I just watched the above video in its’ entirety and it got me thinking.
Can anyone refute the claims with FACTS?
Please, no arguments based on the ad hominem fallacy of logic.
I just watched the above video in its’ entirety and it got me thinking.
Can anyone refute the claims with FACTS?
Please, no arguments based on the ad hominem fallacy of logic.
The FACTS are in the video. This is all just fulfillment of the prophesies in the bible (the bible the socialists despise). If you want to see how it all ends, read Daniel and Revelations - it’s all in there.
DECEMBER 21, 2012 is rolling upon us…
If you mean the end of the world, who knows? I want someone to take on the assertions in the video and play devils’ advocate.
DECEMBER 21, 2012 is rolling upon us.......................
As far as I can tell, they Mayans weren’t too good at predictions. At least, they didn’t know that something was going to make them extinct and therefore do something to prevent it.
The Bible, on the other hand, has prophesy that has been 100% accurate. From my understanding of the prophesy (not a theology expert) in Daniel and Revelations, the pieces are not in place for a major event on 12-21-12.
Furthermore, one thing has nothing to do with the other. There can be little doubt that the bankers are in control of this country. They say hop and the government says “how high”! We are the debtors and they are the creditors, which means that they are in control. Look at the banking “crisis”, which was really nothing more than an unprecedented transfer of wealth from ordinary citizens to wealthy wall street bankers (and central bankers). As a further benefit to the bankers, the “crisis” put the US Government and its citizens in greater debt - which gives the bankers more power. It’s really not that complicated and the facts are WELL documented.
In addition, I would argue that this is NOT a conspiracy. The big banks (central banks) have been crystal clear as to their plans and they have been methodically executing those plans. It’s not really a traditional ‘conspiracy’ when it’s out in the open.
Oh, please! You are actually BELIEVING a bunch of cobbled-together sound bites?
You can stitch together all sorts of video clips, taken out of context, and create whatever scenario you want.
And the end of the Mayan calendar…that it means the end of the world has been debunked by incredulous scientists, incredulous that anyone could believe that movie script was anything other than fiction.
Hey, our calendar ends EVERY year, on December 31. Calendars are man-made devices.
Remember the End-of-the-World scenario about 12 years ago? The comet? Several dozen people killed themselves in a mass suicide in San Diego County because “The end was coming”. I actually knew one of the dead women from years earlier, knew her family in Washington State. How gullible can people get?
I’m sure as well that Biblical scholars could tell you that any number of predictions have NOT come true. That there are multiple interpretations of those ancient writings.
That have been translated from the ancient Greek, Hebrew, Arrhamaic. When you read an English Bible verse translation you get a different meaning than when you read the Bible verse in another language. Try it!
One ancient word can have multiple meanings, and the translators determine which one to use. Another translator picks a different meaning, and the whole gist of the sentence changes.
If you are believing that God came down and smote the writings onto papyrus rolls in English you are wrong. To believe the Bible LITERALLY in English makes no sense. But to study it in its ancient writings could be fascinating and mind-expanding. But it would take years of study.
Oh, please! You are actually BELIEVING a bunch of cobbled-together sound bites?
And yet another subject you know nothing about! Seriously, FO, I would strongly suggest that you spend more time studying and less time typing. If you want to know about the history of the Federal Reserve (our THIRD central bank), I would suggest that you start with the book “The Creature from Jekyll Island”. It’s an exhaustive study of the subject (about 600 or 700 pages as I recall).
And the end of the Mayan calendar...that it means the end of the world has been debunked by incredulous scientists, incredulous that anyone could believe that movie script was anything other than fiction.
I think Mdhass was being sarcastic. I don’t think ANYONE here believes that the earth will end in 2012, or on any other date for that matter.
I'm sure as well that Biblical scholars could tell you that any number of predictions have NOT come true. That there are multiple interpretations of those ancient writings.
Let me guess - you’re not only a socialist, but an atheist also. Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.
I’m not here to harass you. Respectfully, did you watch the entire video? The points to be made are in the interviews, not the news clips. You have to watch for least an hour. The Right / Left - Republican / Democrat rivalry is a distraction from what is important.
I've become a political atheist. I'm more interested with the truth than with a particular political ideology. I first became interested in the economy when the stock market dipped in 2008. I work in the entertainment industry touring with an international artist. In my roll on tour I work about 4 hours per day. That leaves me with plenty of time to research.
Because the nation was caught off guard, the first question I wanted to learn the answer to was who correctly predicted real estate bubble and stock market dip? I came up with a few names:
Peter Schiff-
Martin Weiss-
Ron Paul
Gerald Celente
Lyndon LaRouche
Nouriel Roubini
Paul Krugman
Robert Kiyosaki
I’ve either read or listened to their books plus 8 others not listed:
Crash Proof- Schiff
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide- Weiss
End The Fed- Ron Paul
Trends 2000- Gerald Celente
The Return of Depression Economics- Krugman
Conspiracy of the Rich- Kiyosaki
If you get the chance, let us know what you think about the video when you finish it. Take care.
So you are a reader! Yes, I admit I couldn’t handle more than a few minutes of that video before I had to shut it down. I heard the bias.
I will be interested to hear what you have distilled from all your reading. Right now I have no time for long videotapes like you do, but maybe another time.
Yes, I admit I couldn't handle more than a few minutes of that video before I had to shut it down.
