40% LESS than they have been telling us… ADMITTING that the 47-50 Million they have been lobbying for all along INCLUDED illegal aliens…

He HAD to admit to this 30 Million number BECAUSE he wanted to tell everyone that the plan didn’t cover illegal aliens. In doing so, he PROVED to everyone that the 47-50 million number DID include illegal aliens.

So they were either OFF by 40% or they were LYING TO YOU… which do you think it was???

So now we’re COMPLAINING that the plan DOES NOT include illegals. :banghead :banghead :banghead

I’ll take the math mistake from Obama any day.


“So now we’re COMPLAINING that the plan DOES NOT include illegals”

The whole point was that they were saying that we had 47-50 million AMERICANS who were uninsured, with the media REPEATING this lie… now we KNOW, by Obama’s own lips, that that figure is BOGUS

When you break down the numbers FURTHER, the end result is that the are approximately 3-5% of the population who can’t get insurance, but they CAN get medical care by going to an ER… we do NOT need to create nationalized healthcare, inclusive of MORE beaurocrisy for 3-5% of the population… there ARE alternatives… although I don’t advocate this, it would be CHEAPER to just give the 3-5% the money to buy heath insurance if they couldn’t find a place in existing programs…

"I’ll take the math mistake from Obama any day "

You actually think it was a “mistake”??? lol…


“But even so…NOT A SINGLE DEMOCRAT yelled out “LIAR” when BUSH addressed the country…That was pathetic”

Man, I wish you would just FINISH your posts before posting… Not only did that Senator apologize publicly for letting his “emotions” getting the best of him, he called the President to personally apologize, but his fellow republicans rebuked him for it immediately, as it was not decorum fitting for the setting… so trying to paint all republicans with this brush is quite wrong…

But it is interesting that you are critical of someone yelling “liar” when in fact Obama is indeed lying… The fact was right, the setting was not…

There were many ridculous statements made by Obama last night… he is a gifted speaker though…

My guess is that Obama wil see a bump in his numbers for this, but in two weeks we’ll be back to where we are now poll-wise…

One thing that is certain, he is NOT listening to the MAJORITY of people who do NOT want this…

WOW…3 consecutive posts…Glad to see nothing’s change here.

It was in very poor taste to yell that out at that time.

Nice to see that Senator has emotional outburst problems!!!
Hey…I know…Let’s send him to WASHINGTON TO WRITE LAWS and FIX health care!!!

That Senator made himself and his party look like idiots last night.
I’M not painting all Repubicans with that brush…HE DID!!!


“WOW…3 consecutive posts”

Well Fdjake, if you could FINISH YOUR THOUGHT before posting, we wouldn’t have to go back to readdress your posts… glad to see nothing’s changed there… :rolleyes

In reality, you posted a couple of times, you just kept ADDING to your original post… You’d be better off COMPLETING your thoughts before posting… :beer


We will have to agree to disagree on this… but then again, that’s not what this thread is about now, is it? How many more straw men do you have… :bs

Bush isn’t President anymore… Obama is… and although he is a good speaker, I don’t see how that speech moved this issue forward… He will get a bump from the speech, just like Clinton did, but my guess is we’ll be back at the same pre-speech levels in about two weeks… Like I said, he is a gifted speaker, but showed no leadership last night…

We are basically at the same point we were BEFORE he gave the speech… a blown opportunity to do something historic…

Obama is our President so he deserves our respect. That being said he is a politician. ALL politicians are liars. That means the Obama is a liar too.

This guy is lying trying to save your gramma from having to go without her healthcare.

That is the main difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats hate the unborn, Republicans hate everybody else.

“A blown opportunity to do something historic”

I agree with you on that point 100% :beer :beer :beer

He had a shot to really move this forward but I doubt we’ll see that happen…

When you said the President LIED…I simply used an example of a BIGGER LIE that cost THOUSANDS of lives…It’s an example of the kind of outright LYING that has been fed to Americans over and over for years. Just as Bluemoon has correctly pointed out.

Like the old saying goes…How do you know when a politician is lying???

His LIPS are moving.

I’ve heard some people today say they thougth it was a GOOD thing that someone yelled out during the speech…I don’t argee with that opinion…But it’s valid…The only problem with it is… Presidential speech’s would turn into shouting matches like Positive and I have been known to have… :beer

I leave it at this…Obama did NOT do a good job explaining his plan for health care reform…That’s 100% HIS fault…If the American public doesn’t understand the plan…YOU HAVE NO PLAN!!

I agree with that. He has no plan

Fd and bluemoon,

If axelrod would be so kind as to tell him the election is over and he can quit campaigning it would help.He says the same old politics won’t get nothing done and we need 2 work together,and then spent 2/3’s of the speech on"politics".I think he’s lost trust with americans with all these primetimes,and yet another which gave you no info.I asked alot of people did they watch; 4 outta 5 said why,he’s just gonna try to sell himself as usual.Once you lose trust,you have nothing.Bad part is,he’s lost it mighty early.

I hought his speach last night was really nothing different than his older speaches.

This is why the fox network did’nt allow it to cost them major advertising $$.He’s had more primetime than any other president,and it’s only 9 months into this!!If he could put his EGO aside and work with republicans like he lied and said he has it would get more MAJORITY support.But that would take him admitting a wrong which I don’t believe this guy has ever,ever done in his life.It’s gonna be a long 3 years for us all,yes ALL!

