Interesting Coversation- Who for Pres.?

That’s the EXACT shortsightedness that our country does NOT need.

Without NASA where would any of us bee right now? No internet, no satellite tv, no blackberries, no gps, national security would be greatly diminished, the list could go on and on.

Top 5 things for the govrm’t to cut (not in any particular order):

  1. The House and Senate’s salaries by 10% since that’s their approval rating.
  2. Dept. of Education
  3. FEMA
  4. IRS
  5. Welfare


At least the Democrats here in Wyoming had the good sense NOT to vote for Hill-yuri (well, at least 61% of them)!


Lets see…Bring on Trump. He is a billionaire, YES, but it was his father who taught him the business really. He dad just never bothered with commericalizing his name like Trump. He is a master at branding his name. Lets see, how many times did he file for Bankruptcy. I do not see all his business succeeding. IS his water still on the market. Anyone have his credit card, what about the hotels, didnt the board try to remove him. He hardly builds now. He just sells his name to the developers so they can get a premium on the condo.

As for investing in the market. You can not just buy and stock and hope it makes money. It requires education and knowledge. You have long and short stocks. Now why would I trust any big brokerage. These guys all lost BILLIONS of dollars in 2007. Not such good stock advice given out. The only real money in the market is in the FOREX and Futures but those are for short term and day traders. If you read reports in 2008, you may see about 5-10 large longtime company brands dimise due to poor management and market trends now. CitiGroup most likely will be gone or in talks to be sold by the end of 2008.

Our country does not need finanial education. What people need to do is stop living above their means. Destory al your credit cards. Keep one for emergencies. Keep the limit under $5000 and you will be safe. Do not take a summer vacation for $5000 when you only make $40,000 a yr unless you saved the money over a 5yr period. Invest in your company 401K and ROTH IRA today. $50 a month for 40yrs will amount to alot of money. At 18 you need to start investing in solid longterm investments like a ROTH IRA. Financial mgmt starts with responsible parents teaching there children how to save and live without some luxuries. Learn to say NO to your children today and they will learn to say NO when they get teased with credit card offers at 18 or 21.

Our country does not need financial education

You better believe Americans need exactly that…Americans have the lowest savings rate per person in the civilized world…They spend like drunken sailors and live like pimps on a garbage man’s salary…Champagne taste with beer pockets…

I cut and pasted the following article on the subject…

Americans’ Negative Savings Rate
Published on: Monday, January 29, 2008
Written by: Trista Winnie


That article had a copyright. We’re not allowed to cut and paste copyright materials into a post. However, a link is fine.


Sorry I wasn’t aware and posted it unknowingly…Didn’t mean to break forum rules…

I don’t see how sending a rocket into space is more important than our financial well being right now. But there is govt. waste everywhere. The entire system needs to be overhauled and changed to produce a prosperous economy. I’m not looking for the govt. as a savior for the economy. I just want them to stopo wasting our money and taking more when they run out. Let American businesses thrive and they economy will thrive. The govt. just needs to get out of the way. I was saying it tongue and cheek with Trump for pres. but I believe he can run this country like a business and get it thriving. Who else is out there that would be better?

Mitt Romney could’ve but he made one fatal mistake…he’s a Mormon.

I’ve a new hero over on the Democratic dark side - Eliot Spitzer for President. He’s running on the “Do as I say, not as I do” platform - not terribly far removed from Bill’s during BJ-gate.


I actually thought he was the kind of polititian that was trying to clean up govt. corruption. I don’t live in NY. I’m on the MA/NY border so I get a lot of NY news. He was hardnosed district attorney who got into office as " Mr. Clean". There are a lot of opposing politians calling for his resignation. Many of whom I’m sure have their own “dirty deeds”. They just haven’t been caught. This is what happens when I finally think things have changed in politics. As far as Mitt Romney, he may have inherited Boston’s " Big Dig", but did nothing to stop the corruptiion and wasting of taxpayer’s money on this debacle. I’m still on my Trump/ Jessie " The Body" Ventura bandwagon!! With Ross Perot as VP! Why the hell not. It’s obvious I can’t pick a polititian. Why not a businessman or former wrestler/ Gov.?? I need a beer! :beer

Yeah, a good deal of the news broadcasts in the Berkshires come out of Albany, Troy, and Schenectedy…when I was a kid in the Berkshires, we got channels 3, 6, and 8…

Spitzer is a sleaze-bag that ‘cleaned up’ NY as AG by blemishing a lot of good folks with indefensible allegations with no foundation.

