“Why in the world are you liberals not wanting to make damn sure that what is passed will work ,instead of just passing any monster of a bill!!??”
From her positings on this subject, Furnishedowner only wants what she wants with regards to nationalized healthcare… it does matter the DAMAGE that will be done because of this… in all our dicussions on this, she has demonstrated no concern for this, which is scary…
“It’s really puzzling to me–the hotheadedness about getting health care for more Americans.”
Because you don’t see it for what it is… it is a direct assault on freedom… When you are FINED by the government for not buying a MANDATED product, you LOSE your freedom… Name another product you are MANDATED by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to buy or face a fine… It doesn’t exist BECAUSE it is unconstitutional… even the FLAWED example of auto insurance, which is STATE-mandated, NOT federal, there is no federal OR state fine for not carrying insurance if you CHOOSE not to own a car
“For helping people live better.”
How is INCREASING the costs for EVERYONE living better??? You do realize that the MIDDLE class are the ones will be squeezed to pay more, right? When small business EMPLOYERS (who employ 70% of the employees) are faced with a fixed cost fine of 8%, one thet can BUDGET FOR, what do you think they will do?
“What are you all so scared about?”
The fact that you are not concerned about a bill that is 2000+ pages scares me as a fellow citizen… you are either choosing to remain blissfuly ignorant or DON’T CARE about the damage to our country…
But specifically, how about…
2. INCREASED premiums, TAXES on businesses are passed down to those they serve… Think about it Furnishedowner, if the government put a LUXURY TAX on FURNISHED rentals of 8%, DIRECTLY affecting you, you are not going to be FORCED to INCREASE your rental fee to cover it? The more you apply this to REAL life, the more onerous and oppressive it becomes…
3. Being FORCED into a government-run healthcare program if your employer chooses the fine over coverage (and this will push the TOTAL COST for the premium onto the middle-class, INCREASING their costs),
4. FINES if you can’t afford the INCREASED COST of your insurance (insult on top of injury), INCREASED DEFICITS FOREVER (or the INCREASED TAXES to make up for it)… so you get to pay a FINE, which gets YOU NOTHING, so others can have insurance???
5. LOSING your EXISTING coverage in a VARIETY of ways,
7. INCREASED NATIONAL DEBT… debt upon debt upon debt, which will raise our INTEREST-ALONE payments to OVER A TRILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY in a decade or so… money COMPLETELY LOST TO INCOMPETANCE…
8. The fact that this bill DOES NOT meet its stated goal… you have NEVER answered how ADDING TRILLIONS of dollars to an EXISTING “broken” system SAVES MONEY!!!
9. The EXPANSION of goverment, which is NOT taken into consideration in the COSTS of this…
10. The EXPANSION of FEDERAL POWERS, going in the exact OPPOSITE to the LIMITED and ENUMERATED POWERS in the CONSTITUTION… Exactly, with the EXPANSION of FEDERAL POWERS, how do you have ANY moral authority to complain the next time YOUR ox is gored?
Tell us, which, if ANY, of the above is not the case?
I could go on… but IMHO, the fact that you don’t show ANY concern about this, Furnishedowner, shows either hubris or ignorance. At the very least, it the exact opposite of holding the government ACCOUNTABLE… you just want what you want…
Being a small business employer, I am curious Furnishedowner, do you provide health insurance coverage for your employees???