Morgan Stanley: "America's Fiscal Trainwreck"

Just keep puffing those cigarettes, Hooch. They’re good for business.


Sorry, I don’t smoke. And I also don’t get the good for business thing. But whatever.

So what makes you think that I smoke? Because I support the basic rights of people to control their own lives? Wow, you have really dropped off the deep end into this radical leftism. I suggest you back up a little bit and honestly think why God put you on this planet. And if he placed you here to be dictated to by a very small group of special people. For them to decide how you will live, what you will do and what you won’t. These dreams of complete government control of people are completely off the wall. They have NO RIGHT to tell ANYONE HOW they WILL live their life when they are HARMING NO ONE EXCEPT THEMSELVES. Back down some crazy man. Get control of yourself.

How did they twist your mind up that bad?

I have no idea who you think is twisting up my mind?!

It’s interesting that you, Hooch, have this direct Holy Grail insight into what information is true and what isn’t.

While us poor liberals must make do with hoaxster scientists and sham information. Just doesn’t seem fair.



What scientific information/articles/studies/etc. have you actually read that contradicts “man-made” or AGW? or do you take whatever you read at face value and not review the opposing argument as long as it matches your preconceived positions?..

Better yet… give us YOUR best evidence that you examined to come to your belief in AGW… that is “man-made” global warming…

When doing so, keep in mind that all life on earth creates CO2… even if you remove ALL the “man-made” causes of CO2 from the atmosphere, you will one day, through population growth of ALL life on earth ALONE will have the same CO2 output you have TODAY with both natural and industrial CO2… what then?

Again, give us your best evidence that lead to your decision on AGW… I would also challenge you to name your sources that lead you to the conclusion that the MAJORITY of scientists believe in “man-made” global warming…

Let’s get into the actual meat of it and not the platitudes…


I don’t think Furnished is capable of debating this issue from a logical standpoint. He only reads what fits with what he “wants” to believe and he has absolutely NO clue about the opposing arguments. This is the basis behind all logic and reasoning that makes those who are informed feel as if they are completely irrational. They are in fact irrational because they research ONLY one side of a story.

I am very curious if Furnished is even capable of getting into the “meat” of the bunk science.

Here’s the rebuttal to those of you who believe those famous scientists such as Dr. Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Bill O’Reilly, Dr. Hooch, Dr. PositiveOutlook, etc.

I quoted Dr. James Hanson’s policy letter of July 9 previously. Look him up. THAT’S A SOURCE THAT CAN BE BELIEVED. HE HAS THE CREDENTIALS, FOLKS. The other non-scientists above do not have the ability to discern when they are being lead down the path of wishful thinking.

Okay, now I just phoned MY personal expert, family member ph.D scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Dr. Anonymous, distinguished career scientist with all kinds of credentials, especially in discerning bull-crap. I laid your arguments on him. His response:

  1. The scientific consensus is in that CLIMATE CHANGE is occurring. The ICC Climate Change Commission was unanimous in their decision.

  2. There are some scientists, mostly paid by the oil and coal companies, who are disputing the findings. The majority consensus is undeniable that major effects are already occurring. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO QUESTION OF THIS.

  3. The Global Average temperature doesn’t matter. What is happening locally is what matters.

  4. The biggest local effect is happening on the Polar ice caps. Ice is melting at a faster rate. This reduces reflectivity of the surface as ice is more reflective. Water temp. goes up, more ice melts.

  5. Ever more cold, fresh icewater is sent to the warm Gulf Stream. This pushes the Gulf Stream underwater. Europe and the N.E. United States could go into another deep freeze. Different areas will have different effects, not all of it warming.

  6. CO2 is the major contributor to the warming. CO2 from coal plants and other sources goes into the atmosphere. It is in the atmosphere for 3 years, maximum. Excess CO2 is being created by man, mainly from the burning of fossil fuels. A typical coal plant burns 10,000 tons of coal a day. The scale is unbelievable. Oil is consumed at 5000 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND. Unreal. Forests that suck up CO2 are being clear-cut, especially in Indonesia.

  7. This CO2 is then dissolved in the sea, forming carbonic acid. Which lowers the pH of the ocean, making it acidic.

  8. This has now started to have a huge effect on oyster beds in Puget Sound, Coral Reefs, etc.

  9. Glacier Park hardly has any glaciers any more. In the Alps, there was enough melt that Oetzi, the Iron Age Man, came to light a decade ago already. In Fairbanks, Alaska, houses are sinking into the thawing Permafrost.

