Lou Dobbs for President

Reuters has an article claiming that Lou Dobbs is considering running for either the U.S. Senate or for PRESIDENT!!!

WOW! As a 3rd-party candidate, he just might be what this country needs to lead us out of the black hole that is socialism…

Another bonus - he’s against rights for illegal aliens :bobble


Ide have NO problem with that for the simple fact that hes ANTI BS and ANTI corruption.

Beck would be better though :slight_smile:

He’s also anti-illegal aliens!

I wonder if Lou Dobbs would team with Ron Paul?!? :shocked

I can solve your problem with illegal aliens. We should make them legal…problem solved.

just like that, Bluemoon? Make them legal…

only in America!!!



If your problem is that they are illegal aliens then if you make them legal you have no more problem. If the problem is something else then let’s talk about the problem.

If your problem is that you don’t like the Mexicans then legal or illegal you don’t like Mexicans. For example my problem is not with illegal aliens.

I am not racist but I share the problem with racists. Racist don’t like them because they are Mexicans I don’t like the fact that they don’t assimilate. Making them legal will still cause me to have a problem. We need to make them assimilate. Take the Spanish off of legal documents, street signs etc.

It doesn’t matter where they come from. What matters is a large portion won’t learn English. What matters is a significant number won’t pay taxes.

So how do you go about making them legal? So how does Bluemoon MAKE the illegals assimilate?

So you think all illegal aliens are from Mexico?

News flash, there are undocumented aliens from darn near every country in the world living in the United States. A whole bunch of those countries aren’t Spanish speaking.

Language isn’t the problem. Some of the problems are:

They all come in without medical clearance and some bring fun exotic diseases.

They drive without insurance and without drivers licenses and some get into traffic accidents.

They are bankrupting the emergency rooms of hospitals all over the USA.

They are bankrupting the school system in California, and now the taxpayers in several states are going to be paying for their college education, too.

Their first born generation qualifies for welfare, and oh boy, money for not working.

They come in without any background check and a pretty good size chunk of them are criminals. I suspect that half the Russian Mafia is living happily and illegally in the USA.

They smuggle drugs in with them as they cross the border.

Undocumented aliens are the victims of the white slave trade (yes, here in America).

They clog the jail system (In San Diego County, when a new program was started to check the jails for undocumented aliens, 85% of the prisoners on the first day of the program were found to be undocumented aliens)

Some cross the border to rob and steal and then cross back over to escape detention.

In spite of what their advocates insist, many of them are NOT paying taxes, unless you count point of purchase sales tax (but, hey, I guess that does count as paying taxes).

There are regular outbreaks of hepatitus in California, because someone in the kitchen of a restaurant is infected. Guess who that always is.

In Oregon, there are weekly arrests of drug smugglers carrying multiple pounds of meth up the highway. Who? You guessed it, they are always undocumented aliens.

They will get our new nationalized health care. Obama says undocumented aliens won’t qualify, but the Democratic party has already said they intend to legalize them. Once they get their green card, they are eligible.

If the government had any sense they’d close down the borders-- both of them-- so tight a flea couldn’t get through. Then they would issue 6 month work permits to any foreign national who could show he had a job to go to. The workers could get across the border with a health check and a background check, and they could leave their families at home and off of welfare.

Another benefit: they could get paid minimum wage, pay withholding taxes, and get car insurance. The health department could force code as to their living conditions and make the farmers provide enough port-a-potties so the farm workers would quit pissing on the veggies they are picking (You think I’m joking, I’m not. I suggest you wash those strawberries well before you eat them.)

So your problem seems to be with poor people and criminals not illegal aliens.


Dear Mr. President:

I’m planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me.

We’re planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico , and we’ll need your help to make a few arrangements.

We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws.

I’m sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Calderon, that I’m on my way over?

Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

  1. Free medical care for my entire family.

  2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

  3. Please print all Mexican government forms in English.

4… I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers.

  1. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.

  2. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.

  3. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

  4. I will need a local Mexican driver’s license so I can get easy access to government services.

  5. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico , but, I don’t plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won’t make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.

  6. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.

  7. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put U S. flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not wa! nt any c omplaints or negative comments from the locals.

  8. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.

  9. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.

  10. I want to receive free food stamps.

  11. Naturally, I’ll expect free rent subsidies.

16… I’ll need Income tax credits so although I don’t pay Mexican Taxes, I’ll receive money from the government.

  1. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Gov’t pays $4,500 to help me buy a new car.

  2. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I’ll get a monthly income in retirement.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all his people who walk over to the U.S. from Mexico . I am sure that President Calderon won’t mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

Thank you so much for your kind help. You’re the man!!!

[[[…So your problem seems to be with poor people and criminals not illegal aliens…]]]]

Why yes, thank you for noticing. I do have a thing against criminals and I think we have more than enough home-grown criminals and don’t really need to import any more of them.

