I have no problem with people having college degrees or not. I value what a person has done more. I prefer a President that has lived a long life in different situations and made their own millions. But that person doesn’t exist. The next best thing is a person that has a classic liberal education. That type of education teaches you to appreciate things that you have not experienced. He understands your life better that you understand his. That is ok because he has to lead both people like him and people like you.
Lucky us. :bs :rolleyes
He understands your life better that you understand his.
Something he has in common with every con-man in history.
That is ok because he has to lead both people like him and people like you.
He’s not leading. He’s using intimidation, bribery, and extortion to crash the economy via the Cloward and Piven strategy. History will probably look back on The Chosen One in the same light as Hitler, Mao, and Stalin. He WILL preside over the destruction of the United States as we’ve known it.
It’s interesting that every President who attempts big social change really gets a segment of the population hating him.
The best example was FDR. Roosevelt has embraced by the little people and hated by big business. He got re-elected. And re-elected.
I’m hoping Obama becomes even more assertive in using his power to effect universal health care.
How refreshing from our last “What–me worry?” president.
sellnbama, I didn’t mean to insult you. I was just responding to your previous post which I thought was pretty funny.
He understands your life better that you understand his.Something he has in common with every con-man in history.
That is ok because he has to lead both people like him and people like you.He’s not leading. He’s using intimidation, bribery, and extortion to crash the economy via the Cloward and Piven strategy. History will probably look back on The Chosen One in the same light as Hitler, Mao, and Stalin. He WILL preside over the destruction of the United States as we’ve known it.
I believe that the country is not what it was in 1776 and is not what it is going to be in 2076. It is changing on a continuum and this change is not a factor of Obama or whoever is President. The country will fall like every other empire has. What we need to do is make sure we make sound decisions for our people as we go along.
Most of the problems with the country that we are trying to fix are actually the results of Ronald Reagan. Reagan caused the bums begging on the street corners he made our kids fat and he put into motion a situation that will mean that for the first time in history our kids won’t have as high of a standard of living as we have.
I am genetically a liberal. When I was growing up my dad made over $100k a year when $100k was $100k. He should have been a conservative, but he voted liberal. He voted for people that vowed to tax him unmercifully. That was back when high income earners were taxed at 50% or some such figure. But he was taught by his parents and taught me that the good of society was more important than any one person’s interests.
I am not for this healthcare deal either but we have to do something because it is time to do something. I have great health insurance. When this healthcare revision is done I expect my insurance will be less that it is now. They are already talking about taxing “Cadillac” plans. But I will still be ok when this is over. If my taking a little less will help large segments of society that is ok with me. My problem is that I don’t see anything in the plan that will help large segments of society.
Furnished,(please read all of it :smile)
Thanks for the appology,most libs love to classify people.It did’nt offend me though.I just get tired of some people pre-judging the south as if we’re all just racist,backwoods idiots.WHen in reality,by definition the south has a more liberal lifestyle than most see.You see,you would have to live here for a while to understand how kind and true most of us are.One example,did you know that Mississippi is the most charitible state in the U.S.?All the while it’s also the poorest and lowest in education.
It’s because sometime rather than being convenced of something,you have to live it.In theory I am with you on your wanting to help fellow man.I’m all for helping the helpless,just not the hopeless.And through time of the govt letting no person feel no pain and patching up pain with bandaids,we are outnumbered with hopeless.
That’s the big issue.Let’s say we’re all in a ten person life boat,but there’s 20 of us.Well,we can load all 20 and sink the boat under the “nobody feels any pain theory”.Or ten of us can hold onto the boat’s side in the water and rotate ourselves until we get onshore.
This healthcare bill tips the boat over.The same way welfare,food stamps,etc have.The only things that start as soon as it’s signed are the taxes and the no Pre-existing conditions law.This will skyrocket private healthcare for those of us who pay it,forcing us all into the already overloaded boat(which by the way is’nt available for another four years).And the one great suggestion(ruled out by dems)in interstate buying options is nowhere in it.It’s not the right fix,we can agree something needs to be done with healthcare costs,but this is’nt it.If it’s budget worthy,how come it needs a four year “jumpstart” on taxes before it’s available?You and I know,you don’t pay the contractors before they even show up,don’t you??And what’s the "budget for the following ten years,when the four year pre-pay is’nt possible?I think you know the answer.
