establishment. It’s called a life curve. We are all on it. If I were to run for national office I’m sure all kinds of old stuff could be dredged up that I wrote and spoke as a young hothead.
Has anybody researched Obama’s Kindergarten drawings yet? For Leftist Leanings? Get over all that. What’s the man doing today? That’s what’s important.
Here is a fact of voting history:
The MAJORITY of Catholics voted for Kennedy-- first Catholic president.
The MAJORITY of Blacks voted for Obama–first Black president.
Would the MAJORITY of Mormons vote for Romney, a Mormon, if he ran? You betcha.
Would the MAJORITY of women vote for the first woman to run? Here’s the divide–I don’t think they would cross party lines to do so. If they are an Independent voter, they would if the candidate is a moderate, middle-of-the road vote-getter. If it’s a Sarah Palin, no.
This Gulf thing is HUGE. Way worse than Katrina, a natural disaster followed up by an inadequate government response. (Notice how everyone wants the government OUT unless you need 'em?).
The Gulf disaster is an industrial accident combined with a natural disaster. It’s as if BP drilled into a volcano. Can’t stop that PRESSURIZED OIL from the heart of the earth.
Safety rules are written in blood. This time the life blood of the entire Gulf Coast.