Well worth watching!
Another heading could have been…
Excellent video by GOLD and COIN DEALER!
Mike…I just received a call from a R E A L T O R that has a great “CASH FLOWING” property for me!!!
She even sent me as VIDEO on what a GREAT INVESTMENT it is!!!
I’m SOLD!!! :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead
But hey…the HERD will be out BUYING their GOLD just like they bought their GUNS…
AR-15’s selling for $2500 during the PANIC can now be had for $1100!! (GREAT investment…That’s what the DEALERS were saying at the time!)
FOLLOW that COW in the FRONT!!!
I understand why your saying this Jake, but to be honest, Peter Schiff and Ron Paul both believe the “on purpose devalue on the the dollar” scheme. IMO, these are two of the most honest men in America. I wouldnt just pawn it off as some investor trying to inflate his investment.
Paul and Schiff may end up being wrong, we will see, but I do believe 100% they are sincere in what they believe. (Which I must say, it a rare trait, most politicans are flat out liars, or atleast come across that way)
FDJake - funny that you didn’t argue a single point in the video. Maybe because the facts presented in the video are straightforward and unarguable. It’s also becoming more obvious that this global debt ponzi scheme is starting to unravel. Just give it a little time.
You’ve been “GIVING IT A LITTLE MORE TIME” for almost 2 years now…During which…
The DOW went 6000 to 11,000
Home sales INCREASED
Unemployment DECEASED
Tarp has been paid back
The financial system is making loans
People are buying cars
My cousin has had 3 job offers from 3 Fortune 500 companies in the last WEEK!
Keep hope ALIVE Mike…Because IF there is NO COLLAPSE…Your prediction powers here will be about as valuable as a can of BEANS!
Im not gonna lie, im not exactly on the “America is out of the problems” bandwagon as some are, but I will say…
My dad is in the manufacturing industry, and he hasnt had one ounce of a hint towards a job in the last year and a half, UNTIL now, hes recently landed two jobs (he will only take one)that are $30 an hr.
0 jobs = in the last year and half.
2 jobs= the last 2-3 months.
I will say, even though im not convinced at all America is going to be aye okay (the debt/inflation seems to bad to ignore), this is certainly a pleasant surprise.
Im not gonna lie, im not exactly on the "America is out of the problems" bandwagon as some are, but I will say..
No, FDJake is not predicting that “America is out of the problems”, he’s predicting the mother of all booms!
My dad is in the manufacturing industry, and he hasnt had one ounce of a hint towards a job in the last year and a half, UNTIL now, hes recently landed two jobs (he will only take one)that are $30 an hr.
Which just goes to show that throwing literally TRILLIONS of dollars at a problem will buy a few jobs - EVEN IF THOSE JOBS COST A MILLION DOLLARS APIECE TO CREATE!
You've been "GIVING IT A LITTLE MORE TIME" for almost 2 years now....
And I’ve been consistently saying that I thought the collapse would occur in 2012. However, I’m certainly willing to admit that 2012 may have been optimistic and that the collapse may occur before that.
Yes, the Dow went from 6,000 to 11,000 and could even go higher before the collapse. All that wild spending by the government WILL destroy our currency.
Unemployment DECEASED
Yes, U3 unemployment went from 10.1 to 9.9 BECAUSE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE LEFT THE WORKFORCE. Real unemployment, measured the same way it was during the great depression is 22% and that doesn’t even count the tens of millions of lazy deadbeats that are too lazy to work and are living on government entitlements.
Tarp has been paid back
Because IF there is NO COLLAPSE....Your prediction powers here will be about as valuable as a can of BEANS!
I wholeheartedly agree!
I NEVER predicted the “mother of all booms” those are YOUR WORDS…They were NEVER typed here by me.
What I DID say was this…the PLANET EARTH is SHRINKING and the USA is about to benefit from this…Will it be the “mother of all booms???” I have NO IDEA, I NEVER said that…Will it mean our economy GROWS instead of collapses???
YES!!! and it will grow BIGGER than anyone expects.
The UNITED STATES of AMERICA has been SOLD SHORT decade after decade by people who THOUGHT they were SMART…
Each and EVERYONE of them GOT THEIR @SSES HANDED TO THEM for making that assumption…
Propertymanager will be NO DIFFERENT.
