Great plan, but I would like to issue permits to the lawful citizens instead. And thin them out like we do our deer.
The real problem (as others have alluded to) is that we as a country - with respect to crimal justice - have turned into a bunch of pussies. What - you’ve only been convicted of molesting 2 kids? Oh, we don’t have rooms in prisons for not so bad people like you. Why don’t you just go home and not do that again. Next thing you know, Chester the child molester kidnaps/rapes/kills an innocent 7 yr old girl as she walks home from school. What about DUI’s? Oh that’s not that bad either. You’ve only had 5 of those so you should still be eligible to have a driver’s license. You’ve obviously learned from your mistake…
If criminals know there’s virtually no punishment for their crimes - and that’s IF they get caught - what do you think that tells them? It’s not gonna hurt that bad if and when they get caught. In this country, we’re more concerned about if someone convicted of a heinous crime and sentenced to death is put to death HUMANELY. So we better make sure the person who BRUTALLY murdered 40 PEOPLE doesn’t go thru any pain.
I remember being on a bus ride in Singapore in 2002 and hearing of someone being publicly caned for breaking into someone’s house. What do you think that public example does for criminals? They KNOW there are repercussions for their actions.
As far as suicides go, someone intent on ending their life will always find another way. The gun really doesn’t have much to do with it.
I’ll stick to my guns. :smile
34,000 annual deaths from firearms is insanity. We have got to figure out how other countries are limiting their gun violence. When do you think it is enough? When your wife is shot at the Post Office while buying stamps, when your kid runs out of high school screaming because there is a shooter, when you are caught in cross-fire at the 7-11 buying gas? And, oh, dang, your handgun is in your other pants!
We have got to start thinking of solutions. Heck no, I don’t know why gun crime in England would go up with the banning of handguns. I’m sure British criminologists are focused on that problem, which probably has multiple societal causes. We DO know, don’t we, that MORE guns does not mean less crime.
PosOutlook, You can’t break human behavior into nice mathematical formulas, like .00007 fewer guns should equal .00007 less crimes. I can’t even debate such nonsense with you. Just don’t go there–geez.
I don’t know why we have so much crime. I see a coarsening of societal values as a whole. I see incredibly shocking brutality in movies and TV, even though I go out of my way to avoid it. This has got to be affecting young people. The media seems to sell without any moral compass.
If you re-read my posts, you’ll see that I didn’t propose limiting gun ownership. I proposed TAXING excess ownership. To fund a campaign against gun violence. I have no doubt that a multiple of weapons are needed by some individuals. Just like a multiple of vehicles are owned by some individuals. These taxes are used for background checks on all gun buyers, tracing of illegal guns, monitoring sales, etc.
Suicides BY GUN should go down if guns become more regulated. When I was in college a friend’s husband BORROWED a handgun and killed himself. We found out later it was because he was having cluster headaches, a mostly male illness that is incredibly painful. Had he not had such easy access to a gun he might have found another solution. Like telling someone.
Someone mentioned the high suicide rate in Japan, although guns are almost nonexistent in private ownership. There are sociological reasons for that: suicide is viewed (unlike under Christianity) as an honorable way out, insurance pays out under suicide, it is romanticized in movies and books, if you have cancer or severe pain you are not going to get narcotic pain-relievers, their mental health system is abysymal, it is not acceptable to suffer from depression, etc. I am afraid I know way too much about Japanese suicides. Our 20-year old exchange student ended her life (train) upon her return to Japan. It still hurts.
We can agree on a few things, I think…
There will always be suicides, but fewer gun suicides if gun access is controlled. This is also why we don’t want crazy people to get guns.
propertymanager and justin0419 want immediate execution of law breakers–just shoot 'em! 100 years ago, they would have been vigilantes. Saddle up, boys!
I’d still like to know–how many gun deaths a year would be acceptable for you all? And how can we get there?
There was an error in an earlier post; gun injuries are actually about 70,000 a year with an average cost of about $300,000 per person.
Gun Deaths=$100 Billion a year in social costs. Now THIS is a number we should all be screaming about.
Perhaps your thread title - “More gun insanity”, is really more a description of your position on guns… :biggrin
What you don’t seem to be coming to terms with is that someone who commits murder or is suicidal WILL find a way, gun or not… Maybe it’s easy for you to handle it mentally this way, but to make the point… In the below article , this inidivdual in Japan planned it out ahead of time to use a vehicle as his weapon, and then when it became useless, THEN he would use a knife. He followed through… FIRST, ramming people with a RENTED truck, and then jumping out with his dagger… he left 17 people bleeding in the streets (7 DEAD)… are you starting to UNDERSTAND yet?
