Kris Kirschner’s autopilot or Louis Brown's Street Smart Systems

I am thinking of ordering either Kris Kirschner’s autopilot or Louis Brown’s Street Smart Systems (whole enchilada junior) course. They are boat pretty expensive but also highly regarded. Anyone have any other feedback on these courses?

Thanks in advance,


Homes To Go Real Estate

I have the Kris Kirschner course and even though it is pricey it is the best course I have purchased to date.

Before you pay retail, make sure you check E-Bay. :beer

Kris’s course. I’ve got both, and yes get it off of ebay. His wholesale and sales people courses are not that good, but his buying and selling, specially the selling, are excellent.

Lou Brown is a real motivator.I saw him last year and purchased his material. I reccomend if you have the cash get all that you can. You can never know too much.

I’ve never heard of either one, but THERE IS NO AUTOPILOT for real estate investing!


ebay is the solution.

But, but, but…I heard the less I do the more money I make!!!


I guess this forum is very very anti - guru, anti real estate course orientated…

Seems to become like a John T Reed cult…

There are good courses out there, most suck.

Tien I just emailed you.

Totally agree… and those who complain, are the same people who sell their courses.

John T Reed kind of annoys me, its like listening to GM talk bad about Ford…not really an impartial judge when he himself is a guru and author.

I listened to FREE cd that came with Ron LeGrands $20 book (Ron interviews Kris). Lot of info on selling on autopilot. I like Ron and most people associated with him. He teaches a lot of creative methods of investing. I’ve found that he seems a step ahead of most investors and everything he says seems to hold true to real world. I did not know one thing about real estate before reading his materials in January and have learned a lot. I’ve talked to attorneys in my area about some ideas and they were amazed at some of the ideas I had. There are ways to make money in real estate besides the same old rentals, flips, and rehabs. All are good income streams but there are a lot of different ways to locate deals, fund deals, close deals etc.
Do what everyone else does and you have to compete with everyone else. Learn as much as you can and do what works for you.

everything he says seems to hold true to real world.

Yeah, you’re right. In the real world, the less you do, the more you make. Try doing nothing and watch the money pour in!


The point I heard Ron make is not that nothing gets done, you just don’t do it yourself. You let experts do what they do best, so you can do what you do best. Let someone else paint the house, or manage properties, while you go close more deals. I am putting it into action now, but it makes sense to me.

The point I heard Ron make is not that nothing gets done, you just don't do it yourself. You let experts do what they do best, so you can do what you do best. Let someone else paint the house, or manage properties, while you go close more deals. I am putting it into action now, but it makes sense to me.

I think that is one of the silliest things that the gurus say. Pay someone else to do everything so that you can close on more deals. RIDICULOUS! How many hours a day does it take to close deals? How many hours per day does it take to look for deals? I have several dozen rentals and it takes 12-16 hours per week to do all the management and all the maintenance. Doing these things makes me thousands of dollars extra per month and still leaves 152 hours, or 90% of all the available hours in the week, free. Do I need more time than that to “close more deals.” Should I throw away thousands of dollars per month paying someone else so that ALL of my time will be free to close deals?

Let’s get real. Many (most) of the gurus preach this autopilot nonsense to make newbies believe that they can get rich without any effort. That is not only true of the real estate business, but also stock trading, MLM, and all the other get-rich-quick schemes. The truth is that it’s all nonsense. There’s a radio ad in our area that is about some MLM scheme. It says that you buy their computer and their system, and the computer does all the work. You even make money while your sleeping. If that were true, why don’t the people in the ad just spend all their time sleeping while the dollars fall from the sky? Obviously, they’re trying to get gullible newbies to buy their computer and their system. Ridiculous!


I totally agree… after all, bill gates does his own coding of software… he doesn’t go around hiding 50k employees! Same with any company that hires employees… these guys wasting their money.


That’s not what the gurus are talking about. They’re not talking about someone having employees because they have such a large and successful business that they can’t do all the work themselves. They’re trying to convince newbies that they can get rich quick without work! That’s a huge difference!

BTW, that’s another big fallacy. Do you think Bill Gates does nothing and runs his business on autopilot? Ridiculous! I’d be willing to bet that he works more hours than the vast majority of Americans. Rich people work HARD - they don’t run their businesses on autopilot!


I agree doing nothing will get you what you put in, but what is wrong with eliminating wasted steps? If you set up a voicemail leaving details about a house instead of taking every call yourself wouldn’t that free up a little time? I might be new but because I research different areas does’t make me gullable. I understand there are a lot of people who will have you believe you can get rich quick or have 1min riches but there is some valuble info out there also. I think if you listen to the free cd you may find some useful info. If you don’t need it don’t listen to it. But for the guy that asked the question, don’t buy either one listen to the free cd or/and ask for some ideas from people in here.