Getting Real on Abortion... Sex Selection...

“p.s. I believe my role as a moderator is to keep out the spam, porn, and occasional racial comment along with advertisements. Not to take it easy on self-righteous blowhards like yourself.”

You might want to talk with the owner of the site… from what I’ve been told insults and personal attacks like the ones you’ve been engaging in on a regular basis lately, Christopher, is EXACTLY what is not wanted… There’s no reason to insult unless you have nothing of substance to say… My point is, if the owner of the site and other moderators CONDONE you insulting posters by not having you live by the same standard (and more importantly, as a moderator, a higher standard) as others, how can anyone take with any credibility the desire to minimize it?.. Especially when YOUR posts, as a moderator, REMAIN WITH the insults and other posters are DELETED… Look how many of FDJake’s posts were recently deleted BECAUSE of this exact issue… do you think that’s fair to him that yours remain and his are deleted?

“My contact information is readily available if you have a problem be a man and call me, not send me a PM trying to talk down to me.”

Christopher, there was nothing I couldn’t say in a PM that would have been any different on the phone… It’s interesting you define being a “man” as calling you vs. PM’ing you… My PM to you was ALERTING you to your inadvartant (assumedly) dlsclosure of personal information disclosed to you during our financial discussions, and to ask you to be congniscent of it, NOT talking down to you, and it had nothing to do with my “fragile ego”… :rolleyes

I gave you the COURTESY of PM’ing you in PRIVATE as to not call into question your ethics PUBLICLY… If you are unable to exert the dsicipline to control the disclosure of personal information provided to you in financial discussions only to try and make a point in an internet thread, you should consider a new line of work…

Lesson learned, next time I’ll just call you publicly on it, as PM’ing is not being a “man” in your world… :rolleyes

“Those are the only answers you accept. There is no debating this topic with you.”

No, Christopher, you just don’t debate it… just avoid it… The best part is, you don’t have to post on it at all… But your lack of willingness to debate your position publicly demonstrates the weakness of the argument…

Don’t just SAY something, defend it… that what the threads are all about, and HOW ideas are exhanged and debated…

That was the point of the thread - “Getting REAL on abortion… sex selection…” I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I AM willing to publicly state my position and defend it… you? :biggrin

We moderators have discussed this particular forum because of its peculiar nature. We have decided to give it a bit more leeway but still personnel attacks are not permitted on a prima facie basis. Because this section is about opinion (and usually political opinion) there will be times when motives and biases need to be examined to make or refute arguments. We won’t let anybody call someone a hairy ape or anything.


“We won’t let anybody call someone a hairy ape or anything.”

Well that’s good to hear, but when a MODERATOR calls other posters “stinky hooch” or changes a screen name from Hoosier4Life2005 to “Loosier”, which have NOTHING to do with the topic at hand, when at the same having other moderators deleting posts because of the same type of insults, like FDjake’s were, you can see how it causes conflict…

As a point, even after being called on it, the moderator CONTINUED with insults in posts…

So I guess we’ll see if the action meets the words… Personally, I think the insults are a waste of time, as it just gets things going off in the wrong direction.

Bluemoon06, thanks for letting us know you are at least discussing the issue amongst the moderators… :beer

:slight_smile: Stickin up for Hoosier the Loosier. Thanks brother! :beer lol


“Big bad Christopher W hurt my feelings. Called me “the Termite King”, and wrote a jingle about me ridiculing my rehab skills”.

Hooch called me a gay slur and Hoosier posted comments that could be construed as racist and did in fact offend other members of the forum. So as you can see my taunting is FAR from the worst of it. Now go put your big boy pants on and quit whining.

List of what Hoosier4life2005 has been called by Christopher.

Trailor Trash
Picks on my grammer/grammar :slight_smile:
Loosier … my fav.

List of what Christopher has been called by Hoosier4life2005


I love these conversations. Wellp guys. Im gonna take chris’s advice and put my big boy pants on and striaghten my attitude up! WOOO :beer


“Big bad Christopher W hurt my feelings. Called me “the Termite King”, and wrote a jingle about me ridiculing my rehab skills”. "[/b][/i]

First, I could care less if you call me a name, Christopher… It reflects poorly on you, not me… They are very easily ignored as the response of a vapid immature mind (not an insult, but global observation)… If you cannot make your point sans the insults and personal attacks, that’s your weakness to work out…

My POINT, however, was other posters had THEIR posts DELETED/CENSORED, and you, as a MODERATOR, did not, when this is what I was told by other moderators, was what the owner of the site did not want… How is it fair or consistent that FDjake’s posts were removed and yours weren’t? Why are you treated more special than everyone else?

So, as long as the moderators are OK with you insulting others, there should be no reason to DELETE or CENSOR anyone else’s posts… As I’ve said, I personally believe it is a waste of time, and takes AWAY from any point you are trying to make… ESPECIALLY if you do it consistently as you have become prone to lately…

"Hooch called me a gay slur and Hoosier posted comments that could be construed as racist and did in fact offend other members of the forum. "

So what you teach your CHILDREN is that when someone calls you a name, you call them a name back? With you being a “moderator”, that is like a child calling you a name, and you as an ADULT calling them a name back… :rolleyes

I am curious, Christopher, did you participate in the moderators recently changed position on personal attacks and not letting anyone do it?