And you’ll NEVER guess what their governments response was - KNIFE CONTROL… “The government vowed to impose greater controls on access and possession of large knives like the one Kato used, while taking steps to provide better security for crowded public places.”
Get that… KINFE CONTROL… even though the killers PRIMARY weapon was a rental truck… So, the government pretends to be coming up with a non-existent solution without addressing the underlying problem… much easier to assign guilt to an inanimate object than to come up with actual solutions to underlying problems…
Now note that this individual used a TRUCK FIRST, and THEN the knife…
As far as your school example goes, this individual in Japan killed 8 children in an elementary school with a KNIFE, an arguably much more horrific way to go… from the SAME article…
“A spate of knife attacks also have occurred in schools, the worst on June 8, 2001, when a man with a history of mental illness burst into elementary school near Osaka, killing eight children. He was executed in 2004.”
Interesting thing to note, is that this individual had a HISTORY of mental illness, and the Japanese EXECUTED him anyway… Here in the USA, it would be a different story…
So, as you can see Furnishedowner, what many have been trying to get you to understand, it is NOT the inanimate object that is dangerous, but the underlying willingness of the user… whether it is suicide, homocide, accident… whatever… What should hammer this home to you, is that the above murderers individually killed MULTIPLE people with a KNIFE, not a gun… the people are DEAD regardless of the object used to kill them… a death is a death…
After all, I think we CAN AGREE that people who commit murders have MUCH MORE ACCESS to vehicles, and a killer will find a way to kill… even if it is with BARE HANDS… and we certaintly cannot regulate everyone’s hands, now can we…
From what you write, you have been manipulated into thinking that less GUN DEATHS is a good thing, not less deaths overall… just as long as it is not a “gun death”…
Until you start thinking for YOURSELF, you will ALWAYS be able to be manipulated…
We have got to figure out how other countries are limiting their gun violence. When do you think it is enough? When your wife is shot at the Post Office while buying stamps, when your kid runs out of high school screaming because there is a shooter, when you are caught in cross-fire at the 7-11 buying gas? And, oh, dang, your handgun is in your other pants!
My wife, sister, and daughter are all getting their concealed carry permits in December (their class is already scheduled). So, they won’t be shot at the post office or in a cross-fire at the 7-11. They’ll be the one shooting the bad guy that is threatening their life! In Ohio, more than 1 in every 50 adults you see has a concealed carry permit.
What you really need to try to figure out Furnishedowner is why Washington D.C. (which has had a total gun ban for decades) is the murder capital of the US when Ohio, where the majority of homeowners have a gun and one in 50 adults is CARRYING a gun, has a very low murder rate?
Heck no, I don't know why gun crime in England would go up with the banning of handguns. I'm sure British criminologists are focused on that problem, which probably has multiple societal causes.
Well then, since you don’t know the answer, I’ll give it to you. When handguns are banned, only criminals have guns. That means EVERY LAW ABIDING CITIZEN is an unarmed target for criminals (who are still armed). Therefore, when England banned guns from law abiding citizens, violent crime EXPLODED! Doesn’t take a brain surgeon or a criminologist to figure that out!
We DO know, don't we, that MORE guns does not mean less crime.
WRONG AGAIN! What we do know is that MORE guns in the hands of law abiding citizens significantly reduces violent crime!
I don't know why we have so much crime.
Fortunately, I do! We have so much crime because you socialists think that every evil scumbag is a victim and you aren’t willing to properly punish them!!! Crime is also GREATLY increased because of the out of control drug problem we have here in the US (again the fault of the lefties). Finally, we have a HUGE crime problem in the African American community because you lefties have DESTROYED black families with all the handouts, welfare, and entitlement mentality. YOU ARE AT FAULT FURNISHEDOWNER! YOU!
propertymanager and justin0419 want immediate execution of law breakers--just shoot 'em! 100 years ago, they would have been vigilantes.
