The Socialists/Communists/Marxist Plan to Kill MILLIONS OF AMERICANS!

And that the President has a master plan to deprive us all of our liberty based on some obscure manifesto that PM subscribes to.

I can’t help notice that you NEVER respond to the actual issues. I have claimed that the Socialist in Chief has surrounded himself with socialists/marxists/communists. Do you dispute that, even though I have provided videos of these people ADMITTING to (bragging about) it themselves.

I provided video footage of an FBI officer who was in the meetings with Ayers and his other radicals planning the deaths of 25 MILLION AMERICANS. Do you dispute that?

As I said before, you and Vader are so gullible and ignorant of history, that you won’t understand what’s happening until Obama himself marches you into a gas chamber!!! But, maybe it’s just a shower. LOL!

I don’t pretend to know the near future and how things will develop. You are right in generalizing the outcome of socialist movements: massive population decimation.
For those wishing to put their head in the sand I can tell you one thing. My family did just that in the 30’s. About four of several hundred survived.
They too felt men were incapable of the impending horrors which were being planned openly. The Western world did little to stop Germany, Russia, China, Cambodia, Balkan… Get the picture? It is the natural end of these movements.
The first thing that happens is marginalizing a people group, that much is happening now in a general way. The major thing that happens next is gun grabbing.
We do need to keep the faith and remain armed. That much I do know.
Before you attack Mike or me, pause and think my life is shaped by the fact 98% of my family has been murdered.
Have a nice day and God bless you.

PM, the one thing I think you have wrong is the speed at which you say this will all happen. The true Powers that Be are very patient and will continue to erode our liberties as we (Americans) vote those liberties away.

I recommend anyone posting in this topic to go out and read the scariest non-fiction book written; “The Creature from Jekkyle Island”. It is about the Fed, IMF and World Bank.

Anyone here read it besides me?

Milwaukee and Ozm - WELCOME to the forum! I see that you’re both relatively new and I am glad to have too more people on the forum that understand what’s happening.

Milwaukee - YES, I have read every page of The Creature from Jekyll Island and I agree it’s the scariest book ever written and also one of the best! I also agree with you that I could be wrong about the timing. I’m predicting 2012, although it could certainly happen sooner or later than that. I’m hoping it happens sooner rather than later for my own selfish reasons. I don’t want my kids and grandkids to grow up under socialism and I’d certainly like to see us get back to the principles that made this country great.

Ozm, I am VERY appreciative that you shared what happened to your family. You are living proof that this is REAL, not just something in a history book (that almost no-one in the USA appears to have studied and that most deny could ever happen here).

PM, you don’t understand my point of view AT ALL.

I didn’t vote for Obama, nor anyone else. Again, because I don’t believe your socialist conspiracy takeover that must make me a socialist and that I’m not. You’re just mad I don’t buy into your BS, then you accuse me of not knowing my history.

Ozm, you’re comparing this to Hitler’s rise? There is little that time has in common with the current situation as far as a change TO socialism. The german people felt oppressed after the surrender conditions imposed on them after WWI and they felt defeated. Hitler promised them a 1000 year reich with prosperity and blamed the jews for all the problems they were having, taught Aryan supremacy, and the masses became FANATICAL supporters of him. The army was greatly expanded and it all began.

Not seeing a parallel here guys. Without fanatical public support america can NEVER become a socialist state. Hence why I don’t buy into all this socialist conspiracy theory.

PM, you can call me a socialist all you want. You can call a tree a rock, but that doesn’t make it a rock. Rant on PM, rant on, the “govmint trying ta kill all o us”.

Socialism is defined as a state where the government controls or owns the means of production. That is EXACTLY what is happening now. Osama has taken over HUGE portions of our economy including, but certainly not limited to: big banks, housing (Freddie and Fannie), Government Motors, student loans, HEALTHCARE (a full 1/6th of the economy, the internet (now having been declared a public utility), even CO2 (which we all exhale), etc, etc, etc.