If the liberals were so open minded to any ideas,and so willing to do whatever to really fix this problem,why is’nt interstate buying in there??
The fact is Obama got elected by saying what most americans feel while appeasing his base.He said Washington is broke and corrupt and he would offer the most transparentcy in his administration.And you have to admit,that was a lie.But i beleive that was the main reason the majority had faith in him.
I’m not attempting to turn you against Obama,or your party.But at some time,we all expect simple honesty.If it’s bad and gonna hurt,just don’t lie and put a bandaid over it and hope it passes over.I just hope that most americans have’nt given up due to the lies year after year told by both parties.
We NEED honesty,we need leaders with a proven tried and true record(preferably in small business).I think we can atleast agree on that,seeing as how we’re both in small business. :beer
If it's budget worthy,how come it needs a four year "jumpstart" on taxes before it's available?
Uh-oh! Here comes some of that southern common sense! Obviously, FO and the socialists can’t answer that question because it exposes The Chosen One’s BIG LIE! Osama’s healthcare refore DOES NOT lower costs or lower the deficit. THAT’S A LIE! In fact, it will GREATLY INCREASE THE DEFICIT OVER TIME! Obviously, (common sense), if healthcare reform was going to lower the deficit and improve everyone’s healthcare, IT WOULD START AS SOON AS THE BILL IS PASSED!
This isn’t about healthcare - it’s about SOCIALISM! This is 100% about CONTROL! Sellnbama knows it; I know it; and FO knows it - it’s just that FO is keeping The Chosen One’s BIG LIE!
The fact is Obama got elected by saying what most americans feel while appeasing his base.He said Washington is broke and corrupt and he would offer the most transparentcy in his administration.And you have to admit,that was a lie.But i beleive that was the main reason the majority had faith in him.
The fact is Obama got elected by saying what most americans feel while appeasing his base.He said Washington is broke and corrupt and he would offer the most transparentcy in his administration.And you have to admit,,that was a lie.But i beleive that was the main reason the majority had faith in him.
If healthcare passes, Obama will have control of 1/6 of the economy in the form of healthcare PLUS the entire student loan business. He’s a socialist (or worse) and is intent on destroying the country.
You need to switch to De-caf! You are ranting more and more! It’s just plain crazy to say that the president is a traitor. What’s he done–sell nuclear secrets to the Russians?
Okay, you and me live in the two poorest states, so I am certainly not disparaging where you live. The median family income at the last census here in my town was $28,000.
My state was only first in Drunk Driving Deaths and Teen Pregnancies.
Now we are moving down on that list, the legislators have really targeted repeat drunk drivers. Don’t think they have made much progress on the high school graduation/pregnancy rate though.
Look at the big picture. When other huge social bills were put in place people were screaming and up in arms. Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, the Anti-Trust Acts…
We simply MUST HAVE Universal Health Care of some sort for our people. It’s the right thing to do. We join the rest of the First World–the European Countries, Britain, Japan, etc.
We can’t AFFORD untreated and under treated people in our midst. It creates health infection problems. Society has to pay for those pre-term babies, those malnourished toddlers, those damaged by lack of care. We pay now, or we pay later. But we’ll pay.
It is proven that preventative care is way cheaper than trying medical intervention later. Think of the coming diabetes epidemic as obese TV-watching school kids are now getting what used to be called “Adult-Onset Diabetes”. That’s a disease condition that keeps on giving.
You say it will bankrupt us. I don’t believe that. Other countries have not been bankrupted. Other countries are way healthier. Because of their universal health coverage.
Our infant death rate is something like 28th IN THE WORLD! That is darn near criminal for a country as rich as this. Where are our priorities?
We can afford our HUGE, over-the-top Military, many times larger than any other country’s, but not baby care? We have enough military might to squash any threat many times over, but we can’t take adequate care of pregnant women and newborns?
