Another point Hoosier is that protecting and/or demonstrating for what you believe in, while at the same time, profiting from circumstances surrounding it, are not mutually exclusive…
As you can see, investors here do the same… it’s not either / or… The founders of the country worked hard and profited in their circumstance, all the while, putting that profit and their lives on the line to CREATE the country which allows investors to make money AND have a voice…
So, by all means, take the advice about making money, apply it, make your fortune, but DON’T feel as though you need to be intimidated to give up your voice in the process because someone doesn’t like what you say… if you were saying something they liked, they wouldn’t be advising you to “focus” on something else…
Like I said, the two are NOT mutually exclusive… the investors on here practice it all the time…
Nice catch on my typo Chris. Ill try to avoid any mistakes in the future sir.
But I have a question for all those who are on their knees to Obama.
Should the Founding Fathers of respected the King of England during the birth of our great nation? I mean, im sure we can all agree that being the King of England is a nice title to have.
I would say the Founding Fathers , had very little respect for what the King stood for. This is alot like the situation right now. You have those who are flat out MAD about whats going on, and are going to call him out on it, then you have those that feel its not much of a problem, and worry about BS things like worrying about if we hurt peoples feelings.
“Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master.” — Sallust
This quote is the one thing, that usually did not apply to Americans. Im sad to say that after looking at most of the people in this country now (including this board), that we have become soft when it becomes to defending liberty.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. — Thomas Jefferson
Stay on your knees guys, respect the GREAT ONE. STAY ON YOUR KNEES WHILE HE LIES, STEALS YOUR MONEY, TAKES AWAY YOUR FREEDOM! But hey… atleast your being “respectful.”
Oh well Hoosier. I tried. If you took half your energy and directed toward making your own situation better instead of blaming your present and future financial situation on OBAMA, you 'll you just might figure out how to outsmart the “King”. The choice is yours, but I hope you can let go some of this hatred you have. It’s self destructive.
Half my eneryg? Dude… I go to school 12 hours a day, are you kidding me? Seriously. If that isnt “using your energy” instead of “sitting around blaming the president” I dont know what is.
Trust me, im not going to be a loser, regardless of what the President does, but thats not the point. I wouldnt expect you to understand that though.
I hope I’m not one of those softies you speak of.I just really beleive that these radicals are fueled by chaos.So if you give it to them instead of simply hammering them with facts, you give into them.I feel your rage,but spitting in anyone’s face?Now that sounds like Acorn or SEIU kinda BS.Many,many have no idea of the numerous bad people this guy is putting around him.Just educate them and move on.Trust me I used to punch and then think.It got me in & out of jail and cost a butload of money(medical bills,fines).I later thought of how stupid I was.In most cases he who throws the first punch ran out of ideas.So definitly in politics,you don’t wanna be the one to punch first.
Also while everyone was looking at the bird in the tree yesterday,Cass sunstien was "vetted"by Harry reid and selected others.This POS is horrible!!But is anyone surprised?
No bama, your not one. Your not one of those who ignorantly thinks “ohh well as long as im making money.” or “Dont worry about it, because you cant change it.” or “stop wasting your time and spend your energy on making money.”
School 12 hours/ day? Look. I worked full and went to school full time. I never spent 12 hrs/day in school. I also never said you were sitting around all day complaining about OBAMA. You’re right Hoosier. I don’t understand your hatred. But its your life. Live it the way you like. I was just trying to help. Tha WON’T happen again.
Accelerated Nursing Program, wake up at 5, hour drive(sucks), school starts at 7. Class ends at 5. (Got out early today thank god) Thats 10 hours, plus the 2 hours of driving, plus the insane studying. If you’ve noticed, i havent been on much here posting (which is probably a appreciated thing).
10 hours of school a day not including study time… brain must be mush by the end of the day… :banghead Hang in there… it’s temporary work for LONG-TERM reward…
I remember back in college, I used to work in the restaurant industry, and I would put in 54 hours starting Friday afternoon around 2-4pm and ending Monday at 4-6pm (deliveries on Monday, on top of cooking… ugh). School the rest of the week… it’s amazing how little sleep you can get by with at that age… I remember getting out at 1am and STILL going out until 3-4am, and back to work at 8am… No wonder we feel invincible at that age…
Hoosier, you will be making good money as a nurse when you graduate, so as long as you save your money and don’t blow it… you’ve got a bright future ahead of you… I bought my first 4 bedroom house at 23 years old, a few months before we got married (I stayed in it until we did), furnished it, AND paid for half a wedding for 200 people, and we did it because we saved our money…
Interesting thing about this MANDATED healthcare… the young will be TREMENDOUSLY affected… Can you imagine trying to go to college full-time, working a part-time job that pays $8-$10/hour and have to foot the bill for health insurance??? They have a hard time making their car insurance bill just for basic liability if they even have a car… never mind healthcare, up to 20X that amount… It will make it harder for people to pay rent, save to buy houses, save money in general when THEY ARE FIRST STARTING OUT…
Choice REMOVED… you don’t GET to choose YOUR priorities in life thanks to your benevolent government making the CHOICE for you… makes you feel all sorts of free, doesn’t it?!..
