Flip That House

I love the show.

They show some sold at the end and some what the potential profit can be with his asking price. If his open houses are true I wouldn’t doubt that he sells most.

As far as the little league, I didn’t think that was his sons team. I think he just gives his time to the community. He also suppots the local HS football team. I haven’t seen any evidence that he is married or has kids. I know he rehabed a place for his niece and her collage friends.

How many people have the financial where with all to pay a couple people on your “team” and hold on to numerous houses. These are investments and not collectibles! Furthermore, there was reference to “several houses at the north end of the state” so I believe there are many transactions we don’t see.

At least, state if sold by end of show or holding forever. I don’t remember if any has sold and I didn’t see any sold on their signs.

Maybe they consider that invasive to their “bottom line” - wouldn’t you?

Recall if you will the episode entitled “The trouble with Gus”.

They bought a brick ranch house with a carport that was a foreclosure sale.

Gus, his wife, their many flea infested pets along with several old, non-operational cars were still living in the house.

Richard takes a special interest in Gus. He decides to put Gus, the wife and pets up in a nice hotel. Gus is not accustomed to the luxury, but the team goes ahead and renovates the house as if to put it back on the market. It is agreed that once Gus returns he could afford to pay 900 instead of 1100 each month. - It was hoped that this would make Gus’s life a little easier for a year, he would feel better about himself and would be able to think how he could improve his life.

So, the team finishes the house, Gus returns for a first look. Richard did get rid of a few of the non-working cars but has Gus’s pride and joy totally fixed up and repainted.

The episode left a nice message: 1. sometimes people need a “leg up”; 2. Trademark isn’t all about steamrolling people out of their houses.

As far as the houses selling, I believe they do. As noted earlier, on some shows you see him getting a check for the house or a sold sign is posted or they just put potential profit if it didn’t sell. That’s why I like the show. It’s not like everything sells at the end of each episode.

love the topic!

I watch it of course for entertainment only. These shows are awful due to the fact, they don’t show the real true story behind renovating properties. “Property Ladder” is the worse show on the subject I have ever seen. Everyone that wants to be a REI comes out of the woodwork from watching these shows. It creates a lot of false ideas. I have people call me and say “I’m quiting my job to start flipping houses and…” wait. Stop right there. Have you lost your ever loving mind?
Truth is this is extremely hard work. Most investors are here today gone tomorrow. These shows cannot cover the important issues that go along with property renovating.

Has there ever been an episode where they show Trademark Properties working with investors or other clients? Or does this company only buy and sell in their own properties? I would love to know how they title their properties. The one thing that I do really like is, they show you to be successful, you have to run it like a business. Budgets, crews, support staff, time frames, etc. This is where most investors go wrong. Its all business.

Tell me it’s not true!! REI is supposed to be run like a business? I knew I had gone wrong somewhere :banghead:

lol! Sorry, TNinvestor, surely didn’t mean to insult anyones intelligence.

Your point about running things like a business is well taken. I fear too many are out there just winging it without any well thought out business plan, or marketing strategy.

Exactly! I agree totally. I see it everyday. I handle some of the largest REO accounts in the country. I get so many calls from individuals and investors. Most are fishing, they are not prepared enough. Thats’s why very few succeed in the long run. That’s all I’m saying…from the point of a Broker on the other side who has seen it all.

I have seen almost every episode and at the end they say wether or not they sold them at the open house, I would venture to say that about half of his houses sold the day that they have the open house. The 1 million dollar plus houses probably take him about a year to sell, I dont think I could do that.

Just came across the program and this site recently and love them both. ;D

Now i wish i could afford a crew of 20 workers a day to knock out property the way Richard does. :wink:

My only complaint about Flip This House is that A&E seems to be stuck on showing the same three episodes over and over again. When I go to the website, I see there are 10-12 episodes. Some I have never seen.

Did you see the episode on Sunday? Ginger didn’t understand why “Everyone Hates Chris” Rock…what an airhead!


I was thinking the same thing – they do tend to run the same episode sometimes 2 or 3 times in a row. Then there’s that stupid “Dog the Bounty Hunter” show that runs endlessly, day after day with seemingly thousands of different episodes.

I don’t know when FTH’s new season starts, but I’ve seen every episode now. They really need to give us some new shows.

I had just recently found it, but caught up on all the episodes i missed through newsgroups. Actually got the wife hooked now too. ;D

For anyone who hasn’t already looked this up…


I found that site after watching the show a few weeks ago for the first time. pretty impressive company for only 14 years in business…

Flip That House is a knock off of the original “Flip This House”
Richard Davis, owner of Trademark Properties stars in Flip This House.
I read a comment about Ginger, his assistant. My wife and I think they are dating…I think it is obvious. Great show!

New episodes of “Flip this hous” are now showing…finally!

On one rehab, Richard had to go off on the contractor. I loved it. The guy didn’t stick to the budget he was given and thought it was ok because Richard would still make money anyway ::slight_smile: Richard let him know that he can’t just stick his hand in his pockets ;D

Another episode they improved a seafood shop for a friend. No profit to be made in this job.