This is what you ALL need to remember…Mike is predicting an ECONOMIC COLLAPSE here in the USA…A complete disintegration of the American Economy…RIOTS, FOOD SHORTAGES, POLICE STEALING FROM CITIZENS!!
THAT is NOT happening…Not NOW…Not in 2012 or not in 2015…NOT HAPPENING…
In fact, for ANYONE here that has FOLLOWED Mikes half @ss LEAD you have done the following…
NOT purchased a SINGLE parcel of REAL ESTATE during the biggest SALE real estate has ever seen…and you sold your FORD STOCK at $3.00/share.
How’d that work out for ya???
I’ve placed my bets…Mike has purchased CANNED FOOD…We’ll see who makes more MONEY on their INVESTMENT CHOICES!!!
Is WATCHING this guy SCREAM C O L L A P S E everyday here as the economic expansion pulls in more and more AMERICANS like Hoosiers Dad!!!
Keep screaming Mike…You’ll look great in a straight jacket!!!
What I DID say was this....the PLANET EARTH is SHRINKING and the USA is about to benefit from this.....Will it be the "mother of all booms???" I have NO IDEA, I NEVER said that.....Will it mean our economy GROWS instead of collapses????YES!!! and it will grow BIGGER than anyone expects.
Don’t start waffling now! We all remember when you predicted a huge boom (regardless of the exact wording).
This is what you ALL need to remember......Mike is predicting an ECONOMIC COLLAPSE here in the USA......A complete disintegration of the American Economy...RIOTS, FOOD SHORTAGES, POLICE STEALING FROM CITIZENS!!
EXACTLY! (except that part about police stealing from citizens - I never said or intimated that. However, since it happened after Katrina - I’ll predict that NOW!)
NOT purchased a SINGLE parcel of REAL ESTATE during the biggest SALE real estate has ever seen......and you sold your FORD STOCK at $3.00/share.How’d that work out for ya???
Actually, it worked out great! I have the exact number of rentals that I want and I am operating my rental property business successfully. They give me plenty of time off to fight the socialist takeover of our country! I never have to go to a 9-5 and put in my hours. I set my own schedule. I love it.
As for the Ford Stock trade - I was in and out and made money (realized gains - not paper profits) - so, I’m happy with that. Additionally, I’m more than happy to have my trading account in all cash at this point.
Mike. If I truly thought that the dollar would become worthless. I would not not be happy having my trading account in cash… Certainly you could put that money into gold. It can take many forms. Coins, bars, ETF’s, mining stocks etc… I actually think its a good idea to own gold in your portfolio… You could adjust your position depending supply and demand…
Gold coins and bars must be stored somewhere and the risk of theft is high. That risk of theft includes theft of your gold by the US Government - just as it did in 1933. The value of gold is that it can be used as an alternate currency when the people lose confidence in paper fiat currency. If the government seizes the gold, as it did in 1933 under a Presidential Executive Order and under penalty of a 10 year prison sentence, then gold is just as worthless as paper.
As for ETF’s and mining stocks - they’re just electronic promises that are redeemable in dollars. Again, in a collapse - they’ll be worthless.
I know that many of you believe that it can’t happen here. Bad things always happen to someone else. I understand that thinking, but I believe that it’s absolutely wrong. The current generation is the only generation in US history that has not had a serious trial and that trial is coming. Don’t bury your head in the sand.
I've placed my bets.......Mike has purchased CANNED FOOD....We'll see who makes more MONEY on their INVESTMENT CHOICES!!!!!
Yes, I have purchased canned food, but not as an investment. I bought (and continue to buy) canned food (and other types of food) TO EAT! I also have a garden. I’m sure that every person on this forum has bought canned food too! The thing I have done differently than most of you is that I buy EXTRA food every time we go to the grocery. For example, my wife and I went to the grocery yesterday and I bought two extra case of green beans and a few additional extra items. If you want to look at those extra items as an investment (I don’t), how did I do? Well, according to the government, the rise in food prices was 2.4% LAST MONTH ALONE!!! Many food prices are up more than 25% since the same time last year. So, from a purely “investment” perspective - I’d say that food is a good choice with the added benefit that you can eat it in a crisis or any other time you like. Our parents and grandparents grew up having a food pantry or food cellar. They knew that having extra food was very smart and could come in handy during a crisis. Only in the last generation, with the advent of “just in time” food deliveries has it been common to have almost no food at home. If there is a financial collapse or a major natural disaster that results in interruption to the just in time deliveries - what will you do? It took only one day for the looters to EMPTY the stores after Katrina.
