The Socialists/Communists/Marxist Plan to Kill MILLIONS OF AMERICANS!

There he goes again. He was born in Hawaii (last I checked is in the USA) to a mother that was born in Kansas (last I checked is in the USA).

Were you homeschooled or just slept in civics class. That makes him an American.

I’ve got a BFO for you, I probably understand any of this better than you…go back and read what I wrote. Obama’s mother and step-father renounced his citizenship and made him a citizen of Indonesia. Please produce a document where he requested/regained his citizenship…wait, what, you can’t? Really?

And perhaps you should go back and read all of the laws regarding US citizenship and what “natural born” means through the years…it matters where you were born and to whome. Obama’s father was never an American and his mother’s age was a factor…

Now please tell me that John McCain is not a citizen because he was not born in the US…

Just another freakin’ Obamagroupie…he says it’s OK, so it must be - no vetting required.

And, yes, he pals around with terrorists.

I can relate to how a person may not be the same as they were some years back.But time and time again this guy’s company he keeps and whenever he’s off prompter tell the truth.

I really wish I was wrong about what I’m seeing happen,but I’m convenced as each day goes by I’m not.Nobody really wins this debate,america loses.So label me a right wing nutjob or whatever,it does’nt phase me.If it makes you feel better,rather than to face the facts in front of your nose,so be it.But for the record I think the Repubs have done a crap job too.But we do NEED checks/balances back in our govt.The definition of communism is a one party rule,and it’s not the way our govt functions best.

But we’ll see if that all changes with “the fundamental transformation”.Wow,how some were so gullible.

You and PM are WAAAAY out there. It's hard to comprehend that any intelligent person could believe the stuff you espouse.

Waaaay out there? I’ve shown you proof positive that Obama has CHOSEN to surround himself with self-described socialists, communists, and marxists. Obama talks about the huge deficit that is “unsustainable” and yet he is spending money like it’s going out of style. The Fed has said that our current entitlements are “unsustainable” and must be addressed, and yet, Obama keeps adding new entitlements and new spending that will add huge amounts to the deficit! Why would he do that? Answer: because The Socialist in Chief is following the Cloward and Piven strategy to destroy the economy. Have you even studied the Cloward and Piven strategy FO? I thought not! Have you read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky? If not, you should - because Osama has taught these Rules for Radicals to his lefty college students and is following them as President. You’ve now seen a video in which it was revealed that Osama’s friend Bill Ayers discussed with his radical friends that they would need to kill 25 MILLION AMERICANS when they didn’t fall in line with their communist takeover (now in progress). The so-called militia members in Michigan were arrested and jailed for MUCH LESS than these morons did.

How much proof do you need to understand what’s going on? Does Obama have to personally lead you into a gas chamber to see what’s happening? Oh, I forgot that the socialists you worship wouldn’t do that. Of course, they DID kill 150 MILLION people during the past few decades, but those people probably thought it couldn’t happen to them also!

I personally LIKED the “I am an Obama scholar” video. Have you never heard of the “Presidential Scholar” Program in the public schools? Where kids get Presidential awards for high achievement? Oh, maybe you never got one.

Well, the idea is to encourage kids to do well in their studies, so they can be anything they want–even president. That program has been going on for years; daughter #1 was a Presidential Scholar. I’m finding it hard to put a Hitler slant on that.

It reminded me of the Nancy Reagan program in the schools–“Just Say No.” Nancy wasn’t trying to make them into socialists either.

I’m not trying to put you down, but you are drinking from a poisoned well. You seem to believe everything you hear or read, the more extreme the better. Then you just re-gurgitate it.

There are excellent U.S. and World History courses on tape, from the best college professors in our Universities. It’s really fascinating stuff. You can’t compare Stalin’s Purges, and HItler’s Holocaust with Obama’s political plans. There is just no historical basis to demonize him like that. You don’t know your history. At all. You believe anything.

And you say Obama has a Master Plan to destroy the economy? We don’t live under a dictatorship, PM. Obama cannot act unilaterally. We have a Senate and Congress that makes laws; he just signs them.

