Maybe things are getting a little out of control...

I received the following email at work today and it is real. Google safelink wireless and you will see.

I had a former employee call me earlier today inquiring about a job, and at the end of the conversation he gave me his phone number. I asked the former employee if this was a new cell phone number and he told me yes this was his “Obama phone.” I asked him what an “Obama phone” was and he went on to say that welfare recipients are now eligible to receive (1) a FREE new phone and (2) approx 70 minutes of FREE minutes every month. I was a little skeptical so I Googled it and low and behold he was telling the truth. TAX PAYER MONEYIS BEING REDISTRIBUTED TO WELFARE RECIPIENTS FOR FREE CELL PHONES. This
program was started earlier this year. Enough is enough, the ship is sinking and it’s sinking fast. The very foundations that this country was built on are being shaken. The age old concepts of God, family, and hard work have flown out the window and are being replaced with “Hope and Change” and “Change we can believe in.” You can click on the link to read more.

Thank goodness. I was so worried that those poor people wound not have cell service.

I checked it out. They only offer it in 3 states. What a croc.

Actually it is quite a few states.

We are currently offering service in parts of Alabama, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

This is crazy. I like to call the 8K tax credit Obama Bucks, but the Obama phone takes the cake.

Now my sect. 8 tenants can talk on their free cell phones while they watch their nicer and bigger TV’s than I have while I work…
It’s about time someone helped raise the quality of life for people who don’t work. Now they have another “necessary” item they’re entitled to.

Big Government…

Maybe things are getting out of control??? In only 9 months, Obama has turned the USA into a full blown socialist state. It’s gotten so ridiculous that everyone is apparently ENTITLED to a cellphone! All of my low income tenants have already gotten theirs. He is surrounded in the White House by CONFIRMED socialists and communists. His stated goal is to fundamentally transform the country! He hates the fact that this country has been successful and has had freedom. Obama is more dangerous than 1,000 Osama’s and he is literally destroying the country.

One of the big problems we have is that the average American is a total MORON! Obama tells them that he’s going to cover millions of additional people and at the same time reduce the cost of insurance and PEOPLE ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE IT! He tells us that the earth is going to be destroyed by global warming, when the warming stopped 15 years ago and by all scientific reports Cap and Trade will do virtually nothing to alter the climate. Thirty some percent of the people are stupid enough to believe that. Obama has taken control of the banking industry, the auto industry, and is trying to take over the healthcare industry. He has declared war against Fox News and is such a threat to the first amendment that all the major networks in the news pool revolted against the White House yesterday!!!

A little out of control?

This is modern day slavery to those to keep their vote and restrict them to actually getting out and doing for themselves.Its seems this administration with it’s $30k per couple “fund raisers” is catering to the elites and the lower class all at the middle class expense.

I figured it out I think.See these liberal elites feel so good supporting someone who gives away “freebees” to the lower class.The dummies are to wrapped up in their own BS to think that this targeting of the rich(bank ceo’s,exec’s)will be them at a later date because the middleclass can’t foot the bill much longer!!

Why was a free cell phone with 70 free minutes a month the breaking point??? That honestly, too me, is a scary thought…

You know I would have preferred he give them nice gas guzzling “clunkers” then totalling out good cars.

By the way I got my new Obama phone too. Cant wait to put it on ebay. j/k


“You know I would have preferred he give them nice gas guzzling “clunkers” then totalling out good cars”

Too late, they are already doing this…

Now, of course, they’ll use donated car, REPAIR them, give them insurance AND AAA, all for FREE, even when they go off welfare, but the ones we PAID BILLIONS for… we trash and fill-up the land-fills with… :banghead

Noone has explained how spending over a TRILLION DOLLARS (even though we KNOW it will actually be TRILLIONS) over the EXISTING system… SAVES MONEY?.. :rolleyes :bs

Shut up guys. Obama knows what hes doing. Obama and Pelosi and gang are finally taking the steps necessary to make progress!

If you disagree with Obama, your just a racist redneck (trust me, my favorite newcast CNN show told me that)

I think u meant disagree.According to latest polls(including CNN)that would make the majority of america racist rednecks.

Yes Bama, i meant disagree, thanks.

It was obviously a failed attempt to be sarcastic.

But anyway, I just heard of Fox that 2 Dems are pushing a Bill that would make Fed Workers not have to pay a Health Care Tax. :slight_smile:

Being that the government is giving these cell phones away, I wonder if the government has any liability…

Mobil use is linked to brain timours…

These welfare programs were started way before obama came along. I’m not saying I like the guy, but I think too many people are getting carried away with blaming him.