This bill may not be perfect, but it’s a start. If it ends up not working right, we will fix it. I have great optimism in how our country can handle big problems.
It is time to fix this Big Problem.
Mike cracks me up… :biggrin :biggrin :biggrin
In HIS WORLD…NO ONE gets HELP with ANYTHING…You have to WORK for what you get…SOUNDS GREAT!!! :beer
But…But I personally don’t think IT WOULD NEVER WORK. (as much as I WISH it could)
It wouldn’t work because a LOSER is a LOSER…If you don’t CONTROL THEM…You DEAL with the consequences…Take your pick.
Right now Mike collects his section 8 rent checks every month from every non working loser he has living in his properties…If the GOVERMENT shut that pipeline off…Those same LOSERS aren’t about to CHANGE THEIR LIVES and become honorable, hardworking citizens…Their gonna shoot Mike in the back of the head and ROB him next time he’s in the neighborhood. (or at least TRY!)
Take your PICK…Control them with MONEY…Or LOSE CONTROL when they find their OWN ways to replace that income.
It makes me laugh to hear all the CRYING about the BANK BAILOUTS…
I LOVE IT!!! Of coarse the OUTRAGE over the bailouts would be a WHISPER compared to the CARNAGE a complete financial meltdown would have created if Mike got his way and the Government just let it ALL COLLAPSE. But people LOVE to complain.
Health care is EXACTLY the same…The REPUBLICANS had 8 L O N G Y E A R S to do something about Health Care…
But NOW they KNOW this bill is ALL BAD…It’s freakin’ JOKE.
Im not against the Government helping people (free Health Care, food, housing, clothes, everything), im just against the FEDERAL Gov doing it. If MY State wants to do it, then thats cool, if I disagree with it, ill move. Better yet, lets have stronger LOCAL governments
The problem with the Federal Government doing all these things are people arent held accountable for their actions. On small local/state governments… THEY ARE!
Let me ask you… Would a Mayor of a town be willing to offer all these corrupt deals/BS projects (like the ones in the health care bill, 100 million dollars to study Flies for example) if he was forced to actually live with all the people hes screwing over and wasting their money?! NO.
The closer the people are to their Government, the more accountable people can hold the politicans. Unfortunetly, for most of America, Washington D.C is farrrrrrrr away.
Show me a BIG CITY Mayor and I’ll show you someone LIVING with these people…RIGHT NOW!!! Look no further than LOW INCOME HOUSING PROJECTS…Beautifully built, state of the art, MILLION$ SPENT…and COMPLETELY TRASHED IN 2 YEARS!!
You just laid out EXACTLY why this HAS to be done by the FEDERAL GOVERMENT!!!
You would MOVE out of a State that provides these benefits!!! You said it…THAT is why is has to be NATIONAL!
People SIMPLIFY these problems with terms like…“Let them fend for themselves, let the States handle it, they have no RIGHT to health care or RENT CHECKS!!”
Here’s what they NEVER SAY…
It costs $60,000/year to house ONE CRIMINAL…ONE PERSON…$60K a year and we’re ALL paying for it!!
Or is it CHEAPER to provide them with $700/month in rental assistance???
These people are NOT becoming BUSINESS LEADERS or INVESTORS…They are STAYING right where they are…BY DESIGN…They are CONTAINED…IN HOUSING PROJECTS or dumpy apartments…It’s a concept few people ever discuss but it’s EXACTLY how the system is designed and how it FUNCTIONS.
It is FAR CHEAPER to provide food and rental assistance than it is to HOLD these people in PRISONS!! Which is EXACTLY where they’d end up if they were left to fend for themselves!
States that provided expanded benefits would see entire populations of business owners, managers, trades people MOVE OUT as the LOSERS MOVED IN…The only way something like this works is by setting up a nationwide system where EVERYONE shares the costs.
And you are 100% right…There SHOULD be more oversight!
These people are NOT becoming BUSINESS LEADERS or INVESTORS.....They are STAYING right where they are....BY DESIGN....They are CONTAINED..IN HOUSING PROJECTS or dumpy apartments....It's a concept few people ever discuss but it's EXACTLY how the system is designed and how it FUNCTIONS.
