Osama's Drilling Ban Sends Rigs and Jobs Overseas!

Sorry for the TYPO…


Im not taking sides here because fdjake and propertymanager are friends of mine but Im puzzled how anyone can defend Barack Obama’s decisions since he has been elected…This guy and his administration are a trainwreck…To put it mildly…His handling of this oil spill is pathetic to say the least…The entire world is in jeopardy and he has shown no authority or capability of making important decisions…Is the oil spill his fault…NO…Is the handling of ending this catastrophe his fault…YES…Im puzzled how intelligent business minded people back this clown…Yes he is a clown…His ratings are falling faster than any President in history…I would take 10 GW’s over BO…Yes 10…Never mind that moron Jimmy Buffet blaming Bush for the oil spill…WTF???..I heard he lives in Montauk during the summer and surfs,I will be sure to drop in on him if I see him coming down the line…Im sorry for my rant Im just puzzled how anyone in their right mind can back this guy…Many high profile people that backed BO are crawling under rocks to hide at this point…Having BO as POTUS is no different than Stevie Wonder joining Nascar…They both have no business involved in it…Im disgusted and highly embarrassed that this clown is our President…I could care less if he knows how to use a dictionary or he talks eloquently…He is a pathetic excuse for a President…

“Im puzzled how anyone can defend Barack Obama’s decisions since he has been elected”

I could not agree with you more. As much as everyon gives PropMngr hell for his posts, It seems like Obama is doing this purposely. Because anyone in their right mind should be questioning his actions.

Right on rookie. I was certainly not a George Bush fan or a McCain fan for that matter, but I would take either of them in a heartbeat in place of this idiot. Although he really isn’t an idiot. He is doing exactly what he told Americans he was going to do. Transform he is certainly accomplishing.

Anyone heard this one?

Guy goes into a bar, there’s a robot bartender.
The robot says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Martini.”
The robot brings back the best martini ever and says to the man, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “168.”
The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology.

The guy leaves, but he is curious…So he goes back into the bar. The robot bartender says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Martini.”
Again, the robot makes a great martini gives it to the man and says, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “100.”
The robot then starts to talk about Nascar, Budweiser and John Deere tractors.

The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time. He goes back into the bar.
The robot says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Martini,” and the robot brings him another great martini.
The robot then says, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “Uh, about 50.”
The robot leans in real close and says, “So, you people still happy you voted for Obama?”

I don’t get it


I think the point of the story was that anyone that voted for Obama IS AN IDIOT! Having said that, if I had my vote to do over again, I would have voted for Obama myself. He’s doing all liberty-loving Americans a great favor by bringing the socialist agenda into the open and hastening the destruction of our once-great country that has been slowly sliding into socialism for decades. Under a Republitard like McCain, the slow decline could have continued for another 10 or 20 years.

Now that the socialist agenda has been exposed and the country will be destroyed, we’ll have a chance at a second revolution (hopefully peacefully). With a little luck, we just might be able to take our country back.

Now I am beginning to understand how some people are being “Brain Washed” and one of the methods used.


I wonder who is in charge of recruiting “Tea Baggers”?

John $Cash$ Locke

Nobody is recruiting “tea baggers”, except maybe Barry Soetoro. As for the sign, I love it! Hitler destroyed Germany. Stalin was a dispicable dictator. The Chosen One is destroying America. I’d say he fits right in!


I figured you would like the sign, you have been posting it’s basic content in many of your posts.

Barry Soetoro, I see you are into conspiracy theories also.

The Tea Party Patriots really have brought you into the fold, are you paying the $10.00 a month to join the Tea Party 1st Brigade out of the money the U.S. Government sends you every month for your Section 8 tenants?

John $Cash$ Locke

Sorry, I’m not part of the Tea Party Patriots and I don’t pay $10 a month to belong. Also, the local tea party hasn’t brought me into the fold, I am trying to influence them to be MORE CONSERVATIVE.

As for the conspiracy theories, I don’t believe that there is anyone contesting that Obama is Barry Soetoro. Where he was born may be an issue for some, but that doesn’t have anything to do with him using the name Barry Soetoro.

Typical name calling and labeling.Why not just have a debate with the facts.Furnished,a self claimed liberal, does it very well and has made her points with me on some things.

I’m a conservative but I look at any view or fact and make my own decision.Kinda like most “tea partiers”,they are just regular people who made their own sign and gathered somewhere.No dues,no secret codes,etc.Maybe if you tuned away from the liberal circle you could learn that these are people who own business,Doctors,welders,Lawyers,etc,anyone who’s sick of big govt and big taxes.

I’ve seen MSNBC,CNN’s view of these people and can understand if that’s all you seen that you would think they are just crazy.Their are some bad apples in every group of thousands,but it’s a very sought out group by the left leaning media to brainwash people.Plus it makes for better TV drama to find the toothless guy with his Obama/Hitler sign rather than the Doctor with his- Obamacare will put me out of business-sign.It’s much easier to avoid the facts for some networks I guess.Or a liberal agenda to appease.Either way you’re not seeing the much greater fact picture,therefore cannot accurately make a statement based on what is actually on their minds.

