Eric Medemar's Wholesale Course

Who does deals in their own name?

Secretary of state he is in would list any LLC’s or Corps under his registered agent name. Trust me, with a name and location, I would find everything he has done. Especially if he is signing 5 contracts a week, which is bull. His name/llc would be all over the records.

Ok I did some research on this guy.

Here is his broker info from the Department of Real Estate in CA:

He has no corps/llc’s as per the CA Secretary of state website. After a grantee/grantor search under his name for Kern county in Bakersfield, all I find is a lot of federal and state unpaid tax liens as of recently. It’s impossible to buy and sell properties without them sticking, especially the federal. I’d love to hear how he gets around that. I did find some stuff from the 1980s but it isn’t much. Sounds to me he couldn’t hack it back then and became a guru instead. Put his name(michael lee quarles) in their and look for yourself:

lol…As I’ve said before, Michael Q makes me laugh. That is all I can say. LOL. Nice digging John_In_NC. Never personally had any real issues with MQ, but must say it makes for interesting discussions.


You’re correct it does make for an interesting debate.

As a guy who chose to enter the public realm I welcome all critisim. And most certainly have my share of past. I also know that ones character is displayed by the individuals actions not what one says. Willy may not have learned that yet.

For the record. I believe if memory serves me that at one point I owed close to 1 million in taxes. For the record. Paying taxes suck.

As for whether owing taxes means I don’t know what I teach about. That’s like saying Willie Nelson can’t sing or Wesley snipes can’t act. Its stupid. Well heck my next book will be titled. Your uncle is not your friend.

However. Since John n NC thinks I don’t know crap I will do the following.

I will take on the next 5 mentees for free. No split no fee. You get me for free. 8 weeks of training.

All you have to do is shoot me a PM. Once were done come back and let little willy know what it was like.

Happy house hunting.

Hey Michael,

Maybe you missed the biggest point, that is ALL I found on you. Unpaid taxes. No deeds since the 80s, and I found a foreclosure notice back then too…I searched the near by counties and found NOTHING in your name. What do you really have to offer even for free?


That’s a great question. Thank you for finally asking.

What do I have to offer. Experience of what to do and also not to do.

My passion. You get passion John.

My commitment to tell you how it is and not what you want to hear.

The ability to become wealthy.

Let’s talk what you don’t get.

Me doing it for you.

Me blowing smoke.

Pats on ur back unearned.

What you can expect.

Hard friggin work.

Hard friggin work.

Hard friggin work.

Most new investors will fail. 95 percent will absolutely fail.

Would you rather learn from an arrogant willy or a guy who has failed and recovered and also been involved in nearly 1000 deals. 234 in one year.

The reason John can’t win is cus he hasn’t accepted others yet. I too use to be all mighty. Then learned the Lord can take it away just as fast.

My new friend John. Walk quietly. He’s watching.

Michael aka bad ass investor


Now I usually joke around with Michael Q on these posts from time to time about this or that and it’s always light-hearted. And we all make mistakes. BUT Michael Q has a seriously shady past. Seriously shady. Not saying he doesn’t know what he speaks about. Not saying his “mary letters” aren’t the bomb (because they rock). But man…MAN. I would think that anyone who has ordered his courses would look at him in a different light now. Everyone (including me, surprise) will somewhat discount just about everything he says. I vote for John_in_NC for president! John rocks! Michael needs to come on these boards to sell courses and pay his taxes in order to eat. It’s no wonder he needs to be an animal. For those who don’t remember, see a previous post with Michael and I. Michael forces homeowners to sell to him or he threatens them with an MMA match or something. HAHA. What a joker.

Michael, sent you a PM.

I’d be glad to be a test subject and report back to the forums :cool
I’ve always thought MichaelQ posted helpful information and was happy with the letters I bought from him. Tax problems or not, if he owe(s/d) close to $1m in taxes, he’s obviously making SOMETHING happen, and IMO tax problems are his own personal problem, not necessarily an indication that he isn’t capable of what he says he is…

ya’ll need to grow up, I came here some 5 yrs ago for information and to learn, and that I did. Been working ever since. There is some good to this forum but the pointless pi$$ing contests will eventually force good folks away. Grow up. Nobody has to prove anything to anyone but oneself. If you are happy in your own skin and can sleep at night that’s all that matters.

BTW a registered agent can be any resident person or entity of the state of incorporation, not necessarily an LLC partner or corp shareholder/officer.

Tony, MQ is a big boy and can take care of himself. Many folks including myself think it’s fair game for John_in_NC to question MQ. Nothing wrong with that. John has given a truer picture of who MQ is. Why do you have a problem with that. They are debating, big deal. And I think MQ (although he has been chopped down) has to his credit accepted that in a public arena that its fair. Who made you the moral authority on a debate not about you even? John’s point is valid and on point. MQ said something about how many deals he has done in a week’s time. John came back basically saying ‘yeah, but you have a past of not paying taxes’. Valid point. So essentially MQ’s take home pay aint exactly accurate since he is a tax evader. Tony, why are you so upset, when everyone (and to his credit even MQ) thinks it’s a fair and valid point made by John?

