“I think it is wrong, and short-sighted (creates imbalance in marriageable age young adults) to abort for sex selection.”
It is their CHOICE… it is their BODY, remember?
“It is not possible to determine if a fetus is homosexual or not. If that were possible, I would view it as wrong to abort for that reason, not to mention ignorant. In my opinion, homosexuality, like left-handedness, is a normal human variant.”
Your opinion aside, it is the womens CHOICE, remember? She can abort for WHATEVER REASON right now, remember? She doesn’t have to provide an explanation. They know SO MUCH in the first trimester already (primarily because the baby is more FORMED than we understood when Roe v. Wade was decided), are you naive enough to think that one day they will not be able to discern genetic traits (FYI, hand-dominance presents itself in the womb…)? If homosexuality is a normal “human variant”, such as left-handedness, who are you to interfere with the “choice”?
There are so many variations on this theme - too short, too tall, too fat, low IQ… but it’s ALL a CHOICE, right?
Or are you ready for protected classes of abortions that match your definition of which life is important?
“And of course, female infanticide is dead wrong; it is murder.”
How is a new-born any less of a “burden” or “hindrence” to a women’s CHOICE to have it? As we can see from the China example, the LESS you value life, the MORE you EXPAND the normal limits… this is a DIRECT result of government mandates…
I still don’t see how ending a life in a womb is any different than ending a life outside a womb… How do you explain someone being charged with a double-homocide if a pregnant women is murdered?
“What is the point of these questions?”
As we can see, it just ILLUSTRATES the absurdity of CHOICE… HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of babies aborted who had NO CHOICE… They had no CHOICE when they were conceived, NO CHOICE in how they were carried and NO CHOICE in whether they LIVED or DIED… How does that all change with birth???
You see, deep down, you instinctively KNOW abortion is wrong… the only result of an abortion is DEATH… but it is EASIER to come up with excuses for CHOICE than to face the barbarity and incivility of it… To make the point sharper, you are INCENSED with 15,300 gun deaths per year, but the MILLIONS OF BABIES aborted???