Thanks for the Wikipedia article on Switzerland and guns.
Very interesting. When I lived in Switzerland it was my understanding that the rifles were at home in the hall closet, but the ammunition was all in the Armory.
Looking at the rules for regulating gun ownership and use–do you gun owners think that would work here? Would you be willing to comply?
There are way too many gun laws now. I propose that each time that you enact a new gun law, you have to take 3-5 old out-dated ones off of the books. I have no real issues with common sense gun laws that have a real impact on safety, etc. Most do not. The ‘assault weapons’ ban was a freakin’ joke. It was riddled with wild arm-waving conjecture about what is/what isn’t an assault weapon. It’s what happens when you let people like Chuck Schumer get involved in anything more important than a game of jacks. And, luckily Daniel Patrick Moynihan is gone…he wanted to put a serial number on the lead of each bullet (the US alone produces over 8 billion .22LR cartridges each year - think how long that serial number would be after a few years!).
Very interesting. When I lived in Switzerland it was my understanding that the rifles were at home in the hall closet, but the ammunition was all in the Armory.
Looking at the rules for regulating gun ownership and use–do you gun owners think that would work here? Would you be willing to comply?
NO! The 2nd Amendment gives us the right to keep and BEAR ARMS. To “bear” arms means to carry arms and that certainly includes ammunition. There isn’t a chance in HE-- that I’m keeping my guns in the hall closet and my ammunition in some government controlled armory.
You have got to be kidding me!!!
I wonder how well all those “closet guns” would have done against a SQUADRON of STUTKA DIVE BOMBERS, or a PANZER Division, or any of the other “TOYS” of the most powerful military machine Europe had seen in GENERATIONS???
No…SWITZERLAND wasn’t CONQUERED by the Germans for one VERY GOOD REASON…and it had N O T H I N G to do with some 60 year old having a single shot 12 gauge in his closet.
They were the BANKERS to the 3rd REICH!!!
All that JEWISH GOLD and MILLIONS of DIAMONDS safely parked in SWISS BANKS (some for as long as DECADES after the war) all there to FINANCE the German war effort.
Even HITLER knew you NEVER screw with your BANKER!!!
Oh…and just for the record…I learned to shoot when I was 5 years old…My father (ex Marine) taught my brother and I how to shoot with a single shot Ithaca 22 bolt action. He taught us guns were TOOLS not TOYS, you never POINTED a gun at anything you didn’t intend to shoot…We NEVER “played” with guns…It was serious business when he took us shooting and we learned to RESPECT firearms.
I see NOTHING wrong with teaching children gun safety…Most of the kids that get shot or shoot another child do so because a gun is a MYSTERY to them…They’ve never seen one or handled one so they TRY IT. If we TAUGHT kids what guns are capable of, they would find no MYSTERY in them.