A new socialist dictator does NOT need the support of the people. All that is required for freedom to perish is for good men to do nothing.

Last time I checked, many of the banks(especially most of the big important ones) PAID BACK the bailout money lifting whatever restrictions they had because of the loan. The ones highlighted in green paid it back.

I call BS on your “Obama taking over the banks” statement. :bs

Oh and by the way, didn’t George Bush start the bank bailouts? I guess he and Obama are united in this “socialist takeover”.

So if repubs and dems are part of the socialist takeover, who are you going to vote for in Nov? Since neither party seems to have any answers to this economic mess more than to throw borrowed money at it.

Do what I do! Vote Libertarian and/or Ron Paul!!!

Last time I checked, many of the banks(especially most of the big important ones) PAID BACK the bailout money lifting whatever restrictions they had because of the loan. The ones highlighted in green paid it back.

Vader, with all due respect, you are so ignorant on these matters that it is truly SHOCKING! You literally don’t know any more about what’s going on in the world than my low income tenants (and that is not a compliment). Do you know HOW the big banks got the money to once-again become profitable? You should, because you paid for it (assuming that you are a productive citizen). The Fed printed money from thin air and ‘loaned’ it to the big banks at zero percent interest. The banks then loan that money to the US Treasury at 3 % interest!!! It’s a PONZI SCHEME!

Could you possibly spend a little time trying to educate yourself? And, NO, I am not posting another link for you. Take a little initiative and look it up yourself.

Yep, one giant ponzi scheme…just like so much of what big business and the government do. Like turning a blind eye while the banks cashed in on the mortgage mess. My point has nothing to do with HOW it was paid back.

The IMPORTANT thing is the money is PAID BACK and those banks are no longer under government restrictions, so there went your socialist control of the banks. Spin it all you want, but the banks are no longer under the thumb of the government.

Spin it all you want, but the banks are no longer under the thumb of the government.

they ARE the government!


It’s like talking to a tomato plant. :banghead C’mon Vader. I know that if you REALLY THINK HARD about this issue, you can put it together. I’ll give you another hint: WHO owns the Federal Reserve? Turn off Judge Judy and google some information about the Federal Reserve. Once you understand who owns the Federal Reserve, it might click for you.

Here’s another hint: Where did Tim (tax cheat) Geithner work before he was Treasury Secretary?

Let me know when you figure this out. Or maybe John’s head will explode and he’ll give you the answer when he can’t stand it anymore.

Ok, so you want me to see that the banks run the Fed and they’re robbing us with the ponzi scheme by new money they made from thin air to pay back their loan? Am I on the right track?

That’s been that way for many decades, not seeing the socialist bank takeover you keep raving about…

If you keep thinking about it and doing some studying, you might finally GET IT! You’re making progress, agonizingly slow, but progress. :bobble


Read the book “Creature From Jekyll Island” and bring us any lies, missquotes or historical inaccuracies you can find. I’m not going to lie; it’s a tough read (600+ pgs) of footnoted info that will alter what and who you think is in control.

Money has no meaning to the ones who produce it for free. Since it is coveted they control power and labor. The gov has no use for money. This is why they never save it. They do want to indirectly acquire more power and influence through manipulation of well … Everything!

Republican or democrat, it doesn’t really matter. Someone on here said it recently “Divide and concur”.

Milwaukee, I’m not disputing any of that, what I’m pointing out is that what is in place has been that way for decades and I don’t subscribe to an OBAMA socialist takeover. It seems like its been going on like this for many years, not seeing this as a reason for Obama hate.

Great just what this site needs more morons to follow PM and his ridiculous postings.

The sky is falling.
The sky is falling.

I think we all know how that story turned out.


Close your eyes and believe whatever you want. I don’t claim to know it all but I know what we are told is half truth and half deceit.

None of this stuff makes you mad, question or look further into it?

I won’t take too much offense to the Moron comment either.

The Sheeple aren’t going to question the Chosen One or look further into anything going on. They’re just along for the ride, until the government crushes them.