  10. It’s very complex and more is being learned every day. Methane hydrates are being formed in the ocean. Methane has a 20-fold worse effect than CO2. During 9-11 there was way more heat noticed in Chicago because flights were banned, and there were no plane contrails providing sun cover.

  11. Tell the people that you are writing to that it’s wishful thinking to not believe this. When someone like Dr. Hanson gets nervous, we should all listen. What is scary it that there is positive feedback from the changes, a cascading effect. I feel sorry for the kids who will have to deal with it.

That’s it, guys. I don’t have the expertise to weigh all scientific evidence on this topic. There probably aren’t many of you of this forum who do. After all, it IS a real estate forum. I don’t give a damn whether someone is a Conservative or Liberal or whatever. We just need to believe the experts. This is too serious to listen to someone who spouts a political agenda on this scientific subject.

Believe it. Or not. Climate change, man-made, is happening. Are we going to do something about it, or later be the generation blamed for the species extinctions and the decrease in living standards all over the world?



You hit the nail on the head with the SMOKING analogy. Big tobacco PAID Doctors to tell people that smoking was GOOD FOR THEM…BIG OIL is doing the same!!!

It took GOVERMENT to step in and REQUIRE… by LAW, that WARNING LABELS were placed on cigarettes. It took ADDITIONAL laws (made by GOVERMENT) to BAN smoking from restaurants, airplanes, schools, ect. Various ADVERTIZEMENTS were also banned because they were directed at young children (this comes DIRECTLY from the tobacco companies own documents)

What these GOVERMENT MANDATED LAWS have accomplished is a HUGE DROP in the number of cigarette smokers in this country. In 1965 42% of Americans were smokers, by 2006 that had dropped to 20.8%.

In Hooch’s world tobacco companies would be FREE to give smokes out at CUB SCOUT MEETINGS!!! Halloween would be a BONANZA in Hooch’s neighborhood!!! Marlboros, Winstons, and CAMELS could be ENJOYED by ALL 5 and 6 year olds as a honored TRADITION!!!

The CANCER these kids would get of coarse, is THEIR PROBLEM!!! Even if HOOCH has to PAY FOR IT with ever increasing health care premiums!!

Ahhh yes!!! The world according to HOOCH…

Old Gal Porn, Unfiltered Camel’s in every lunch box, and screw global warming…Hey, where’s my ASH TRAY???


I am tied up right now, but will get back to your post later tonight or tomorrow morning…

One thing that I noticed is that you did not provide any information/links that REFUTE what you posted… this leads me to believe that you have made a foregone conclusion and are only looking at evidence that supports it… There is a VAST amount of resources, award-winning scientists (even the boss of Dr. Hansen and other atmospheric experts from NASA) that DISPUTE what you have written…

If you are relying on the IPCC as your source for “majority” as it relates to scientific concensus, you are on thin ice (pardon the pun)…

I will post more later or tomorrow… :beer

fdjake and others,
The worrisome thing is that there was a choice–to smoke or not–with cigarettes.

We have no choice on climate change. At best, if the whole world finally gets its act together, we have a chance to mitigate it.


I wasn’t relying on any written material other than Dr. Hansen’s recent warning letter. My source was a Los Alamos scientist who deals with this stuff daily. Someone who can read other scientists’ reports and spot bull-shit. Someone who has been on the same podium, giving scientific papers, as Nobel Prize winners.

Here are other talking points, just emailed me from there:

  1. Coal is the worst offender, EACH plant spews out 30,000 TONS of CO2 a day. Close them and replace them with nuclear plants.

  2. Relying on wind and solar power is like trying to power an SUV with rubber bands. Worse, it is not always available. Therefore back-up power plants are needed. Most likely these would be coal plants. Wind and solar plants are not as environmentally friendly as one thinks. Wind farms kill birds, are visual blights and noisy. Solar cells cover ground, preventing plant cover and use scarce materials.

  3. Hydroelectric is also non-carbon consuming. But all the big dam sites are taken. Plus there is sentiment to tear some down, like Hetch-Hetchy.

  4. White roofs on buildings, carports, vehicles and roadways reflect sunlight back into space at wavelengths that CO2 does not absorb. They reduce AC bills in summer and thermal radiation loss in winter.

  5. Reducing vehicle mass, frontal area and speed will greatly reduce oil consumption now at 20 million barrels a day in the US (5000 cubic feet per second worldwide). Properly designed cars could get over 50 mph.

