“Military healthcare” - I didin’t gloss over it, but answered it quite directly a few posts ago… you obviously didn’t read it… and it is certainly NOT how you portrayed it…
“bitching and moaning” - actually I am trying to change hearts and minds BEFORE this disaster happens because I CARE about the absolute MISERY this will create… That being said, I did offer up ideas a few posts up, but as usual FDJake, you went off on personal attacks, instead of reading the posts. It’s become a tired and lame debate tactic because you use it all the time…
“$1800 a month” - That’s $21K per year… if you are basing that monthly figure off COBRA payments, that IS THE GOVERNMENT. That is what they provide in lieu of employer contribution. DID YOU READ THAT - THAT’S THE GOVERNMENT. If you give me their name, phone number, I can GUARANTEE you that they do not have to pay $21K per YEAR for health insurance… We are a family of six, and we pay (including employer constribution) $7K per year… The laughable part is that you will probably NOT provide me with their info, so I CAN get them health insurance (no I do not sell insurance), even though you now have a source that can help them, which leads me to believe that it is bogus… If it were me, I would JUMP at the chance for my FAMILIES sake, not my pride…
“FREE healthcare” - and therein lies my point… it is NOT going to be free, and as someone who has had COBRA, which was more than my employer was paying, this is the fate that awaits people… INCREASED COST for DECREASED SERVICES… When it happens, and the misery is widespread, JUST LIKE IN CANADA, you can look back at your cheerleading of it with pride, I guess…
“United Health” - I did not say in anyway that I defended their CEO, but although I disagree with the amount he is being paid, if he was able to contract that for himself, and the company amd stockholders (you know, people like you) were willing to pay it, more power to him. We just witnessed the shareholders ousting a CEO, instead of “bitching and complaining” how much he makes. I don’t begrudge someone else the ability to leverage their talents to make as much as they can, just as I don’t begrudge you the ability to leverage your talents to make as much as you can on Wall Street in the stock market, you GREEDY CAPITALIST! :biggrin Just a few clicks and some research, and some money, and you get to make thousands? Why should you, as an individual, be able to make thousands of dollars off of FORD on the backs of FORD employees and consumers? Why should YOU profit so much for doing so little as a few clicks and waiting for a few years when it could insure YOUR FRIENDS for years at a time? At least he is a CEO with responsibilities for the money he is making…
What I don’t agree with is the government telling EITHER OF YOU how much money or opportunity you are permitted to make or get access to in our country… If you made $124 million in trading stocks FDJAke, I wouldn’t begrudge you it, but all you would have done is traded stocks FOR YOURSELF, and made money FOR YOURSELF. I do find it funny that the entertainment industry is so vocal about CEO pay, when they themselves make oodles and oodles of it…
BTW, the 2-year old and the 55 year old GETS FREE Healthcare if there income is low, so the argument IS BOGUS…
“Cell phone” &" sacrifice" - My point about the cell phone, and other LUXURY items (i.e. - internet, cable, , is that YOU have a responsibility tp provide for YOU. Others can help out in times of need, but your BASICS (i.e. - food, shelter, healthcare) are YOUR ONGOING RESPONSIBILITY. These are the things you are supposed to provide BEFORE the luxury items… Once you’ve taken care of your basic responsibilities, THEN you go onto LUXURY items… The reason people have become weakened to their own responsibilities, and literally have had their lives ruined is that they do not rely on themselves, but have come to rely on the government. And we see what a great job they do… It is human nature… the more you do for people, the less they do for themselves… Why is there no hue and cry to pay everyones auto insurance? Last time I lived in New Jersey, we were being REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNMENT to pay auto insurance to the tune of over $3k per year, and that was for older vehicles…
“but they’re ALL working full time. Their COBRA health care ran out. They’ve cut EVERYTHING…Cable TV GONE…Cell PHONES GONE…Extra car GONE (he takes the bus to his job)…” - What I don’t get, is that if they are working FULL-TIME, and not getting money taken out for employee contributions for healthcare, and NOT paying for COBRA, and the cable, phones, the extra car (no more insurance payment for it either)… WHERE IS ALL THE MONEY GOING? Think your bogus example through next time… If they are real people, HAVE THEM CONTACT ME or provide me with their name and number and I WILL improve their circumstance (MORE SOLUTIONS), even though their “friend” who reminds us ALL THE TIME how much money he makes, doesn’t step up, give them HIS MONEY, to help HIS friends in their time of need (but would rather have them beg at the alter of the government), which he could also WRITE OFF, or give them one of his properties to live in RENT FREE while they get back on their feet. But, prove me wrong, provide me with your friends contact info, or give them my email to contact me, and I WILL take action to improve their circumstance WITHOUT the government…
As I’ve said before… liberals are GREAT at spending OPM (other people’s money), but stay away from theirs… and there is no such thing as liberal hypocrisy…