Naitonalized Healthcare...

CBO Chief: Health Bills To INCREASE Federal Costs

Highlights from the article…

[i][b]“The health care overhauls released to date would increase, not reduce, the burgeoning long-term health costs facing the government, Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf said Thursday.”

““In the legislation that has been reported, we do not see the sort of fundamental changes that would be necessary to reduce the trajectory of federal health spending by a significant amount and, on the contrary, the legislation significantly expands the federal responsibility for health care costs,” he said.”

"Earlier this week, House leaders introduced their overhaul plan, which is being considered by three committees this week.

Elmendorf said that CBO has not completed its evaluation of the House plan, but what it has seen so far does not represent “the sort of fundamental change, the order of magnitude necessary to offset the direct increase in federal health costs from the insurance coverage proposals.”[/b][/i]

So, we are watching them getting ready to INCREASE costs, which is what was NOT supposed to happen, even though in the article they “promise” to offset it OVER 10 YEARS (when they are no longer in power and they have the gall to “promise” it)… :rolleyes Talk of rationing healthcare has surfaced again, and they are considering TAXING the benefits as one of the ways to offset the costs…

More “promises”… :banghead

And the Dems have the votes… Elections DO have consequences…

Although there is glimmer of hope that sane minds may prevail…

Centrist Dem Leader: Has Committee Votes To Block Health Bill

So I just found out, if your payroll is over 250,000 per year, which mine is… and you don’t provide health insurance for your employees… which I don’t… You will be “fined” 8% of your entire payroll.

So my options are.

  1. Pay the 8% fine, jack rates on all of my customers and have them drop my services.
  2. Fire my enough of my employees to get under the 250,000 and use temp services.
  3. Sell some of my companies.
  4. Break my S Corporation up into multiple smaller companies, none of which will generate more than 250K in payroll.
  5. Sell them all, cash in and throw all of my eggs in one basket of real estate (breaks diversification rules)
  6. Switch all of the employees over to independent subcontractors
  7. Cash in on it all, ditch the gf, move to Costa Rica and focus the rest of my life on partying and getting laid.

So what do I do?

Ide go with #6… personally.

6. Cash in on it all, ditch the gf, move to Costa Rica and focus the rest of my life on partying and getting laid.


Hickory Dickory Dock

The mouse ran up the clock.

:rolleyes that was helpful to the conversation… NOT!

Well, here something a little more pertinant to the topic at hand… From the NY Post…

Yea, #6 sounds fun Hoosier!

Mike, I haven’t seen that movie in years. Absolutely hilarious!

I’m one of those guys that the other guys say, how the hell did he get her. If that’s not her brother hes GOT to be HUNG Like a HORSE. I must admit… it’s not only my game, I HAVE… been blessed by God. Some people call me “tripod” … and the Indians call me “third track in snow”.

And Chrissy, I can assure you it all won’t come tumbling down. I can always find my way around nasty punitive legislation. As you can see, I already know my way around it. Even though number 6 sounds fun I’m not ready yet. Isn’t it ironic that where ever you go postings get deleted, and even entire threads? It must be everyone else. I’m sure it is not you. You just “happen” to always be there.

Positive, that ad explains it very well. Good Find!

Hooch AKA porno beard AKA “the guy who can dish it out, but not take it”

The reporter has made the following comment:
Please erase my name off this out of control moderators post. Thank You.

The reason that thread was deleted is because you freaked out that your real name was posted. Although you had no problem posting mine. What’s wrong “tripod”? Afraid of the big bad wolf?

Although I will say this after seeing your UGLY MUG on that photo site I can see why people would question how you scored a hot chick because you are ONE FAT UGLY DUDE. Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I’m sure your “woman” is a fat toad just like you.

BTW nice picture of the kids in the bubbles. I bet you keep that one on the night stand.

As I said before you are a freaking joke.

It’s worse than you think, Hooch… Look at this article from Investor’s Business Daily…

Highlights from the article…

[i][b]“Congress: It didn’t take long to run into an “uh-oh” moment when reading the House’s “health care for all Americans” bill. Right there on Page 16 is a provision making individual private medical insurance illegal.”

"Those who currently have private individual coverage won’t be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers. "
“What wasn’t known until now is that the bill itself will KILL the market for private individual coverage by NOT LETTING ANY NEW POLICIES BE WRITTEN after the public option becomes law.”

“The legislation is also likely to finish off HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT, a goal that Democrats have had for years. They want to crush that alternative because nothing gives individuals more control over their medical care, and the government less, than HSAs. With HSAs out of the way, a key obstacle to the left’s expansion of the welfare state will be removed.”[/b][/i]

“It took just 16 pages of reading to find this naked attempt by the political powers to increase their reach. It’s scary to think how many more breaches of liberty we’ll come across in the final 1,002.”

