Kris Kirschner’s autopilot or Louis Brown's Street Smart Systems

If you set up a voicemail leaving details about a house instead of taking every call yourself wouldn't that free up a little time?

Yes, that will certainly free up a little time, but it will also increase the time it takes to find a tenant. Tenants are fickle. If they get voicemail or a recording, they will usually hang up and just move on to the next phone number. In really hot rental markets, it wouldn’t matter that you missed a bunch of potential tenants. In a more normal or difficult rental market, it could be quite serious. The same is true of people calling to sell you their house. When someone is desperate to sell, they want to sell NOW. They don’t want to get a recorded message.

I’m in business. I am not lazy. Part of running a business is answering the phone. I receive an average of 30-40 calls per day and my goal is to be efficient. In almost all cases, I can give the caller the info they need in less than 1 minute and be off the phone. So, on average, I spend about 40 minutes on the phone. The majority of tenant applicants call from 8am to about 9pm, which is a time period of 13 hours. If I followed the guru nonsense advice, I could hire someone to answer those calls. If I paid them $10 per hour, that would be $130 per day or $4,030 per month (plus all the other expenses associated with employees). So, that 40 minutes I spend on the phone makes me $4,030 per month. Do you really suggest that I hire someone to answer the phone and lose $4,030 per month?

I understand there are a lot of people who will have you believe you can get rich quick or have [b]1min riches [/b] but there is some valuble info out there also.

OUCH! Now that hurts! To set the record straight, the “1 Minute” part of the title is meant to be a sarcasm of all the ridiculous guru promises of instant riches without work. Another good example of the nonsense is an infomercial I just saw. The “guru” was asked by a student how much work it would take to do his system. His answer - 10 minute a day! RIDICULOUS!

I was thinking this morning about becoming a guru of an entirely new system to instant riches. This system would get newbies to attend a 3-day bootcamp at which we would introduce people that had gotten rich with my “system”, although never really telling how they did it. None of these people had to work even 1 minute to become rich. At the end of the 3-day bootcamp (which was really a 3-day commercial), I would promise to give the student the “SECRET” to getting rich instantly without ANY work at the platinum level “Inner Circle” training, which cost only $19,999. At the $19,999 training, I would finally give the big secret away - BUY LOTTERY TICKETS! What do you think? The next bootcamp is right around the corner!


I’m simply trying to make a point - that many of the gurus are selling a dream that doesn’t exist. You WILL NOT get rich with real estate investing (or anything else) unless you are willing to work hard. I would challenge you to watch several infomercials this weekend. All of them are hyping instant riches without work - which is pure nonsense. I don’t know anything about Kris Kirchner or Louis Brown and I can’t comment on their courses. However, I do KNOW that there is no autopilot and that you won’t get rich without a LOT of work.

You made the right choice by joining REIClub. You won’t get a bunch of guru nonsense on here - just the opinions of real people who are out there actually doing it.

Good Luck,


Thank you. I agree voicemail has a potential to lose some possible prospects. Just an example. I know this business requires hard work and am willing to pay my dues. My point is that not all courses are bad. Can you get basically the same info here cheaper? Probably. Did some of that knowledge come from other people who bought guru courses? Probably. I bought a book and a home study course before I new about REIA groups or anything about real estate. When I bought Ron LeGrands book I never heard of him or knew he had an infomercial. But from his course and free info, I learned a lot. I am familar with most of the methods talked about here. I know you guys are looking out for the newbies (including me) but why are you so against these materials if you never heard of them? I agree not to spend a fortune on this stuff, but some things are worth looking at, especially free or cheap on ebay. I am going to option a $325,000 house in great shape for $260,000 this weekend with a $100 deposit. I would not be if it was not for the course I got and I would not know about REIA groups either. I hope to learn a lot from everyone here and I plan to get your book in the future. :beer

I know you guys are looking out for the newbies (including me) but why are you so against these materials if you never heard of them?

I’m not against educational material. Quite the contrary, I paid $800 for Donna Bauer’s Notebuyers course and made $26,000 within 3 weeks of doing so with the materials in her course. I also bought Pat Tarr’s asset protection course and have saved thousands setting up my own entities plus avoided 2 lawsuits partial because of the entities.

What I am against are the RIDICULOUS claims that some of the gurus make and continually upselling students with the promise of a “SECRET” that doesn’t exist!


Most gurus have moved from offering educational material for the purpose of making money by helping to informational marketing where they create products for the sake of selling them to hungry audiances.
Legrand himself teaches you how to do this in his information marketing bootcamp (where he basically tells you to sell his information marketing bootcamp and get $1000 for every student that registers, thats the gists of that course).
I have also listened to Richard Roop say in his course that the only marketing he does is post cards but he creates all these other methods to sell to his students.

There are few true educational materials out there. I like Chris Keshner’s (wholesale one is worthless) because they have good ideas. I’m using some of his concepts, but not all of them. I like Legrand because he motivates you, but leaves a lot unanswered.

If you know what you are buying is an informational product, then thats fine… if you think you will get all the answers, then you will be surprised at what you may receive.

any thoughts on Carleton Sheets?

I think the Carleton Sheets Course is the best basic real estate course on the market. It covers just about everything in detail and in a logical order. It actually covers the how-to instead of the typical motivational hype of most courses.
