So when will the stock market plummet back to 7000 level?

I’m guessing within the next couple of months.

I wish I knew. I guess the answer is it will plummet as soon as it becomes obvious that we are not in recovery.


I read a report on insider trading for the month of August. It basically said that if the total amount of insider trading was $32, $31 were executive selling and $1 was buying. That speaks volumes to me. I’ve locked in some great gains this year and am out of the equities markets entirely.


something to consider:


yeah I figured with the end of the fiscal year it will drop at least a bit. Turned out we have reached 10,000. Who knows these days. :rolleyes

Why do you want that? I expecting more and it will inrease. I’ve had a lot investment there.

Well, who said I wanted it to happen? It’s my prediction, based on a shell economy based on zombie banks, H1B workers, offshore call centers and “service” (read: no manufacturing) jobs.

I often wonder how long our country can remain on top, wealth wise.I look around everywhere and we don’t make anything anymore.The USA has become just a gigantic distributor of other nations goods,mostly China.

It will happen as soon as gas goes over $3.00 a gallon. As companies start t miss their earnings expectations due to higher fuel prices, the stock market will have to go back down. The weak dollar will also freak out many stock investors. If any of that doesn’t do, the crash of the commerical real estate market will surely do it.

I have a real concern about that also. You either need production or resources, but a country needs to offer something hard to be number 1. If you ask anybody is America number 1 they all say of course we are. But if you look at the statistics we are not really. Standard of living we are #3 #1 is Norway, Murder rate we are #78 #1 is Myanmar, Income we are #3 #1 is Luxembourg and of course healthcare we are #37 France is #1.

I don’t know of any area of standard of success that we are number 1 in except military strength. We have 11 aircraft carriers. The country with the next largest amount is England. The have 2. We have more military ships in our navy than the next 13 navies combined.

We are like the kid in school that was 2 years older than everybody in the grade and was 6 feet tall and 200 bounds when everybody else was barely 100 pounds. He was dumb as a stick but thought that because he could beat everybody up that he was the top kid.

We need to concentrate our efforts on making this country number 1 again, not just being everybodies policeman.

Well said.Being the "World police"is a great part of our debt problem.I personally know farmers who are paid more by govt not to farm than they would make farming.I believe we are pretty high up in our land resources and I can’t understand why big govt is opposed to taking advantage.Sad times,when we import any knid of food or oil for that matter.If they were focused on the economy and jobs instead of takeovers and "bailout,aka controling==takeover.

This problem of corruption started long before Obama.Washington is infected with corrupt lawyers who were too lazy to actually work for business.Kinda like a public defender,and we all know what a great job they do because they have job security.Same principle in washington.


Your last post was right on.

I never could understand mindless flag-waving, the “We’re the greatest in the world!” stuff. No, we’re not. I love this country, but I am aware of her faults.

No, our health care is NOT the greatest. The most expensive, but not the greatest. Other countries have surpassed us in treating certain diseases as well. Germany is way more expert on holistic and herbal, rather than chemical treatments. Japan is best in the world on stomach cancer, etc. Way too many of our babies die compared to other countries. We are poor on public health; first time mothers get home nurse health visits for newborns in Scandinavia and Great Britain. They can then identify the dehydrated failure-to-thrive infants and save them. Here a 16-year old mother is kicked out of the hospital in 48 hours and she doesn’t have a clue as to how to care for a fragile newborn.

Yes, we are the class bully. The big dumb bully. Just listen to the hate-filled anti-government voices in the media and on this site.

My only feelings of hope lie on Mr. Obama’s skinny shoulders, just like the rest of the world. Let’s all hope he can be that mentor that the bully needs.


But the electorate has really been dumbed down. So much simplistic slogan chanting, like “No big government”! Well, we’re a heck of a big country. How’s that gonna work?

Sorry, we ARE the greatest in the world. Sadly, Socialists like you are wanting to copy other countries and are the reason for our decline. Individualism>Socialism.

Son I am not a socialist. There are no socialists on this site. By definition we are all capitalists. Real Estate. Getting rich. Make a bunch of money. What part of capitalist don’t you get. Were you homeschooled?

WRONG! People on this website are enjoying the BENEFITS of Capitalism, but that doenst mean they are Capitalists.

