Does anyone even know (Mark Evans DM)

I totally agree, Mr. Mark Evans has been flooding my email box with all types of material that I have found to be repeats of other investor guru site emails that I have gotten. I would recommend to anyone not to fall short like I did and purchased material that ended up being a lost cause. Since I am a newbie I will be the first to say that I am not an expert however by the time I get all my knowledge I am confident enough that I will be.

I have been on several of Marks Evans conference calls that he claims to be in these foreign countries that we can call or go on the web. Some of the information that he passes along is good but I seriously began to doubt that he is actually travelling the world like he claims.

One of the biggest mistakes that I have made is that I purchased the two websites buyers Leads and Seller Leads for $67 a month. :banghead however, what i have found out i can get all that information for way cheaper but I was facinated by the idea without logically thinking things through. :banghead However, after I did my due dillegence I was able to cancel and to be honest I have gotten more leads on my own than the ones that I actually got from Marks sites. :beer

Sorry Keith, but I have to chime in on this one. See my responses in red…

Objection Your Honor!

[b]Top gun you’re WRONG! WRONG WRONG! :banghead

TopGun, How many google searches will it take for you to see the truth. Your research is off in my book. Your intent is good, but I believe your facts are inadequate…No offense bro!

First off, let me make it clear that I am not an attorney, I am not on Mark Evan’s staff, nor am I trying to pick a fight. However, I do feel that I need to “set the record straight.”

I’m actually one of Mark’s mentor students and have been since 2006!

He is an awesome mentor and one of the greatest real estate investors in today’s Market.

All the posts in this thread need to be addressed, so I will do my best to address each an every concern, question, or issue starting with (Top Gun)!!

Let me warn you that this will be a long post as I have a lot to cover. Especially since, I’ve been a student of Mark Evan’s for the past 2 Years!. So grab some snacks or some drinks, turn the tv off, kick back in your chair, or in your couch and read EVERY Word I am about to tell you. My Comments will be in RED. Ok, here we go. Let’s see if I can pull this off:[/b]

[quote author=wallacehobbs link=topic=14426.msg176625#msg176625 date=1213192046]

[quote author=topgun1928 link=topic=14426.msg175149#msg175149 date=1211907308]
DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY!! MARK EVANS KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT REAL ESTATE. HE IS A WANNA BE INTERNET INFO MARKETER SLINGING WHATEVER WILL SELL ONLINE. I did my due diligence. You did your due dilligence?? I hope you take more consideration and accuracy when you do due dilligence on your REI deals. -Lamar

Here is an email another investor sent me on him:

After doing about 15 minutes of “research” (15 That’s it?..Please continue Topgun - Lamar) - here is what I found…

Timeout! Let me cut in for a minute. First of all I’m sure you used Google or maybe Yahoo, nonetheless I’m certain it was a search engine, but who am I to site your sources… go on…

Mark’s latest “memorial day 2008” email supposedly sent from Florence Italy (Mark has been traveling the world for the last 2.5 years you know?) is a COMPLETE LIE.

[b]Actually he has been traveling for 2.5 years and he just left Italy for Rome. Here is proof of him in Italy. I lived in Europe for 3 years, so I know this is authentic. It’s a 30 second video:[/b]

Stay tuned for Part 2---- (The max characters are 20K :banghead)

[b]The reason Mark is able to travel while still doing deals is because he has systems in place to assist him. Virtual Assistants, Birddogs, Partners, His Students, etc. Plus his reverse system is designed to work from anywhere. all you need is a phone and a PC w/Internet and you’re in business.!

A true Business Owner knows that they should always work “ON” their business, not “IN” their business, which is a perfect example of what Mark Evans DM does. Continue TopGun… -Lamar[/b]

In the email - he wishes his Mother Happy Birthday from Italy but my research found that his Mother’s birthday was NOT May 26. His Mother’s name is Beverly and her birthday is 11/14/1951.

:bs :bs :bs :bs :bs

[color=red][b]This one really caught me by shock. lol

Sandy Evans is the actual name of Mark’s Mother. Where the heck did you get Beverly. Maybe that’s his aunt, or cousin, or just some random lady named Beverly Evans with no relation. lol

Mark told us about his mother Sandy on numerous occassions. He even said so on Mother’s Day. Tell your friend to send you the Mother’s day email too. It came out 2 weeks before the Memorial day email you mentioned. In fact, here’s a snippet:

Sunday May 11th, 2008

Mark says,

“…I just wanted to share that with you and say again,
Happy Mother’s Day and to say out loud to 2 of the
most beautiful women in the world my mother
Sandy Evans, I love you and I am glad you let me
dream. As well as my fiance’s mother Diane Long,
we Love you and thank you for raising such a great

[b]Wow look at that…No Beverly??