As for poor people, I have nothing against them, unless they are sitting on their fat butts watching TV and expecting the taxpayers to support them (and that has nothing to do with immigration status).

I wouldn’t even mind paying for welfare if it went to people who needed help. It doesn’t seem to. People who need help can’t get it because the money is going to those who know how to game the system, and a whole bunch of those dollars are going to bureaucrats.

Here’s my problem with “poor” illegal immigrants, or any other undocuments alien, for that matter, no matter how much money they have. I think the government of the Ukraine ought to be responsible for the feeding and housing and education of Ukrainian citizens, not the US taxpayer.

I think the government of India should be responsible for the citizens of India, not the US taxpayer. The government of Botswana should be responsible for the welfare of Botswanans, not the US taxpayer. Guatemala should take care of the needs of Guatemalans, it shouldn’t be the US taxpayer who foots the bill.

The same for Mexico and Canada. Their governemnt should be who is responsible for their own citizens.

Close up the borders and allow workers in on short term permits. Then they could complain about substandard working conditions and we’d find out if it is true that no American will do the job, or all it is is that no American will do the job for 1/2 of minimum wage and 16 hours a day.

I’m betting that if the undocumented aliens cost as much to hire as a legal resident or citizen, that a lot of those jobs would go to citizens or legal residents, who I feel have much more of a right to that job.

In this day and age of drug smugglers and terorists, nobody should be coming across those US borders, north or south, without somebody knowing about it.

LakesideEstimating and Tatertot,
We do need better work permit programs. People are staying in the US because if they cross the border, like for Christmas, they can’t get back. Tightening up the border has backfired and made some people permanent; people who would rather go home.

I am shocked at your xenophobia. We are a nation of immigrants, and we should celebrate that fact. In the past, it was the “Dirty Irish Need Not Apply”, “No Jews”, “Chinese may reside here only as house servants”, and “Whites Only.”

What you are spouting is more of the same–i.e. “They won’t learn English!”

Do you have any idea of just how difficult it is to gain fluency in another language when you are an adult? WHAT LANGUAGES HAVE YOU LEARNED LATELY? I lived in Japan for five years, studied every week, but never learned more than the very basics. It was incredibly difficult. But our three kids all got fluent just like that. It’s a daunting effort for an adult. It has always been the kids and grandkids who assimilate; in three generations the native tongue gets lost. This is nothing new.

What is new, is that our nation, our wonderful melting pot, is becoming more and more Hispanic. Soon Latinos will be a plurality amongst us. How are you embracing that? How are you keeping up?

I, for one, am learning Spanish, for free, at our local evening adult school. The Mexicans there are learning English, so now we have joint bilingual classes. I need Spanish every day in order to communicate better with my workers. I don’t expect the 60-year old stone mason to have English fluency, I can make the effort myself.

My Mexican workers do not smuggle, apply for welfare, or go to prison. They either speak or try speaking English, pay their taxes, and raise responsible kids. They work hard and long hours. I trust them in my house and in my business. They are valuable people by any yardstick, and I count them as friends as well as employees.

Your racist comments against the Mexican people were offensive and ignorant.

There are people who try to understand strangers, and then people who just COMPLAIN–“They’re not like us”. It’s easy to see which category you fall into.


LOL… were doing TO MUCH TO SECURE THE BORDER!!! Post of the year right there Furnished… LMFAOOOO

LOL… racist comments? Wow.

If they want to live in this country, they can learn our language. If I moved to Mexico, I would be EXPECTED to learn Spanish. God… you are so beyond Liberal its not even funny.

So, just because learning a foreign language is too diificult, we should pardon people who have BROKEN THE LAW?!? (ie entered the country illegally) :banghead :banghead :banghead

WOW!!! is all I can say. :flush

I agree Furnished is really liberal.I can understand her part in wanting to learn to communicate with her employees thu.That’s her choice,and I can respect that.But when our country is expected by liberals to throw out our own language for political correctness,that’s just ridiculous.If I was to move to any other country and wanted to succeed,I would learn their language.

This revolving door of entitlements liberals are always pushing are bankrupting us and as we seen @Ft hood costing lives.I hold Obama and his liberal zombies responsible for any “change” in our once safe nation.


“We do need better work permit programs. People are staying in the US because if they cross the border, like for Christmas, they can’t get back. Tightening up the border has backfired and made some people permanent; people who would rather go home.”

This is COMPLETELY unsupportable… let’s get this right, you are saying the border agents are STOPPING ILLEGAL immigrants from returning to their country of origin, when that is what HAPPENS to illegal immigrants??? Are you SERIOUS…

"I am shocked at your xenophobia. We are a nation of immigrants, and we should celebrate that fact. In the past, it was the “Dirty Irish Need Not Apply”, “No Jews”, “Chinese may reside here only as house servants”, and “Whites Only.”