Another concept that people never discuss is what is going to happen to those people as The Chosen One institutes his socialist/communist/marxist system - they’re going to die by the tens of millions! That’s the truth, but you won’t hear FO talk about that. It happened under MAO. It happened under Stalin. It happened Hitler. It ALWAYS happens and it’s going to happen this time too.
It is FAR CHEAPER to provide food and rental assistance than it is to HOLD these people in PRISONS!! Which is EXACTLY where they'd end up if they were left to fend for themselves!
Where they’ll end up under socialism is DEAD! It happens EVERY TIME!
States that provided expanded benefits would see entire populations of business owners, managers, trades people MOVE OUT as the LOSERS MOVED IN...The only way something like this works is by setting up a nationwide system where EVERYONE shares the costs.
That isn’t right. If there were states that provided expanded benefits, I’m sure that all the socialists like FO would rush to those states. They LOVE to have the government take their money and give it to the lazy.
you’re in good company Mike…
You are getting so far out on that right wing branch that you are about to fall off.
You are mixing up Mao’s Leftist/Communist regime with Fascist Regimes like Hitlers and Stalin’s. No, people don’t always end up dead under Socialism. There are millions of people living happily under Socialism. In fact, Denmark and Norway come out near the top on health and happiness charts worldwide.
What ARE these tens of thousands of Americans going to die of? Right now it still looks like it could be for lack of adequate health care. Maybe that will change with the next vote.
You say people will move to states that have the benefits of socialism. Yet you also say that tens of thousands will die under socialism. None of that makes sense.
I do agree that we have a whole social underclass and we need to figure out how to decrease those numbers. By pulling or pushing people into the middle class. But that’s another whole thread.
See how “far left” you crazy left people are Furnished? Mike is simply a Constitutionalist, yet hes “about to fall off the ight wing branch”. Shows how little respect you Liberals truly have for the foundation of this country. Thats bout’ all I have to say.
You are getting so far out on that right wing branch that you are about to fall off.
Thank you, and you are so far out on the wrong side that it’s truly sad.
You are mixing up Mao's Leftist/Communist regime with Fascist Regimes like Hitlers and Stalin's. No, people don't always end up dead under Socialism. There are millions of people living happily under Socialism.
You’re showing your ignorance again. If you really knew ANYTHING about history, you would know that there isn’t any PRACTICAL difference between socialism, communism, marxism, or fascism. In practice, they’re all the same. Hitler’s Nazi regime that you labeled fascist were self-identified as socialists. In fact, the word NAZI actually stands for National Socialists.
In fact, Denmark and Norway come out near the top on health and happiness charts worldwide.
Denmark and Norway - LOL! Denmark and Norway combined aren’t even the size of Ohio. They’re a joke!
Mike…I honestly hope you’re sitting back just BUST OUT LAUGHING at some of the stuff you write. I hope you throw this stuff out there like a guy tossing a pack of salutes behind a buddy just to see him JUMP!!
Now we’re gonna have TEN’S OF MILLIONS of people DIEING??? :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked
I guess we’ll be BURNING BOOKS in Town Squares soon too!! Since Obama is the new HITLER/STALIN.
Maybe MINNESOTA could be OUR version of SIBERIA!!! :beer
This is the same DEEP THINKING as the CRACK POTS out there that see a NEW FENCE go up at a OLD RETIRED MILITARY base and then envision FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS!!! Remember that??? Right before OBAMA was elected the INTERNET was LOADED with NIT WITS writing about the new FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS OBAMA was gonna MOVE US all into when elected!!!
How’d that work out???
MY GOD…It’d be FUNNY if it wasn’t so PATHETIC!!!
Here’s what’s gonna happen…TAKE THIS TO THE BANK along with the now $14/share Ford stock!!