So, once again, you made up your mind based on socialist propaganda and not on the facts. Do you have a single fact that contradicts the info in the video? Do you know ANYTHING about the history of the Federal Reserve? Did you even know that the Federal Reserve is the 3rd central bank that has existed since the Europeans came to the location of the United States? Did you know that the Federal Reserve is NOT part of the Federal Government? What, if anything, do you know about this subject?
Guys, dont even argue with FO. She is so arrogent its not even funny.
Furnishedower - “Right now I have no time for long videotapes like you do, but maybe another time.”
I guess she doesn’t have a PAUSE button on her PC… :rolleyes The high-tech version of the dog-ear for books… :biggrin
You are wasting your breath… She is not interested in listening to something that goes against her thinking, as she currently accepts without question what the government says… look at global warming… she has been asked by multiple people on this site regarding Climategate… SILENCE… she doesn’t answer because she doesn’t have an answer to it BECAUSE the government that she relies upon for her thought process hasn’t been able to contradict it yet other than say “it doesn’t matter”, therefore, she has nothing… I mean think about it… the UNDERLYING DATA that was the PRIMARY basis for the IPCC report that she relies on so much was not only PROVEN to be manipulated, but was THROWN OUT, therefore not subject to scrutiny. I wonder what her “deep throat” climate expert would say regarding such a practice? The IPCC, which originally had 3600 “scientists” on the role, has dwindled down to 2400, making a THIRD of the “consensus” become “deniers”… NEVER MIND the over 31,000 scientist, who put their name to paper to DISPUTE global warming, with over 9000 PHD’s on it… facts just get in the way…
Now that may sound like a slam reading it, but it is more intended to jar the THINKING part of her brain, not the emotional side…
It is doubtful she will ever watch that video, as it does not fit with her template… She, like many of the “scientists” made up her mind BEFORE looking at the facts… no sense in letting facts get in the way now… :rolleyes
They have taken an UNPROVED theory, and made it a FACT to EXTRACT TRILLIONS of dollars under this ridiculousness… As they THEMSELVES said in the emails, it is a TRAVESTY that not only can they NOT explain WHY the earth has COOLED over the past decade, but their computer models also DID NOT predict it, but showed the opposite, and yet, we are supposed to give up sovereignty, freedom and money to support it???
Some people would call that being a sucker… and PT Barnum said there’s one born every minute…
The sad thing is, it demonstrates either how EASILY she is manipulated or how she wants to keep herself ignorant to the subject so she does not have to challenge her thinking on it… Tragic either way…
With regards to the video, one thing I would question would be the Article 1, Section 9 argument… it states…
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.”
I understand his underlying point, but until it was verified that Obama was NOT given consent by a Congress that is CONTROLLED by his own Democrat Party, I would call this claim suspect… if they did NOT give consent, Obama, a supposed constitutional scholar, broke the law, plain and simple…
IMHO, I think he had a STRONGER case in the same Article, where it says…
“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
How we can EXPECT it of EVERY business who received TARP money and NOT the FED, who gave HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS to bail out FOREIGN BANKS, I cannot see the logic of ALLOWING the FED to just say no…
If you get a chance to watch the rest of the video, you’ll find that much of the blame for the current geo-political economic situation was caused by the Bush Administration. The authors illustrate how the Obama Administration is simply a continuance of those policies with some social pacification for the masses. View it a few minutes at a time and let us know what you think.
I have once again found something to steal. I am about as conservative as liberal. I believe as much in gun ownership as I do in government intervention in some social situations. I really am in both camps and at the same time not in either camp. I am a political atheist also.
"I really am in both camps and at the same time not in either camp. "
Some people refer to that as being a “moderate”…
That said, I know plenty of people who follow political philosophies (i.e. - liberal, conservative, etc.) MOSTLY, but have differing views on some of them… its the philosophy they MOST identify with that they usually follow…
I think the audit of the Fed legislation that will probably pass the house tomorrow (attached to a nasty financial reform bill) will turn this “Fed conspiracy” into facts the American public can no longer ignore, even you FO.
I am not moderate. Moderates are lukewarm. They are not extreme in their views. I am not lukewarm. When I am conservative I am conservative when I am liberal I am liberal. For example on crime. I think it should be hard as heck to go to jail. But once you go you never get out. I believe if you steal you don’t go to jail you have to work at some job and the payment for the job goes to pay the person they stole from back. If you just can’t stop stealing or you are violent you go to jail and you never get out. I believe in gun ownership and it should be mandatory for every adult in public must have a visible gun on their person.
But I believe that gays should be able to marry and that socialism should be used in situations that socialism is the best solution to the situation. That is why I like that term political atheist. I pray to neither political god.
I believe if you steal you don’t go to jail you have to work at some job and the payment for the job goes to pay the person they stole from back.
BRILLIANT! If you’re a thief and get caught, all you have to do is pay back the victim! That’s a great deal for the criminals - if they steal from 10 people and get caught once, they simply pay back one victim. Absolutely no deterrent to crime whatsoever! I’m beginning to wonder about you Bluemoon.
They steal beause they don’t want to work. They will have to work if they get caught instead of sitting around watching cable tv with 3 square meals in jail.
They end up stealing a used TV worth $100 and paying you back for a new TV worth $900.
You say you wonder about me. I would worry about me also. I am a real nut. I don’t have a traditional idea of how most things should work.