Ohh jeez... PostiveOutlook booted?

Hey Jake… if you have any video recommendations send me a PM. Ill do alot of things.

Speaking of DC

I have been stuck in DC for the last 48 hours. I am at the Marriott at crystal city (very close to the pentagon) because the company I work for (us air express) is too incompetent to publish snow fall intensity charts. Anyways long story, but it’s cool to have a front row seat to this snow storm. They have the roads cleared finally, but reagan airport still closed. What a crazy storm!!! I can tell you, I have never seen this much snow in my life!!! So much for global warming! Tommorrow, to get home to raleigh, I have to rent a car!! It’s nuts!

Plenty of time away from the rentals to drink and surf the internet. I wish I had a digital camera with me to show you guys!

And also speaking of sarah palin and the tea party, she is a “teaocon” a.k.a. neocon. She had an Israeli flag on her lapel!!!


She does not stand for liberty and is a Joke. Furnished owner, ask yourself, why did MSNBC do a live coverage of her speech, with only 600 participants in nashville, but completely fail to cover the over 2 million people march in DC in September???

…There are heavy efforts underway to align us to a political party.
…There is great concern that the Tea Party Movement will become a third party.
…The media did not do their homework on this “national convention” and is now creating misinformation on the movement.

As a tea party participant, I can tell you the media greatly misinterprets our efforts. I dread the day we have to choose a Henry Kissinger paid for politician like palin over Obama, but something tells me this is the choice the elites are setting up for in 2012

The MEDIA covers Palin for the same reason they put a show like JERSEY SHORE on TV…

THEY’RE BOTH TRAIN WRECKS…and people will ALWAYS tune into a good ole fashioned TRAIN WRECK.

The MEDIA got what they wanted this week…A clip of PALIN reading the 5 words she wrote on her hand for the interview that she apparently was incapable of remembering without breaking out the sharpie. The clip has been running all morning…She gets a little confused during an interview then opens her hand, looks at the five words and…OH YEA…Now I remember!!

Must be an old BEAUTY CONTEST TRICK!!!


The MEDIA covers HER because all the TEA PARTY has to offer are ticked off tax payers that are probably somewhat intelligent. There’s no GOTCHA FACTOR there…But with SARAH!!! IT’s USUALLY A GUARANTEED FIASCO of some sort.

But let me say this…If you LIKE Sarah Palin that’s great!!! You are completely entitled to support anyone you want. My feeling has always been you could have a MONKEY in that position and it would do LESS damage than some of the geniuses we’ve put there.

Let me say this… I think Palin would be light years better than Mccain or Obama, however, were setting our standards really low here. She has done nothing to prove being worthy of being president.

I LIKE Palin, but… not enough to vote her for a Congressman, let alone the President!

That make sense to anybody?

Not to me. I think Palin would make an excellent president. She’s not as highly educated as the Obamanation - WHICH IS A GOOD THING! She has common sense and is plain spoken and THAT IS WHAT WE NEED. Better yet, elect me and I could straighten this country up in a month. Just the new employees needed to ship all the deadbeats to Europe would cause the economy to SOAR!

I agree she has common sense and is plain spoken Mike, which are great things. However, I just think that because you have common sense and are plain spoken doesnt mean you should be considered for President.

I think Arthur Laffer would be a great pick, even though hes not even running or has shown any signs of running. Ron Paul perhaps?


Where do you want me to send my campaign contribution CHECK!!! :beer

Like I said…Palin couldn’t do much worse than some that have sat there.

Not to me. I think Palin would make an excellent president. She’s not as highly educated as the Obamanation -

And if I may add a male chauvinist comment …She doesnt look half bad in a bikini either…

She would be HORRIBLE to our economy. There is no question this country would continue wasting away over a trillion a year in the middle east. Its obvious the special interest groups already have her in their pocket.

When will the “conservatives” that follow her realize you can have big wars with out big government. They go hand and hand. Is that hard to see? These big wars are gonna bring us down just as fast as the bad domestic policies we all complain about.

I’m honestly starting to rethink my involvement in the tea party.

My 17 year old son is more liberal than I am, so I made him go to Sara Palin’s event Sunday. I teach him that unless you can argue the other persons argument then you don’t have a position. Most people are no idiots. They really don’t want the world to blow up. They just have a different point of view than you do. That is why I told him that he needs to understand her point and understand where it comes from and why it makes since for her and then he can call her wrong.

It was not really good because this was a political thing and she just threw around buzz words. But he got the message. He doesn’t call her an idiot anymore he told me that she was a politician with a local basis. She does not take into consideration the fact that the USA is not made up of everybody from Wasilla. She made a point that Texas was a lot like Alaska. But what about the places that are not like Alaska? You have to govern them also. I told him that was pretty much a tea party problem and he understands it well.

Bluemoon, when you say your a “Liberal”, whats your deffinition of Liberal?

Do you advocate large government roles, like the “Liberals” nowadays (Pelosi, Obama)

or are you for maximizing personal liberties and following the Constitution and such.

In terms of being a “Liberal”, I guess you could say im a CLASSIC LIBERAL. Being a Liberal used to mean maximizing personal liberty and advocating government out of your life. In that sense, I think Mike would agree, he is a CLASSIC LIBERAL too (as am i). We are LIBERTARIANS

Does www.libertarianparty.com interest you? Or are these not your views.

Just wondering what your definition is. Are you going by the old definition or the new?

I believe that government has a role in making this a livable country. It needs to take progressive steps to protect the weak and stupid.

I believe that there needs to be large government programs that do nothing to benefit me but some people need in order to get by. That is pretty Pelosi, Obama don’t you think?

About libertarianism I believe that people need government to “help” them out. If everybody is free to do whatever they please we have anarchy. The strong will prey on the weak.

PO is gone??? Great, I’ll start posting here again.
He was such an infuriating human being.

I think we should let PO back :smiley:

I’m GLAD he’s GONE!!! :banana :bouncemulti :dance

Most annoying person EVER on this site.

Find out where he lives Hoosier, MOVE THERE, and you two can live in CONSTITUTIONAL BLISS FOREVER together!!!

I can just see it…

Sittin’ around his UNFINISHED, TERMITE INFESTED, 800 sq ft, 2+ year flip project and quoting the Constitution to each other!!! :rolleyes

Me too…Soooo HAPPY he is gone from here…He wanted me to buy the site to get rid of him…Best things in life are free…Bye bye :bobble