You guys need to chill out. Go camping or something. You can relax, practice with your firearms. Prepare for the coming war between…who is it going to be? The Socialists versus the Capitalists? The Underground Radicals versus The Tea Party Militia?

As for me, I’m just gonna go watch the World Cup. I like that “one world” stuff more and more every day, especially when they play well.


I'm not trying to put you down, but you are drinking from a poisoned well. You seem to believe everything you hear or read, the more extreme the better. Then you just re-gurgitate it.

Someone’s drinking the kool-aid, but it’s not me! I can’t help but notice that you always like to criticize the right, but you have no answer for the FACTS I laid out. I don’t blame you, that’s the typical socialist response. Attack the messenger or play the race card, but have no answer on the merits.

We are talking about Obama himself not his mother. He is a natural born citizen and parents cannot renounce U.S. citizenship on behalf of their minor children. Section 349(a)(5) of the INA.

We all pal around with terrorists of one kind of another. Like Tea partiers. One man’s terrorist is another man’s patriot. My buddies give me a hard time for listening to Rush Limbaugh. You don’t learn anything by only talking to people just like you.

We all pal around with terrorists of one kind of another. Like Tea partiers. One man's terrorist is another man's patriot.

NO, we do NOT all pal around with terrorists of one kind or another. Furthermore, tea partiers are NOT terrorists, contrary to whatever you might have seen on the MSM! A terrorist is a terrorist and a patriot is a patriot - they are NOT the same thing.

Yea we do. Tea partiers are the same as militia terrorists. A person that believes that the country is hijacked and so he needs to tear it down is not a patriot he is a political terrorist. Tear it down to save it? That sounds nuts.

Tear it down to save it? Preposterous! Osama the Terrorist in Chief is tearing it down - the tea partiers are not and I never heard of a militia member that was a terrorist (Timothy McVeigh was NOT a militia member). Can you name a single tea partier or militia member that was a terrorist?

“I personally LIKED the “I am an Obama scholar” video.”

Of course you did…no big surprise there - it has ‘Obama’ in it Your Politburo forces you to like it - you have no free will, no ability to think thru and form an opinion on your own - if they want you to have an opinion, they’ll give you one.

In and of itself, there’s nothing wrong with national spirit and instilling a positive image of one’s self… You’ll probably like tese, then too:

“Have you never heard of the “Presidential Scholar” Program in the public schools? Where kids get Presidential awards for high achievement? Oh, maybe you never got one.”

They didn’t have these when I went all the way thru the third grade.

Actually, I received several. I was also in the NHS, selected for Who’s Who Among American High School Students, the Dean’s List every term in college, the recipient of the Catherine Craig-Erhard Award as the outstanding miitary graduate from my University, and the honor graduate of every military school that I’ve attended. Your point…? Do you think I just rode in and fell off of the turnip truck yesterday?

“It reminded me of the Nancy Reagan program in the schools–“Just Say No.” Nancy wasn’t trying to make them into socialists either.”

No, she wasn’t trying to make them Socialists, she was trying to prevent…well, more like you!

Actually, I received several. I was also in the NHS, selected for Who's Who Among American High School Students, the Dean's List every term in college, the recipient of the Catherine Craig-Erhard Award as the outstanding miitary graduate from my University, and the honor graduate of every military school that I've attended.

You’ve got to admit Keith, your accomplishments aren’t much compared to FO’s big accomplishment - being a socialist loving HIPPIE! LOL!

Yes…25+ years service to America pales in comparison. Luckily, I have that third grade diploma to fall back on.

I’m just a dopey white guy…and there’s no ‘free stuff’ for us.

I give you the best quote of the week award:


That said it all. Timothy McVeigh considered himself a patriot of the first rank for taking on the Federal Government by blowing up the Oklahoma City Federal Building. I read his biography because I wanted to know “Why, for God’s sake, why?”

The misguided Michigan Militiamen put themselves right out there as if they were Revolutionary War patriots. They were fools.

I have to treat anybody who has such fringe beliefs as if they were ignorant hillbillies–just ain’t got that educashun.

