The Socialists/Communists/Marxist Plan to Kill MILLIONS OF AMERICANS!

So where are we all going with this?

If far-right wing candidates don’t get elected in the next elections, will all you rightists take to the streets? With unholstered arms, unlike the tea parties where guns were proudly displayed on holstered hips?

Here are my predictions:
More and more easily-led, delusioned militia-types will start wrecking havoc on police, IRS, government buildings.

The rhetoric is going to keep ratcheting up until it is enough; then it will be stopped like Joe McCarthy’s witchhunt was stopped.

If right-wing talking heads are telling Joe Sixpack, “This is WAR! Your government Fuhrer Obama is GOING TO KILL YOU!”, then sooner or later 80-IQ-Points Joe is going to take it out on a Post Office or Police Station. Then we may have a change in what kind of flammable rhetoric is allowed. Or perhaps opposing views have to be aired as well on the far-right stations.

Just like it is illegal to yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater, albeit we have Freedom of Speech, I believe it illegal to yell “WAR!” when all it is-- is political differences in points-of-view.

I sure don’t want to hear PM’s prognostications again. Boy, we sure know how the far right thinks. This lack of moderation is going to end up costing them politically. You don’t win votes with pure craziness and paranoia.

What do you middle voters think?


Well, I don’t know what the crazy wackos are going to do, as for me, I’ll just do voices in my head tell me to do…


My point FO is to look in the mirror and that should be all the wackiness you need to see. Way to gloss over the facts in the piece about where all the violence is really originating from… from the loons on the left. Pay attention!

If right-wing talking heads are telling Joe Sixpack, "This is WAR! Your government Fuhrer Obama is GOING TO KILL YOU!", then sooner or later 80-IQ-Points Joe is going to take it out on a Post Office or Police Station. Then we may have a change in what kind of flammable rhetoric is allowed. Or perhaps opposing views have to be aired as well on the far-right stations.

Well, then do opposing views have to be aired on NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, the New York Times, The Huffing and Puffing Post, etc, etc, etc???

Just like it is illegal to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater, albeit we have Freedom of Speech, I believe it illegal to yell "WAR!" when all it is-- is political differences in points-of-view.

And that’s the destruction of the 1st Amendment that I was just talking about. Not surprising coming from FO!

Oh, thank you, middle voters.


Actually, only in FO’s wacko socialist world would someone like me that fully supports the constitution and despises socialism be considered anything other than a middle of the road voter!

You say I’m changing the subject and overlooking the evidence.
Let’s see, an “fbi agent” says X about someone Obama associates with, yet this “evidence” didn’t make it to any major news media with any legs to stand on. If you had video of Ayers actually SAYING it, then that’s evidence. Not to mention, 1982, darn near 30 years ago…

You know come to think of it, the Nazis sure had a lot of “evidence” that the Jews were ruining the country of Germany as well. They ratcheted up the rhetoric and look 6 million jews dead all based on “evidence”.

Show me something that’s confirmed by reputable news sources or video with the actual guy saying something, then we can go from there. Obama controls the car companies you say, with money most of them paid back??? Wow, grasp at straws much?

Show me something that's confirmed by reputable news sources or video with the actual guy saying something, then we can go from there. Obama controls the car companies you say, with money most of them paid back??? Wow, grasp at straws much?

More ignorance! I really don’t know how you lefties make it through the day. Here’s the story about GM paying back a very small portion of the money they received WITH MONEY GIVEN TO THEM BY THE GOVERNMENT! Translation, they haven’t paid ANYTHING BACK and once again - YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!

How about you quote a major news organization, or at least sources with verified credibility?

Then I might actually “learn” something. I can make a website with quotes like that in 30 minutes. Anyone can put up a website furthering their own agenda, its not that hard. Show me something mainstream where the thoughts are more objective and then we can talk.

There it is on Forbes. Now you’ve finally learned something. I would think even a socialist could use google.

Finally!!! A credible source, now we can talk.