Thats like saying Obama is a Capitalist because he bought a house once…

I can tell you right now, FurnishedOwner is VERY Socialist There are a few on this board who have Socialist-like views.

so⋅cial⋅ism /ˈsoʊʃəˌlɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [soh-shuh-liz-uhm] Show IPA
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noun 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Those who support Welfare, higher taxes on the rich, penalizing people not wanting to buy Health Care, are all Socialist views.

So I guess the question is, WHAT PART OF CAPITALISM DONT YOU GET!?!?


I am very much the capitalist. I started a business from scratch 6 years ago. A socialist would have just sat around waiting for a government hand-out, right? Instead of putting in those 60+hour weeks.

The reality is that under socialism there is a lot of governmental control and unnecessary restrictions. If you are in a socialist country it is hard to hang out a sign, “Babysitting”, “Lawnmowers Fixed”, “Homemade Enchiladas”. They would just shut you down.

Here we do have the freedom to do all kinds of work and benefit from it. One of my workers is moonlighting right now by grilling corn on a street corner and selling it. Small start up cost, and some good profits @ $4.00/ear. The stuff tastes and smells great, too. Under Socialism you would need all kinds of permits, inspections, etc.

I barked back at you because I got tired of being called names by you because we disagree politically. One of the things I enjoy when I watch congressional debates is the civility__“I disagree entirely but I yield to the gentleman from …”.

Now I do disagree almost entirely with several of you on this site. But wanting universal health care does not make me a socialist. I’m just a little more scared than the rest of you about having under-treated people living here. I want universal health coverage so that I won’t catch your AIDS, TB, flu, or the next scourge.

Now I yield to the gentleman from Ohio.


Sorry, just because you enjoy the benefits of Capitalism doesnt make you a Capitalist. That would mean Obamas a Capitalist because he went to college instead of doing nothing?

Im going to be like Chris and “call a spade a spade”…

noun 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole

You want to take my ownership (my money), and give it to the government so they can control the production and distribution of a commodity (health care). You can keep telling yourself your not a Socialist Furnished, but you are. Just because you dont like the word due to its negetivity, doesnt mean you can just ignore it.

I must say, even though I dont agree with some (Chris) on this board, atleast he isnt on his hands and knees wanting more from Obama like you are…

Im going to sound a little like Glenn Beck now, but SOMEBODY tell me how I am WRONG in my assessment of Furnished?!?! ANYBODY


" I want universal health coverage so that I won’t catch your AIDS, TB, flu, or the next scourge."

THAT’S the reason you want universal healthcare??? Well, how did you not get those deseases up to now? My guess is your are in your mid-to late 50’s… how did you survive it up to now?

“Here we do have the freedom to do all kinds of work and benefit from it. One of my workers is moonlighting right now by grilling corn on a street corner and selling it. Small start up cost, and some good profits @ $4.00/ear. The stuff tastes and smells great, too. Under Socialism you would need all kinds of permits, inspections, etc.”

If you lived near alot of cities, you are required to have permits, health inspection posted, etc… I don’t live near a city, and a town (next one over) wants a PERMIT for kids to set-up a lemonade stand… at a cost of $25!.. So government again KILLING initiative…

Now the federal government is now also REQUIRING people who have garage sales, to not only get permitted for a fee, but to go through every item they are selling and compare it to a list they provide… if you are caught… If I remember, the first offense is a $1000 fine… the saving grace on this, is I can’t see how they will actually police this… but the fact that they are doing this, should just give everyone pause as to what’s happening around them… You are the lobster in the slowly simmering pot, who is getting ready to be cooked…

From what you post Furnishedowner, you want capitalism for YOU, but for everyone else, you are content to let them live under socialist programs, ALL of which overall give the LEAST and create a lesser life… I just don’t understand that thinking… why is it good for you, but not them???

What kind of things are on that list?


Here are some articles…,2933,552021,00.html

Here is the list…

As an example of waste… instead of replacing a hinge on toy chest… they tell you to DESTROY IT…

From the above article(s) - "“Ignorance of the law is not an excuse,” warns a 27-page Consumer Product Safety Commission resellers’ handbook, released this month. “But more importantly … you do not want to sell products that have the potential to harm anyone, especially a child.”