  6. All-electric cars and plug-in hybrids will increase CO2 emissions if their batteries are charged with electricity from coal plants. The plants need to be non-fossil.

  7. Don’t hold your breath for hydrogen fuel. (Complicated writing about cellulostic methanol and ethanol and their usability).

  8. Mass transit, using electricity from nuclear plants, and small enclosed golf-cart-type vehicles could be future urban transportation.

What I fear may happen is the old Chinese curse: MAY YOU LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES! I don’t want interesting. I want to hold as much ground as we can.


1. The scientific consensus is in that CLIMATE CHANGE is occurring. The ICC Climate Change Commission was unanimous in their decision.

Show your evidence of a scientific consensus. There are significantly more top scientists that dispute global warming as being created by man than there are that “think” it is. Don’t just blow smoke. Show your evidence. We have already established that the scientific consensus says global warming is NOT a result of man and has NOTHING to do with carbon.

2. There are some scientists, mostly paid by the oil and coal companies, who are disputing the findings. The majority consensus is undeniable that major effects are already occurring. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO QUESTION OF THIS.

The majority consensus is that global warming is NOT man made. We already showed you factual information. Why is it that you are hiding yours? Stop being so sneaky and put it out on the table.

3. The Global Average temperature doesn’t matter. What is happening locally is what matters.

The Global temperature doesn’t matter? WTF. You say over and over that the globe is warming… and you now are saying that it doesn’t matter? Well, actually, you need to tell your relative that the globe cooled more last year than it ever has in recorded history. Maybe we will get to teach your relative a thing or two as well.

4. The biggest local effect is happening on the Polar ice caps. Ice is melting at a faster rate. This reduces reflectivity of the surface as ice is more reflective. Water temp. goes up, more ice melts.

Do you ever stop with the lies. Show your proof.
Here is mine from a LIBERAL PUBLICATION

And a conservative publication with some facts for your relative to not ignore.

5. Ever more cold, fresh icewater is sent to the warm Gulf Stream. This pushes the Gulf Stream underwater. Europe and the N.E. United States could go into another deep freeze. Different areas will have different effects, not all of it warming.

So that is why Antarctica has significantly GROWN IN ICE> Because of the Gulf Stream, LOL :biggrin

6. CO2 is the major contributor to the warming. CO2 from coal plants and other sources goes into the atmosphere. It is in the atmosphere for 3 years, maximum. Excess CO2 is being created by man, mainly from the burning of fossil fuels. A typical coal plant burns 10,000 tons of coal a day. The scale is unbelievable. Oil is consumed at 5000 CUBIC FEET PER SECOND. Unreal. Forests that suck up CO2 are being clear-cut, especially in Indonesia.

Carbon Dioxide is NOT a contributing factor to warming in any way. It has been much more warm on this planet MANY times long before man. The Suns activity controls our climate.

So you can learn a little more about what you are saying.

Sunspots and global warming

Some info on your outdated consensus. I guess they are all on the take by “big oil” now.

Greenland, not what they thought.

Greenland find debunks Al Gores lies.

Weather channel founder, global warming the biggest hoax in history.

7. This CO2 is then dissolved in the sea, forming carbonic acid. Which lowers the pH of the ocean, making it acidic.
8. This has now started to have a huge effect on oyster beds in Puget Sound, Coral Reefs, etc.

More debunking of your hoax. Read it and dispute the facts please.

9. Glacier Park hardly has any glaciers any more. In the Alps, there was enough melt that Oetzi, the Iron Age Man, came to light a decade ago already. In Fairbanks, Alaska, houses are sinking into the thawing Permafrost.

And there are just as many places cooling. It ALWAYS happens. Some places cool while others warm. The temperature changes. It has always changed since long before man. You really need to pull your head back out of the sand. You’re choked up with all of this Man Made Global Warming stuff so bad that you completely deny all opposing but undeniable factual information.

10. It’s very complex and more is being learned every day. Methane hydrates are being formed in the ocean. Methane has a 20-fold worse effect than CO2. During 9-11 there was way more heat noticed in Chicago because flights were banned, and there were no plane contrails providing sun cover.

People think they felt more heat. Post your factual information. I said to come here and dispute the evidence. And you come here and say people think that it got hotter last year in Chigago. When the undeniable facts show that it cooled last year. AND IT ONLY HAS RISEN BY 1 SINGLE DEGREE IN THE PAST 100 YEARS!!! 1 DEGREE. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

I don’t give a damn whether someone is a Conservative or Liberal or whatever. We just need to believe the experts.