Again this was in my inbox, and depending on how long your friend has been with Mark Evans DM, he would have this too…In Black & White :deal[/b]

Stay Tuned for Part 3

Mark S. Evans is a 29 year old kid still wet behind the ears - born June 19, 1978. Your Birthday Research was SPOT on Topgun. It really is June 19th! Last year he interviewed Frank Mckinney on his b-day. He’s been investing in Real Estate since he was 18. That’s like11 years. I wouldn’t say he’s “wet behind the ears” I’d say he’s a pro, give that he’s reached millionaire status. That man knows his stuff! -Lamar

His last known address is:

51 Community Dr.
Kirkersville, OH 43033

Which is a 3/1 - 1,764 sf home worth $117,000 (My pool is worth more than this house).

Your pool is worth more than $117,000. :shocked Holy crap, can I come over and swim? seriously… :beer

[b]Now Mark has never shown his home, that I know of. Since I’ve been with him, he’s been hopping around the U.S and now he is over in Rome, so…I can’t validate this one. However, maybe it was a great deal. It’s just him and his fiance, so they really don’t need to much room, but then again maybe this is just a random property that he never even lived in. lol

The free public records still have me in New Jersey and I haven’t lived there since 2001. Also in a part of VA that I haven’t lived in since 2003. So to say this stuff is accurate is :bs [/b]

The home is owned by a “Bennie Evans Jr. and Beverly Evans” - 59 and 56 yrs old respectively and right around the age of what could be Mark’s parents? I can’t be sure but I would bet they are his parents.

Yeah you’re way off… No Beverly :slight_smile: I don’t know his father’s name. Could be Mark for all I know. lol Those could also be the ages of his parents too…Who cares how old they are though…I mean really. lol -Lamar


Maybe or maybe not.

Try "Maybe Not -Lamar"

Other than the 4701 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, OH address - which appears to be a commercial office - the next residential address for “Mr. Evans” is:

209 S. High St., # 311
Columbus, OH

Which appears to be residential apartments over walkup retail.

So maybe “World Traveling Mr. Evans” still lives in a crackerbox apartment?

:bs I’ll bet my house that he doesn’t. lol

Let’s move on to Part 4

First off, it’s hard to say he’s not traveling. He actually went to Haiti a couple months back. He went with…hmmm what was his name…Ahh yes, another great Real Estate Investor of all time: Frank Mckinney! He was also in Paris a few weeks before he went to Italy. Here’s proof:

Need more…

No photshop here bro! 100% Mark & Deena in Paris . I’ve been to Paris twice and this looks exactly the same to me! -Lamar

It is hard to tell where he lives because Mark Evans uses rent-a-mailbox type outlets like UPS Store etc. as the main OFFICE address for all of his businesses.

Good idea or bad idea…I wouldn’t want my personal address out there like that either, but hey… To eaches own!.

“Mr. Evans” apparently has started at least one company - “Strategic Home Buyers LLC” yet a quick search of Franklin and Licking County Ohio official records and tax assessor sites shows no records for a Strategic Home Buyers or Mark Evans EVER owning real estate.

Not sure about this one. I know he goes by Racine Assets, LLC. Mark also specializes in investing in real estate without ever owning or using your own cash. Again, I don’t know about the Strategic Home Buyer LLC, so…no comment

Now to give “Mr. Evans” the benefit of the doubt - he could be buying properties in a Land Trust which would give him some anonymity - which would be very smart on his parts

I don’t think he does land trust too much, but I do believe he invests in them sometimes.

Or - and what I think is more plausible - is “Mr. Evans” is a wanna-be wholesaler who feeds off the scraps of true real estate investors by earning pennies through contract assignments - which obviously would only appear on a HUD and not of record.

If you get paid your assignment fee up front, it doesn’t show on the hud, right? As far as I know, Mark always get’s paid upfront. So if he’s a wanna be, then I wanna be just like him… A freakin millionaire who invests ethically and with integrity and always pushes his students to do the same. Mark has students of all ages…up to 70 yrs. old.

Time for Part 5

This guy is yet another scammer in a long line of failed real estate investors who can’t seem to make money doing deals so they vomit their limited knowledge into a “Real Estate Course” and sell it to unsuspecting people online.

[b]That’s funny…In my Newsletter, I expose scams because they disgust me. I alert my investor list of common scams/scammers. I also exposed a scammer on another forum and he actually got arrested because somebody googled his name and found my posting. They actually came in contact with the guy. lol.

