Flip That House

Would like to hear what some of you think about this show.


It’s entertainment.

If this is the show out of Charleston SC the investor (Richard Davis?)
is my hero. He shows how it should be done. Bam Bam Bam. No indecisions. No waisting time. Get it. Get in. Get it done!
I want to come back as him in my next life!

I love the show. He shows how it should be done. I also like Property Ladder. Watching that shows you how it shouldn’t be done :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re doing a show in Austin, so are looking for agents and investors. They emailed me, but I’m really busy and don’t really want to be on tv. It seems like a good opportunity to some, but I’d have to think about it.

The show seems ok.

I like “Flip This House” but love to hate the useless assistant, Ginger. If I had an employee like that, I wouldn;'t have an employee like that anymore! What an oxygen thief…supposedly, she has worked for Richard for five years…you woulda thought she’d have learned somthing in that time, even if it was “don’t wear high heels or flip-flops on an active construction site”! Now the other gal, Dawn, is aggressive and gets stuff done!



According to the show Richard is very pleased with Ginger’s ability to find some very profitable flips for the Company. I think she comes across as someone he has complete trust and confidence in. If you had an employee that was making you alot of money would you care what kind of shoes she wore?

<<If you had an employee that was making you alot of money would you care what kind of shoes she wore?>>

Yup…it’s “all good” until they drop something on her foot or she steps on something…it’s quite obvious why she’s on the show.

I like Flip This House, I agree that Ginger is a useless employee but I also kinda think that her and the big boss (Richard Davis) have more than just a “profesional relationship” so thats the reason I think she gets to be the “useless” employee and prance around in her Mercedes, with her little doggy, and expenisive outfits all the time.

Oh…I can’t see those two dating. He seems like he has his stuff together and Ginger is useless. She really should not be on worksites in her high heels.

Maybe they have great worker’s comp.

I think it’s very entertaining and I say entertaining because it doesn’t have a complete
picture of what flipping is all about…very good tips though.
the same goes for property ladder…
important parts are left out …
I know that so much can fit in a 30 min-1hour show but I think people should be aware that other factors( and numbers) are involved.


hate the useless assistant, Ginger. If I had an employee like that, I wouldn;'t have an employee like that anymore! What an oxygen thief

You see that is the advantage to owning your own business. You can hire a ditz if you want to and nobody can tell you that you can’t.

I think her shoes are part of the show at this point. Did anyone see the recent episode where Ginger found the 6k square foot house for around $552K, they put another 450k in it and then sold it for $2.4 million. Say what you want about her shoes, car, dog or whatever—if she can put $1.4 million in my pocket in 30 days she’d be on my payroll for life.


I saw that episode naperbill. That was unbelivable that they had the potential to make 1.4 million in profit! Richard Davis is a real estate mastermind. I hope someday I can be like that guy, but I have a long way to go!

Love the show, have emailed Richard Davis to compliment him, but he didn’t write back - maybe he doesn’t like Connecticut Yankees!

As to Ginger’s shoes: Since they are hitched up with remote microphones hooked onto the back of their waists, I suspect they may dress differently for the camera than for days of “real work”.

You may have seen the episode where Kevin Molony (the General Contractor) says to Richard Davis “I get more done before 8am than you get done all day.” And the next thing we see is Richard Davis coaching his son’s little league team. So, we’ve seen dad, we’ve seen sonny, where’s MOM???

i like it it shows the positives and the negatives.

It could be that mom was traded in for a Ginger.

6k square foot house for around $552K, they put another 450k in it and then sold it for $2.4 million.

There is a difference between put it up for sale for $2.4million and sold for $2.4million. Houses like that are not on the market for 30days like out measly $85k houses. If I am going to buy a house for my family to live in and I am looking in the $2.4million range, I have to decide if I want that one or build one myself on the lot next door that they mentioned was for sale for $500k, and get more house for less money. He will have to discount that house to sell it.

Shows are alright but. Has Mr Davis ever sold a house, I did not hear if he has sold any yet. If anyone has heard that he did, please post.

I was under the impression that he priced them right and sold some of them right after the first open house. I see them putting a lot of sold stickers on their Trademark Property signs.