After 9 months as President. Has he done anything to deserve the award given to Albert Schweitzer, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Aung San Suu Kyi
And in other news:
War is Peace
Slavery is Freedom
Ignorance is Strength
Orwell 1984
Even his own staff knows this is ludicrous… two of them were convinced they were being punked…
Let’s see if he has the character to refuse to accept this…
Nominations had to be received by February 1st, 12 days after Obama took office…
Reagan brought about the end of the Cold War without firing a shot, and was overlooked…
I wonder how Clinton feels…
It demeans the meaning of the Nobel Peace Price…
Please explain how Reagan ended the cold war?
This answer should be as amusing as your answers on how W. protected this country by attacking Iraq.
Pretending to try and convince you of the obvioous is a waste of time… your personal feelings about Reagan does not negate the history of it…
“This answer should be as amusing as your answers on how W. protected this country by attacking Iraq.”
Amusing or not, we did not have another attack on US soil during his presidency… must burn you to have to deal with that… should we have an attack on US soil during Obama’s presidency, his lack of resolve and policies will all be highlighted… funny thing is, Obama has chosen to KEEP IN EFFECT alot of the Bush policies you disagree with… You’ll note we are STILL in Iraq, with the only plan to leave being the one Bush put into place, and we are getting ready to double-down on Afganistan.
How’s that hope and change working out for ya’… Next you’ll be telling us Obama actually should have got the Nobel Peace Prize… :rolleyes
The peace prize? That would be because he has ended the war in Iraq, ended the war in Afganistan, and released all the political prisoners from Gitmo?
Or was it because he brokered lasting peace between Israel and everybody else in ther middle east and talked Iran into giving up their nuclear bomb?
I’m sorry, what peace was it again that he deserves an award for? Maybe ending the gang wars in Chicago with his attempts to secure the Olympics?
You won’t hear those words come out of my mouth because I don’t feel the need to look like a blowhard pushing my agenda on people.
You however can’t say the same thing.
Why would it burn me that we have not had a terrorist attack on our soil? When you say things like that it just makes me think your more of ridiculous than you make yourself out to be.
You’ll note we are STILL in Iraq, with the only plan to leave being the one Bush put into place, and we are getting ready to double-down on Afganistan.
So your saying that because we have not walked out of the complete mess we have made of Iraq that it justifies us going in the first place? I know your smarter than that. At least I think you are. Perhaps you have forgotten the infamous “you break it you own it” comment? Guess what WE OWN IT. As for Afghanistan I think we need to be there.
Change is working out great for me. The economy did not get flushed. I still have a job. My wife still has a job. My customers still have jobs. The tax credit is keeping the phone ringing. Rates are low.
Change should be working great for you as well. As a home rehab contractor your phone should be ringing of the hook.
“You won’t hear those words come out of my mouth because I don’t feel the need to look like a blowhard pushing my agenda on people. You however can’t say the same thing.”
So let’s get this right, I respond to your assertion about Reagan and I’m the one pushing an agenda… :rolleyes
All your bloviating on this shows not only a lack of historical knowledge but also context… My point about juxtaposing Reagan was that he actually DID SOMETHING that was worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize… Obama’s only got words thus far… he hasn’t ACCOMPLISHED anything yet… what peace has he provided?..
"Why would it burn me that we have not had a terrorist attack on our soil? "
My point on this was regarding YOUR agenda item of Bush not protecting us by being in Iraq… Just not historically true… The fact that you can’t see this, shows that it bothers you that history has recorded that Bush kept us safe after 9/11… Even Osama Bin Laden said it was their front, which they LOST, thanks to the surge that Bush put in place and Obama et al said wouldn’t work… Remember Harry Reid - “this war is lost”… From what I’ve read of your posts, your understanding of geopolitical realities is not very comprehensive… For starters, take a look at a mideast map, and think a little strategically…
“Perhaps you have forgotten the infamous “you break it you own it” comment? Guess what WE OWN IT. As for Afghanistan I think we need to be there.”
Not according to CANDIDATE Obama, but REALITY set in and he is CONTINUING Bush policies… So if you support Obama’s existing policies, you are also supporting Bush’s… If you think we need to be in Afganistan, why are you not critical of Obama’s lack of support for the military leaders who are telling him what they need to succeed and Obama is floundering on it?..
“Change is working out great for me.”
