“p.s. I believe my role as a moderator is to keep out the spam, porn, and occasional racial comment along with advertisements. Not to take it easy on self-righteous blowhards like yourself.”
You might want to talk with the owner of the site… from what I’ve been told insults and personal attacks like the ones you’ve been engaging in on a regular basis lately, Christopher, is EXACTLY what is not wanted… There’s no reason to insult unless you have nothing of substance to say… My point is, if the owner of the site and other moderators CONDONE you insulting posters by not having you live by the same standard (and more importantly, as a moderator, a higher standard) as others, how can anyone take with any credibility the desire to minimize it?.. Especially when YOUR posts, as a moderator, REMAIN WITH the insults and other posters are DELETED… Look how many of FDJake’s posts were recently deleted BECAUSE of this exact issue… do you think that’s fair to him that yours remain and his are deleted?
“My contact information is readily available if you have a problem be a man and call me, not send me a PM trying to talk down to me.”
Christopher, there was nothing I couldn’t say in a PM that would have been any different on the phone… It’s interesting you define being a “man” as calling you vs. PM’ing you… My PM to you was ALERTING you to your inadvartant (assumedly) dlsclosure of personal information disclosed to you during our financial discussions, and to ask you to be congniscent of it, NOT talking down to you, and it had nothing to do with my “fragile ego”… :rolleyes
I gave you the COURTESY of PM’ing you in PRIVATE as to not call into question your ethics PUBLICLY… If you are unable to exert the dsicipline to control the disclosure of personal information provided to you in financial discussions only to try and make a point in an internet thread, you should consider a new line of work…
Lesson learned, next time I’ll just call you publicly on it, as PM’ing is not being a “man” in your world… :rolleyes
“Those are the only answers you accept. There is no debating this topic with you.”
No, Christopher, you just don’t debate it… just avoid it… The best part is, you don’t have to post on it at all… But your lack of willingness to debate your position publicly demonstrates the weakness of the argument…
Don’t just SAY something, defend it… that what the threads are all about, and HOW ideas are exhanged and debated…
That was the point of the thread - “Getting REAL on abortion… sex selection…” I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I AM willing to publicly state my position and defend it… you? :biggrin