“I wish we could harness this hatred for obama and use it towards more meaningful ways.”
I, like others I assume, don’t hate Obama as a person, I hate his policies… it wouldn’t have mattered if McCain was in his place… if he tried to do what Obama was doing, I would be just as vocal if it were him… I was just as upset with Bush over TARP as I was Obama…
By being vocal against the POLICY and the titular head of that policy, in this case Obama, you are against the people behind the scenes pushing the policies…
But I would say one thing… if after the last year, we can’t garner enough support for an audit of the Fed, there is little chance it will EVER happen… Think about it… we are asking for accountability from the companies, but not of the Fed and the government…
From the article you posted, from Pelosi’s office - “On the shared responsibility requirement in the House health insurance reform bill, which operates like auto insurance in most states, individuals must either purchase coverage (and non-exempt employers must purchase coverage for their workers)—or pay a modest penalty for not doing so.”
What Pelosi fails to realize, is that even in states where auto insurance is mandatory, you have a CHOICE not have insurance by not having a car… With even mandatory auto insurance, it is estimated that 10-16% refuse to do so, take their chances and pay a fine (more money to the government, so they don’t care)… Never mind when you are unemployed…
In Massachusetts where health insurance is mandatory, under $5000 fine, there are STILL 1% uninsured, and their costs have skyrocketed under their government option… How you think that we can do the same nationally???
I think there are alot of people covering their ears anf IGNORING the reality that this make health insurance MORE expensive…
How can you ADD TRIILIONS of dollars ABOVE AND BEYOND the exisitng “broken” system, where 85-90% of the people are happy with their insurance, and SAVE MONEY??? BTW, the programs that are on the table DON’T END UP INSURING EVERYONE… only about 10-12 million of the “uninsured”…
So the TWO most oft cited goals of health insurance reform… COST SAVINGS, and INSURING the UNINSURED are both NOT going to happen…
So WHY do it in its current form??? Does this not DEMAND that they start over??? It takes leadership to call something a crap sandwich when it is… even if you had a hand in making the sandwich…