CNN had one of their post-speech polls, and it said Obama experienced a 14-point jump… sounds good, that is until you go to the END of the article and find out the speech-watching poll sample was 45 percent Democrats and 18% republican… so that 14%, not that impressive, but what bothers me is that CNN is supposed to be a news organization, and this is one of the main problems I see in our country’s discourse…

People don’t trust the politicians, deservedly so, and they’ve come to distrust the media, deservedly so, who is SUPPOSED to call the politicians on their BS, not be their marketing arm… so they don’t know who to believe… but when they watch the MEDIA not only NOT call Obama on the BS, but instead RALLY for him, as they did in the campaign, they tie their credibility to Obama, and when things go wrong, it ain’t pretty…

Case in point - you would THINK the point that Obama made about 30 Million uninsursed vs. the 47-50 Million (which I heard them repeat again this morning) would’ve made news, IF they were interested in reporting the truth…

I AGREE as President, Obama deserves respect, and the “you lie” comment was inappropriate considering the setting, no matter the legitmacy… HOWEVER, I find it disengneuous to hear people talking about respecting the president, when they did not afford Bush the same courtesy…

How did the speech REALLY do last night? Well, all you have to do is listen to what they are talking about this morning… and it’s not the content of the speech…


“!If he could put his EGO aside and work with republicans like he lied and said he has it would get more MAJORITY support”

People don’t realize that Obama hasn’t had ANY Republican leaders to the White House to discuss healthcare since APRIL… Did you see the Republican holding those stacks of paper? I wondered what they were, and they were the plans the Rep’s had been putting forward, but noone has heard of in the media… the media, along with Obama and the Dem’s are only presenting Dem idea’s and plans, so this bi-partisan line of Obama’s sounds very hollow…

People see this… don’t think they don’t…

I seen that and knew that was those papers because I’ve attended 2 townhalls and heard their proposals and they’ve been totally shutout in washington.Even obama says “I just don’t want them to do alot of talkin”.So I feel as others, except for the diehard libs,how is this not boldface lying.He just knows he won campaigning as a moderate that works with both parties and now he’s in there the truth is out.Talk is cheap,people are finally figuring this out.Judge a person by their record and who they have around them.We all done this before the election and knew the truth,now it’s time for the rest to admit it.

The DIFFERENCE between RESPECTING the President and SCREAMING… “YOU LIE”…Directly AT a sitting President…DURING a speech that is NATIONALLY TELEVISED and held in a formal setting is VASTLY different than anything said between people on investment blogs so let’s cut the right there.

Some people would like to gloss over that and forget it ever happened.
I’m just not one of them…

If Obama did the same thing…I’d be of the EXACT same opinion…

This health care issue is Obama’s fight to win or lose…So far he’s LOSING but the battle isn’t over. Hopefully…a compromise can be reached and something can be done to improve a broken system.

You see all politicians lie. That is not an issue. If this congressman was surprised by that he shouldn’t be walking around on his own. And if this congressman is so out of control of his emotions that he can’t control shouting out in public then he would also kill somebody in the heat of the moment. Again he should be walking around on his own. The guy is a nut.

When I ask my tenant for the rent and she says that she had to be rushed to the hospital because her uterus fell out and landed on the floor. I don’t say you are a liar, I say I hope you feel better, where is my money.

Do I have more self restraint than a congressman? No but I have more self restraint that a nut.

Perfectly put Bluemoon…PERFECT!!


“The DIFFERENCE between RESPECTING the President and SCREAMING… “YOU LIE”…Directly AT a sitting President…DURING a speech that is NATIONALLY TELEVISED and held in a formal setting is VASTLY different than anything said between people on investment blogs so let’s cut the cr*p right there.”

In a way, it was an emperor has no clothes moment, but because I respect the institution of the presidency, I still think it was inappropriate to personalize it in that setting and say “you lie”… maybe “not true” which would have been less personal and directed more on Obama’s point… then again, it could devolve into a Britain-style parliamentary raucus… since we’re trying to emulate Britain’s healthcare anyway… :biggrin

What I find interesting is that you are upset about a congressman asserting “you lie” on nationalized TV while the President is indeed lying to YOU and EVERYONE else on national TV… that respect thing is a two-way street, yes? :beer

[i][b]"Bush is and was a LIAR…He SOLD us a pile of BS regarding Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and AMERICANS DIED directly because of it.

Some people would like to gloss over that and forget it ever happened.
I’m just not one of them…"[/b][/i]

I’m not glossing over it at all… I just DISAGREE with you… we’ve been down this road before, and you were not able to prove that Bush lied regarding WMD’s… which is why I said we’ll have to agree to disagree… people can just use the search bar if they are interested in that debate again…

“This health care issue is Obama’s fight to win or lose…So far he’s LOSING but the battle isn’t over. Hopefully…a compromise can be reached and something can be done to improve a broken system.”

See, I disagree, I think it’s the people’s to win or lose… Obama will only be around for so long… but if this thing passes, it will be with us forever… and ALL the debt that goes along with it…

I heard a congresswoman say that the private insurance companies had their chance to control costs, and they didn’t… the new commentator was quick on the draw and shot right back (I’m paraphrasing) - “Congresswoman, the government has had 40+ years to get Medicare/Medicaid costs under control, and they are growing into the LARGEST expenses of the government”… of course she just stammered as there is no answer to that…

It was an Excellent point… If you can’t afford something, you have a CHOICE as to whether or not you still purchase it… in the governments hands, this choice will be REMOVED from you whether you can afford it or not through mandates…

Pos and Fd,
Can we agree that at this time with congress at such a low approval and Obama’s is falling.That he should have just came out and said “Look this won’t take effect until 2013 anyway and we only have one shot to do this right let’s all throw in ideas and come up with a solution it may take a little more time but we can’t afford to do it wrong”.And the majority(who still 2day @ 53%oppose)would’ve been on board.Pelosi would’ve blown up,but look at her approval rating.He only proved he’s right there with her so his approval will continue downward.WE NEEDED A LEADER NOT A FOLLOWER!