I agree with you 100% that the government is largely to blame for the health care mess. Why? In my opinion, they want to control it and breaking it is the path to being able to take it over. As with most other things, if the government would get completely out of it, healthcare and insurance would be much more efficient.
I support health care for everyone as I am pro life. Not just pro life for babies but for adults as well.
Pro-life has absolutely nothing to do with this issue. If people have a right to free health care, do they also have a right to free housing (most people need housing to survive)? Free food (everyone needs food to survive)? Free transportation (how will they get to work without transportation)? Free phone (how will they call 911 if they don’t have a phone)?
Lets say that they lost their job and need food. Ok, 2 months, not for life. At the end of the two months you loose your food and either you get off your a** and get a job or you die.
This contradicts your position on healthcare. If someone is too lazy to work, you’re going to give them healthcare but not food? How does that make sense?
Again, I’m not against helping people short term either. But I’m not for socialism - taking from one group and giving it to the lazy - whether it’s food, housing, healthcare, or anything else!