Foreign Markets PLUNGE as Bear Stearns is SOLD to Morgan for $2/share!!!!

Just getting this news Sunday night.

THIS STOCK WAS $60/share 5 DAYS AGO!!!

FED cuts interest rates 1/4 point on RARE Sunday EMERGENCY MEETING!!!

Morgan just purchased basically BANKRUPT BEAR STEARNS for $2/share

GOLD IS UP $32/oz to $1030/oz

Foreign markets are in free fall

The FED announces measures not used since THE GREAT DEPRESSION!!!

Monday morning should be VERY INTERESTING :shocked

Is there ANYONE out there NOT seeing the writing on this wall???

1929 here we come!!!


There’s gonna be a LOT of people saying that tomorrow morning!

Wonder if its to late. Got that $400 birthday money in my closet just sittin there :stuck_out_tongue:

The way things are going THAT MIGHT BE THE SAFEST PLACE FOR IT!!!

…and I’m not kidding :flush

Its gonna be interesting to see how things pan out. Im not really familiar with FED and how all this mumbo jumbo works, but I can see it is comparable to the great depression as you said. That aint good.

and it’s only March…


Great depression part deux.

My friend invested a huge portion of his net worth into gold about 1 year ago, it has doubled since then, and will possibly triple / quadruple by the time this is over.

God bless him.

I wonder how many other banks out there are in similar troubled waters as Bear Stearns.

Let’s not forget silver. It’s still cheap and will also benefit.

All this drama and I’m watching the long side…Go figure…

I’m hearing the FED will cut rates by 1% on Tues :shocked

This is going to interesting.

Is there ANYONE out there NOT seeing the writing on this wall?????

1929 here we come!!!

I think a better question is “does ANYONE out there see the writing on the wall”? I’m watching CNBC and one of the talking heads there is talking about this being capitulation. WHAT? WHAT? Are all these analysts insane? I’ve got news for them, the market is only 2,250 points below an all time high and there is absolutely no panic selling (thanks to the fed throwing around money like a prosititue working for Gov. Spitzer).

C’mon!!! Capitulation? I don’t see it - NOT AT ALL! The truth is that consumers and businesses are tapped out. I paid $65.10 to fill up my pickup truck the other day ($3.45 per gallon). It takes more than $300 to fill up my RV! Grocery prices are up. How is the average American going to be able to cope with all that? What’s really bad is that inflation hasn’t really even gotten started! The big waves of foreclosures haven’t even started yet. Printing more money to bail everyone out is only going to accelerate inflation. Where’s the panic - I don’t see it!

Hand me the duct tape - I’ve gotta wrap my head before it explodes!!!


My friend invested a huge portion of his net worth into gold about 1 year ago, it has doubled since then, and will possibly triple / quadruple by the time this is over.

If your friend told you this then he is a flat out liar…Unless your friend was heavily leveraged and has HUGE cojones I firmly believe he is full of ****…I also get unnerved when I hear about what people bought a year ago…If it’s possibe let’s post something useful,like what he is buying now TODAY

Also gold and any related gold ETF,or the metal itself has NOT doubled in the last year…And if infact it I highly doubt anyone captured the entire move…Gold is nearing the last leg of it’s run…Bernanke is running out of bullets FAST and the dollar will flatten out over the next few months while pros start getting long…It’s only a matter of time until Bernanke has no choice but to start raising…Oil is fast approaching $120 per barrel…


I bet it will take at least $100 to fill your truck when oil is denominated in Euros.

I bet it will take at least $100 to fill your truck when oil is denominated in Euros.

With the reckless behavior of the Fed, we’ll be lucky if a truck full of money will buy a tank full of gas once inflation gets going! The Fed is REALLY screwing up if you ask me!


I really do not fully understand all of this. I should have paid better attention in school 25 years ago. I have been working on picking up my first deal and getting all of my ducks in a row, Is this a better time to keep what cash I have in my pocket and wait to see what is going to happen? Or is this a good time to get started because there will be tons of deals out there? I am confused. I wold hate to buy a rental property and have it sit vacant because nobody can afford the rent anymore. Can someone help me understand a little better? Thanks

Never mind…we’ll be OK now:


I’m waiting for the rates to drop little more to refinance my house