I agree with you, so we shall listen to the overwhelming consensus that “man made” global warming is a hoax.

It took GOVERMENT to step in and REQUIRE… by LAW, that WARNING LABELS were placed on cigarettes. It took ADDITIONAL laws (made by GOVERMENT) to BAN smoking from restaurants, airplanes, schools, ect. Various ADVERTIZEMENTS were also banned because they were directed at young children (this comes DIRECTLY from the tobacco companies own documents)

What these GOVERMENT MANDATED LAWS have accomplished is a HUGE DROP in the number of cigarette smokers in this country. In 1965 42% of Americans were smokers, by 2006 that had dropped to 20.8%.

Really, is this why they MANDATED LAWS? Because they care about the people? That’s a bunch of crap and you don’t know what you’re talking about FD. My Dad was the VP of Marketing Communications for RJR Nabisco back during those days you are referring to. They paid politicians with BAGS of cash on a regular basis in broad daylight! When the cashflow stopped the attacks began. Bribery and blackmail on the part of the political douche bags. That’s all.

Alcohol is far more dangerous than tobacco! The fatal error was in the marketing. RJR owns Camel, Doral, More, Now, Salem, Vantage, Winston among many others. They also owned many spirits companies. American Creme, Arrow Cordials, Bisquit Cognac, Black Velvet, Irish Mist Liqueur, Jose Cuervo Tequila, Popov Vodka, Regal Velvet Wisky, Smirnoff Vodka, The Club Cocktails, Famous Grouse Scotch, Wild Turkey Burbon, Yukon Jack, Beaulieu Vineyards wines, HMS frost, Inglenook, Lancers, Dos Equis Mexican, Foster’s Larger, Mackeson UK Stout, Moosehead Canadian, Pilsner Urquell, Steinhouser German.

My dad positioned the tobacco products in competition with Phillip Morris as a product that people should take up. Phillip Morris followed his lead. He positioned all of the RJR spirits as products that should be used responsibly. Therefore, a person who kills themselves or others while intoxicated in a bar or in a car is using the substance in a way it was not intended. One must drink responsibly and never drink to get drunk. He admitted to me if he positioned tobacco the same way the target wouldn’t be on tobacco as it is today. But the bribes could never end. BTW, the spirits companies pay the politicians as well, just as the insurance, doctors (AMA) and the rest of them do.

A smoker should smoke responsibly. Have a cigerette or two. And those who smoke irresponsibly should have been positioned in a bad light would have targeted them as having personal character problems due to the fact that they are using the product in a way it was not intended. Just like using highly addictive drugs like prescription pain killers in a way that it was not intended.

Hence, the problem lies within the marketing. There is also a marketing campaign he came up with that would have ended tobacco use for good! But the states who get the billions of dollars from the tobacco companies don’t want it. They like that tobacco money. The all promised right off the bat to spend every penny of it on anti smoking ads but almost every single state has spend the money on various other social programs completely unrelated to tobacco use.

[b]The CANCER these kids would get of coarse, is THEIR PROBLEM!!! Even if HOOCH has to PAY FOR IT with ever increasing health care premiums!!

Ahhh yes!!! The world according to HOOCH…[/b]

Another foolish statement that clearly indicates that you have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about. Health insurance premiums cost less when people die early! If you really want to reduce premiums, MAKE everyone smoke and EAT their way to oblivion.

Old Gal Porn, Unfiltered Camel’s in every lunch box, and screw global warming…Hey, where’s my ASH TRAY???

Well, I don’t smoke, but I haven’t given up all of my vices…like the liquor…aaaannnnd the women…


You saved me alot of work… thanks… Now let’s see if Furnishedowner at least LOOKS at the other side of the issue…


Your reliance on Dr. Hansen’s letter as your only source SHOWS that you are NOT interested in the facts… You promote him as a NASA scientist, but do you realize he received a $250K grant from John Kerry through the Heinz Foundation (you know, a CORPORATE SPONSORED foundation) BECAUSE he was promoting AGW? This should defraud him as a source, based on your definition… If not, WHY not?

