Sorry in advance for the length, but you had alot of points to discuss…
“You got it right. Abortion is ALWAYS about the woman. Abortion is the choice when there appears to be no other option. If there is not a legal option of abortion, then there will be deaths, infection, and sterility from back-street abortions. We have been down that path before.”
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood said herself pre Roe v. Wade that “back-alley” abortions were a very small percentage of deaths (in the hundreds)… What is interesting is in what you said above, you have place SUPERIOR value on the life of the mother than the baby…
“Abortion is much kinder to the woman than either adoption or the messed-up life of the unwanted child.”
That’s very black and white of you, but those are NOT the only choices… adoption or havng the FATHER of the child raise the baby if she does not want to are ALSO options… There are MILLIONS of women who have babies each year, and I can GUARANTEE you… 1) The majority did not PLAN on a pregnancy… 2) the MAJORITY could not afford in advance… 3) a percentage chose NOT to have an abortion but still had anxieties about it…
“Adoption is not an option instead of abortion. It is not even on the same page”
Why? Instead of people going to China, or other countries, they could adopt here… Who knows how many Mozarts, Einsteins, Ghandi’s, Washingtons, etc. have been withheld from the world with abortion… or better yet, give the MAN the OPTION of taking FULL responsibility if the women chooses not to…
“It is not that women LIKE abortion. Women HATE abortion. No one likes abortion.”
How many women would hate it enough to NOT choose it, IF they were given ALL the information? How can it be “choice” if they are not given ALL the information? How can you support a system that does NOT give these women all the facts?
“It’s just that one pregnancy can end life as you know it; can end an entire future for the woman.”
I reject this at it’s core… If that’s your view, then you should RELEASE ALL MEN from ALL OBLIGATIONS if the women wants to have an abortion and he doesn’t, otherwise the MAN is enslaved to someone elses decision… Since you seem to think that all men are are sperm donors or banks, and have no feelings that should be considered and are not imapcted, from a clinical POV, you should be ADVOCATING this…
“Then I saw the toll, the ruined lives of the young women who didn’t have that choice. I saw the life-long despair and depression of the women who gave up babies to adoption. Abortion is much kinder to the woman than either adoption or the messed-up life of the unwanted child.”
So, it’s your position that a women has more guilt by bringing her baby to term, and letting it live, than by killing it in her own womb?? This runs opposite of logic and innate human leanings for a desire for life…
“Suicides happen because there is no option to end a pregnancy.”
The evidence of studies over the years, and latest from just a week ago, is stacked up in opposition to what you are saying…
New Zealand Study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, Shows 85 Percent of Women Say Abortions Cause Mental Health Issues, November 3, 2009
Study Confirms Higher Substance Use Rates Among Pregnant Women After Abortion
From the article - [i][b]"A disturbing new report from the National Institute of Health (NIH) finds that not only are girls and young women more likely to think about committing suicide, they’re much more likely to follow through. One reason for the increase appears to be abortion.
The study also found that women who have abortions have a HIGHER suicide rate than women in general. In fact, giving birth reduces women’s suicide risk, the study showed."[/b][/i]
If you think about it, it makes sense… When they have a baby that they keep, it is a constant reminder of what they did, and what makes it all the more worse, is if they were not given ALL the information regarding abortion in the first place… they were misinformed and told it was one thing, only to later find out it was another…
“If women don’t get around to having an abortion in the first trimester, my feeling is that they then need to carry through with the pregnancy.”
And here is where you ALWAYS leave it and never answer it… WHY? If it is a women’s “choice” in the first-semester because the baby is not viable, then does the fetus become a baby worthy of SUPERIOR rights to the women at the second and third, EVEN THOUGH, the baby REMAINS unviable from the second into the third trimester?
I respectfully request that you finally ANSWER THE QUESTION, Furnishedowner…
“Life is messy, not black and white.”
Agreed, but that does not mean that we shouldn’t hold people accoubtable for their decisions… In fact, it could be easily argued that this is WHY dysphunction INCREASES…
“I believe the Supreme Court has done its job correctly by weighing in on this incredibly difficult decision.”
The Supreme Court in 1973 and 1993 did not have available to them the science that is now available…