I CONGRATULATE you in that made an attempt to answer a few questions… we might actually get somewhere if you continue trying…
“1. The number of gun deaths–34,000–is obscene when compared to an equivalent population, the European Union, with 1,200 gun deaths in one year for 376 million people. So the excess number of 32,800 dead Americans is obscene and unneccesary. Our quality of life is being eroded by excess gun violence. This excess gun violence is fueled by the sheer number of excess guns available to almost anyone.”
Here is where we have a problem… you keep using 34,000 gun deaths, when the last deaths recorded by the FBI for CRIMINALS is 9,326… These are the ones you seem to have the problem with… The REMAINING gun deaths (i.e. - suicide, accidental, justifiable homocides - SELF DEFENSE, law enforcementaccidental, justifiable homocides - SELF DEFENSE, law enforcement) would likely have happened ANYWAY… Suicide doesn’t disappear with the disarming of the public, so why do you keep using the 34,000 figure? It creates a FALSE narrative…
[i][b]"2. I disagree with your opinion that gun buy-back programs don’t work. Police departments in Oakland, Miami, Louisville, St. Louis, Cleveland, Chicago, Buffalo, etc. are doing buy-backs. The police know crime better than anybody. We should back their efforts and give the police all the support they need. We should make these programs work–they get guns off the street.
USA Today stated that “gun buy-back programs are abused by gun dealers seeking to unload junk merchandise.” Let’s fix that. Also, “In Oakland, the response was so overwhelming ($250/gun) that police ran out of money and had to issue IOU’s. One woman found a loaded .38 under her son’s mattress and turned it in…” She probably saved some teenager from getting shot, and maybe kept her son from committing another tragedy."[/b][/i]
You are not disagreeing with me on this… you are disagreeing with the studies from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the CDC and the Surgeon General… THEY concluded buy-backs don’t do what you want it to and went on to say that the guns handed in at buy-back programs are “the LEAST LIKELY to be used in a crime”… so now that you KNOW this, and it is not just my OPINION, do you hold onto your “feelings” on this, or do you modify your opinion based on the FACTS?..
[i][b]"3. THE STATES ARE DOING A CRAPPY JOB ON GUN LAWS. Just like the states did a crappy job on Civil Rights laws. It wasn’t until we had federal laws, backed up by the Justice Department, that all states had to treat people equally. It won’t be until we have federal laws, backed up by the Justice Dept., that gun laws can be enforced everywhere.
Look at the results of your state laws! They are not working. We need tough Federal laws. Just like I mentioned earlier–income tax laws finally put away Al Capone–violation of federal gun laws could help clean up the streets. It won’t take a drug bust to nail a dealer, maybe just “Show me your gun registration and training certificate.” All law-abiding gun owners will have had background checks, training and registration. You will all do this because it is the law, and it is helping keep us safe."[/b][/i]
Then we don’t need state rights at all… give ALL the power to the federal government… Problem is, you haven’t shown how making LAW-ABIDING gun owners jump through all your hoops will “keep us safe”, and how this will stop CRIMINALS from getting guns… Think about it… England BANNED guns, not asking for “gun registration and training certificate”, BANNED from LAW-ABIDING gun owners being able to own them, and yet their gun violence and DEATHS DOUBLED and is continuing to INCREASE… how do you EXPLAIN this… you shouldn’t just be willing to give up your freedoms so casually…
“4. For a causal effect of unmonitored sales, look no further than the 18-year-old gun show buyer who sold her guns privately to Harrison/Klebold, the Columbine killers. I call for no unmonitored sales. Change in the laws like this would mean a big increase in gun training schools, background checks, and re-sale of legitimate guns. It would still be a thriving industry and you would still keep your arms. To pay for this, let’s figure out a tax that you think is equitable. It need not be a large tax because there are so many guns. But the enforcement money has to come from somewhere.”
I am glad you bring this up… Those boys parents could have been the ones who followed your proposal of gun registration and training certificate, and if those kids WANTED those guns, they WOULD have gotten them… The total ratio of CRIMINAL gun deaths vs. the number of guns n the USA is 0.00004663… a 1 in 1000 chance is represented as .001, and the lower the significance level, the stronger the evidence required… that’s how statistics work… if you don’t have the evidence, why should we even CONSIDER what you are proposing?
You are proposing all of this EXTRA expense, time, registration, TAXES, registration, etc. for the LAW-ABIDING gun owners, ALL without ANY evidence that what you want to IMPOSE on your fellow citizens, while at the same time INCREASE the government’s size AND power. How can this even be taken seriously?
“I have no problem of guns being used for self-defense! Why do people keep bringing up that idea?!”
Because it is one of the REASONS people own guns… but it is not just self-defense from CRIMINALS, but also against a totalitarian government… you don’t see this, nor do you agree with it… yet, it is what our Founding Fathers WARNED against, and WHY we have the 2nd ammendment…
More SPECIFCALLY, you are NOT able to show us how what you want to IMPOSE on LAW-ABIDING gun owners can stop CRIMINALS from getting guns…
[i][b]"I have a problem with the slaughter of innocents. Here’s a list of people I have known or personally encountered KILLED BY GUNS, and I am just one person:
Mom and Dad next to my real estate office in Old Town, San Diego, shot by son in family argument
Man across street from that same office shot by ex-wife’s husband
Friend’s husband suicide by borrowed gun
Hayward neighbor shot wife, 3 kids, himself. Whole family.
My mechanic executed Oakland drug dealer in drug deal gone wrong
Ill neighbor gun suicide here last month, heard the shot while I was on the computer."[/b][/i]
And not ONE of the above lives would have been saved through what you are proposing (i.e. - TAXES, licensing, permits, fees, etc.)… so you are using examples that your solution does NOT address… what’s the use in that??? The ONLY way ANY of those deaths could have been prevented is through disarming the poplace, and EVEN THEN, as we see in England, etc. gun deaths will STILL occur. And in Englands case, it didn’t change the KILLING, it INCREASED it, both in gun deaths and knife deaths…
In Haynes vs. U.S. 390 U.S. 85 1968, the Supreme Court held that “criminals do not have to obtain licenses or register their weapons, as that would be an act of self-incrimination”… and yet, you want the LAW-ABIDING gun owners to self-incriminate… How do you justify this?
“When I tell this to non-American friends/relatives, they are aghast and horrified that I could actually have KNOWN people killed by guns. Gun deaths are WAY TOO EASY. Just now I realized that none of those deaths were crime prevention…
7 were family disputes
1 was drug crime
3 were suicides.”
EXACTLY, and WHY NONE of what you want to IMPOSE on LAW-ABIDING gun owners would help EXCEPT to place a BURDEN on the wrong people…
Interestingly enough, my family on my mothers side is in England, Ireland, etc… (meaning they actuallly LIVE there), and they look at our country, and think we are CRAZY the amount of power we are giving the US government over its people. The quesiton I get is - isn’t that what your countrymen fought and died for? Isn’t that why your country was founded because of government intrusion?
Interesting perspective…
“You can go on and on about how those people could have been killed with knives, poison, strangulation.”
Facts are stingy like that…
“But you know in your heart that killing by just finger-pressure on a trigger, a moment’s rage or despair, is likely how it’s gonna go down. It’s soooo easy.”
You are telling me it is easier to pull a trigger to kill yourself than swallow some pills and go to sleep?
Somthing to consider… SUICIDES OUTNUMBER CRIMINAL gun deaths by 2-to-1, and where do you want to spend your time and resources?..