N O T H I N G…That’s what’s gonna happen…
Remember when all the WACK JOBS ran out and were paying $2500 for AR-15’s when OBAMA got elected??? The MORONS did this because the new “SOCIALIST PRESIDENT” would be TAKING AWAY their RIGHT to own assault rifles…REMEMBER THIS??? GUN BROKER.COM couldn’t keep up with the demand for $2500 AR-15’s…Bushmaster, Armilite, and COLT put on EXTRA SHIFTS to meet demand!!
2 years later…AR-15’s can be purchased by the DOZEN for $1200 each…BRAND NEW, IN THE BOX!!! ANOTHER BRILLIANT HERD INVESTMENT!!! If these GENIUSES had simply purchased the equivilent amount of FORD STOCK at exactly this time??? Their $2500 investment would now be worth…$28,000!!!
So what happened???
So now here we are…One year after the entire financial system looked into the abyss…What do we have???
A BANK actually LOANED HIM MONEY FOR THIS!! :shocked
HOW SHOCKING!!! IMAGINE…A BANK…Loaning a person MONEY on a WELL PURCHASED parcel of REAL ESTATE!!! Boy I’m glad MIKE isn’t a BANK PRESIDENT…Because if he was…JOHN would have gotten an AMMO CAN filled with BULLETS instead of that LOAN!!!
Rookie and I are having the BEST YEAR we’ve ever had…Others here are BUYING, BUYING, BUYING and SELLING, SELLING, SELLING!!!
So what do we REALLY HAVE???
Well…Last WINTER…JOHN would have NEVER got that LOAN…They weren’t making CAR LOANS then!!! One year later…John’s got himself a new building WITH a NEW LOAN!!! Unemployment claims have FALLEN every single month since the January 09 highs…700,000 jobs lost that January in 2009 and DOWN every month since those highs…It’s still tough out there…NO DOUBT ABOUT IT…But it CERTAINLY is SLOWLY IMPROVING.
We have a VERY SLOWLY improving economy…UNEMPLOYMENT in my State just DROPPED for the first time in 3 YEARS!!! Builders I know are seeing customers actually SPENDING SOME MONEY!!!
Car sales just posted THE BIGGEST SINGLE MONTH % INCREASE…SINCE WWII 10,000,000 cars will be sold this year…UP from a low of 8,000,000 in 2008/09…Like I said LAST YEAR…When you’re CRUSHING more cars than your BUILDING??? BANK ON…HUGE PENT UP DEMAND REBOUND!!!
Just like it has in EVERY RECESSION!!!
But Mike…We can still DREAM about all those deadbeats croakin’!!! :beer
I know you disagree with me on the fate of the economy…It’s OK…I respect your opinion and EXPECT a very good rebuttal to my comments from you. But in the end…
All I can do is…Call it as I see it!
FDJake - the only problem with your theory that “nothing” will happen is that it completely ignores history. Fiat currencies always come to the same end - collapse. It’s even happened here in America before, although they don’t teach that in high school. Instead of typing everything in ALL CAPS, maybe a little study would be in order. I suggest reading “The Creature from Jeykll Island” if you truly want to understand history and how it’s repeating itself.
Remember when all the WACK JOBS ran out and were paying $2500 for AR-15's when OBAMA got elected??? The MORONS did this because the new "SOCIALIST PRESIDENT" would be TAKING AWAY their RIGHT to own a assault rifle....REMEMBER THIS???? GUN BROKER.COM couldn't keep up with the demand for $2500 AR-15's....
Yes, they paid a premium for being early. Their timing was certainly off, but the important thing is that they got their rifle while they still could. Obama has a track record in Illinois of being anti-gun. You don’t think that he’s changed his mind just because he’s become the president - do you? Obama IS anti-gun and he WILL be coming after our guns. He simply hasn’t gotten around to it yet because he’s been busy taking over the country (banks, autos, healthcare, student loans, etc, etc, etc). BTW, the shortages still are not over. I was at the gunshop last week and IT WAS PACKED! Guns are in good supply (as they have been all the while), but some ammo and a lot of reloading supplies are still in short supply.
NOW.......approaching 2 years later.....AR-15's can be purchased by the DOZEN for $1200 each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, the remnants of capitalism are a great thing. There was a huge demand for AR-15’s and the manufacturers stepped up to the plate and met that demand. That doesn’t exist under socialism (remember all the pictures of empty stores in the Soviet Union).
