[i][b]"Perhaps you missed this part… In McCulloch vs Maryland, Chief Justice Marshall notes that the Constitution is not a statute, and suggests that it should be read more liberally and flexibly than a statute so that it might serve the ages.
Do you see the part serve the ages…"[/b][/i]
Christopher, what you fail to realize is that the Constitution is the BASIS for the laws of the land… laws are written based on their constitutionality and are challenged all the time… expect that to be the case if mandated heathcare passes… if it were “flexible” like you say, there would be no NEED for ammendments nor for limiting the powers and size of government… they could just make the law…
Re-read the quotes, and you will see this is in direct contrast to the people who WROTE it… they did not view it as “flexibile”, and WARNED AGAINST it…
“Things change over 200 years and while I appreciate all the time you spent cutting and pasting those quotes the simple fact is that times change. To advance as far as this country has over the last 200+ years the federal government has had to step in more often.”
Gradualism… exactly my point, and what was WARNED AGAINST by the Founding Fathers… In addition to ammendments (which make it HARDER for the govnernment to usurpe authority), it also provides for a Constitutional Convention… They provided the tools…
“Jake Rodgers make a great point. If we abolished all of the services provided by the federal government would individual states be able to step in and fill the void? Would private businesses? The answer is no!”
I disagree… if history teaches us nothing else, it is that the more you increase the size of government, the MORE corruption that ensues (which currenrly costs us HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS and soon to be in the TRILLIONS of dollars annually), and the loss of freedom is the victim, resulting in eventual tyranny… it has never beem different through history… people are watching history repeat itself… the Founding Fathers used words like - calamity, subversive, submission, contrary, confined, etc… in warning against what you say…
“And everytime a person or a family moved from one place to another it would be like starting over unless you were in the military.”
It is that way now… Go from New Jersey, where guns are frowned upon to Texas, where they bear arms, and you have to ask, which one is more consistent with the Constitution… there was a reason they said “arms”, and not specifically muskets, or cannons, etc…