So what did we learn from Mike’s reply???
He believes there WILL BE a TOTAL COLLAPSE of the single BIGGEST ECONOMY on planet EARTH and he NOW believes POLICE will be stealing from citizens!!!
Oh…and he bought 2 EXTRA cases of GREEN BEANS this week!!!
Almost WORD for WORD what I posted!!! :biggrin
But he’s not BUYING GOLD…That could be S T O L E N!!! :shocked :shocked
Here’s the BEST PART…
Mike is SITTING ON THE SIDELINES during the biggest GIVE AWAY sale in Real Estate investing HISTORY!!! He consoles himself by saying…“I’m happy with my current number of units”…Yet in the same POST, he links an article about the coming RUN AWAY INFLATION!!!
ANYONE with half a brain understands that STANDING STILL prior to an economic event that could possibly bring on HIGH levels of INFLATION is not only foolish, but actually GUARANTEED to LOSE MONEY!!!
As INTEREST RATES rise in an INFLATIONARY EVENT, all the PROPERTY Mike is WALKING PAST TODAY will NOT be available to him at the CASH FLOW RATES currently available in the ARTIFICALLY LOW interest rate enviroment.
What does he do with this???
N O T H I N G…He’s OUT…S E L F S I D E L I N E D…Waiting for the COLLAPSE…Buying an extra 2 caes of GREEN BEANS??? Are you freakin’ kidding me??? MY GOD…It’s PATHETIC!
ANYONE that truley understands Real estate investing completely see’s through THIS BULLSH*T.
Mike is relatively NEW at this game…He has been investing in real estate for only 6 or 7 years…He has NEVER SEEN the effects of HIGH interest rates on real estate…HE IS IN UNCHARTED WATERS…
And THAT is why he sits on the sidelines…Sitting on the SIDELINES during THIS STRETCH for Mike Rossi will prove to be the BIGGEST INVESTING MISTAKE of his LIFETIME.
WATCH…You’ll see…and so will he.
I’ve been doing this for 22+ years now…I’ve been there, done that…
This guy is making a HUGE miscalculation…H U G E.
Properties that he could BUY today at 30%-40% of FMV with 5% interest on a mortgage…WILL BE LONG GONE…And you can NEVER GO BACK…
He believes there WILL BE a TOTAL COLLAPSE of the single BIGGEST ECONOMY on planet EARTH and he NOW believes POLICE will be stealing from citizens!!!
Exactly! As for the police thing - you were the one that brought that up and I agree with it. The FACT is that the police DID steal from people after Katrina (and commit other crimes) - that is beyond dispute - the cops that didn’t run for the hills, that is.
But don't BUY GOLD........That could be S T O L E N!!!!!
You’re all about DRAMA FDJake - BUT YOU NEVER ADDRESS THE ISSUES. If you spent some of the downtime at your JOB studying history, you would know that the GOVERNMENT confiscated gold in 1933 - just as I said. Furthermore, if you spent a little more time learning and a little less time working, you would know that Morgan Stanley settled a lawsuit after they were caught “selling” physical gold to clients and charging them storage fees for that gold - when THERE WAS NO GOLD AND NO GOLD IN STORAGE. Another Wall Street Scam!
Furthermore, owning physical gold carries with it a REAL RISK OF THEFT. Do you keep it in the house? No-one could break in there. :rolleyes Would you put it in a safe deposit box? That’s probably the best choice, but in a total collapse, a desperate banker could steal it and the government could order it confiscated. Would you pay a big banker or some other company to store it for you - oops - back to my Morgan Stanley example!
Mike is SITTING ON THE SIDELINES during the biggest GIVE AWAY sale in Real Estate investing HISTORY!!!! Sure he consoles himself by saying...."I'm happy with my current number of units"....Yet in the same POST links an article about the coming RUN AWAY INFLATION!!!!
RIDICULOUS! I am not sitting on the sidelines - THAT IS A BLATANT LIE BY FDJAKE! I am operating a successful rental property business. Evidence of that is that I don’t have a job and FDJake does. LOL! He’s a firefighter and works a job. Maybe when he’s more successful, he won’t have to work the grind of a job - if that ever happens!
As INTEREST RATES rise in an INFLATIONARY EVENT all the PROPERTY MIke is WALKING PAST TODAY will NOT be available to him at the CASH FLOW RATES Currently available in the ARTIFICALLY LOW interest rate enviroment.