Wait a minute…you don’t believe me. Don’t worry, here’s proof: I love to expose scams/scammers.

If Mark was one, he would have damn sure been exposed by me. But he’s not one, so I didn’t! :cool -Lamar [/b]

I wouldn’t waste a penny on this guy.

[b]I actually purchased his Reverse Real Estate Course. It has completely restructured my business and has put cash in my pocket on a number of occasions. I’m actually trying to close on a Reverse deal, either this week or next week. So whatever I purchased the course for, was recoverd by doing deals, just like he said in the course. :bobble

Did you know he offers weekly support to all his students who purchased the course? It’s a Q & A session, where we ask him questions for understanding, wisdom, motivation, encouragement, insight, special tips, etc… in regards to Reverse Real Estate, wholesaling, Sub 2 deals, etc. Talk about customer service :slight_smile:

On top of that, he focuses on Marketing, which is crucial for any business. Internet Marketing is highly effective, whether your marketing a property or a product. [/b]

Wow topgun that is a little harsh. Tell us how you really feel :biggrin

May we ask what is your level as an investor and what is it you do I wonder?

(Also can I swim in your $118,000 Pool it must be HUGE :cool )
I’m curious too and I’ll be happy to come over and jump in the pool with you bro. Top Gun, “Can we come by”. I don’t know about wallace, but I’m serious! It’s pretty hot over in VA.

Kieth your Awesome no matter what anyone says! :cool

Let’s see who’s next…

[b]Hi Paul :slight_smile: Yup, Paul is in the book too. The book was also a #1 Bestseller on Amazon. Do you think Kendra Todd would associate herself with a scammer. If she was that naive, you would have surely heard Donald Trump say, “Kendra…Your Fired! :flush”

It’s a great book that everyone needs to get. The contributions all go to charity…

Also, the charity they supported was a village in Haiti. There goes Mark again…Traveling around the world in Haiti…not a cracker box apartment. lol

Wait a minute…you don’t believe me do you. lol Come on now, You know Lamar always brings the facts:

Stay tuned for part 6[/b]

[b]Farm emails?? I doubt that… lol However, If you go to someone’s website and subscribe then you will surely recieve something from them via email. They don’t ask for your name and email, just for kicks. I get emails from all the time…Why? Because they have my name and email address. :slight_smile:

Also, Mark Evans uses double opt in. For those of you that don’t know, double opt in is when you subscribe to someone’s website, inputting your name and email (opt in). Then there is an automatic email that is sent to your inbox. This email is just asking if you really want to opt in. If so, you just click the confirmation link then you have “Opted in” for a second time, just reaffirming your desion to recieve informaton or subscribe accordingly.

Now, I know you said that you never signed up… Are you sure? Secondly, if he did send you emails, all you would have to do is scroll down to the bottom and Unsubscribe!

Poof no more emails :slight_smile: He also has virtual assistants working for him, so who knows how that happened, but as far as I know…from personal experience…His Virtual Assistants are on point & awesome! Again, if this happens, just scroll to the bottom of the email and unsubscribe.
If you continue to get emails, then you can just submit a trouble ticket on his webstie and make a complaint…[/b]

Refunds aren’t based on how solid owner thinks there product is. They’re based on Customer Satisfacton. I don’t think he’s too worried about issuing refunds because he did in fact give the guy a refund… When have you heard of a scammer giving money back??? lol. Also, who would be happy about giving a refund on a sale. He’s human, just like you and I, so I’m sure he wondered what the heck did this guy have an issue with, due to the fact that he has students, to include myself, who have monetized deals, using his course.
Walmart gives refunds, and the customer service people always have attitudes too. Lol -Lamar

[b]Business is business. Nobody likes to lose a sale!

Part 7 Anyone?[/b]

It works for some people and for others it just…doesn’t. In the end it all falls on the individual who is studying the course. -Lamar.

I’m listening to Mark on a teleconference now as I type this. I have to agree that he rambles on with very little useful information. I am still intrigued with his idea, though. Most gurus already say to have buyers waiting for houses you buy anyway but I’m wondering if Mark has new ways to get buyers into your database. BINGO -Lamar It seems that the main idea of his system is to find buyers BEFORE finding the houses. Or is his stuff just a reiteration of common sense and what the other gurus teach? :flush

I am tempted to stroke a check for his course out of curiosity but would be pretty p.o.'d if it is just a reiteration of what people like LeGrand, etc., already teach.
I suggest you check out the course, you’ll thank me later :slight_smile: All this stuff is common sense, but common to who? Only to people who get it, and are doing it. I’m no expert, but when I actually understand something that I might have been struggling with for some time, once I finally get it, I look back on it and laugh because it was so easy and I made it so hard…

Good for you Cleo! :slight_smile: Hope that deal went through. This is actually some of the strategies that Mark teaches along with some other streams of income!

and last but certainly not least…

[b]Ok, so everybody just seen me provide facts and my own personal opinion/experiences based on Mark Evans DM. I tried to provide you with as much proof as possible. He is the real deal and it’s either you get the guy or you don’t.

