“It IS the job of the government to decide for the common good.”
That is only partially true… they decide on the general welfare only within the parameters of the powers specifically enumerated to Congress…
“Congress has NOT unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.” - Thomas Jefferson, 1798
“That is EXACTLY the mandate that we give our public officials.”
As we can see from the above… that is NOT true…
“Health care is such a mandate.”
State control overrides Federal control, except in those cases specifically enumerated… that is, unless you want to ignore their actual Constitutional role.
“If YOU get an INFECTIOUS DISEASE you bet that is MY BUSINESS. I could die from it. That is why our government exercised their mandate for our common good and got rid of such horrors as polio epidemics and smallpox. Our government continues to try to protect us.”
I wonder if you afford this same standard to STD’s, HIV, etc?….
“What about that preemie baby? Doesn’t he have rights for care so that he might live? Isn’t it our duty to provide for the next generation?”
So you only afford a preemie baby (who is viable in and out of the womb) protections outside the body… then how do explain someone killing a mother who is pregnant being charged with a double-homicide?
“Somehow you just got born into the wrong century, Mike. You would have been real comfortable about 200 years ago. If a person then had no money, yes, they would probably die untreated. You can still find that philosophy of health care–“NO MONEY–NO TREATMENT” in many 3rd world countries today.”
And here is NOT one of those places… people receive treatment regardless of ability to pay under the EXISTING system…. Now explain how adding over a TRILLION DOLLARS saves money!!!
Reality is, as has been the case with EVERY social program implemented and run by the government, expect that number to be 8-10 times the amount they SAY it will cost…
"But I wonder how comfortable you would be in seeing the reality. It can be shocking. I have seen adult men with obvious signs of starvation scavenging in garbage cans in El Salvador. Was that because they didn’t want to work?! I have seen homeless children with red hair from protein deficiency in Tijuana, Mexico. What was their personal responsibility in their plight?
Are you saying that the US is now responsible for the care in El Salvador and Mexico? I wonder why you didn’t use examples in the USA? We have garbage cans and homeless here in the USA… guess you haven’t seen the same here in the USA, otherwise you wouldn’t have used examples from another country….
“I can’t believe you, with your political philosophy would be any less upset at those sights than me, the liberal. We’ve got to take care of each other, while still preserving our individual freedom.”
OK, I am sold…. I am now a liberal… I propose all business owners to only make the same amount of money as their top employees payroll, and the rest goes to the government to be dispersed at the governments will…. Liberal Nirvana… After all, there are people without heat, food, financial ability to go to the best colleges someone ELSES money can buy.
No? Why not?
Because its NOT OUR MONEY to take from someone else… if you think otherwise, it will only be a matter of time before they decide YOU are rich…
I say cut out the middleman (government) and just TAKE what you need… :rolleyes
The more you make people LESS reliant on themselves and MORE reliant on the government for their existence, the WORSE of a life they will have… Just look at inner cities…. Do you really need another example?.. Why would you want to PROMOTE that kind of life through government subservience?..