Neither I, nor Justin, advocated the immediate execution of law breakers. I am 100% in favor of giving everyone a proper trial and then making the punishment fit the crime. The problem we have now is that people that commit serious violent crimes are NOT punished properly, as is evidenced by the convicted felon that has been stalking me since I was the witness to an attempted murder. The guy has over 250 convictions include several violent felonies (including assaulting a police officer). This scumbag should be in prison for good and yet he’s out on the streets, thanks to our abysmal criminal justice system and all the bleeding heart liberals. I have a restraining order against this scum (not worth the paper it’s written on) and when he violated it, he spent only 60 days in jail before getting off on a technicality at trial. When I got the restraining order, the judge (who also carries a concealed handgun) suggested that I shoot the criminal if I feel threatened with death or serious bodily injury by the criminal (that’s the law in Ohio). I take the right to defend myself VERY SERIOUSLY! THE POLICE CAN NOT DEFEND YOU - that’s not their job. The police investigate crime and arrest the criminals. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN DEFENSE! Or, you can make the conscious choice to be a victim.
I'd still like to know--how many gun deaths a year would be acceptable for you all? And how can we get there?
I quite honestly don’t care how many gun deaths there are a year provided the ones killed are the scumbag criminals. In fact, the more the criminals kill each other, the better! Fewer criminals means a better planet.
After all, I think we CAN AGREE that people who commit murders have MUCH MORE ACCESS to vehicles, and a killer will find a way to kill... even if it is with BARE HANDS... and we certaintly cannot regulate everyone's hands, now can we....
The scumbag in Cleveland that has been in the news this week apparently killed at least 11 women by strangling them. I think Furnishedowner should propose a ban on hands. No more hands would mean no more stranglings and no more gun violence! It’s hard to hold a gun without hands. Problem solved! Or maybe she would just like to tax anyone with excess hands. One hand - ok, 2 hands - excess hand tax! The extra tax money could be used to study the strangling problem in this country. LOL!
I found another article on the above Auto/Knife killer, that had more info and there was an interesting quote…
“The dead were six men ages 19 to 74 and a 21-year-old woman. A policeman ended the frenzy by knocking the knife from the attacker’s hands with a nightstick. But the assailant did not SURRENDER until the officer drew his gun.”
Apparently, these Japanes killers are quite effective killers with knives… They are killing and injuring about as many people as people who are using guns in the USA when they attack… Just more proof that it is the intent and willingness of the person, and not the inanimate object… it is interesting that the only thing this killer responded to was - A GUN! Sobered him right up…
I grew up in a home that always had guns in it…My father was a Marine and a Police Officer…My brother and I were taught from a very young age (7 or 8) that guns WERE NOT TOYS…They were to be treated with respect and NEVER played with…We were also taught very serious RULES concerning the handling of firearms…Loaded or unloaded, every firearm was treated the same way…AS IF IT WAS FULLY LOADED and you NEVER pointed a gun at anything you didn’t plan to shoot.
The idea of “PLAYING” with a firearm to my brother and I would be the same as “playing” with a MEAT SLICER or a BLOW TORCH…These things are not toys and they can seriously HURT you.
I saw first hand the VALUE of a fire arm when I was 7 years old…
My mother was a nurse and worked in a very rough section of the City.
Her car was being worked on so my father took my brother and I out at 11pm one night to pick her up…This was probably around 1972 or so…
As we got ready to leave the house, my father grabbed his Colt 1911 and when he got into the car he placed it between the two front seats…
As we waited for my mother, a lone Nurse exited the Hospital and was walking to the parking lot…Coming at her on the same sidewalk was a very scary looking dude… As they passed this loser made a comment just a few feet from the open window of my fathers car…The nurse just kept walking…Idiot decides to GRAB her and demands to know why she didn’t “answer” him…At this point my father yells out the window…
“That’s Enough”…He let’s her arm go and starts moving very quickly to the open passengers side window of our car…(my brother and I are in the back seats) I watched as my father dropped his hand off the steering wheel and smoothly raised the .45 at exactly the moment IDIOTS head popped into the window…
Let’s just say that my father didn’t get the chance to say anything else.
IDIOT found himself staring into the barrel of a loaded .45, which at point blank range, must have looked like a CANNON!!!
All I remember seeing was the bottoms of his sneakers as he RAN down the sidewalk!!!
I’ll keep my guns…
When THEY can SUCCESSFULLY keep COCAINE off the streets FOR GOOD…Then they can tell me how they’re gonna get GUNS out of criminals hands…Because in my mind the ONLY people who will lose their guns under more stringent gun control laws…are LAW ABIDDING CITIZENS…CRIMINALS will ALWAYS have access to them…As they do to COCCAINE, CRACK. HEROINE, METH, and countless other “illegal” things.
That was a good story FDJake, thanks for sharing.
Your right about criminals always having access to drugs as well. That is why I am a supporter of repealing all federal laws concerning illegal drugs. Legally speaking, this is a law reserved for the states, morally speaking, this is a family/religion issue, not a legal issue at all.
