Two mass killings by crazy gun shooters in two days! We can die by gun violence every time we visit an office building, a post office, or send our kids to school. People are getting really upset by this. We need laws with teeth to lessen gun crime!
American guns are killing thousands now just over the border. Mexico doesn’t have the resources in place to stop it. This mayhem is on our doorstep.
Change is urgently needed! I propose:
Border checks on all cars going INTO Mexico. This would also stop the flow of stolen vehicles. They could at least stop hot-wired, no-key cars now. More funding for Border Patrol is necessary.
A gun is a lethal weapon and kills people. Gun owners MUST be trained, certified, licensed. Just like pilots. You can’t fly your Cessna 150 without training and licensing. It could kill people if you crash it. These classes would also help weed out crazy people. A gun license would be mandatory and renewed annually, just like your DMV or pilot’s registration.
Two guns per person would be allowed without paying a “gun tax”. For a personal arsenal, there would be a gun “excess tax” after that number. Two are enough for protection and hunting. These two guns would be registered to the owner, and could not be sold without new registration. Just like for a car. The gun taxes would be used for monitoring gun owners.
Anyone convicted of assault, domestic violence, or other crimes lose their right to have a gun. Big fines and/or jail time for violators.
Personal responsibility and fines if you lose your guns. If your house is broken into and guns stolen, you obviously didn’t have them adequately secured in a locked and bolted-down gun cabinet.
Moratorium on gun shows until the laws are put in place to regulate them nation-wide. FEDERAL GUN LAWS. Gun show laws have been flouted for years. Harrison/Klebold, the Colorado shooters, got their illegal guns from a girl who got them in a gun show, no questions asked.
Jail time and federal enforcement (Guns, Tobacco, Firearms) and criminal penalties and fines for those who sell guns without background checks and waiting periods.
Gun buy-back programs in the crime-ridden inner cities. Where ever there is excessive gun crime, like hold-ups and drive-by shootings. Let’s get back to knifings, fistfights, and bludgeoning.
Ban private ownership of armour-piercing bullets, machine guns, and weaponry that only belongs in the hands of the military.
I’m not proposing prying those guns from your cold, dead fingers. Just licensing, taxing, controlling guns. To lessen the senseless killings. More like Europe and Britain, where people DO own hunting rifles and personal protection handguns. Where that ownership is taken much more seriously by the state.
There will still be legal gun owners who go amok like maybe the Army psychiatrist did. But we CAN lessen senseless gun deaths by stricter enforcement.
Our state has dropped to #11 in drunk driving deaths from #1. All because this state started sending people to jail, took away their licenses, put ignition interlocks in, and had NO TOLERANCE for violators.