Great points.I also went over the new taxes,tax increases and wholly crap!!So the flatout lie “I will not sign anything that increases the deficit by one dime” is another illusion.If they ram this through the democratic party is sooooo doomed.I hope they realize the bet that’s on the table,where are the good democrats at that should also be outraged??
My thinking about the Dems threatening reconciliation to ram this through is just that… a threat… they know how disastrous that would be… and remember, like Fdjake pointed out in another thread, these are people that spends hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars to get a job that pays around $200K… so they are in it for the power, and they are not going to just give it up for Obama… at some point, self-preservation will trump this…
They don’t have the votes either way at this point… and that is within their own party… they don’t NEED the Rep’s on this… the problems are within their own party…
I really believe Obama totally missed a historic opportunity in that speech…
Hoosier. Are you going for your RN or LPN? 2 yrs. is the BARE minimum you can get an RN. That’s an Associates Degree. The Nursing clinical requirements are stretched over 2 yrs. There is no “accelerated” program that is less than 2 yrs… Unless you’re doing the 10 month LPN certificate. How do I know this? My wife is a nurse and we went to through school together. and My sister inlaw is a nurse in Indiana (the state I assume you go to school). She says there is no such program other than what I described. I know exactly just how much time is required to fulfill your pre-requisite,support and program courses. There’s NO WAY you could possibly comeplete all that in 2 yrs. when you just graduated high school. It takes all of your time just fulfill the 2 yr. course and clinical requirements. Most Nursing programs reuire you to complete the pre-reqisites and support courses before you even start the program. With all that said, its a long tough road to travel. But it gets even tougher when you actually start working as a Nurse. There’s a lot of stress involved in taking care of sick people. You’ll need to develop a tough skin. You can’t bring this OBAMA hatred to work… Good Luck to you. You’ll need to “focus” more than ever…
Im going for LPN, an 11 month program. Then I plan to do a online college program part time for my RN.
Yes, you are correct.
LPN = roughly 1- 1 1/2 year.
RN = 2
Bachelors RN= 3-4 (3 now days with all the accelerated stuff out there.)
BTW… just some information in case your interested. There is a college called Excelsior College, from New York. They have this online program that you can speedrush through your LPN to RN if you hit it really hard in only 8 months. So… in a dream world, if I tried my HARDEST and everything went right, I could get my RN in 19 months (11 for LPN, plus 8 for RN).
Taking and PASSING your STATE BOARDS will take you WELL over that mark…
And I got news for you kid…CRAMMING…For everything YOU need to know for those boards into 19 months…DOESN’T LEAD TO A PASSING SCORE on those STATE BOARDS…
Lot’s of RN’s in my family…
There’s a REASON it takes very intelligent people 2 years and LONGER to get that degree.
Ohh I know it wont happen in 19 months, my mind would be mush, and everything would have to happen perfectly. As I said, in the DREAM WORLD, thats how fast it could be done.
Ill probably work as a LPN while taking it slow (3-4 years) to get my RN, taking my RN schooling nice and easy, while investing the money I have with my LPN.
But Ill tell you one thing. Ive been doing ALOT of research about colleges phlem, and you would be AMAZED how many colleges out there are Accredited and require ALMOST NO clinicals. All paper work/done over the PC. Cant say I agree with it… but thats how it is.
My wife is also a nurse, and she got her RN Associates the first two years and Bachelors the next two… They also let them take an LPN test after the Associates in case they didn’t pass the boards. She is currently in an accelerated Masters program, which is normallly 3 1/2 - 4 years, and she is doing it in 2 1/2… but that includes a summer class…
In any case, work hard, and like I said, save your money and you’ll be miles ahead of most young men in your age bracket.
My sister did it just the way you are doing it Hoosier. It is a good plan. This way you will be able to earn while you learn after you have your LPN. If you end up in Dallas u will have no shortage of job opportunities. My sister is an RN here in Dallas and she is making $50+ an hour (up from $27 as an LPN).