I AM NOT BUYING MORE PROPERTY because I have met the goals I set out IN PUBLIC and ON THIS FORUM 7 years ago. So, it doesn’t matter if the property I walk past is available at zero percent interest or 100% interest - I’M NOT BUYING IT! I don’t want any more rentals. I don’t need any more rentals. I have no interest in working more than I do right now and I don’t need any more money than I have right now.
Having said that (AGAIN AND AGAIN FOR FDJAKE), I would certainly encourage EVERYONE that is trying to build a rental business (or any other business) today to keep at it. This IS a good time to buy real estate. It is ALWAYS a good time to buy real estate if you have a business plan that will allow you to make money!
“I don’t need more money than I have NOW.”
This coming from a guy calling for RUN AWAY INFLATION!!!
Check back with me in 15 YEARS Mike…By then you’ll have the same amount of EXPERIENCE that I have NOW…Then we’ll compare notes and see who was RIGHT!! Your swimming in UNCHARTED WATERS here…
and IT SHOWS…Man does it SHOW!!!
Thank you FDJake! I too think that I have a good strategy. One of the things I have done to be ready for run away inflation is to put all of my tenants on month-to-month leases - so that I can adjust rents as inflation dictates. Rents are already slowly increasing in my area.
Check back with me in 15 YEARS Mike....By then you'll have the same amount of EXPERIENCE that I have NOW.....Then we'll compare notes and see who was RIGHT!!
I don’t think we’ll have to wait that long. I think we’ll know within two short years!
Yea…and if those 2 years are anything like the last 2???
I’ll have made MUTIPLE MILLIONS of DOLLARS as you planned for the COLLAPSE by buying extra CASES OF GREEN BEANS and putting your section 8 tenants on month to month leases. :banghead :banghead :banghead
WOW…what a MONEY MAKER of a plan!!!
Yea.....and if those 2 years are anything like the last 2????I’ll have made MUTIPLE MILLIONS of DOLLARS
I hope that you do. If so, maybe you’ll finally be able to afford to quit your job. You’ll be a LOT HAPPIER and maybe even be able to stop the personal attacks! :bobble
You must have had some real SH*T jobs Mike…Because that’s ALL you ever have for an answer…
I completely LOVE my job…The guys I work with constantly say that they’d PAY to do what we do…
But I guess when your unclogging TOILETS FOR A LIVING quitting your JOB becomes something you think about a LOT!!!
I know you didnt direct the comment at me and like you and fdjake we all have butted heads before and Im sure we will all do it again in the future…But in regard to the comment about punching the clock etc…I love my career…I cant wait for Monday…Infact Monday is my favorite day of the week…I feel lucky that I was given the chance to be involved in the deals and action that my career produces…You know the saying," it isnt work if you love it"…I love it…I am a lifelong surfer for 30+ years…I use to dream about sitting back and being able to surf all day and lounge around…What I learned as I got older is that I love making deals more than sitting out in the lineup with a bunch of surfers…%90 of the time the waves suck anyway…I could easily retire to Mexico and live like a king in one of the many surf communities but I would rather stab myself in the leg…I have spent many winters/months in central america and california,mexico and I can thankfully say I would take the action over any of those places…My career,dealmaking,and my new business is my passion…I love doing it and I would gladly work at something I love til the day I die…Point being not everyone is a slave to the clock…Some of us truly love what we do…And I have also lived the retired life and it is f*****g boring…Im good at what I do and I enjoy it…So you can have my beach chair,my margharita and my surfboard…
Rookie, I fully understand that you may love your job. Furthermore, I respect anyone in this wacky country that is willing to work ANY JOB! With the tens of millions of deadbeats we have in this country, I don’t care what a person does for a living as long as they are trying to be productive.
My comment to FDJake was simply to point out how ridiculous his personal attacks are. I could continually make fun of him because he still has a job, or because he works as a firefighter, or for any of a million other petty reasons. However, I try not to engage in such childish, petty attacks. FDJake knows absolutely nothing else, which is why he was banned from this site before. When he was banned last time, I spoke loudly in support of allowing him to come back under his new name. I won’t be doing that again. It’s clear to me that he is only on here to take out some frustration in his life and he simply is incapable of carrying on a civil conversation. Sad, because he does have something to add to this site.