Crazy left-wing wackballs…why react when you can over-react for the same price?
Crazy left-wing wackballs…why react when you can over-react for the same price?
Di Pietro said the district does not allow images of weapons or drugs on clothing.
Equating guns and drugs is absolutely RIDICULOUS. Drugs are a criminal activity that destroys many lives. Weapons are a constitutionally protected under the 2nd Amendment; save hundreds of thousands of lives a year; and protect the citizens of this country from the tyranny of the government!
Protects citizens from the tyranny of government??? Hmmm
So you ARE militia, lol, I knew it!!!
Busted, you ARE one of those guys in the hills brandishing m16’s talking bout the “gov’mint”. No need to hide any longer PM, which one do you belong to?
You socialists are just so ignorant about history that it’s hard to have an intelligent discussion with you. As usual, I’ll dig out the quotes from our founding fathers and present it for you. Heaven forbid that you learn anything on your own.
There you go again, I don’t subscribe to your chicken little theories and I’m branded “socialist”.
Real predictable PM. Sorry I don’t believe in boogeymen and the big bad government trying to kill 25 million americans. Because somehow killing taxpayers somehow benefits the government. Since you say socialists favor and enslave the poor, who are they gonna kill 25 million rich americans??? Whatever…
Visit Cuba, eastern block, even good old kyrgyzstan. THAT’s how governments kill people. We have things VERY easy here with many many freedoms. To take away people’s freedoms you need to have fanatical support from the masses. We’re nowhere near that so your chicken little theory has no basis in the real world.
And you can go ahead and quote another one of your “evidence” websites. Unless you quote mainstream sources, you’re not proving a thing.
Well, I hate to tell you that the founding fathers aren’t still alive and therefore aren’t on your mainstream media propaganda channels, like MSNBC. For instance, Thomas Jefferson’s famous quote “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” Unfortunately, Vader, I doubt if you’ll here that from Chris Matthews! LOL!
PM I wouldn’t waste your breath on ignorance. In his mind the state of the Union looks good so it “must be”.
It is so sad that we have girly men and girly girls running our educational facilities. They should be teaching kids about guns and gun safety, age appropriate of course . Back in the 1950’s they used to have classes teaching kids how to shoot guns. Many of the schools in NYC had shooting ranges in their basements and kids used to bring guns to school. Teaching kids to respect guns seems a better approach than teaching them to be scared of guns.
Sean I assume you feel the same way about sex education in schools then correct?
Define age appropriate for teaching a kid to shoot guns.
Define age appropriate for teaching a kid to shoot guns.
I’d say that they should teach gun safety at kindergarden and shooting at 10-12 years old.
Mike, do you feel the same way about sex education?
Lol toysoldiers.
Mike, do you feel the same way about sex education?
Yes, depending on what they intend to teach, of course.
If you read the second amendment it talks about a well regulated militia being important. That means we are talking about protecting the right to bear arms that are consistent with militia. In the days of the founding fathers it was the same weapon they sued to hunt squirrels. In today’s terms you can’t argue that it does not include automatic weapons and explosives.
In today’s terms you can’t argue that it does not include automatic weapons and explosives.
You can’t?
I’ll argue it.So your saying as brilliant and well thoughtout with the future in mind,our founders did’nt think technology would ever reach firearms?? :rolleyes
Alot of people would be dead telling the thug trying to kill them-“hang on I have to repack my musket”
Do not misinterpret the Founding Fathers’ intent of ‘militia’ - the term meant the “The whole body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service”, not the National Guard or a band of crazies. Ever wonder why Switzerland has not been conquered in 700 years? There is a requirement that all able-bodied males are a part of the ‘militia’ and are issued weapons that are kept in their homes. Even Hitler knew better than to mess with them.
I’ll argue it.So your saying as brilliant and well thoughtout with the future in mind,our founders did’nt think technology would ever reach firearms?? :rolleyes
Alot of people would be dead telling the thug trying to kill them-“hang on I have to repack my musket”
I think they meant whatever is current. This is why the only thing the ATF should exist for is to check that all alcohol sold has a tax seal and maintain the list of people that are prohibited from owning weapons (mental ill, convicts, etc) and that IS IT. They should not have SWAT guys. They should all be clerks. If I want to buy a tank and RPGs then I should be able to do it. It ain’t about hunting squirrels.
Ever wonder why Switzerland has not been conquered in 700 years? There is a requirement that all able-bodied males are a part of the 'militia' and are issued weapons that are kept in their homes. Even Hitler knew better than to mess with them.
never knew that.
thanks Keith.