How is it xenophobic to want people to FOLLOW THE IMMIGRATION LAWS that are in place and that other people who are following the process should NOT be penalized for LAW BREAKERS … NOONE here has said they are against immigration… they HAVE SAID that they are against ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

[i][b]"What you are spouting is more of the same–i.e. “They won’t learn English!”

“Do you have any idea of just how difficult it is to gain fluency in another language when you are an adult? WHAT LANGUAGES HAVE YOU LEARNED LATELY? I lived in Japan for five years, studied every week, but never learned more than the very basics. It was incredibly difficult. But our three kids all got fluent just like that. It’s a daunting effort for an adult. It has always been the kids and grandkids who assimilate; in three generations the native tongue gets lost. This is nothing new.”[/b][/i]

Two words… Rosetta Stone… EXCELLENT PROGRAM for adults of ALL education levels… used by busines and the government ALL THE TIME for overseas personnel…

“What is new, is that our nation, our wonderful melting pot, is becoming more and more Hispanic. Soon Latinos will be a plurality amongst us. How are you embracing that? How are you keeping up?”

What are you saying, that the USA is going to become a primarily Spanish-speaking country??? I speak Spanish, but if I moved to Mexico, or France, or China, it would be EXPECTED that I learn their native tongue… No different here…

“I, for one, am learning Spanish, for free, at our local evening adult school. The Mexicans there are learning English, so now we have joint bilingual classes. I need Spanish every day in order to communicate better with my workers. I don’t expect the 60-year old stone mason to have English fluency, I can make the effort myself.”

Noone said you have to be COMPLETELY fluent in English. Although it makes it easier for an immigrant seeking LEGAL status, there should be a BASIC level of fluency as part of being in the “melting pot” otherwise, it is just a pot of oil and water that serves noone…

“My Mexican workers do not smuggle, apply for welfare, or go to prison. They either speak or try speaking English, pay their taxes, and raise responsible kids.”

If your Mexican workers are illegals, then WHAT taxes do they pay?

“They work hard and long hours. I trust them in my house and in my business. They are valuable people by any yardstick, and I count them as friends as well as employees.”

I can speak well of MANY immigrants I’ve worked with throughout my life - in Restaurants and Construction, I’ve worked with Mexicans, in Computers, I worked with Indians (some of the most POLITE, friendly and honest people I’ve worked with), but that does NOT mean that like EVERYWHERE in the world they do not have their bad apples…

"Your racist comments against the Mexican people were offensive and ignorant. "

SPECIFICALLY identify what comments were racist, ignorant or offensive… The funny thing is, once you do, you indite yourself, as Lakeside was only parroting what we apply to the Mexicans…

“There are people who try to understand strangers, and then people who just COMPLAIN–“They’re not like us”. It’s easy to see which category you fall into.”

This is ignorant at it’s core… NOONE is saying that they are against immigration, just those who are ILLEGALLY here… at the same time, they want a MINIMUM standard (and learning the language is one of them) for citizenship… what’s wrong with that??? Instead you want o coddle the ILLEGAL immigrants, and NOT require them to FOLLOW THE LAW, but PUNISH those who have, by ALLOWING the ILLEGAL immigrants to jump to the head of the line…


You have the same story with every thread - no accountability for those breaking the law, PUNISH those who FOLLOW the law, and if you don’t like it, TAXES, penalties and government intrusion on everyone BUT those who should be held accountable, seems to be your stock answer to everything…

Maybe those seven countries have had more of an effect on you than you are willing to recognize… From my recollection, they were all socialistic countries…

You have the same story with every thread - no accountability for those breaking the law, PUNISH those who FOLLOW the law, and if you don't like it, TAXES, penalties and government intrusion on everyone BUT those who should be held accountable, seems to be your stock answer to everything...

EXACTLY! FurnishedOwner’s only answer is SOCIALISM! Funny that she can’t admit that she’s an overt socialist (just like her buddy Obama).

[[[[…My Mexican workers do not smuggle, apply for welfare, or go to prison…]]]]

So you are claiming that you hire undocumented aliens? If you do, you are committing a felony and that makes you a felon.

I have no problem with legal immigration. I think it is a terrible insult to the people who go to all the effort of immigrating legally for the USA to give the same rights and more to the people who sneak across the border without meeting any of the immigration criteria.

I’m really curious about how you can be so certain that “your” undocumented aliens have never smuggled anything. You give them a lie detector test every 6 months or so?

So you are claiming that you hire undocumented aliens? If you do, you are committing a felony and that makes you a felon.

Maybe that explains why FO doesn’t want us to punish felons!!!

The USA is not stagnant. It is ever changing. It is not what it was and is not what it will be. The area we call the USA was originally populated by native people (we call them Indians). The English came in. They didn’t learn Chippewa, they just continued to speak English. The country is of its people. We speak whatever we speak. As the country becomes more and more Hispanic the majority of people may end up speaking Spanish. In that case this county may become a Spanish speaking county. Lou Dobbs needs to get with the program. Viva La USA.