If a state choose to have no laws restricting drug use, this is what we would see:
The same people using drugs now… would continue to use them, and guess what, I still wouldn’t do heroin if it was legal, would you? What would happen, the rug would be yanked out from under the violent drug dealers, violence in Mexico, gang violence, all nearly gone. Take away the money, you take away the power.
I will admit there might be a few more people inclined to try stuff it was legal, but there is no such thing as a Utopian society, and the federal government needs to acknowledge they simply can’t control peoples lifestyles effectively. The untended consequences of federal drug laws have caused a lot of human grief.
We have a lot of energy around this subject. You guys know I am not for limits on weapons. That is because I have a predatory nature about myself. But my son’s best friend is a Scottish national. His parents are expatriates working in the USA for the largest oil company in the world. But they talk about in Great Britain (and most of Europe) guns are not readily available. You never hear about some person shooting up dozens of people at a school or McDonalds because they can’t. If they go crazy they have to try to stab everybody or hit them with a hammer or something like that.
But for us to get to that point we have to get rid of all the guns. That is as hard as getting rid of all the mice. That is not going to happen.
This gun stuff is insane, but we are insane not because we have guns we are insane because in a country of 200 million people there are going to be a bunch of insane people in the mix. I just would prefer to be able to protect myself from them.
Interesting posts, fewer rants this time.
Would you agree with me that we need tighter control of WHO gets a gun? That we need federal laws so some states can’t just allow sales to any criminal or crazy person? That we could at least start with tightening up ownership?
Would you agree that we need a ban on cop-killer bullets and machine guns in the hands of common people?
Would you agree that we need to stop the wholesale transfer of weapons to Mexico (that’s where a lot of your stolen guns are going)?
Would you agree that the Border Patrol and Firearm agencies and maybe FBI need more funding specifically to lessen ILLEGAL use of guns?
Would you agree that we are all at risk, and that 34,000 deaths is way out of line for a civilized first-world society?
Would you agree with me that we need tighter control of WHO gets a gun? That we need federal laws so some states can't just allow sales to any criminal or crazy person? That we could at least start with tightening up ownership?
You obviously don’t know anything at all about gun laws. Try educating yourself a little before you make such ridiculous posts. There are already federal laws that require a background check before buying guns. That is true in EVERY STATE and includes buying guns from dealers at gun shows. The only time that a person can buy a gun without a background check is when it is bought from another private individual (who is not a gun dealer).
Would you agree that we need a ban on cop-killer bullets and machine guns in the hands of common people?
Another ignorant comment! Machine guns have been banned for decades and there is no such thing as a cop-killer bullet.
Would you agree that we need to stop the wholesale transfer of weapons to Mexico (that's where a lot of your stolen guns are going)?
There is no wholesale transfer of weapons to Mexico. In fact, the vast majority of guns that are involved in gun violence in Mexico are coming from communist countries (like China). That was just inaccurate propaganda put out by the anti-gun left (which you obviously believed without doing any independent research).
Would you agree that the Border Patrol and Firearm agencies and maybe FBI need more funding specifically to lessen ILLEGAL use of guns?
The socialists won’t allow the Border Patrol to do their job, so that’s certainly not an issue. The problem isn’t more funding, the problem is that our criminal justice system is badly broken (thanks to the left) and criminals aren’t punished!
Would you agree that we are all at risk, and that 34,000 deaths is way out of line for a civilized first-world society?
34,000 gun deaths is certainly higher than needed in the US, BECAUSE THE LEFT WON’T ALLOW CRIMINALS TO BE PUNISHED. YOU and your socialist friends ARE the problem Furnishedowner! YOU HAVE CAUSED THIS PROBLEM, especially in the black community. IT’S YOUR FAULT!
“Would you agree that we are all at risk, and that 34,000 deaths is way out of line for a civilized first-world society?”
The fact that you CONTINUE to use 34,000 gun deaths, without recognizing that 55% (18,700) of the deaths were from suicide, and all the things you listed (i.e. - taxes, monitoring, etc.) would likely not CHANGE the number suicide deaths is telling…
Out of the 15,300 gun deaths, which encompass ALL the remaining gun deaths - accidental, homocide, law enforcement, etc… how many of these were from LAW ABIDING gun owners (i.e. - registered guns and law enforcement)?
A minute percentage, the rest of the gun deaths are from CRIMINAL use… so the fact that you want to INCREASE BARRIERS to law abiding gun owners, and TAX them more, does NOTHING to change the underlying CAUSES for gun deaths… CRIMINALS will just a black-market, non-traceable gun… don’t you understand this?