Now we're gonna have TEN'S OF MILLIONS of them DIEING???
Yes, it’s happened under every major socialist country in history. Tens of millions of people (their own people) died at the hands of Mao, Stalin, and Hitler. They died via various methods (executions, planned starvation, labor camps, etc), but these were all planned murders committed by socialists/communists/marxists. And yes, they died by the tens of millions. Again, I suggest studying history so that you can understand what’s happening today. Burying your head in the sand won’t change what’s happening.
I guess we'll be BURNING BOOKS in Town Squares soon too!!
There’s no need to burn books when the socialists have re-written history. For example, the history books used in high schools tell us that Lincoln was anti-slavery and fought the civil war to free the slaves. NOTHING could be further from the truth. Lincoln was not anti-slavery. He fought the civil war for economic reasons and used the slavery issue to facilitate the war.
NOTHING HAPPENED......No BIG GOVERMENT knocking on peoples doors TAKIN' AWAY THEIR GUNS.....NO RIOTS.....NO FOOD SHORTAGES......NO REVOLUTION.......Just a SLOWLY improving economy....
I wish you were right. Unfortunately, you’re not.
Nothing happened? Quite the contrary, our country has been taken over by a socialist. He has taken over key segments of our economy and is about to take over 1/6 of the economy with his “healthcare” program. All the other things will happen - registration of guns followed by confiscation of guns, riots, and food shortages - hopefully followed by a revolution that will take our country back!
Johnfrom NC.....Just PURCHASED his first COMMERCIAL BUILDING!!!!! A BANK actually LOANED HIM MONEY FOR THIS!! HOW SHOCKING!!!! IMAGINE.....A BANK....Loaning a person MONEY on a WELL PURCHASED parcel of REAL ESTATE!!! Boy I'm glad MIKE isn't a BANK PRESIDENT.....Because if he was......JOHN would have gotten an AMMO CAN filled with BULLETS instead of that LOAN!!!!!
That’s just silly. If I was in the banking business, I would be loaning money. If I was in the auto business, I would be selling cars. If I was a firefighter, I would be fighting fires. I AM in the rental business and I’m renting apartments and houses.
Rookie and I are having the BEST YEAR we've ever had....Others here are BUYING, BUYING, BUYING and SELLING, SELLING, SELLING!!!
That’s kind of a silly thing to say too. Of course you’re having your best year - so am I. Anyone that is in business should always be seeing their best year “this year”. Unless you’re going out of business, you should always be improving. In the rental business, as loans are paid off and the principal goes down, profit increases. If you’re in the flipping business, you should always be improving - getting smarter and getting better deals. Do you think that 2010 will be the most profitable year of your life? I certainly hope not. If you’re doing things right, 2011 should be better than 2010 and 2012 should be better than 2011. That will certainly change once the economy collapses (my guess is 2012), but until then you should certainly always be having your “best year”.
Well....Last WINTER....JOHN would have NEVER got that LOAN.....They weren't making CAR LOANS then!!! One year later.....John's got himself a new building WITH a NEW LOAN!!!!
That’s simply not true. Small, local “community banks” have continued to loan throughtout this crisis, albeit at lower levels and with greater down payments required.
Unemployment claims have FALLEN every single month since the January 09 highs.....700,000 jobs lost that January in 2009 and DOWN every month since those highs.....It's still tough out there....NO DOUBT ABOUT IT......But it CERTAINLY is SLOWLY IMPROVING.
EXACTLY what happened during the great depression! An initial blow to the economy, then a short “recovery”, then the long, slow grind to the bottom. Back to that history thing!
I will check out that book…
Thanks for the tip!! :beer
I have a few questions if you support this healthcare.If it’s really about healthcare(it’s a huge tax bill!!!)then you should be able to answer promptly.
1-How come the I.R.S. will be in charge of the mandates?
2-Why was interstate buying not put in it?
3-How come it needs a four year pre-tax before it begins in order to stay below the $1trill budget(as if we have a trillion.