Is he Arrogant! Yes!
Can he be very blunt? Yes!

Is he straight forward and always willing to tell it like it is. Abslolutely!

Is he one of my Mentors? You’re Damn Right!

Nobody wants hype and fluff. He’s very passionate about what he does. You can hear it in his voice all the time.

Especially when he gets mad! lol He got really mad at us when we were procrastinating, and being lazy with our marketing, not following up with leads, not asking quesitons on the call (By the way he hates when you don’t ask questions. lol), so basically he put together a private call and lit some fire under are butts. I had people looking at my deal 72 hrs later and I closed on that same deal, 2 weeks later!

Wait, let me guess…You don’t think it was that impacting… Well, here is the intro to the call. You’ll hear how pissed he was… (part 1) (Part 2, you may have to download)

Now the actual private call was taken down, but again it lit some fire under me!

Next time we try to bash someone we need to have facts, not google queries and people who didn’t really give the product a try… (from what it sounds like to me)

With that said, have a great day! Go do some Deals!, Solve some problems, and collect your checks! :beer

To your Success,

J.Lamar Ferren
New Breed Real Estate Investor

Beer anyone? :beer[/b]

I know… I know… I shouldn’t be making any comments here… But I couldn’t resist…

Lamar, please forgive me but I have to ask… Do you really think that what you wrote can be called FACTS? You made several statements, included some pictures of a couple, stated that you have been to some of the places, invited yourself to topgun’s magificent pool… Are you sure those are facts?

If I tell you that I am a millionaire and send you a picture of a guy in a yatch, would you take that as a fact?

And to end on a high note - I did enjoy reading your posts. It is always interesting to read other people’s perspectives and opinions. Have a nice evening! And good luck with your investments.

I knew this was coming :biggrin lol A fact is knowledge or information based on real occurrences. I gave you Pictures, Audio, Email text, and even video… I even explained to you my own personal experiences and success with the guy… That was the best I could do over the internet.

Again, it wasn’t an easy ride due to my own personal issues, but I worked my way through it and continue to put $$ in my pocket using his strategies.

Now, is he the only guy out there that can make you successful? Of course not! There are plenty of other Investors/Mentors out there who can help you get to the next level. Essentially, it will all come down to…YOU!

J1dias, if you were a millionaire that sent me a picture of you being on a yacht and I actually built a business relationship with you. On top of that if you answered all my questions week after week and your advice actually put $$ in my pocket on a consistent basis, then honestly I wouldn’t have too much ground to deny that you were phony. I don’t know man.

I’m really not going to harp on this much longer because I think I’ve done enough… Just do your best no matter who you work with and no matter how hard it seems. Work with someone you can relate too and that you feel comfortable with. Then as you become successful, help others to do the same. :beer

I’m glad you did enjoy reading the posts… :cool

P.S: Any chance I can get to swim in a $117,000 pool would be awesome! :bobble

I knew this was coming :biggrin lol A fact is knowledge or information based on real occurrences. I gave you Pictures, Audio, Email text, and even video… I even explained to you my own personal experiences and success with the guy… That was the best I could do over the internet.

Again, it wasn’t an easy ride due to my own personal issues, but I worked my way through it and continue to put $$ in my pocket using his strategies.

Now, is he the only guy out there that can make you successful? Of course not! There are plenty of other Investors/Mentors out there who can help you get to the next level. Essentially, it will all come down to…YOU!

J1dias, if you were a millionaire that sent me a picture of you being on a yacht and I actually built a business relationship with you. On top of that if you answered all my questions week after week and your advice actually put $$ in my pocket on a consistent basis, then honestly I wouldn’t have too much ground to deny that you were phony. I don’t know man.

I’m really not going to harp on this much longer because I think I’ve done enough… Just do your best no matter who you work with and no matter how hard it seems. Work with someone you can relate too and that you feel comfortable with. Then as you become successful, help others to do the same. :beer

The only reason I took the time to do this was for one simple reason. As TopGun said:

I’m glad you did enjoy reading the posts… :cool

P.S: Any chance I can get to swim in a $117,000 pool would be awesome! :bobble

Lamar - thank you for not being mad with my comment. You bring up a good point - your evidence is a fact for you because you experienced it, you know the guy personally… I guess my point is that what you call fact may not really be a FACT to others if they haven’t had the same experience/don’t know the guy… In this case you could have sent pictures of a pair of turists that were spending time in Europe (I don’t know Mark Evans to confirm that the picture is from him). Same with the audio and video. The emails (how do I know if he really sent the emails? And even if he did, how do I know if they were true?). Do you understand my point?