Now you know WHY they want to ram this through… ANOTHER 1000+ page legislation that probably wasn’t read, being foisted on the American people which REMOVES choice… welcome to nationalized healthcare…

So, Obama SAID - “Hey, if you like your plan, if you like your doctor, you’ll get to keep 'em”… We’ve heard this reported COUNTLESS times in the media…

So, you’ll get to keep your EXISTING plan, but the only other change you can make would be for the GOVERNMENT PLAN! HOw do you like being SUCKERED by these politicians?

What have you been told all along??? Nationalized government-run healthcare REMOVES your choices… now what??? Do you still want the government to run healthcare EVEN THOUGH the CBO says it will INCREASE COSTS as written NOT reduce them??

And yet ANOTHER example of a moderator calling posters names… you see why MDhaas that when we hear moderators calling on others not to do this, it comes off as empty… I actually had made a post in response to the thread that was deleted, but when I went to post, it was gone… here is the text from that post…

BTW, I can understand deleting an individual post that’s offensive, but entire theads makes no sense…


As I have said in previous postings, it is a little hollow to have a moderator criticize posters for name calling when they engage in the EXACT same thing… can’t say I hear it much from you though, so you may have more of a leg to stand on here, but still…

I personally think name calling is a waste of time, as it takes away from the message of the poster…

“I concur with Christopher. When you first came on the Forums, your posts were very thought provoking, involving and helpful. They have slowly deteriorated in to nasty, hate filled mindless babbling and name calling. If that is your style then that is a shame. Beside being well exposed to your political views, I think that we can safely surmise that your are definitely NOT a religious person. That is to bad.”

The above can be said of other posters here as well… FDjake comes to mind, and IMHO, is the worst at distracting with the insults… He has alot of good information and counter arguments to give, but it sometimes gets hard to sift through all the insults… so to assign the above description to Hooch by singalling him out alone is a little unfair… BTW, not trying to pick a fight FDjake, just stating the obvious, and I think even you would agree it’s accurate…

“They have slowly deteriorated in to nasty, hate filled mindless babbling and name calling.”

I don’t see your point in saying this other than to shut up an opinion you disagree with, and IMHO is just another variation of name calling… Remember, you don’t have to read it…

I don’t consider Hooch a racist in any way, as I don’t see the evidence to support it… and until you can support such a comment, you should probably bite your tongue (or step away from the keyboard) on the subject… or at least think before you type something so egregious…

"Soooo, like a fourth grader, you revert to calling anyone who questions you names? "

Calling Hooch a fourth grader is not calling him a name or being derogatory???

That being said, what are all your thoughts about having your CHOICES limited to your existing coverage or the government coverage, WITHOUT being able to open new policies… REMOVING competition and stagnating the existing market???

This is not competition in ANY WAY as promised… how can you support this when the CBO is saying that the proposed plans will cost MORE not less???


Hooch admitted to being a bigot in that same post you referenced. So that is why he was referred to in that manner. And as I just posted he is the one who reported the posting, and that is why the thread was deleted BY THE OWNER OF THE SITE.

Now Positive I thought you and I agreed to not adress each other. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from discussing me as well. I think Hooch is a big boy and can defend himself. I simply responded to Hooch’s posting of my name by doing the same to him. I have no beef with Hooch any longer but if he wants to keep addressing me in posts in a snide manner well then I can go all day long.

"I don’t see your point in saying this other than to shut up an opinion you disagree with, and IMHO is just another variation of name calling… Remember, you don’t have to read it.

Please keep in mind that membership and ability to post on this site is a privilige not a right. If you don’t like the behavior of the moderators you are welcome to post elsewhere.

I will say this about Hooch… at least in the other forums he is a generally positive addition to the web-site. he gives good advice when it come to business, and though I hate to admit it from what I have read the “Hooch” method is pretty solid.

You on the other hand do nothing but sit here and complain about the government and about anything you can. How about this for some advice… How about instead of whining about the government you actually spend some time fixing up your rental houses.

You on the other hand do nothing but sit here and complain about the government and about anything you can. How about this for some advice… How about instead of whining about the government you actually spend some time fixing up your rental houses.

How about this for some advice. Why don’t you get back to work so you can “move up in the world” as you previously said you wanted to do. My rental houses ARE fixed up.

at least in the other forums he is a generally positive addition to the web-site.

I am not trying to be a “generally positive addition” to your liberal sickness here. I have no time for ignorant radical leftists. Although I enjoy debating with libs that are intelligent like FD or Furnishedowner.