But straight forward… Let’s go to January 2009, where Dr. John S. Theon, NASA, DISPUTES Anthropogenic Global Warming…

[i][b]"I appreciate the opportunity to add my name to those who disagree that global warming is man made,”…

“As Chief of several of NASA Headquarters’ programs (1982-94), an SES position, I was responsible for ALL weather and climate research in the ENTIRE agency, INCLUDING the research work by James Hansen, Roy Spencer, Joanne Simpson, and several hundred other scientists at NASA field centers, in academia, and in the private sector who worked on climate research”[/b][/i]

Now the above paragraph does not even begin to cover his accolades, but let’s just say that he was indeed higher up on the rung than Dr. Hansen, so should you not consider what he has to say on the matter? Ask your relative if Dr. Theon is some sort of “kook” because he openly disputes AGW in contrast to Hansen…

There are many current and former NASA scientist who are disputing AGW… So since you are using Dr. Hansen, a NASA scientist, who collaberated with Al Gore on Inconvenient Truth, and it’s list of factual MISTAKES and misrepresentations, the question remains… why are you not listening to both sides?

Or, have you, as I said, just come to a preconceived conclusion and only looking at evidence to support your case even though MORE evidence exists to the contrary?..

And then there’s the problem of the cooling when the CO2 levels (THE basis for AGW) were INCREASING… how is this possible??? This does not even cause you to QUESTION what you are being fed???

Read the below…

So you, and others who don’t examine each side of the issue, how can you be so willing to just financially enslave not only yourselves, but others in the process, based on AGW, when you are not even looking at both sides of the issue??? How does giving the government MONEY remove ANY CO2 from the atmosphere???

You promote him as a NASA scientist, but do you realize he received a $250K grant from John Kerry through the Heinz Foundation (you know, a CORPORATE SPONSORED foundation) BECAUSE he was promoting AGW? This should defraud him as a source, based on your definition… If not, WHY not?

This is a VERY good question! I would like to hear a direct answer to it. I am actually shocked that you are using him as a viable source of information. I would like for you to now consider the facts and at the very minimimum, hear them and open your mind to the fact that you just might have been douped by the political junk science which was established as a means to reduce the dependence on foreign oil while sucking every last dollar out of Americans already empty pockets.

This too!!! Please ask them as it will help us determine what level of AGW irrationality we are dealing with.

Ask your relative if Dr. Theon is some sort of “kook” because he openly disputes AGW in contrast to Hansen…

Just wondering why in furnished energy list nuclear was looked over??Let’s not forget while other nations are using this brilliant technology “our president”(just for you furnished)is suggesting windmills and solar panels. :anon

sellnbama, hooch, PO, and others,
Yes, my Deep Throat source says that nuclear is definitely the way to go. Nothing else makes sense. Let’s hope that the scientists advising our President will realize that we can not get ENOUGH power from windmills and solar. Obama is not a scientist, so he relies on his science advisors.

I have been reading your rebuttals. I hope you are right, and that global warming is NOT coming. BUT CLIMATE CHANGE IS ALREADY HERE --IN THE MELTING OF THE ICE CAPS, GLACIERS, PERMAFROST.

My concern is because of my scientist source’s views. Because he deals with this everyday. And he reads those papers, and he knows what other scientists are saying. And I can’t crunch the numbers and see if the tons of CO2 being predicted by another scientist is correct. But he can. And does. And the people he works with says the predictions are correct.

So this is not written material I am analyzing like you all are, instead I have gone right to a source who can tell us in an expert opinion. Are any of you out there scientists? With enough expertise to debate this?

I would be happy to NOT have catastrophic climate effects. Some of the articles you referenced were very ambiguous–yes, cooling in central Antarctica, BUT warming of the calving ice peninsula. Cooling in Northern Sweden, but 0.3 degrees Celsius over 1500 years.

So there is scientific disagreement on this. Much more than I thought, you guys have given me that. But I’ve still got to go with my personal expert on this. He will change his mind if further evidence warrants it.

Now I’m off for my own personal sampling of the Pacific Ocean, a trip to California tomorrow. If global warming is occurring, I want it happening at La Jolla Shores, where it’s always been too cold.


“I have been reading your rebuttals. I hope you are right, and that global warming is NOT coming. BUT CLIMATE CHANGE IS ALREADY HERE --IN THE MELTING OF THE ICE CAPS, GLACIERS, PERMAFROST.”

Climate change happens ALL THE TIME… At points in time, there was very little ice at either pole… As a matter of fact, the Vikings once inhabited AND farmed the existing uninhabitable Greenland… Then there was Ice through the little Ice Age, and has been melting ever since… So why is this NOT another cycle? Ice cores in Russia confirm these cycles…

“My concern is because of my scientist source’s views. Because he deals with this everyday.”