As for the name Barry Soetoro it was his adopted name in the yearbook at the Idonesian elementary school he went to.The explaination of how he got into that school without surrendering citizenship is probably the "conspiracy"you’re refering to.I personally think this arguement is a waste of time.If he was’nt a citizen it would cause WWIII,so the powers that be will not let that be.It seems like chasing a shadow to me.Which is the point for some to derive us away from what we should really be focused on.

Counter me with some facts and we’ll talk,bring some childish labeling and I’m done.Being pooled against each other by labels that are manufactured by mainstream media is why people can’t talk anymore.I for one am not gonna fall into that crack.

My problem with the tea party movement is that I believe it DOESNT GO FAR ENOUGH.

You have 3/4 of them saying “dont touch our medicare” or “dont let government screw us over on our social security, dont let them touch it.” Or… “no more tax hikes”


Only a small portion (from what ive seen atleast) actually want to ELIMINATE these programs. That my friends, is true small government. Unfortunetly, im not seeing a huge portion of the tea party people take this view.

My problem with the tea party movement is that I believe it DOESNT GO FAR ENOUGH.

AMEN! We’ve also got to stop supporting the lesser of two evils in elections. I’m not voting for any more RINOs. If the republitards run a RINO, I’m voting for the socialist. That’s the ONLY way that we’ll ever get good candidates on the right.

Why not just have a debate with the facts.

The left can’t have a debate with the facts, because the facts are not on their side! LOL!


The facts ARE you are running a GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED BUSINESS. You are a socialist Mike.

Hello pot? It’s me kettle calling. Your Black.

You are just as guilty if not more guilty than the rest of them because you don’t really need to accept the subsidies. You could find other tenants you just choose not to. Heaven forbid you should actually have to work instead of collecting your government checks. :bs

Your just like those people that they interviewed after the inauguration. The ones who said “Obamas gonna pay my rent”. Obama IS paying your rent. I wonder how your buddies in the tea party movement would feel if you let everyone know…

Seriously you have ZERO credibility. Zip. Nada. None. Until you stop letting the government subsidize your business you are no better than the “lowlifes” (your words not mine) that you rent to. Or the socialists that you claim to dislike so much.

All Hail Comrade Property Manager!! King of the Socialist Landlords!!

Just a question–if no income tax, and everything is privatized, who is going to build that next bridge to get you across the Ohio River?

A private company that will charge you whatever they want?

Who is going to build the Interstate that takes you down to Florida and Disney World?

Who is going to monitor the water and air quality where you live?

Who is going to check our food supply for harmful bacteria?

Who’s going to respond if your relative is kidnapped or threatened?

Yes, you CAN live in a place where things are only done by private individuals. Those are 3rd world countries. You ARE basically on your own if you are in Haiti, Africa, and other poor countries.

You need to choose–but if you enjoy our way of life you need to help pay for it. And appreciate what you have.


I was watching the Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning and one of the contributing round table guests Mort Zuckerman made a comment about BP facilitating a deal to get a more favorable view of Libya so that they can drill off its coast. I found the statement intriguing. Everybody knows it but we don’t really think about it but companies are set up to do one thing and they do it very well, they make money. They don’t protect people or the environment. If they have to turn a rouge nation into a friendly nation to make more money they will do that. If they have to kill people to make more money they will kill people. If they have to fill the Gulf of Mexico up with oil and kill birds and fish to make more money they will. What stops them from doing that is governments. Governments control the evil impulses of companies.

If we privatize the government functions we will not be safer or better off. The companies will be richer.

My function at my company is to make sure we are not killing people and messing up the environment. I am not doing it to be a good citizen, I am doing it because if I don’t we will get fined and maybe shutdown. I have a whole department that every time I go in for strategy meetings with the operating executives the main talk in setting goals is about where we are vulnerable to government regulation but the activities that are being questioned are activities that make the plants and facilities safer and actually more efficient.

Activities – more efficient safer
Goal - government compliance

You get it. It is not

Activities - more efficient and safer
Goal - safer people.

Safer people is a metric not a goal.

By the way…we make a LOT of money.

I have no issue with government providing Infrastructure (like paying for roads & bridges)but bureaucratic, money consuming and non effective entities such as the IRS & Dept of Education are certainly wasteful items of tax dollars. Adopt a simple and common sense tax code(like fair or consumption tax) and you can eliminate the IRS. Dept of Ed, are you kidding me. What value have the provided for the betterment or advancement of our educational system. ZERO. Don’t tell me privatizing some of these functions would not make them more efficient and cost effective. I will be sending my daughter to kindergarten next year at a private school for $2200. Meanwhile my small community spends over 8K(taxpayer funded) per year per student in the public system and the education is inferior to the one my daughter will receive. It’s broke… It needs fixed. Your way does NOT work! And it is having a catastrophic fiscal impact on me, my daughter and all future generations.

christopher w

PM runs a business that provides a service to the federal and local government. The federal government and local government are not providing him a service. PM isn’t getting his business subsidized. The tenants are getting their rent subsidized. There is a big difference. PM provides a service to the government and he should be paid accordingly. He is an entrepreneur taking advantage of the market place. I haven’t read one thing from PM stating that he wanted to TAKE anything from the government he didn’t earn.
