Is Unemployment the New Welfare?

Majority Leader Harry Reid on Monday moved toward an initial vote on a $126 billion bill to extend unemployment insurance that ran out last month for hundreds of thousands of out-of-work Americans and renew a set of popular business tax breaks.

I guess if you are unemployed, you NEVER have to work again! How many years are these people going to be given unemployment benefits?

Talk about a free ride…

The administration holding social unrest at bay…plain and simple.

There’s PLENTY of work out there. Crappy, low paying jobs…just what the average, bloated US consumer deserves.

Time to cut the cord and stop playing kick the can.

Maybe some of those single-wide FEMA trailers from Katrina could be put back in to use…as people realize they need to stop living above their means.

No a/c either…let 'em sweat it out.

Menial, hard work has it’s merits…it builds character.


I’m a fan of Sheriff Joe (…erect some surplus GP Large tents and put them in there…if it’s good enough for the troops in the Gulf, it’s good enough for criminals (or in this case, the slackers).

"Arpaio set up a “Tent City” as an extension of the Maricopa County Jail. Tent City is located in a yard next to a more permanent structure containing toilets, showers, an area for meals, and a day room. It has become notable particularly because of Phoenix’s extreme temperatures.

During the summer of 2003, when outside temperatures exceeded 110 °F (43 °C), Arpaio said to complaining inmates, “It’s 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents, have to wear full body armor, and they didn’t commit any crimes, so shut your mouths.” Tent City is criticized by groups contending that there are violations of human and constitutional rights."

I graduated from high school in 1975 and in those 35 years have had one unemployed period of about 2 weeks. A lot of this depends on your pride and your ambition - most of these folks have neither. They suck at the teat of free government programs their whole lives…


great post Keith…


The problem is that the economy is in bad shape. The workforce is 180 million people. With 10% unemployment that is 18 million unemployed. Full employment is 4% unemployment. That means we need to find about 9 million jobs. You may say that you can find 9 million jobs, but you have to find 9 million “good jobs”. People can’t just take the first job offered because if they do then they will not be available for the “good job” that may come along in a few months.

The economy we have does not create “good jobs” anymore. It hasn’t for about 10 years. That is why unemployment is becoming a chronic condition for some.

The 10% unemployment figure is extremely skewed. It does not count those that have just said, “Screw it” and have given up, nor does it count those that are ‘underemployed’, taking part-time or substandard jobs trying to do the right thing. The real unemployment rate is more like 15-17%


People can’t just take the first job offered because if they do then they will not be available for the “good job” that may come along in a few months.

so let me get this straight…under that rationale:

one (working) neighbor pays for his (non-working) neighbor’s quest for that “dream” job?



Of course. What else makes since?

I’ll leave that one for someone else to debate…

btw…what is your timeline for riding the unemployment insurance dream job quest?


Bluemoon’s response is everything you need to know that is wrong with this country and there is no fix to these obvious philosophical differences. Bluemoon wants government to prop up everybody and bring social justice to all. The other spectrum wants accountability and hard work to be rewarded through the efforts of the private sector. This divide is only getting worse and it is by design with this administration to consolidate power and enslave people to the government. They really aren’t stupid. They know exactly what they are doing. Only the sheeple that follow them are.

What I am saying is that we are fighting the wrong problem. We are all Americans, we are not the enemy. The battle is with the economy. You should not root for one of your fellow Americans to go without a job or take a lower quality job. This economy doesn’t provide good jobs for Americans anymore. What we need to be is to fix the problem not plug holes with unemployment etc.

{{{…The 10% unemployment figure is extremely skewed. It does not count those that have just said, “Screw it” and have given up, …}}}}}

But it does count all of those who have said, “Oh boy. The government is going to support me while I watch TV.”

Those who have given up and aren’t collecting unemployment checks (is there really anyone who is not taking their unemployment money?) seem to be to be balanced with those who are deliberately not finding a job, because Uncle Sam is supporting their family. So the real unemployment figure is probably pretty close to accurate, and long as you don’t count welfare recipients who refuse to work as “unemployeed”.

I do understand how it is difficult to take a job that does not give a living wage. Minimum wage jobs are intended for entry positions for the person who is trying to learn how to work a job. They aren’t much good for a family of 4.

However, I don’t find it acceptable to let Uncle Sam support your family while you hold our for a job that pays $250,000 a year (which probably would count as a “dream job”.)

I have had 2 people sit across from me in interviews in the last six months in which I offered them a sales job that average 28-34K first year salary actually tell me they are going to ride out unemployment until they find something more suited to them. WTF??? This isn’t everybody but after 99 weeks, enough is enough, find SOMETHING to do to support your family other than letting Uncle Sam(through taxpayer money) take care of you.

related commentary from zero hedge:


This seems an inspiring thread about unemployment and I love the responses that all you guys posted. Meanwhile, I read from here, that November showed more state unemployment statistics decreasing than in any individual month for the last 8 years. Forty-three states reported a decrease. I think this is a great threat to our economy.

What I am saying is that we are fighting the wrong problem. We are all Americans, we are not the enemy. The battle is with the economy. You should not root for one of your fellow Americans to go without a job or take a lower quality job. This economy doesn’t provide good jobs for Americans anymore. What we need to be is to fix the problem not plug holes with unemployment etc.
Why is it the economy’s fault for not providing jobs. All these people have skills. In a normal economy without all this unemployment people would create their own worrk by being self employed. All of us here would love to find someone to come up and propose that we purchase a home to fix up and they do all the work for half the profit. My realtor has a similar arrangement with a guy. This guy is making about $5000/month fixing up homes with no money invested at all. He can do one in 30 days.

Others can offer their computer networking services or drafting, or any kind of technical white collar jobs at a contract rate, that is usually much higher than what they made per hour before. I just hired a draftsman for a month at a pretty good rate, especially considering I don’t have to offer health care and such. He’s making pretty good money too.

There’s lots of work out there but you have to be willing to try to get it.

There’s the real problem. Too many people are content to get their welfare/disability checks each month and just continue to live that way. There’s a proposal in MS now to have people on welfare volunteer so many hours each week in order to keep receiving their “entitlements.” I think it’s a great idea. I’ve thought for a long time that if people are getting that money, they should be cleaning up the town/county where they live or otherwise doing something productive to help society.

Why wouldn’t they be happy on unemployment? I once figured that after paying 42% taxes and $375/week daycare costs I am going home with $60/day from my day job. I make good money, but could make more on unemployment because I don’t need daycare.

Man this is an old thread, but I will comment too.

As a landlord with a decent collection of lower income properties in his portfolio (sub $800 rent), I can tell you that its kind of sad seeing the amount of people abusing our social security, and other “definied benefit” systems. Particularly, poorer folks, seem to love doing it. Anyway, I have one lady renting from me - a GREAT tenant - and she gets $1400 a month in social security for her two boys “disabilities”, and she works and makes $1200 a month in “cash” for doing home health work for some old folks. She gets food stamps too. In reality she’s making probably making $2600 in spendable income per month, and $3000 a month or $36000 per year if you factor in the food stamp income.

Her boys are not disabled, and are perfectly intelligent. She is probably not reporting a big chunk of her income. So her taxable income is … nothing, yet she makes $36k a year. Due to “credits” she probably gets more money back than she pays into the system! She’s one of the 49% that actually sucks off society, than contributes to it.

And I have seen similar scenarios above repeated again, again, and again.

Unemployment is a never ending problem. There are people who gain jobs, and there are those who lose.