I think everyone is missing the POINT

If this guy just gives advice for free with no/little experience to back it up, that is one thing, but he does it with the intent to lure in people to pay for his advice. Advice that could and probably will bankrupt them or cause financial distress in a matter of years. It did for him!! I caught on long ago he was a phony, but stayed out of it. Now I am mad, he has run off the real investors who don’t want to constantly fight his stupid advice. Its fraud when you misrepresent yourself like that, then use alias names to complement yourself about your bogus course. I think if the owner of this site knew how liable he is if someone decides to sue, he would be gone. I think the mods should boot him NOW! Him and any other name with an IP associated with his.

I am checking into his tax problem, I suspect these judgements are not anywhere close to a million, and have more to do with small taxes on commissions. There is no way this guy has taxes of a million(from RE) without a trace of a property transfer for almost 30 years. How do you sell properties with Taxlliens going unpaid? Answer, you can’t.

Amen to that. John, we’d like to know what you find. Only case of taxes owing that high I can think of was Wesley Snipes who earned good money for movies. I’m in agreement as well with MQ pushing his courses and his mentorship crap trap. I mean, isn’t that not allowed here anyway? Also on a side note John, way to go on that lead you’re workin’ on. Did you say 190k net? Very nice indeed. Your a beast dude! Keep us posted when that closes.

i am no moral authority on anything. nor am i upset. i am not sure how many names u have had b4 Chunky but u have not been around here long enough to comment on someone’s history here. you sound like a kid with a fantasy that found a rei board. i do not care who has a valid point, John in NC should take this up with the mods, and keep it off the forums. if MQ is a fraud I can care less. and furthermore MQ thinks John in NC is John Locke, aka $Cash$. wrong person. this thread has become a pi$$ing contest as I said before.

they are not debating. John in NC is trying to call MQ out, that is hardly a debate.

Tony says: if MQ is a fraud I can care less. and furthermore MQ thinks John in NC is John Locke, aka $Cash$. wrong person

Chunk says: LOL. That was hilarious! Probably the only thing we both agree with, but true. As you know Tony, I disagree with most of everything you said in this topic. Once MQ puts his http on, he’s fair game. I thought any self promotion on this board was something that was discouraged. Even if it wasn’t, discussion boards in general (among other things) are suppose to provoke thought. I think when someone comes on, and is challenged on what they say, this is a benefit for everyone to see that you might not see in the everyday investor environment. I don’t see many topics ever started by Tony. But I see a lot of complaining. I see a lot of grumpiness. If they are debating, you see it as a fight. The mods up until this point disagree with you too because the topic has been kept there for everyone. Heck, even MQ isn’t debating that point!

Dear Mr. Medemar,

My name is Gopal. I am from Denver, Colorado. I have purchased many courses. Alas, I have been kicking the tires for a long time and did not put the courses into use. So, I cannot blame anyone but, myself.

However, having said that, I have learned a valuable lesson in purchasing courses. I need references. If a guru is not willing to provide references, then they are suspect in my opinion.

Right now, I am unemployed, bankrupt and broke. But, I would really like to get one course and put it into action, so that I can pay my utility bills in the next 30 days. I have just about $100 and some change left and I am willing to bet on your course.

The telephone numbers listed on your website does not work.
I tried to call a couple of the references listed on the website. But, I could not contact them.
I have sent you email requesting 3 references with contact information. I really would like to talk to some references who have bought your wholesaling course and find out about your product before committing my last $$$$ …

I am willing to risk it … Are you willing to provide me with references, please?

I really want to learn the wholesaling business and creating the buyer’s list etc. I have no money to do big marketing etc … and I want to improve my cashflow in the next 30 days.

– Gopal

The best thing you can do for the moment to pay your utility bills in the next 30 days is to get a job. By the time you order this course, look over it, fumble around with trying to do something REI related, find a property, find a buyer, and get that property to close - you utilities will be shut off.
Best to stabilize your personal finances with a paycheck you can count on for now and then focus on studying and executing REI related activities on the side.

Thanks a lot Justin. Your advise is sound. You see, Justin, I am also going thru a divorce and a bitter custody battle. I have lost everything. The best part of having nothing is that no one can take anything away from you. There is nothing to take.

I am actively looking for a job as well. I am not having much luck in the technology field.

However, I know that it takes some time to get the cash buyer’s list etc going. I stumbled on Eric’s course.

I would like to know if you have any experience using his course materials. I tried calling him to ask him some questions, but the phone does not work.

I would like to get something REI related going.

What is your opinion of Eric Medemmar’s course? Why do you think he is not responding?

– Gopal


If you’ve purchased many courses already why don’t you put them in drive and give em gas before going out purchasing yet another course, especially with your last few bucks?

It’s clear that the problem isn’t the course…the problem is YOU’RE not taking action. Buying yet another course to take up space in your closet won’t solve that problem. The best course in the world is absolutely useless if you don’t start doing what the course says to do. And on the flip side, the worst course out there is probably good enough to make you SOME money if you just go and DO what the guru says.

You are absolutely right. I did not take proper action. Well, I was not focusing on 1 strategy and making it work. I was trying to do it all and that plan failed. So, I have not been doing anything.

I tried the most difficult strategy as a newbie and got discouraged easily and gave up. But, that’s in the past.

Anyway, I have learnt my lesson. I want to do only 1 thing in REI. Wholesaling… so I am going to work on doing just that. I need a starting point for building my buyer’s list.

I don’t have a clue. Maybe, I should invest the money and get the course and just do according to what EricM says … I can’t be any worse off than I am right now.

It would have been nice if he could at least give me his contact information, so that I could talk to him before getting his course.

Thanks for the input,