The gov owns 70% stake in GM…and that means socialist takeover and 25 million americans soon to be dead???
Right…and had the gov let GM tank, everyone will be riled up crying how we let the biggest american car company FAIL!! So we would all be stuck buying imports or fords. Bye camaro, bye chevy, bye to all the iconic brands.

But jump in to save a big part of our car industry and “oh Obama is becoming Hitler…ohhhh…get your guns…hide your children…”
Again, whatever.

Vader, although I think we are on quite the opposite spectrum when it comes to political philosophies, you seem to be a reasonable person so I am asking what your thoughts are on the magnitude of the deficits and debt this government is running up?

Brokovich, with all this debt weighing down the country, this CANNOT end well. The world economy is gonna be hurting and hurting bad for a long time. I’m just not a fan of the “let them fail” philosophy. If the financial institutions and car companies etc had been allowed to fail miserable, there would be panic, wall street crash, it would have been very severe. That’s when there really would be a run on ammunition and can food.

The run up on debt is only delaying and maybe minimizing the inevitable pain coming our way, but I personally think its more of a graceful fall on your butt versus a more severe fall on your face.

That said, I think we have enough debt, because the gravest danger has passed. The 50 bill the president is asking for seems too much. This bill has to be paid back at some point, I think that is going too far. Its time to start tightening the belt and living below our means for the states and the fed gov. THAT needs to happen and happen fast.

I agree with you. Vader. In this state, state workers are being furloughed I think 2 days a month. Education is being cut. Painful decisions made.

The whole country is ready for cuts. Cut the huge Military expense first of all. The Military always screams for more troops, weaponry, funding. Have they EVER said, “We have enough manpower and funding; situation stable.” Never.

Shift some military funds to keeping our southern border safe.

If you view the country like a big family, what can you cut? In our family, we can’t/won’t cut basic medical/dental. We CAN cancel cable TV, cut the Security System, drive less, don’t buy another car. Travel less, quit buying gifts, cut down on eating out.

For our country,we need to let unemployment run out. Lean on the banks and financial institutions to carry their own weight. Set some austerity programs in place. Cut ostentatious living. Just say “NO” to other than vital programs. I’m all for getting our national debt reined in. Our situation is stable enough for that now.


I agree the defense military complex is more than adequate to handle the necessary defense of our country and could adsorb deeper cuts. Provided we of course get out of Iraq and Afghanistan soon. Beyond that though, entitlements MUST be addressed and there are not even brave politicians on either side to tackle this problem. Additionally, until term limits is instituted the poisonous political environment in DC will never change.

We’re seeing that more and more furnished, some tough decisions are starting to be made. As long as it’s gradual, it won’t be as painful and it will give the public time to adjust. It really sucks to be a state worker right now, used to be a cushy job.

In my younger days, I used to work for county gov and there would be a woman asleep at her post EVERY DAY, so bad she would snore. She was older, close to retirement, but she could do no wrong. No productivity, just all the years put in. Local, state, and fed need to start behaving more like the private sector and cut dead weight and emphasize productivity and accountability. No more “good enough for government work” mentality.

Brock, its kinda weird to me how much more we spend on our military than other countries. This world police stuff is getting old, that thinking prob needs to go before sensible cuts can be made. Yeah and entitlements need to be phased out as well. I have no problem with mom and dad moving back in with their kids if their retirement is not working out. Good influence on the kids and an extra babysitters/mentors. Same with kids moving back in with their parents. More folks to work and pay the bills. Again, if these changes are gradual, it shouldn’t hurt too much.

Milwaukee, the GLOBAL economy is phony. Its easy to say “let them fail” when you’re not realizing what it is that would happen. Regular folks are sheep and easily spooked, paranoid etc. I knew a lot of people who wouldn’t leave their house after 9-11 because they though terrorists would be at their local grocery store :rolleyes. That said, if those big banks were allowed to fail(in many cases EXPLODE), it would create a dangerous domino effect and create a vacuum.

