Agreed… well said…
“Actually, I think I do remember the monthly premium on the state plan. Somewhere around $140/month. The deductible ? $1000 or $500.”
So you can remember the state plan but not the others??? That’s OK, we’ll work with your numbers… Part-time work would be around 25-30 hours, and assuming you paid on the high-end of the scale for the work she did, say $12/hour, that would make her wage $300 - $360 GROSS per week, $1290 - $1548 per month, or $15,600 - $18,500 per year…
She was able to afford a $140/month premium, along with a $500-$1000 deductible… The average cost of a hysterectomy is between $5000-$15000 including hospital costs… At $140 month and a $500 or $1000 deducitble, she didn’t need to WAIT A YEAR… She had the money to get the hysterectomy… BY LAW, hospitals HAVE TO take payments you can afford… Deductible would have been a down payment…
The difference here is you are looking to get it for FREE at the expense of others… This is just WRONG… temporary help for those who TRULY need it… yes… permanent subsidization?.. NO WAY…
“The raise I gave to help with premiums? I think it was $.75/hour.”
I would hardly call $.75/hour “substantial”, especially for part-time, but let’s just leave that to the side…
“This was about 3 years ago. I think the state plan is now out of money, there was a big demand. The state does provide health care insurance for all kids–the 6 kids belonging to my workers use this plan. Their parents are uninsured, except one.”
Why would the parents be unisured?.. Medicaid has a sliding scale, and if they could afford $140/month before… what about now?
“Yep, I do think everyone has the right to affordable health care.”
Yes, and they have the right to pay for it too… along with rights come responsibility… don’t you agree?
“And that it’s crazy that babies with colds have to be seen in expensive ER’s because their is no other option. I agree with you on that, propertymanager. I disagree that you would allow people to die in the streets if they couldn’t pay. That you would slam that ER door in their faces.”
The diiference is that you want to FEDERALIZE mandated coverage, and seem to be OK with fines and imprisonment… what you DON’T even take into consideration is that the ER’s are used PRIMARILY by Medicaid users because they don’t want to wait for an appointment nor pay their $3 co-pay, but have cell-phones, and LOTS of other goodies…
The other fact is that there are NOT enough GP doctors to HANDLE an influx of newly insured people who will add demand to the system, making wait times LONGER…
“I am not the enemy here. None of us are.”
Enemy… maybe a little strong… part of the problem?.. most definitely… all this will do is EXPAND the entitlement mindset, which WILL cost us more and more money… The fact that this does not only NOT concern you, but you embrace it, certainly doesn’t put you in a good place…
“We are all in the same boat, trying to make a living and take care of our families.”
Yes, and some of us are willing to do so without taking away freedoms from you… You? not so much… your stock answer is the government, and that is NOT what has made our country great…
“I do my best to keep up with what’s happening. I form my own opinions. I am not clueless, stupid or easily manipulated. If I were, I would have come over to agreeing with you all.”
Although I don’t think you are stiupid… we’ll have to agree to disagree on the rest… something to consider, how many of the alternate plans have you looked at?.. Do you even know how many Rep plans there are?..