I am not minimizing your own experience or even your truthwortiness (I hope I spelled it correctly) - I am only saying that you may feel you have presented facts - my point is that until those “facts” can be corroborated they are not “facts” only opinions…

Hey forget about swiming in the $200,000 pool… You need to get in the person’s good side if you want to be invited to their home… And I can tell you - right now it is not looking good… :O)

Have a nice day!

Wow! Someone fell completely into the Kool-Aid vat…


Enough said…

John $Cash$ Locke

LOL - This is a funny Video, I am not nearly as old as John Cashe, and maybe not as old as
Keith, but I sorta remember this comerical as a very young kid. We never really drank Kooliade
(Sugar Water) because my Mom bought us real fruit juice, but I bet Keith keep them in business, because he speaks of “Drinking the Koolaide” all the time.

Also not to take sides, put I know Mark Evans somewhat, and Yes that was him in the Video, and yeah he travels a lot (But so do I) so that is not a huge deal. Mark does Wholesaling and from the students of his I have spoke to over the past 5 years, the ones that did the work have done very well.

It seems a lot of people 95% or so love to be negative and point fingers at what someone else is doing…

humm, then 5% remain positive and do the hard work needed to succeed and IF they fail they place the blame on their shoulder, dust themselves off and go back to work.

Never really that about it, but maybe, Just Maybe, this is why 95% of the world, Shares 5% of the worlds wealth, and 5% of the worlds populatioin controls 95% of the worlds wealth.

Oh, Yes this is a Fact - and even Mr. Google agrees with me.

OK, fun time is over, Go do a Deal and enjoy your weekend.

Umm, I am off to NC to my beach house for a couple of weeks
but my cell phone is usually somewhere around if you need anything! :biggrin

That KoolAid video was HILARIOUS— “juice box hanging out.” lol


  I could never be mad. I completely understand your point. I guess my posts were more for those that have crossed his path and know that the pics/videos/audios, etc were authentic.  The guy said, "hello this is mark evans" in the video for christ's sake. lol 

I also referenced his site ( and I also referenced the dates of the email that I was talking about. Therefore, those who knew him could go to their inbox and see for themselves. He has a facebook page too, just go search for his name “mark evans dm”

This wasn’t really for someone that had no clue who he was or what he was about. It was for those who had an idea, but didn’t believe it.

It will always be a fact to me, I agree. It should also be facts for those that were skeptic, but I can’t speak for them. If you take the time to get to know him and see what he is about then it will surely be a fact for you. Don’t take my word for it. See for yourself. I have nothing to prove. If the skeptics still don’t believe, then I really have nothing more to say.

Wallace hobbs said it the best:

If you send 2 people to a top REI seminar, one becomes a millionaire from that seminar and the other never does 1 deal… Is the problem with the Seminar? And I’m willing to bet that the one who didn’t make a dime from the seminar will go around and tell people that the seminar was a ripoff. lol That’s just the way it is…

If you have something that works for you, then stick with it.

Those posts weren’t for everybody, but they were for somebody…People that needed to know the truth. :cool

Oh and if Topgun is that pissed and I can’t go swimming, then so be it. I’ll still live another day. I hope he isn’t offended as I was just trying to present the truth. This is a discussion forum so I feel is though we were just having a discrussion. No offense to him or anyone else in this forum.

It’s not that serious bro! At least to me it isn’t… :cool


You know, being as it is the internet, I take everything I read with a grain of salt, be it good or bad.

I just hope Lamar didn’t get a hernia from all that effort.



I deleted my response deleted because it came across too negative!

It basically said “don’t fall for shysters, hopeful newbies.”

I think I almost got Carpal Tunnel. lol

Yeah, I wasn’t going to respond to that post stripey, because I didn’t want to start an argument of some sort, :argue but with that said, everyone has a right to their own opinion. :cool

As I said numerous times, it’s best to go with someone you can relate to and someone you are comfortable with. I’m comfortable with Mark Evans DM and I can relate to him, which is why I posted the way I did. However, others may not be comfortable with him and that’s ok.

Just find out what works for you and make it happen with that person. It doesn’t have to be Mark Evans.

-Lamar :cool

I have no opinion one way or the other. I am just wondering what the DM stands for (Mark Evans DM). Anyone know?