I am new here and know this site has been around for years. I was noticing that the pages go back for years… Here are my questions??
What do you think happened to the New Investors from 5 years ago??
Option 1. They bought all the Books and Hired Mentors and became such a success in the Real Estate Industry that they no longer have time to post on this site.
Option 2. They gave up after paying to buy all the information and how to books and went back to their full time job that offers them security.
FACT 1: When I started in the industry it was nothing like it is now.
FACT 2: Everyone that I started in the business with is no longer in the industry.
FACT 3: This is a full time job anyone that says you can make 30k a month part time should also inform you that your chances will increase if you work the system full time.
I am not writing this to discourage anyone that wants to get into the industry at all. Just know that this is work, and it takes time to do things right. Personally I say instead of buying books and courses and hiring a High Dollar Mentor save your money for the deal.
Here is what I SAY you really need to focus your time on.
Finding deals in your market.
Beating your competition to the deals. How are you going to find a way to beat your competition and always get to the deal 2 Months ahead of everyone else.
Offer options!! Don’t only wholesale, Short Sale, Bird dog, Sub2 etc… Have an open Mind to everything.
Remember that no 2 deals will ever be 100% the same. This is not a factory you can’t crank out deals. If it were that simple everyone would be doing it.
Work on 2 things the most… #1 your Confidence! People really enjoy doing business with people with confidence! #2 Your Attitude People only do business with people they like and that is a FACT.
ASK QUESTIONS… As you notice even on Forums you can get 10 different answers from 10 different seasoned Investors. And who is right and who is wrong?? Most answers are correct and if not the others will tell you that its wrong. Simply put there is always more then one way to handle any situation. AND AGAIN NO 2 DEALS ARE THE SAME!
Motivation is KEY get off the computer and do something. Which brings me to the end for now… We have just over 900 leads to call and only 5 people in the office… What a wonderful world