Is Unemployment the New Welfare?

The US job market is declining mainly because of unions. And I say this with many friends in multiple different kinds of unions. Public pension unions,municipal unions,trade unions,auto workers unions,teachers union are all hell bent on retaining their “living wage” even if it means they dismantle the business they are working for…Even if that business is the USA …Example…I have a friend who is a stage hand carpenter…Makes some outrageous salary…Point being the company he worked for was going broke paying these union workers their “living wage” and the company faced bankruptcy because the movie companies started to get the sets built for 1/3 the money in Mexico…My thinking is if YOU were the business owner facing bankruptcy what would you do?..Continue to pay outrageously high “living wage” salaries and put your family in the streets or use non union workers and stay afloat… And since when is a living wage $50 an hour…Meanwhile he and all his union goons are unemployed for close to 2 years…Another thing that gets me enraged is these union thugs are so quick to demonize the NON union worker and label them a scab,yet they are quick to take side work that is paid in cash and clearly non union and that is ok…

Also someone explain to me why a civil servant gets a multi million dollar pension. Example…A Nassau County NY cop retires on AVERAGE with $100k salary for LIFE after 20 years on the job… This equates to $4million per cop…WTF?..Who here has a $4million pension…I have to laugh when I see these bozos (Occupy Wall street) protesting the 1%,meanwhile the public pension and municipal pension unions are facing a $3 TRILLION short fall…Yes that is a T…Try and correct this problem and you will see the real 1% rioting in the streets…

I often debate this issue with a friends wife who is a teacher. I have never met a more close minded,ignorant,selfish POS than a union worker trying to hold onto their entitlements. Its ridiculous…Our POTUS needs to correct this massive shortfall because its bankrupting this country.

12 years ago the private sector switched from pensions to SELF FUNDED 401k’s and you didnt hear a word…Because these thug union workers are so used to strong arming their employers. I applaud Wal Mart for not going union. I might ever have my business dictated by a bunch of thugs…I hope they all remain unemployed…

In Illinois and California policemen and firemen can retire at 52 and get a huge pension. $100,000 to $125,000 per year is typical. Plus free health care. Plus social security income later.

These people have been lavished with pensions five to ten times higher than the private sector. Why should taxpayers put up with this. State bankruptcy would be a good thing. Then these pensions can be reduced.

In both states pensions will, if not already, be the main expense. When are people going to wake up? I say do away with pensions and make government employees “enjoy” a 401K like the rest of us. Citizens must demand that these extravagant pensions are rolled back. Even if bankruptcy or change of the state or federal constitution is required to do it.

Finally NOT ONE PENNY of federal money should be used to bail them out.

Do a search for San Ramon Valley fire
chief. He retired at 51 with a 284k a year pension.To top that off he went out on disability and doesn’t have to pay taxes.Just for fun look up San Ramon city manager,for a city of 65k he was making 365k a year,just retired and his pension is 200k.It’s criminal out here in Ca

sickening…ain’t it?

millions of people in the private sector, (not the freeloaders…althought there are plenty of them)…who, (focusing on their specialty), get SHAFTED relative to their union counterpart riding an entitlement…

that’s why I’ve resolved to just use my wits in both real estate and the markets…

always grateful for what I can pick up here…at this site.


Pension reform is gaining ground in Albany. I applaud Gov.Cuomo for standing up to these corrupt municipal unions. Its an economic issue and that is proven so by being brought forward from a clearly intelligent DEMOCRAT Governor. Soon these union members will have to live/save like every American. Next step is privatization and bust these unions up. They serve no purpose.



hope they treat me better…this time around…

fat thumb on my part has already cost me a month in re-submission time for one project…


For those of you talking bad about “benefits” unemployment and social security.

This is aside from those breaking the law and are fraudulently claiming unemployment insurance and social security insurance. They need to go to jail and if you know who they are and you haven’t turned them in then you should go with them.

Mannnnnn more uninformed people. This is why we are in a national mess.

Let me go over unemployment and social security for those who don’t take the time to educate themselves, I guess you can say for the uneducated.

Unemployment, like social security, is an insurance program. The federal gov’t decided many decades ago to enter the insurance business. They felt that if they could force every working person in this country to have to pay an insurance tax ie unemployment tax your employer pays and your SSI payment you and your employer pays they would provide a policy for periods of unemployment and retirement. They also realized they wouldn’t have to pay out hardly any money for social security retirement for quite awhile.

What the elected officials you voted into office decided to do is they could use the money as investment money into America. So they placed the insurance tax premiums into the General Fund instead of into the trust fund like they were suppose too. With all this new money the elected officials you voted for spent the money like a drunken sailor. (don’t be insulted by that, I’m a veteran) They didn’t realize that some day the investors (or the insureds) would want their money back. They realized what they had done only a decade or two ago. In reality they embezzled the money because they had no intentions of repaying or funding the trust.

Oh ya, they also forgot about the clause that promised that when the tax premiums for the unemployment and social security insurance was collected it would be placed in a trust.

So now they embezzled all the money and everyone wants to screw the insured. Oh ya you want to screw yourself out of the money you have already paid into the these two insurance programs. If a private insurance company would have done the same thing there would be lots of jail time for the executives of the insurance company.

Instead of blowing all that stimulas money on bad companies the gov’t should have paid back the social security insurance fund and sent each state the money they are owed on unemployment.

We would be ten steps ahead of getting out of this economic mess.

I hope I don’t have to hold an economics class to explain how refunding billions into the social security insurance fund and the unemployment insurance fund would dramatically help the economy rebound.

You see when the fed. gov’t creats laws and policies affecting you and I it then becomes their liability and makes them responsible for the adverse effect.

Now I hope you are not going to say you didn’t vote your elected official into office. That would mean you didn’t vote. In that case you can’t complain about any of this.

I have veen unemployed since December 2011. I was a dept collector for nine years. I the company I worked for was bought out. I went from $42K a year to $277 weekly.

This is my third layoff in 15 years. I am 54, kids are grown and doing very very well in the US Navy. I am now living with one of my kids, living off my $277 weekly like no other.

I knew the company was coming to a close. I used my weekly incentive, monthly bonus, over time and regular salary to payout debts.
It was hard to give up the money, because I wanted to go spending like before.

Now I am so happy, I have no bills, just basic. I also have extra money.

I am now working real estate full time. Each day I look at my $277 weekly check which motivates me to work constantly and productively.

I am working my first deal of many which includes the sell or REO’s, NPN and PN. Just located a source for turnkey bulk single family homes. This is a big demanding from my team of investors I network with.

So with all that being said, success depends on the individual. Use the hard times to resturcture your life, take control, be patience and most of all TRUST GOD.

If not unemployment is the new welfare, then probably its underemployment.