That’s good for you… But, the change I was referring to was all the Obama promises that have fallen way to reality… Obama is president now, and he could END Bush’s policies… he is NOT, with a few exceptions, he is continuing pretty much all of them… so again, how’s that “change” working out for ya’… :rolleyes
So Bush was awful for his policies, but Obama CONTINUING them, when he could change them, now all of a sudden makes them better??? :rolleyes
Im staying out of this thread. Anybody who thinks this government interventionist tyrant is worthy of the noble peace prize is a idiot. He hasnt even done anyting. (Well, nothing good)
Now you guys know me. I like Obama. But I can’t really see what he has done to get the Nobel Peace Prize. I really think that being smart is important and he has the potential to be a great President and even win the Noble Peace Prize one day. But NOW…after only 9 months on the job?? I don’t know about that.
The reason Obama got the Peace Prize is as the Nobel Committee said: He has given people of the world hope again. The election of Obama gave other peoples hope that the American system WAS self-righting; the country that fostered peace and human rights was getting back on track again.
It is a surprising award. But it tells us Americans how highly Obama is regarded world-wide. Finally we have a leader who is a world leader!
If the United States is leading the world, then the President has to act like a world leader, not just the American President. Obama is acting on all fronts, not just at home. Lots of hopes for world peace and prosperity are resting on his shoulders.
This unexpected award is a very positive thing–now our president has even more moral and emotional clout with world leaders. He will use that power to help the cause of peace.
This was a piece of good news.
Your totally brainwashed.
I don’t even know what to say to you if that’s what you believe… this does nothing but make a mockery of the Nobel Peace Prize… Look at the reactions around the globe… even liberals are having a hard time swallowing this…
OBAMA was even surprised by this, and he has one HUGE ego… Talk about drinking the cool-aide… :rolleyes
Hey, the prize was voted on by a committee of several hundred people, please correct me if I’m wrong. There have been unpopular votes before, but the vote speaks the mind of the voters across a broad spectrum of educated, literate people. Forward thinkers. World thinkers.
This was GOOD NEWS. OUR AMERICAN PRESIDENT, elected by us, has been awarded a prize that will make it easier for him to further American aims in the world! What don’t you get about that?
Are you all so hostile over Obama’s election still that you can’t see this as as a positive step for our country?
New World Order. This isnt about Obama, its about his policies. You think were all racist dont you? Just admit it Liberal.
“There have been unpopular votes before, but the vote speaks the mind of the voters across a broad spectrum of educated, literate people. Forward thinkers. World thinkers.”
This may come as a surprise to you, but you are not the only liberal out there… all the evidence you need regarding this, is that it is only American Presidents who are LIBERAL who get this nomination… Open your eyes to at least that… So if “forward thinker, world thinkers” means that they only vote for one side, sounds real progressive to me… :rolleyes Actually it is THE DEFINITION of a liberal if you ask me…
Have another cup of cool-aide and toast Obama in the process… :banghead
“This was GOOD NEWS. OUR AMERICAN PRESIDENT, elected by us, has been awarded a prize that will make it easier for him to further American aims in the world! What don’t you get about that?”
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves… Obama was elected by 20% of the population who showed up to vote… The difference between those who actually voted wasn’t even double digits, so don’t try to make it sound like everyone was on board… Obama is doing EXACTLY what was warned against, that we were told we were “fear mongering” about… so let’s keep it a little real, shall we… :rolleyes
It is truly hilarious how you try to spin things…
Obama was elected by 20% of the population who showed up to vote…
Um, next time why not go with this…
Bush invaded Iraq to protect the United States!
Oh wait you have already spun that.
Talk about drinking the kool aid.
p.s. It was Gorbachev that ended the cold war.
New World Order. This isnt about Obama, its about his policies. You think were all racist dont you? Just admit it Liberal.
Sounds like somebody forgot to take their adderol this morning.
Seriously was there a message in that jumble of sentences?
Yes sir there was!
"p.s. It was Gorbachev that ended the cold war. "
This ought to be interesting… Gorbachev played a role but was not the reason it happened… Enlighten us, Christopher… please tell us how…
Now mind you, the Cold War was primarily between the US and the Soviet Union, and the US was the one standing at the end of it, so you are by definition saying that Gorbachev defeated himself and the Soviet Union in the Cold War… :rolleyes
“It is truly hilarious how you try to spin things…” Obama was elected by 20% of the population who showed up to vote…
Actually, that is just the FACTS… The US population stands at about 310,000,000… Obama won with 69,456,897 (52.9%) votes out of 129,391,711 who showed up to vote or 22%… so I stand corrected, it was 22% of the population not 20%. and the spread between Obama and McCain was 7%, not double-digits like I said…
Facts have a confusing effect on some… :biglaugh