I actually care less about what a polititian does in his personal life thn what he does with the taxpayer’s money. But when it comes to illegal activities from a guy who got into office they way he did, I have no tolerance. It just reinforces my belief of getting a businessman for pres. There’s no way to accurately chose someone based their “moral character” when they can lie through their teeth to get into office.

I am going to vote for either.

John McCain

Hilary Clinton

Barack Obama

Come on folks is this really a hard question?

Not for me…not at all! But then, I’m not a Socialist.


Obama or Clinton? Who knows or better yet who should care? Why on earth are so many people worried about politics, when their own lives are so far out of order? To me, many of the people asking questions about politics are like a homeless people asking me what type of shingles they should choose on their house. Why not worry about getting your own life together before trying to change the condition that our nation is in? I realize that politics are very important to the way our country is run, but living your life to the fullest can also help to create a dramatic change for the future of our country. Raising well educated children, getting along with your family, and using your God given talents in life can also create create a huge impact on the shape of America.

It concerns me that many of these people asking me about my political views have absolutely no one sitting in the oval office of their lives. Does it not make sense to elect a decent official to serve as the president of your own mind before you worry about who I am going to vote for? If my son or daughter were in Iraq you can bet I would be trying to elect an official who would bring them back as soon as possible, but in the mean time I would not be running around taking polls on who should be elected.

I challenge those of you who are worried about the next head of state, to become just as worried about the state of your head.

My ideas have moved away from platforms and toward problems; hopefully clarity:

Who would Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vote for?
Who would Kim Jong-il vote for?
Who would Hugo Chavez or Evo Morales or Fidel Castro vote for?
Who would Osama bin Laden vote for?

Why would they choose that candidate?

For a democracy to work, it’s voting citizenship must be educated enough to understand why they are voting the way they are voting. I honestly have my doubts about the motives people have when they go to the polls.

Every time a proposition comes on the ballot, television ads drone on and on with bald faced special interest lies. How is a democracy supposed to work when the constituency is being given nothing but false statements? For a democracy to work, it’s voting citizenship must be able to ascertain the truth.

I have heard conservatives criticize John McCain because he does not support waterboarding and Guantanamo Bay. McCain was a prisoner of war, and as both a prisoner of war and a leader in civil service, I have to believe that he cannot condone or support activities which he knows are wrong.

Tax and spend versus borrow and spend? Do we really need to ask our greatest minds what the problem is here? Mitt Romney pointed out the financial burden that entitlement programs have on our spending. He cited a statistic of 80%. Regardless of the financial blow that these programs have on our treasury, they have an unacceptably devastating effect on our culture.

I am very close to the issue of healthcare, and most hospitalizations should cost less than $10,000. The mark up is due entirely to underpayments by Medicaid and Medicare. The insurance companies and private payers get stuck with the mark up. When welfare folks get to decide when they need healthcare, and emergency rooms are required by law to see them, let’s just say that good judgment isn’t served.

Do you honestly think that Barack Obama should be the commander in chief of our armed forces with Nancy Pelosi as the speaker of the house and Harry Reid helping to form our defense strategy? These are not questions of fear but questions of discernment and strength at a time when we need both.

George W. Bush is not on the list of candidates, so whatever resentment you have toward him is irrelevant in this race.

Denmark is an excellent example of a country that has some of the highest taxes in the world, and some of the most socialist policies. The difference between there and here? Their government demonstrates the ability to be trusted with the money.

That’s a pretty long reply on a subject you care nothing about.