Imagine companies that have been in business for decades fall one after the other uncontrollably. People panic, there is a run on the banks, FDIC implodes, stocks crash, global stocks crash, global banks start to fail as well. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE scenario. Granted giving them billions to keep doing the crap that got them in this mess wasn’t exactly the best way to go. Maybe a better way would have been to have them fail gracefully with customers going to competitors and their assets being divided etc.

Another thing is a vacuum, imagine other countries banks coming over here and dominating by replacing the behemoths that failed. How would you feel if an Indian or Chinese bank took Bank of America’s place? Helping these companies, at least America still has a viable banking industry that might right itself and learn to do better. After 9-11, should we just have let all the domestic airlines fail? Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that REQUIRE action, because inaction is the worse possible alternative.

Letting the foundations of the economy fail without guiding it or creating a parachute is MADNESS, don’t see why that’s not easy to see. We’re not talking about Walmart running the mom and pop corner store out of business here.

In my younger days, I used to work for county gov and there would be a woman asleep at her post EVERY DAY, so bad she would snore. She was older, close to retirement, but she could do no wrong. No productivity, just all the years put in. Local, state, and fed need to start behaving more like the private sector and cut dead weight and emphasize productivity and accountability. No more "good enough for government work" mentality.

CUT DEAD WEIGHT? Who are you trying to kid Vader? The government is ADDING DEAD WEIGHT at an unprecedented rate RIGHT NOW! You and FO wanted socialism and you got socialism. There’s no turning back - socialism just gets bigger and bigger; and less and less efficient until it collapses (coming soon). Then, there will be a war; millions will die; and FINALLY we may be able to take our country back!

Yeah and entitlements need to be phased out as well.

You should have read the instruction manual for Barack Hussein Osama before you elected him. He’s an overt socialist and is not going to cut entitlements, he’s expanding entitlements as fast as he can! In case you missed it, he’s following the Cloward and Piven strategy to collapse the economy. That strategy, written decades ago, calls for promoting and expanding entitlements until the system can no longer function - thereby collapsing the economy and the country. Then, using the ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ philosophy, the perpetrators can institute any sort of government they desire as the sheeple beg the government to save them!

Imagine companies that have been in business for decades fall one after the other uncontrollably. People panic, there is a run on the banks, FDIC implodes, stocks crash, global stocks crash, global banks start to fail as well. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE scenario. Granted giving them billions to keep doing the crap that got them in this mess wasn't exactly the best way to go. Maybe a better way would have been to have them fail gracefully with customers going to competitors and their assets being divided etc.

Bankrupt companies SHOULD FAIL!!! Under capitalism, there is ALWAYS someone else to replace them IF THAT BUSINESS CAN BE PROFITABLE. As for all the doom and gloom, you bought the Fed’s propaganda hook, line, and sinker! YOU are one of the sheeple VADER. So is FO. The recent “crisis” was primarily (almost exclusively) a banking crisis. These giant banks made HUGE bets with HUGE leverage and scammed millions of people out of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS with their phony derivative investments. When this giant ponzi scheme was exposed and imploded, the Fed demanded TRILLIONS of dollars of money from the American taxpayer via threat of a collapse and martial law. Why did they do that? BECAUSE THE BIG BANKS THAT OWN THE FED WERE THE ONES INVOLVED IN THE PONZI SCHEME! This entire crisis was nothing but the largest theft in human history and it’s still ongoing.

Vader - in all seriousness, you and FO need to stop watching so much Judge Judy and American Idol and get educated.

PM is foaming at the mouth again about the Socialist takeover of the world.

And that the President has a master plan to deprive us all of our liberty based on some obscure manifesto that PM subscribes to.

Listen to Vader and me, PM. We ARE the moderate middle. We ARE the majority. We both believe the ship of state will right itself and continue sailing forward. America has been through worse times than now. We are optimists.

You could benefit from some Judge Judy and Idol downtime, PM. Turn off those toxic media voices that have filled you with such bile. What are you going to do when none of your prognostications happen?

I challenge you PM–can you post for ONE WEEK without using the word "Socialist’?! Give our ears a rest? Betcha can’t…