“Now Positive I thought you and I agreed to not adress each other. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from discussing me as well”

Sigh… I wasn’t addressing you at all Christopher, and for the record it was you who wanted this no-address thing, and I have respected that wish… you, however, just did, so I will respond… I was responding to Hoosier’s comment about Hooch being called a racist… I don’t see a post by you where you used the word racist… only about Hooch not liking that Obama was a black president… re-read my post(s), and you will find that I did not address you in any way… neither by quote or by name…

“Please keep in mind that membership and ability to post on this site is a privilige (sic) not a right. If you don’t like the behavior of the moderators you are welcome to post elsewhere.”

First off, that applies to you as well (i.e. - right, not privilege) , as you are not the owner of the site… that said, I frankly don’t care what the moderators say in posts, but if you are going to hold your posters to one standard and then have the moderators violate that standard, how can you then criticize the posters for doing that which you practice??? like I said to you before, it must be nice in that ivory tower, but this type of hypocrisy just hurts the credibility of the site… are you saying the double-standard doesn’t??? :rolleyes you just don’t want to be held to the same standard you want applied to others… a historically accurate liberal attribute…

Personally, I have said MANY times that I think calling names and insults are a waste of time… they detract from the thread AND for the most part the posters response and we get off on tangents like this… Of course, if I was a liberal on this issue of nationalized healtcare, and I was prone to do so, and I just read the items I posted, I would want to distract from it all I could, as it just PROVED what we’ve been warning all along that we were RIGHT about nationalized healthcare (i.e. - more costs according to the CBO, not less; REMOVAL of CHOICE, etc…)

“You on the other hand do nothing but sit here and complain about the government and about anything you can.”

I DO post to other areas of the website… Beginners, Carlton Sheets, Rehabbing, Landlording Forum, Financing, Hard Money… you just might be missing it or not reading the ones I post to… as a matter of fact, I’ve posted multiple times in the past couple of days… I, just like many who post on this site, post alot to Randon Ramblings… where I have help to offer in other threads, I post… just because YOU don’t like what I post in Random Ramblings does NOT mean that other’s don’t… what you call “complaining” I refer to as “calling attention to”… but that is based on your POV, you being liberal, me being conservative, so I don’t expect that you would view anything I say OTHER than “complaining”…

From what I see of your stats, you spend almost as much time in Random Ramblings as you do in Financing…

“How about this for some advice… How about instead of whining about the government you actually spend some time fixing up your rental houses.”

That advice is NOT needed from you… I have a hard time taking advice from someone who steals from his employer by posting on the clock using his employers resources on a regular basis… Better advice would be not to steal… I know next you’ll tell us that your employer has no problem with you using his resources on the clock… unverfiable, of course…

I have now responded to your initial response to me… I guess we go back to non-responses, right???

Sure Porno Beard whatever you say.

Since your rental houses are fixed up, why not fix up that dump you live in. Or better yet why don’t I just buy that dump from you in cash and fix-it up then lease option it back to you.

Chris, you really should learn to watch your mouth because it could get you in trouble. Some people don’t give a S**t about getting arrested for kicking someones ass, it’s only a misdemeanor. And I don’t need to date ugly women. I have gold digging whores all over me on a daily basis. So lets see your picture Chrissy. Lets see what a real homosexual looks like. Or shall I just order a picture of you.

OOOOOhhhhhh I am so scared. Are you going to slap me with one of your chins? Haha go ahead and purchase a picture of me. I’m so scared of big bad Hoochie tracking me on the net. Trust me I have learned more about you in the last 24 hours than I care to know. Your little train pictures sure are cute.

As for me being sicko… I’m not the one offering links to genital piercings on one of my “business” web-sites.

Please man quit while you are ahead. I am really bored with you and your average intellect, but if you want to keep baiting me then go ahead and we can just go round and round.

Does please erase my name sound like I freaked out to you? Where ever you go posts and threads get deleted. But it’s not you Chrissy. It’s everyone else.

As I said above the OWNER OF THE SITE deleted the post. Whats wrong Hooch a little turn about is fair play bothered you?

I stand by my original statement. YOU ARE A PATHETIC JOKE.

The above can be said of other posters here as well... FDjake comes to mind, and IMHO, is the worst at distracting with the insults... He has alot of good information and counter arguments to give, but it sometimes gets hard to sift through all the insults... so to assign the above description to Hooch by singalling him out alone is a little unfair... BTW, not trying to pick a fight FDjake, just stating the obvious, and I think even you would agree it's accurate...

Thanks for the input, but I really do not need to be told how and when to moderate. Since you are so concerned about others, you might be interested in knowing that this same discussion was held with FDJake, in fact he was removed from the site about 6 months ago under a different screen name. He made a formal request to be reinstated and after a review the Moderators chose to do so.

