I won’t catch your AIDs, TB, etc. because YOU will also be receiving health care. Including preventative health care.
What I meant was that it is unsafe (not to mention inhumane) for only the rich, or well-insured, like probably most of us on these boards, to receive health care.
Lots of diseases are communicable! And new diseases can evolve for which EVERYONE needs to be treated, innoculated, isolated, whatever. In my lifetime I remember polio plagues where NO CHILD went swimming for fear of catching it, the AIDS epidemic when no one knew what caused the body’s immune system to shut down, the flu of 1957 where people were really, really sick, and now H1N1. Two healthy teenage high school girls, one 15, one 17, have died in the last two weeks from H1N1 in our little town. People here are pretty freaked out about this worsening flu.
So I am a capitalist because I believe in and work like a capitalist. I am a selfish capitalist because I am looking out for number one–me! I want universal, government-option health coverage for EVERYONE because we can’t have people running around untreated for their diseases. I could die! You could die! The time of the plagues is not over. It will never be over. Germs mutate. I am a realist on this.