And so did Dr. Theon, from ALL perspective’s, for DECADES, in government, private sector and academia and wrote scientific papers, and STILL came to the conclusion that AGW is false… I would be interested in your sources level of education (is he/she a PHD for example? what discipline? published? etc.) and work experience and juxtapose it to other TOP SCIENTISTS who disagree with global warming…

“And he reads those papers, and he knows what other scientists are saying. And I can’t crunch the numbers and see if the tons of CO2 being predicted by another scientist is correct. But he can. And does. And the people he works with says the predictions are correct. So this is not written material I am analyzing like you all are, instead I have gone right to a source who can tell us in an expert opinion. Are any of you out there scientists? With enough expertise to debate this?”

I would be happy to have a debate on the issue with your source… and at the conclusion of such a debate, it will be, as it is now, obvious that not only is there NOT a majority who believe as your source does but in addition that that there is NO consensus om the issue, THEREFORE, we should NOT be making far-reaching legislation that will negatively affect EVERYONE and make things MORE EXPENSIVE for everything until there is actual repeatable results, and not speculation… just let us know his/her moniker so we can join in on the fun… :biggrin

“I would be happy to NOT have catastrophic climate effects.”

Are you saying we do??? :rolleyes

“So there is scientific disagreement on this. Much more than I thought, you guys have given me that.”

At least you are showing some intellectual honesty here… you have moved from “a majority of scientists” and “consensus” to admit that there IS scientific disagreement, and “much more than” you thought… Now, until there IS, are you also ready to not financially enslave generations of people until it IS settled?..

“But I’ve still got to go with my personal expert on this.”

As opposed to those with more education, scientific publications and real world experience??? How does this in any way make sense??? It is more akin to sticking your head in the sand…

“He will change his mind if further evidence warrants it.”

There already IS the evidence… from TOP scientists around the world… If he/she has the magic bullet to dispute all we’ve written and posted here from these top scientists, PLEASE tell him/her we await to hear from he/she personally… Easy to open an account after all… After all, you’ve moved a bit on the issue, DESPITE your personal expert source…

“Now I’m off for my own personal sampling of the Pacific Ocean, a trip to California tomorrow. If global warming is occurring, I want it happening at La Jolla Shores, where it’s always been too cold.”


So we can agree on nuclear tech.I’m pleased with that.Don’t hold your breath on the obama advisers thing though.This is all about money,if it was’nt you and I agree that nuclear is a brilliant proven solution.Also GE stands to make$$billions off the windmills in exchange for their more than friendly coverage of obama by their network(msnbc).Is all the smoke starting to clear a bit from the majic dust??Hope so. :cool

So, in the absence of Furnishedowners’s scientific “deep throat” source, who apparently prefers to remain silent… I’ll simply ask this…

With the GLOBAL disagreement on man-made global warming, why are you willing to financially enslave yourselves and your fellow taxpayers to the government based on science that is obviously not settled but also is being manipulated to make an outcome favorable to mand-made global warming?

Don’t you have the RIGHT to expect your leaders, WHOM YOU PAY, to have OPEN discussions on this issue?

Science that is clearly not settled but Exxon says it is with their do gooder carbon carbon sequestration commercial. Well, now I have absolutely NO support for Exxon and if the libs say they want to punish them severely I will be happy to see it.

But we all know that is not the case since they just finished having their Exxon Valdez spill dropped from the multi-billion dollar penalty to 500 million. And the dems were in complete control of congress when that happened. At a time where they made more money in one year than any company ever has in American history… So now I just became very concerned about “how much money” the libs should allow them to make.

Hooch’s short email letter to Exxon:

[i]I am very disappointed in that carbon sequestration commercial that you guys keep playing. It is a huge disappointment. Us conservatives protect you from this man made global warming hoax science and you repay us with a big fat smack in the face.

Nice Job![/i]

The very definition of irony… "Gore’s hometown Nashville Breaks 1877 Cold Temp Record… "

“Coolest July 21 recorded in Nashville as cool wave continues in Tenn.”,0,4032125.story

“When the temperature at the National Weather Service station dipped to 58 degrees at 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday, it wiped out the previous record low for the date of 60 degrees, which was set in 1877.”

The guy who created Visa/Mastercard! :biggrin