Calling Hooch a fourth grader is not calling him a name or being derogatory???

Voicing ones opinions is fine. However, the personal attacks are ridiculous and uncalled for. The reference to acting like a fourth grader is substantiated by the “If I don’t have my way I will take my toys and go home” manner in which he responds in his posts. This comment is completely supported by his request to the Moderators to delete his recent posts.

Your involvemnent in the Forums is greatly appreciated, but I think that you should refrain from getting involved with issues that you are not familiar with nor requested to be involved in.


“Your involvemnent in the Forums is appreciated, but I think that you should refrain from making comments regarding issues that you are not familiar with nor requested to be involved in.”

If you don’t want responses from posters, then may I respectfully suggest you handle these issues in PM… otherwise, it would impossible to know whether or not responding would be appropriate… you involve people by making the discussion public… besides, as I said, this just detracts from the thread… which is why I try not to participate in the name calling game…

“I really do not need to be told how and when to moderate.”

I am not telling you how to moderate, but are you telling me that it is wrong to expect the moderators to act the same way you want posters to act in threads??? Why would you expect people to be silent on this? By having the same standard for everyone, it makes it much easier for everyone…

"Voicing ones opinions is fine. However, the personal attacks are ridiculous and uncalled for. "

We are in definite agreement… which is WHY I commented on it and SUPPORTED your assertion… I am a little surprised at your position, when we are basically in agreement… none of the moderators have said that they should NOT be held accountable to the same standard as the posters… are you saying they are not? Settle the issue once and for all…


Please read through that post and you will see where Hooch ADMITTED he was a bigot. Oh thats right you can’t because Hooch cried like a baby when I blasted him at his own game and the entire thread was deleted. I wish I could have seen the look on his fat face when he saw his name in that posting.

I have a hard time taking advice from someone who steals from his employer by posting on the clock using his employers resources on a regular basis… Better advice would be not to steal… I know next you’ll tell us that your employer has no problem with you using his resources on the clock… unverfiable, of course…

Stealing from my employer… thats your response?? Ouch I must have really struck a nerve. I am a 100% commissioned self-sourced loan officer. I don’t steal from anyone. Nice try though. Please stick to buying dumpy houses you don’t plan to rehab or better yet take years to fix because your “learning”.

All that being said… let’s try and get this discussion back on track…

[i][b]What are all your thoughts about having your CHOICES limited to your existing coverage or the government coverage, WITHOUT being able to open new policies… REMOVING competition and stagnating the existing market???

This is not competition in ANY WAY as promised… how can you support this when the CBO is saying that the proposed plans will cost MORE not less???[/b][/i]

Let’s keep the discussion focused on nationalized healthcare… :beer


Ughhh… Make up your mind… we are either going to exchange posts or not… this is in response to your post to me… again, another distraction…

“Please read through that post and you will see where Hooch ADMITTED he was a bigot. Oh thats right you can’t because Hooch cried like a baby when I blasted him at his own game and the entire thread was deleted. I wish I could have seen the look on his fat face when he saw his name in that posting.”

More name calling from a moderator no matter who it is directed at… and I NEVER referenced him calling himself a bigot, tougue in cheek from what I read… I referenced him being a racist in response to Hoosier’s post… so what’s your point…

“Stealing from my employer… thats your response?? Ouch I must have really struck a nerve. I am a 100% commissioned self-sourced loan officer. I don’t steal from anyone. Nice try though.”

Christopher, I’ve got news for you… I’ve been a 100% commissioned salesperson, and whether you recieve a W-2 or a 1099, although I suspect W-2 being that you work FOR your mortgage company, and noone else and I am intimately aware of the rules for 1099 independant contractor status, which makes the point all the more… the fact remains that while at work you are using your employers resources (i.e. - internet access, computer, electricity, sitting in his/her office while doing it while on the clock, etc… - do I even need to go on)… All this while your employer has the EXPECTATION of you working… Being in sales, if you are not writing deals, you should be chasing them… it’s what you are PAID to do… But if you feel different we could always resolve this by calling your employer, you know, the one you LISTED… not that I would acutally do it, just saying it to make a point…

Struck a nerve… no, yoiu’ve got nerve to post that weak defense of your theft… yes…

You didn’t try to go the “I’ve got my employers permission” route, though… kudos on not trying that…

"Please stick to buying dumpy houses you don’t plan to rehab or better yet take years to fix because your “learning”…

Christopher, I will stick to buying “dumpy houses” as well as any other good deal I will come across… As far as my schedule is concerned, that’s my business, but I am self-enmployed, so I get to make that decision for MYSELF…