Nice. Thanks for sharing.
Nice. Thanks for sharing.
thanks for the bump…(in your favor, I might add).
might want to check this one out…:15 to 1:05:
i know…i know…Sarah Palin is an airhead…but have you charted the price of oil lately?
2011 we should be back in the +$100 range…
that’ll be fun…if…you’re trading it.
Phillippines: head laceration, stitches. France: migraine attack Denmark: bicycle accident, surgery, fractured jaw. Thailand: high fever, vomiting. Switzerland: Meningeal symptoms. Mexico, etc. etc.
All minor medical issues, except the miningeal symptoms - but since you didn’t say meningitis, I’ll assume that these symptoms were nothing also. Unlike your ER visits, having a stroke in the base of your brain is an immediate life threatening condition. Without IMMEDIATE quality care, a person with this problem could die. There was no time for the take a number and wait, nor time to screw around waiting for a neurologist to show up.
I am looking forward to the coming globalization of medical services.
Just like a good little socialist. And did you know that the healthcare bill includes a wealth tax on unearned income (rental income)? The Socialist in Chief may just tax you right out of business!
How in the world can anyone be a small business owner and support this massive tax bill??I wonder why any of the supporters never answered my questions from earlier.Just like liberals-don’t ask questions just accept my solution because I know best.Unbeleivable.I wanted to add one more question=WHy is this being voted on a sunday(day of rest)?Is it perhaps because congress will get pounced by their voters if they return home??
Meetings behind closed doors,72 hours to read 2700pgs,not a chance for debate.Hmmmmmm,“the most transparent administration yet”???Wow,and the liberals call us conservatives stupid.I think Howard Stern(of all people) has said the real truth.“The democrats are Communists”.Checkout how CHina governs and screens it’s “news” so it’s people don’t see the truth.But continue to "vote them into power.
Anyone here heard the Soviet Union leader who said" you americans are so gullible,you won’t accept communism directly,your govt will give you small doses of socialism until one day you’re a communist nation and did’nt feel a thing".I think it was quoted by our sec. of agriculture at the time,check into it.
It’s one of those parts of true history “erased”,maybe if we knew real history we could avoid alot of this.
I’ll stick to the constitution(can be read in 72 hours),let me know how your 2700 page “healthcare” regulated by the IRS with it’s over 60,000 pages works out for you. :rolleyes Wierd how the IRS is involved with “health”,it was never about health!!! A major Tax bill is coming,and you won’t be able to pay it.Us as small business have always been the enemy.We have no Unions,lobbyists,we are the last real freedom the communist must overcome.
I am watching C-Span. This is historical. We have healthcare reform. This is like being able to watch the New Deal being passed!!
YES!! Very exciting! Completley Constitutional and MORAL. I LOVE having the Government tell me I have to spend my money on other peoples stuff!! UGHH Im so GITTY
This is historical.
Yes, it’s historic allright. It’s not everyday that you witness the destruction of a country!
Ohh Mike ,you dont understand, this is PROGRESS! Dont you know were going to insure 30 million people eventually, WHILE reducing the deficet? Also, Im SURE the Government is going to keep this under their budget without going over…Right…? I mean, the Government cant POSSIBLY spend more than what they originally intended can they?
Ohhh… this is sooo historical, thank you Obama! (gets on knee and praises Obama)
A war pulled us out of the deppression not any “new deal”,actually we were the only country for the depression to last over ten yrs,thanks to FDR-New deal.
I wonder if this will give us the some results in economy/stock market.I predict alot worse.On a sunday of all days,wow liberals are truely out of control.But not for long.Typical liberalism to hold history as hostage.The same way “change” has two definitions,so does history/historic votes.But also in this tax bill is education so they can write “history” as they go,I wonder what all will be the truth. :rolleyes :rolleyes
Unfortunately, you’re assessment is very accurate Sellnbama. In fact, I would go as far as to say that history is repeating itself (surprise, surprise). We’ve already had our 1929. We’re in 1930 now. We’re headed for the long grind DOWN! As you said, the only difference is that this time will be MUCH WORSE! And the war that pulls us out, I’m betting on a civil war and hopefully we can get our freedom back!
I hope you’re wrong,but as the majority is being ignored,I think it’s very possible.A one party rule govt is a dangerous thing.We desparately need checks/balances and open debate,most true freedom loving americans believe this no matter what party.
Big problem is the democrats can’t see their party has been hijacked by admitted communists(atleast the ones around Obama happily admit it).They can’t see they are the sacrificial lambs for the communist movement.Remnds me of Hitler=gave great speeches,promised social justice,took control and moved forward no matter what the people said.
On a positive note,I don’t remember any successful dictators.Some people are just so gullible.
All countries or empires rise rule and fall. We of course will fall. Nobody can stop that. As a matter of fact I always say that when a country like the USA is killed it doesn’t just stop on a dime and fall, it takes a while before it starts deteriorating. Ronald Reagan killed it we are just feeling his impact.
If you look at the healthcare bill it allows your kids to stay on your insurance until they are 26. That is upside down. Parents used to get on their kids insurance (sandwich generation) the reason kids need to be on their parents insurance is because this is the first generation that will not do better than their parents. That did not come about in this administration or the last. It came from Reagan’s policies.
Im scared… frownie face!
Look on the bright side, guys. They promised that after the bill passed, they would finally allow people to read it. So now, someone will be allowed to read what Congress just passed, won’t they?
Rush is very obnoxious, I for one won’t miss him :biggrin
[[[[…Rush is very obnoxious, I for one won’t miss him…]]]]
If Rush would take F***-Head Ed with him, we could consider the books balanced in radio land.
My favorite quote for Ed: “Who cares what it costs? Who cares where the money is coming from? Just do it.”
The right isn’t the only side to have loudmouth obnoxious radio hosts.
Who is F…Ed? We don’t have ANY left-wing, or even middle radio commentators on our air waves here.
It seems very unbalanced and it is leading to the far-right, tea party-crazy warriors who want to take back the government from the socialists!
Those are the same simpletons who marched in the T-shirts that said “Keep The Government Out of My Medi-Care!”
It would be healthy for this country’s discourse if there was balance on the airwaves…debates, not rants. The far right radio commentators like Limbaugh go only for the drama and ratings. Their irresponsibility towards their mentally-challenged followers boggles the mind.
When does this become preaching sedition? When does it cross the line into exhorting listeners to attempting a violent over-throw of the government? It sounds to me like we are almost there.
Well, that was a mighty short vacation FO - I hope that you spent the time studying.
When does this become preaching sedition? When does it cross the line into exhorting listeners to attempting a violent over-throw of the government? It sounds to me like we are almost there.
Once again, I see that you don’t know your history FO. Here’s a famous quote by Thomas Jefferson:
“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed” (he’s talking about you here FO) The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. …And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
I think this quote just might apply to a situation where the socialists have taken over the country - don’t you FO?
Your last post was the best writing I’ve seen from you. Nice and short. Pointless, but not an anti-socialist rant. Keep it up.