Positive was a NEGATIVE force here.....THAT is why he got the boot…and RIGHTLY so!!!
RIDICULOUS! I think FurnishedOwner is a negative force here. She’s a blatant socialist and has been drinking the Obama Global Warming koolaid which has now been totally debunked as a fake by the words of the Global Warming “scientists” themselves; not to mention that God deciding to put the deep freeze on the world just to show how arrogant man is. I think she should be booted for spreading her socialist propaganda!
You, FDJake, were already booted for blatant violations of the forum rules (all the nasty personal attacks) and you and Rookie continue with that b.s., but ironically, I was one of the moderators that argued to allow you to come back. Rookie has constantly complained to me that YOU are spreading b.s. and that your advice is dangerous. He thought YOU should be banned. Now that you and Rookie are best buddies, I guess everything is right with the world. Give me a break!
My point is that it is totally bogus that PO was booted. He hasn’t done 1/10 of the negative stuff you and Rookie have done and yet you haven’t been booted. Furthermore, PO was not drinking my “Koolaid”. He agreed with me on some subjects and disagreed on others. I warned him about infractions occassionally and modified some of his posts exactly as I have done with yours.
How about Hoosier? He’s not in the real estate business. He’s just a kid. Under your theory, he’s not entitled to an opinion. Maybe he should be booted.
How about REIER? I don’t know anything about this guy. Is he enough of a businessman that he’s entitled to an opinion? Let’s boot him too.
People should be booted for infractions of the rules, not because they aren’t in the real estate business or because someone doesn’t like their opinions!