Something to consider… The fact that a gun is regsitered only helps in solving the crime committed by the gun… THIS IS AFTER THE FACT… whether or not it was registered would not have changed the death. So how does TAXING and MONITORING law abiding gun owners change this???
It is CRYSTAL CLEAR that Furnishedowner knows absolutely nothing about guns or gun issues (other than what she’s read on some anti-gun socialist website). She doesn’t have any FACTS to back up her wild claims and won’t answer ANY of the questions that were put to her by people on REICLUB. CLUELESS!
“She doesn’t have any FACTS to back up her wild claims and won’t answer ANY of the questions that were put to her by people on REICLUB.”
Unforunately, no matter how much you challenge her, my guess is she doesn’t ANSWER the questions because it means she will have to come to terms what her HEAD tells her, but is in conflict with what “feels good”…
The majority of her posts on the threads are based on “feelings” not facts… whether it is guns, abortion, government run healthcare, global warming, etc… Something to think about… Never mind answering the questions posed to her, which is uncommon, when she does, the majority of the time, her ANSWER is the goverment… on every single one of them… :banghead which is WHY she is so open to being manipulated… easier to go along with the crowd who is also being manipulated than to think for yourself and hold them accountable…
I’m sure Furnishedowner is a nice person, but IMHO, she is one the people who don’t take the responsibility of being SELF-GOVERNED seriously… the MORE she puts into the hands of the government, the LESS free she is… she just doesn’t see it…
I just called Bubba’s Discount Gun Shop to get answers straight from the horse’s mouth, since lately I am so gullible and easily manipulated.
Bubba said that there is a background check ONLY if I buy a gun from a licensed dealer like him. If I DON’T WANT the background check I can buy a gun from a private party. Or I can go to a gun show and buy it from a private party.
So any drug dealer with a satchel full of cash can do the same.
You think that is all right?
Checking my state’s gun website I read: Permit required? No. Registration required? No. License required? No. There is only a permit required to CARRY a gun. Not to buy.
Way, way too easy for guns to get into the wrong hands. That’s what I’ve been saying all along.
I don’t want to get RID of guns, that’s not remotely possible. I just want non-criminal, sane, licensed, registered, trained, and permitted gun owners to have guns. Like you all. And then you shouldn’t be allowed to sell them either. Let’s let all sales go back through gun dealers. Then everyone will get a background check. Let’s have licenses, registrations and permits. Whatever it takes to slow the slaughter.
85,540 shootings so far this year.
177 people shot so far today.
“Bubba said that there is a background check ONLY if I buy a gun from a licensed dealer like him. If I DON’T WANT the background check I can buy a gun from a private party. Or I can go to a gun show and buy it from a private party.”
Think this through from the POV of a criminal… Now, also remember that even if EVERYTHING you wanted happened… the CRIMINAL also has the black market, and the MORE you do what YOU want to do, the LARGER the demand, the LARGER the market…
“So any drug dealer with a satchel full of cash can do the same. you think that is all right?”
A drug dealer does not go the legal route to get a gun because of the NCIS… so your point is mute…
“I don’t want to get RID of guns, that’s not remotely possible. I just want non-criminal, sane, licensed, registered, trained, and permitted gun owners to have guns. Like you all. And then you shouldn’t be allowed to sell them either. Let’s let all sales go back through gun dealers. Then everyone will get a background check. Let’s have licenses, registrations and permits. Whatever it takes to slow the slaughter.”
Furnishedowner, why do you think a CRIMINAL will adhere to licenses, registrations, permits or background checks let alone buy a traceable gun? They won’t… so the only ones who PAY THE PRICE for your plan (TAXES, “monitoring”, fees, registration, background checks, permits, licenses) are the LAW ABIDING owners… don’t you see this???
“85,540 shootings so far this year.
177 people shot so far today.”
So now, we’ve gone from gun deaths to gun shootings?.. :rolleyes
Bubba said that there is a background check ONLY if I buy a gun from a licensed dealer like him. If I DON'T WANT the background check I can buy a gun from a private party. Or I can go to a gun show and buy it from a private party.
EXACTLY as I told you!
So any drug dealer with a satchel full of cash can do the same. You think that is all right?