KHastedt and PM are obviously very intelligent guys. SO WAS TIM MCVEIGH. DOESN’T THAT SCARE YOU ARMEGEDDON_BELIEVERS A LITTLE?

This lunancy fringe belief of the world socialist takeover will wither and die away just like Klu Klux Klan. That was once a robust organization of believers, now just a macabre joke.


What annoys me most that folks are lashing out against socialism, is that their definition of socialism is so broad. Someone believes ONE thing anti right wing and automatically they’re called a “socialist”. No middle ground…that is witch hunt material.

That kind of thinking will breed MANY more Tim McVeighs. Everyone quickly disowned Tim McVeigh being with them, but what they’re preaching WILL lead to dramatic violent acts like that.

Like I said before, believe what you want, but tone down the rhetoric, planning 25 million americans dead with a socialist takeover??? WTH, that is so senseless, I can’t even fathom it.

In order to get that done, don’t you have to take over the military??? Don’t you have to rule the government with fear like a dictator(like the REAL Hussain aka Saddam)??? Last time I checked the right wing folks in the government were no pushovers. Last time I checked, the general public wasn’t fanatical about their leader. So how exactly are these 25 million people going to end up DEAD???
It makes NO SENSE, stop conjuring up boogeymen and fairy tales!

You obviously did not read the book “All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten” There are rules in place and they actually work. If you don’t like how the people who are elected to run your country are running it then get your guy elected. Don’t try to redo the government. When you say take your country back you have to remember that time marches on and it only goes in one direction…forward. We don’t go back. What you need to do is manage the future. You can’t drive a car very effectively only using the rear view mirror.

What annoys me most that folks are lashing out against socialism, is that their definition of socialism is so broad. Someone believes ONE thing anti right wing and automatically they're called a "socialist". No middle ground...that is witch hunt material.

Another attempt to shift the discussion and again something totally unsubstantiated. Show me ONE case of someone being ‘automatically called a socialist’ because the believe ONE thing anti right wing. Just one.

Like I said before, believe what you want, but tone down the rhetoric, planning 25 million americans dead with a socialist takeover???? WTH, that is so senseless, I can't even fathom it.

I agree - it is totally senseless! Unfortunately, it came from the mouth of the Terrorist in Chief’s friend and communist terrorist - Bill Ayers!!! You act like I made it up and yet I posted the video so that you could see it yourself. In addition, the President has CHOSEN to surround himself with people who are self-described socialists/communists/marxists! Care to dispute any of these claims??? I have already posted the videos PROVING beyond any doubt that these people are self-described socialists/communists/marxists!

In order to get that done, don't you have to take over the military??? Don't you have to rule the government with fear like a dictator(like the REAL Hussain aka Saddam)??? Last time I checked the right wing folks in the government were no pushovers. Last time I checked, the general public wasn't fanatical about their leader. So how exactly are these 25 million people going to end up DEAD??? It makes NO SENSE, stop conjuring up boogeymen and fairy tales!

The Socialist in Chief is already the Commander in Chief of the military, so no - he doesn’t have to take over the military. Does he rule the government like a dictator? Well, let’s see, just two days ago, he said on national tv that he was going to “inform” BP that they were going to put up a $20 Billion fund, when he has absolutely no legal authority to do so. He is also controlling virtually every major industry in the USA, including housing, student loans, much of the auto industry, banking, etc, etc, etc. A dictator - not quite yet, but well on his way. Hitler didn’t become a dictator overnight and he didn’t seize power or take over the military. He was legally voted into his position as Fuhrer.

It’s a shame that they don’t teach history anymore!!!

…and the Internet - don’t forget the Internet:

Yep, and the internet. :bobble The Socialist in Chief is doing everything he can to stop free speech, including demonizing tea partiers, attacking news outlets that provide opposing views, and pushing regulatory reform to limit free speech! Free speech first, guns next (last). Once he gets control of speech and guns, we WILL have a dictatorship.

My sentiments exactly… Especially the part about all the violence taking place. Dang this hits the nail on the proverbial head. And I was even able to read and understand it all.’-‘the-rise-of-the-new-right’-deceptions-and-delusions/