Osama's Drilling Ban Sends Rigs and Jobs Overseas!


If PM didn’t CONSTANTLY bitch and moan about GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS I would agree with you 100%.

If he sat here and said…I think the Government handouts are GREAT, I’ve built my business around them and I want to see more and more hand outs in the future…I WOULD UNDERSTAND!! But that’s not what he does…He TAKES from the HAND that he CLAIMS is DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY…

OR…Better yet…If his OUTRAGE was as OVERWHELMING as he CLAIMS it is…He could REFUSE to take a PENNY in GOVERNMENT MONEY…He could take a STAND and stop accepting those dollars…But he DOESN’T!!! He opens his MOUTH here, and then opens his HAND every MONTH!!!

He’s a HYPOCRITE in every sense of the word…Even his political allies here see it and have said so.

You can’t have it BOTH WAYS…

You can’t PREACH…SMALL GOVERNMENT…while LINING YOUR POCKETS with BIG GOVERNMENT $$$$ and not have people see it for what it is.


The problem with the public schools is that your kids go there. If your kid goes to a public school and is in the horizons program (whatever your district calls it) they get a better education than your $2,000 private school can ever wish to provide. The problem is that most kids are dumb as bricks and have parents that send them to school because it is a babysitter or to prevent them from being arrested under truancy laws. If you send them all to your private school it will be garbage also. Private school performance is a factor of a self selected group. The parents are engaged and the students have to perform because their parents make them.

You should keep your money in your pocket and make sure your kid is smart enough to test into the advanced program at your public school. I guarantee she will come out the other end way better than if she goes to that private school and you will have saved $130,000 to boot.

Good point Bluemoon!!

Another thing to remember is REAL ESTATE prices usually go hand in hand with PUBLIC SCHOOL EXCELLENCE…If you live in a high end community, you more than likely have over achieving students AND over achieving school districts.

But Brockovich is right too…The LOWER end of those public schools suck up a LOT OF MONEY that is basically wasted on children that have NO HELP or DIRECTION at home.

A friend of mine is a public school teacher in an innner city school…These kids get dropped off without having BREAKFAST never mind having completed their HOME WORK…Yet the MONEY keeps getting THROWN at these schools…It’s a BLACK HOLE OF WASTED $$$$$.

Bluemoon we could argue the merits of public vs private. The primary reasons that I am sending her to private school, at least for grades K-3 are:

  1. The public school system in my community does not offer all day kindergarten
  2. I like the spiritual aspects of what the private school offers
  3. I do not have to worry about indoctrination I may be opposed to

My point was to highlight the cost between public & private on a per student basis. We as a community spend 4X as much as this private school yet the metrics of performance and proficiency are much higher at the private school. So throwing money at students does NOT fix the problem. I’m sure you can agree with that.

Throwing money at students definitely does NOT fix the problem! :beer

Or usually anything else.

Or usually anything else.

fdjake…Now thats argumentitve…I pay people off often and it goes very far…And I often get the desired result :bobble

As long as Mike continues to accept Section 8 approved tenants(which is a choice), then he is indeed hypocritical and his personal credibility does suffer with some of his Big government arguments. Even though I think most of those arguments do have merit.

Of course your not going to debate it any longer because you have no leg to stand on. Instead of following what you claim to believe and stopping the subsidies you will instead just ignore the truth and continue on taking hand-outs in one hand and typing ridiculous rants with the other.

Actually propertymanager is true to his beliefs. I don’t want to put words in his mouth but if you believe in privatization, you believe that privates business can do a better job at doing most functions including social services. What Mike is doing is replacing the government housing projects with private housing. He is actually doing a better job (providing a better building, better maintenance response, and enforcing a better quality of life) while he makes a profit on it. The two are not inconsistent so the act is not hypocritical.

I agree that public education is failing most students. Most students do not even know which countries BORDER THE UNITED STATES. Ask them!

Here the schools feed the kids breakfast. At least they get a bowl of Cheerios before sitting down to study.

We are losing our excellence and furthering an entire underclass because of the public schools. Paying for private education should get the taxpayer a break on their taxes. And all home schooled kids should meet minimal annual test standards. Otherwise loser parents just say, “They’re home-schooled”, and the kids watch TV all day. And never learn how to do long division or figure out a percentage problem.


Furnished makes a great point. Parents that have children that are in danger of not being promoted will sometimes pull their kids out of their public school to “home school” them in order for them to advance. Their is a boy on my son’s flag football team whose Mom did exactly that. Now he reads and “studies” while BOTH of his parents are at work. Where will he be in 5-6 years? Graduating at the bottom of his class and failing out of community college.