Hoosier4Life2005… Christopher can’t pick on you for your grammar anymore… he showed bad grammar himself AFTER telling you to use spell/grammar check… :bs

But if history is any indication, don’t think that will stop him…

What I teach my children is not important here. What I was taught is that if someone comes at you with a stick you then pound them into the ground with a bigger stick.

I guess my big question here is why are you so obsessed with me being moderator. As I have said before my job is not to coddle big mouth blow hards like yourself, but to keep the site neat and clean of porn, and spam, etc… In the other forums besides Rambling Rants I respond to people’s questions and offer mortgage advice.

If you choose to post your anti-government abortion rhetoric here then you open yourself up to criticism. I don’t openly ridicule you although it would not be hard for me to do so.

What is the difference between me calling Hoosier4life “loosier” or you calling someone a liberal? Please explain. Different people have different definitions for derogatory comments. You seem to want to keep this harsh dialogue going by whining about it. Now you can either choose to drop it at this point or you can continue on with it. The ball is in your court.


I’ve got alot of respect for hoosier being so involved in the important things in this country instead of hollywood BS.It’s not every young person who takes this as serious as they should.Whether you agree with his conservatism or not,you must admit he’s a minority in his generation.

Also, I enjoyed that you related "loosier"aka loser with liberal,don’t know if you done this on purpose or not but you did.

“job is not to coddle big mouth blow hards like yourself,”

So, Bluemoon06, to be sure we understand what you mean by personal attacks, would being called a “big mouth blowhard” be considered a personal attack… I only ask so we can have clarification of the sites position, NOT because I care if Christopher personally calls me anything…

“What I teach my children is not important here.”

What most adults endeavor to teach their children is how they live their own lives… none of us are perfect at it, but wouldn’t you agree that if you tell your kids not to lie, you should do your best not to…

“What I was taught is that if someone comes at you with a stick you then pound them into the ground with a bigger stick.”

Christopher, if you want to “pound me into the ground” focus on the substance, as the other fluff distracts from it…

“I guess my big question here is why are you so obsessed with me being moderator.”

I am not obsessed, but pointing out that YOU as MODERATOR are NOT practicing what is being preached to us (i.e. - personal attacks), and yet YOUR posts remain while others, who are not moderators are DELETED/CENSORED… must be cozy in that ivory tower surrounded by other moderators who do not call you to task…

“What is the difference between me calling Hoosier4life “loosier” or you calling someone a liberal?”

Specifically calling someone a “loosier” vs. identifying someone ideologically are two different things altogether…

Besides, are you now saying that being a liberal is an insult? :biggrin

“You seem to want to keep this harsh dialogue going by whining about it. Now you can either choose to drop it at this point or you can continue on with it. The ball is in your court.”

Last I checked Christopher, you were ALSO participating in the back and forth propogating the discussion… The “harshness” is definitely on your end, although you may be perceiving it as “harsh” because you just don’t want to be held ACCOUNTABLE for the rules you and the other moderators want to place on everyone else… it’s hard to admit when you are in the wrong… we’ve all been there…
I’m sure the Lord will keep me humble soon… and then you’ll get your chance to “pound me into the ground”

PositiveOutlook, Chris is right.hehe. :cool There isnt a difference between him calling me a loosier and me calling him a liberal.

Losers=Liberals (according to Chris, atleast), and i agree.

I agree with you Chris. Im glad we both agree that Liberals are losers.


He shoots and He scores.Liberals are losers,I love it,so glad we got that out of the way.

How does abortion fit into nationalized healthcare?

“How does abortion fit into nationalized healthcare?”

Question answered… :banghead

Gov’t insurance would allow coverage for abortion - Yahoo News

Its immoral to make pro-life peoples(like me) tax dollars pay for abortions. . Unbelievable. Discusting.

You boys done fighting, yet?

On the positive side of selection for gender, it’s a good long term method of population control.

Boy children never get pregnant and never add to the world’s population. If a percentage of the population selects the sex of their child, there is very likely to be a preference for boy children. That should reduce the increase of world population because it decreases the percentage of breedable females in the overall population.


You believe in population control? :shocked

If so, what makes your life more valuable than the next? Why should you remain on the earth when another Einstein could be taking up the same space and consuming the same resources?..

Unbelieveable… :banghead

Planned Parenthood Leader Resigns After Watching Ultrasound of Abortion Procedure…

So after a director of Planned Parenthood had a change of heart, Planned Parenthood wants to gag her… they are actually taking her to court… if what they do is so good, why the need to cut off her free speech?..

It also makes you wonder how many abortions would be reduced if the people Planned Parenthood caters to were given the same opportunity…

Thanks for that post.Speaks volumes,I put it on my facebook.