The Liberal Lion of the Senate died… what a shame. :rolleyes
I love how the media is making it seem like he actually HELPED this country.
He may of been a good person, I didnt know him, but blah blah blah.
This is a win for liberty.
The Liberal Lion of the Senate died… what a shame. :rolleyes
I love how the media is making it seem like he actually HELPED this country.
He may of been a good person, I didnt know him, but blah blah blah.
This is a win for liberty.
You’re a real CLASS ACT Hoosier…
Nice job…Maybe you and your buddies can toilet paper the Kennedy Compound for sh*ts and giggles while his family is all gathered there!
Kid…The guy’s DEAD…Even Senators who battled him tooth and nail for DECADES don’t sh*t on his grave…
The Liberal Lion of the Senate died.. what a shame.I love how the media is making it seem like he actually HELPED this country.
He may of been a good person, I didnt know him, but blah blah blah.
This is a win for liberty.
That is really pathetic! :shocked You have have lost all credibility and what little respect you have earned.
If that is what you think it takes for a “win for liberty” I will send you some plane tickets so you can get the heck out of here. Go parade your whining crap in another country, like say North Korea. It is disrespectful, moronic comments like yours that destroy what little respect “freedom” fighters might have earned.
fdjake was right, you are in a class all your own. I believe that class is the sixth grade.
I do respect the deceased,even if I don’t agree with them.I just think CNN needs to report on anything other than michael jackson 24/7( not that I would recomend calling that a news channel).It has been a rough month for the kennedy family.
Okay Okay Okay… Im supposed to have respect for somebody like Kennedy who …(lets not even go there, we all know his great accomplishments). In my opinion, the man was a theif who supported many things like not protecting the border, giving MY MONEY to pay for SOMEBODY elses health care, and a welfare state.
If one has respects for a person who supports those attributes, have at it. But I… I beg to differ.
Just because somebody dies, doesnt mean I have to respect them, or say nice things about them. Its a GOOD THING hes out of the Senate.
I suppose you guys would have RESPECT for Pelosi too if she died?
Just because somebody dies, doesnt mean I have to respect them
But is apparently OK to disrespect them. If you represent the future we are all, regardless of political affiliation, screwed. :help
I did’nt say I respected the man,I respect the time of grief for their loss.I don’t respect any of these “career politicians”.40 and 50 year politicians,come on enough of this broken system of corruption.
Yeah, a pretty well informed youth who supports the Constitution (unlike many) and believes in smaller government. I am a very religious person, one who admires many traits such as NOT STEALING FROM ME. Yeah… If people like me represent our future…these are horrible charactaristics… were screwed.
I am a very religious person
Then you would not make those type of statements. I may be wrong, but I thought that most of the pages in there, the Bible, reference forgiveness and respect for a human life regardless of ones personal feelings.
I didn’t say that you had to like the guy, for whatever reason, but I would think that you would have some common sense to be able to at least respect his death.
God will be his ultimate judge. I dont believe the guy will go to hell, nor do I hope that. Just wanting to make sure you understand I dont wish that on the guy.
In order to FORGIVE him though, he would of had to APOLOGIZE for his incredibly DUMBA@@ bills hes created over the decades. He did not. If he would have apologized before he died, and admitted his mistakes, I would have forgiven him. In fact, he STILL supported taking MY MONEY and GIVING it away up until his death. I have no respect for that trait, do you?
Your telling ME about having RESPECT for LIFE? Tell that to the Liberals bud’… I dont support abortion like a certain Liberal…
Untimately, God is his final judge, not me. God will determine whether or not his policies were worthy of FORGIVENESS and RESPECT.
Untimately, God is his final judge, not me. God will determine whether or not his policies were worthy of FORGIVENESS and RESPECT
That’s right GOD not you. :rolleyes
No dip… you were the one saying I needed to forgive, and I went just stating the fact it doesnt matter. Dont make it look like im some elitest.
Dont make it look like im some elitest
Your first post sure looked like that to myself and others.
Thats because this board is full of Liberals(I wonder why Hooch got kicked out of here… hmm?) and/or softhearted people who care about emotional things more than our countries policies. Truth isnt pretty I guess.
Bottom line is… and will ANYBODY disagree with me on this??? Kennedy being OUT of the Senate is a good thing. This is good for Liberty.
Sad day both ways really,loss of life and the ridiculous fact that someone can hold public office till they die,literally.
People hold public office because they get RE-ELECTED. The Massachusetts voters LIKED the job Ted Kennedy was doing. The VOTERS re-elected him. He was not appointed to a life-long office. Sellnbama and Hoosier, you need to read a civics book on how our system works.
Kennedy is admired for being the voice of the poor, though he was born to wealth and could have just coasted his whole life.
Being a public servant is a hard, thankless job. Thousands of people criticize and lambaste you! Every day you get hate letters! No way can you please ALL the people. How can you not admire someone who gives their career to public service?!
Now I would admire any of you posters if I heard that you sat on a city council, a school board, a county position. But you all just gripe and gripe. So far only PosOutlook’s volunteerism as a Scoutmaster is the only thing I have heard of as worthy of that kind of admiration.
Do you have any idea of how hard a job public office is?! I have been to a number of county/city meetings and I just couldn’t do a public job with meetings like that. My behind goes numb, I twitch, and my mind wanders. I can’t handle the minutiae at all.
Kennedy voted against going to Iraq. He took a lot of flack for that. He based his decision on the opinions of the military that he sat with on the Armed Forces Committee. They didn’t think Iraq was winnable.
What I most admire him for is his life-long dedication to getting health care for the uninsured. He has been fighting that battle his whole Senate life, almost single-handedly keeping the issue alive.
Kennedy’s compassion for the less fortunate will be his legacy. He voted his conscience.
I once heard a a saying… “the moment God places his hand on someone, I take mine off”…
I think it would do well to remember that Hoosier is a young man… You are all acting as though he is talking from the perch of decades of life experience… he is beginning his life as an adult, and in this case he is combining his political, religous and social views… maybe not in the best way…
Instead of slamming him, give him another perspective that is appropriate to the matter at hand while providing introspection…
EVERYONE makes mistakes… Some of the outrage is a little hypocritical though… I am wondering how many of you wouldn’t say similar things about Bush?? We KNOW you have about Reagan… just a thought…
The older you get, the MORE you realize you are just as flawed as the next… may God have mercy on us ALL…
“For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” - Revelation 7:17
Ted Kennedy 2009 - Rest in Peace and may you rest in the Lord’s bosom and may all those whom you have touched come to Salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ…
OH MY GOD :shocked
Indeed He is… :beer
Positive, I know how our system works. I never said he anyting about a life-long office position or anything. I just stated the fact hes had his name on bills over the last decades that have hurt this country.
We dont want to celebrate his death, but we must celebrate the fact that its 1 person down who fights against liberty. I dont understand the outrage here, I really dont.
Just because Kennedy was a olllddd man, means I have to be respectful? Ill tell you what, if Pelosi died, I would be jumping up and down (as many of you should too, and Kennedys policies were alot the same)
I have no respect for scum of the earth Liberals who take my stuff like Kennedy and Pelosi. Its a very good thing hes out of office, maybe now some of his silly policies will be slowed down. The man lived a lonnggg life, making unconstitutional reforms to help give my money away. I certainly dont think its out of line to celebrate the fact hes out of office.