The reality is, we are on the verge of a financial collapse. All of the welfare dependents will get a huge wake up call or die. There could be violence in the streets. There could be massive food shortages. Instead of worrying about this idiot, get prepared, time is running out.

These welfare programs were started way before obama came along. I'm not saying I like the guy, but I think too many people are getting carried away with blaming him.

I agree wholeheartedly that socialism has been slowly creeping in for decades. However, Obama is not just another George Bush socialist lite. Obama is a full blown, radical socialist whose stated goal is to “transform America”. He means it and he’ll probably do it, leading to the total collapse of our country.

The reality is, we are on the verge of a financial collapse. All of the welfare dependents will get a huge wake up call or die. There could be violence in the streets. There could be massive food shortages. Instead of worrying about this idiot, get prepared, time is running out.


I agree wholeheartedly that socialism has been slowly creeping in for decades. However, Obama is not just another George Bush socialist lite. Obama is a full blown, radical socialist whose stated goal is to "transform America". He means it and he'll probably do it, leading to the total collapse of our country.


Obama isn’t good for our country, won’t argue that. Obama is a great distraction from the real problem, and I wish smart people like you mike would see him for what he is, a distraction from the real problem. It’s so much eaiser to say, Lets get him out of here, and never again! Instead of focusing on the real problem, the underlying system, and ignoring the supreme law of the land, our constitution.

Look at this idiot, why is she in power!!
No regard for our constitution! She is a wonderful distraction from the real problem. But there will always be people like obama and pelosi, we just have to take away their ability to do these things. And the biggest first step is to take away their money and restore the power to the states.

But why has our country been moving towards socialism for so long? Follow the money! Without the central bank (federal reserve) the federal government would have to live within their means, and the smaller federal government is, the greater our freedoms.

I wish we could harness this hatred for obama and use it towards more meaningful ways.
Abolish the fed (the intention of the full audit)
Abolish the 16th and 17th amendments.

Pretty much reverse all the bad things that happened in 1913 to our country. The real underling reason we are where we are.

Just need to get the NeoCons on the AM talking to the masses and we could bring down the Washington establishment. The system of democracy WILL work, look at HR1207. Millions of Americans (mostly younger ones like me) pounded our representatives, and now we have over 300 co-sponsers! When we speak that loudly, they HAVE to listen.

Yes. 100% agreed. People like FurnishedOwner are the problem, no respect for the Constitution.


“I wish we could harness this hatred for obama and use it towards more meaningful ways.”

I, like others I assume, don’t hate Obama as a person, I hate his policies… it wouldn’t have mattered if McCain was in his place… if he tried to do what Obama was doing, I would be just as vocal if it were him… I was just as upset with Bush over TARP as I was Obama…

By being vocal against the POLICY and the titular head of that policy, in this case Obama, you are against the people behind the scenes pushing the policies…

But I would say one thing… if after the last year, we can’t garner enough support for an audit of the Fed, there is little chance it will EVER happen… Think about it… we are asking for accountability from the companies, but not of the Fed and the government…

From the article you posted, from Pelosi’s office - “On the shared responsibility requirement in the House health insurance reform bill, which operates like auto insurance in most states, individuals must either purchase coverage (and non-exempt employers must purchase coverage for their workers)—or pay a modest penalty for not doing so.”

What Pelosi fails to realize, is that even in states where auto insurance is mandatory, you have a CHOICE not have insurance by not having a car… With even mandatory auto insurance, it is estimated that 10-16% refuse to do so, take their chances and pay a fine (more money to the government, so they don’t care)… Never mind when you are unemployed…

In Massachusetts where health insurance is mandatory, under $5000 fine, there are STILL 1% uninsured, and their costs have skyrocketed under their government option… How you think that we can do the same nationally???

I think there are alot of people covering their ears anf IGNORING the reality that this make health insurance MORE expensive…

How can you ADD TRIILIONS of dollars ABOVE AND BEYOND the exisitng “broken” system, where 85-90% of the people are happy with their insurance, and SAVE MONEY??? BTW, the programs that are on the table DON’T END UP INSURING EVERYONE… only about 10-12 million of the “uninsured”…

So the TWO most oft cited goals of health insurance reform… COST SAVINGS, and INSURING the UNINSURED are both NOT going to happen…

So WHY do it in its current form??? Does this not DEMAND that they start over??? It takes leadership to call something a crap sandwich when it is… even if you had a hand in making the sandwich…