Eric Medemar's Wholesale Course

I understand, believe me. I still don’t advise that you go spend your last on yet another course, especially seeing how easy the wholesaling process is. I’d bet you already have a wholesaling course in your stash of courses.

Some on here may disagree with what I’m about to say but forget about building a buyers list for now. Go get a deal under contract and trust me you’ll find a buyer if it’s truly a good deal. When you say you need to build a buyers list (or worse yet buy yet another course) what I’m really hearing you say is “what can I do to make myself feel busy like I’m actually wholesaling instead of actually going out finding deals & making offers?”

Not to take any glory away from Eric Medemar but you can get a brand new updated “post-real-estate-crash” wholesaling course for $1. Check my signature for more info. The pitch is when you sign up you’re enrolled in a $59/mo investing club (which is actually worth it if you’re a newbie) but you can simply cancel it before your first payment is due if that money is an issue. Either way you get the course absolutely free. I’m an affiliate of the program. Just trying to help.

If I were you here’s exactly what I’d do:

  1. get the $1 course, write down an action plan based on it
  2. TAKE ACTION, making a mess in the process
  3. get better
  4. do a deal
  5. do a couple more deals
  6. get trained to learn how to implement more real estate investing strategies like sub-2, short sales, etc.

I wished I read your message in June. I am just getting into the real estate game and in need of a mentor (free).

lol. :banghead

Happy Investing

It looks like I better step up to the plate here and take my kicks like a big boy. I do apologize.

Near as I can tell all of my phone numbers work… That said I’ve got 90+ Domains and countless pages that I don’t even know about anymore.

Just so we’re clear PM me and I will give you my contact info I handle 40 50 calls a day between my wholesaling business and my training business so you’ll need to leave a message.

The same thing is likely true for the emails. My old email address which I planned on keeping forever is no longer functioning and it won’t allow me to bounce back emails that don’t go through.

I didn’t respond because I just hadn’t been to the forums in a while, but that’s no excuse.

All that said, I don’t think any course is going to work if you don’t use it. If there is one, then please let me know because I need some time off.

I’m not some fancy guru. I’m not even too smart really. I know how to do real estate and that’s about it.

I basically sat down and talked about all that I’ve learned over the years about real estate. My newest course is nearly 20 hours of audio and it’s all me talking in my car while I’m out looking at houses.

There’s no substitute for experience, but it does help to have a framework to hang all of your knowledge on.

I tell my students to take out a pen and paper then write down everything that you know about wholesaling. This helps prevent being overwhelmed about all that you need to learn and helps you hone in on the exact areas that you will need help with.

Otherwise it’s extremely easy to get overwhelmed, when in fact most people already know what they need to do, they just don’t know it. Ahhh… The great paradox of life and money.

If you’re a rookie and just getting started I would suggest you do the same. Then once you’ve seen where your weak areas are you can bring them up to speed and start doing deals.


Hey Mike have your found your 5 yet?