I deal with drug dealers EVERY DAY (fight drug dealers every day might be more accurate). I can spot a scumbag drug dealer from a mile away and smell them two miles away! I have gone to a lot of gun shows and I can tell you for a fact that I have never seen anyone at a gun show that looked like a drug dealer. Drug dealers don’t buy guns from gun dealers or at gun shows. Gun dealers steal guns or buy them on the street from thieves.
Checking my state's gun website I read: Permit required? No. Registration required? No. License required? No. There is only a permit required to CARRY a gun. Not to buy.
I know that this is going to come as a shock, but we have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to own and carry guns. Maybe you’d like to have to pay for a license, obtain a permit, or be registered to express your opinion under the 1st amendment. Or maybe you’d like to have to pay for a license, obtain a permit, or be registered to have a right to remain silent (under the 5th amendment). Which other rights are you willing to give up or have manipulated?
I’m willing to give up the right to buy a gun privately without a background check. I’m willing to pay a permit fee, license fee, registration fee on my gun. I’m willing to give up the right to re-sell that gun privately. I want to ensure that the new owner of my gun gets a background check done. I’ll sell it to a gun dealer who will do the mandatory check.
So when it’s stolen and used in a crime it can be traced to whomever is the registered owner. Who didn’t take good enough care of the gun but allowed it to be stolen.
Someone is buying or stealing guns and then selling or trading them to drug dealers, just like you said. Right now you can sell your personal gun without a background check on your buyer. Let’s stop that loophole.
And let’s start buy-backs of guns in crime-ridden areas. Cash talks. This has worked really well in a number of places. People will be selling their guns to make rent money. This could only help you, Propertymanager. If ALL guns become traceable, then there will be some accountability from those who now flout the gun laws. Remember the crook Al Capone? He was put away for violating INCOME TAX LAWS. We could clean up some streets by enforcing gun registration laws.
Look, it’s plain insanity that things go on the same way. It’s not working. We are not safe from random gun violence and crazy shooters. It’s the guns in the wrong hands I am talking about.
Insanity is continuing to do what isn’t working. You can count on seeing tightening of gun laws. Sensible gun owners will want to help get guns off the street.
Let me preface this by saying my hand gun is completely legally registered. I surrendered my home state driver’s license so I could get a local license in order to get my concealed carry permit.
Some things just can’t be legislated away.
Are you saying if someone breaks into my house, finds my gun, and steals it - that I’m responsible? I lock my house and hide my gun inside. I’m not allowing a criminal to steal it.
I can also see that gun buyback program heading south too. So the gov’t will pay criminals who STOLE the guns. So according to Pavlov’s dog, now we just trained criminals to steal more guns because they’ve got a guaranteed buyer…the US gov’t. Awesome.
I agree Furnished…we’re going to see tightening of gun laws and probably much more. After I’m fined for not having health insurance, I probably won’t be able to afford ammo for my gun anyway.
God Bless America…oh I probably can’t say that now either.
I'm willing to give up the right to buy a gun privately without a background check. I'm willing to pay a permit fee, license fee, registration fee on my gun. I'm willing to give up the right to re-sell that gun privately.
Do you own a handgun? I didn’t think so. Have you ever shot a gun of any kind?
So when it's stolen and used in a crime it can be traced to whomever is the registered owner. Who didn't take good enough care of the gun but allowed it to be stolen.
I had a car stolen once - it was locked and in the lighted parking lot right outside my apartment window (when I was in college). Does that mean that I didn’t take good enough care of my car? RIDICULOUS!
The concealed carry law here in Ohio forces me to leave my handgun in my truck when I go into certain buildings, such as government buildings, police stations, restaurants that serve alcohol (soon to be changed), etc. If someone steals the gun from my car (after I’m forced by law to leave it there), does that mean that I didn’t take good enough care of it? If I told you that it was locked in a gun safe in my truck and cabled to the seat frame, would that make a difference? I hate to break it to you, but things can be stolen even when you do EVERYTHING right. This is EXACTLY what I’ve been talking about. When some scumbag criminal steals a gun, you want to blame the victim instead of the CRIMINAL! What is it about you socialists that make you want to blame law abiding citizens and coddle criminals?
You can count on seeing tightening of gun laws.
Quite the contrary, gun laws have been dramatically improving, with the latest victory being the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Second Amendment was an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, and their overturning of the decades old gun ban in Washington D.C. Honest citizens are tired of being victims and are buying and carrying handguns in RECORD NUMBERS! Maybe you should buy a gun Furnishedowner. Stop being a victim and start taking responsible for your own safety!
Personally, I’d like to see the criminals off the streets (or better yet OFF THE PLANET)! Guns don’t kill people - PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!