Arizona Deputy Shot by Illegal in Arizona Today!

[quote][SHOOT anybody coming over here ILLEGALLY./quote]

I like to think of it as PROTECTING people from being killed, you know.. stopping crime. But hey... you can spin it any way you want.

I don’t know how you “spin” a pretty cut and dried statement like the one you made. I believe that it is you, who is now trying to “spin” his statement to not look like such a hypocrite

Do the Christian thing, END the KILLING!

[b]Again we will go back to this guy Jesus…I guess I do remember stories of the band of Jesus and his disciples… having murderous raids on Lepers, Tax Collectors, Romans…because they were a threat. Heck he was caught without a pistol when the Romans put him on the cross. Now if he would have killed them all off before hand he would not have had to worry about being crucified.

Go figure! :rolleyes[/b]

I like to think of it as PROTECTING people from being killed, you know.. stopping crime. But hey... you can spin it any way you want.

I have been reading the posts for a while and I have to go with MDHAAS and TAXLIENADVISER on this one.

When you make a statement to kill someone, there is no “gray” area or room to spin it. You either kill them or you don’t. The percentage of people that are a threat is so miniscule, yet we should kill them all…just in case? Gosh that is such a brilliant idea, why haven’t others thought of that. Oh, others have, Hitler, Stalin, Romans…

You have made several bold statements in the past about being a Christian, in fact you used to have it in your signature. Apparently you removed it, good choice.

I would suggest that you go to church today and have a conversation with your pastor, cleric, priest, etc. Explain to them how killing innocent people who are trying to make their lives better is something that should be done.

Let us know how that goes. Oh and make sure you put that “spin” on it. :beer

If they are really innocent, why wouldnt they come across the border Legally (which we should make really easy to do).

Of course, in our current situation, we shouldnt kill everybody crossing the border, because we havent made it easy for them to come here legally.

How would we all feel if one of our family members got killed due to a Illegall who jumped the border? There is no excuse to not allow these people to come here easily legally, but those who come illegally… Why would they come illegaly if you made it easy for people to come legaly? What could they be up to?

I would suggest that you go to church today and have a conversation with your pastor, cleric, priest, etc. Explain to them how killing innocent people who are trying to make their lives better is something that should be done.

Let us know how that goes. Oh and make sure you put that “spin” on it.

I would be interested in knowing how that goes as well

Salvation lies within, I dont need to confess or talk with another human for salvation. Never made sense to me.

But anyway… lets have it your guys way… lets continue letting people jump the border and kill people. Instead of taking care of it, while allowing the good people to come here easily legally. Good idea guys.

Salvation lies within, I dont need to confess or talk with another human for salvation

:rolleyes Good luck with that.

BTW nice job at trying to change the purpose of this discussion…

But anyway.. lets have it your guys way.. lets continue letting people jump the border and kill people. Instead of taking care of it, while allowing the good people to come here easily legally. Good idea guys

I don’t believe that anyone disagrees with you that a system, that allows immigrants to obtain access to the U.S. legally, needs to be put in place.

In fact, I don’t believe…wait let me reread it…nope noone said anything about allowing people to come in illegally…I believe…let me check again… yes, the issue was something that you said about…what was it… oh yeah, killing all those who try to enter illegally.

Nice try at redirecting the blame to someone else for your ineptness though. :anon

Ineptness… cant help but to use big words can we? Now i need :smiley:

Inept… rolls off my lips… innnneptt


while you are on…spell check this sentence…“Im going to nursing school, and I plan on being a investor.”

when using either ‘a’ or ‘an’…you must always use ‘an’ if the word following it begins with a vowel.

OK, OK, do you think you guys have beaten up on Hoosier enough yet? I agree that shooting unarmed illegals as they cross the border is excessive. However, Hoosier is exactly right that we need to take care of the problem. If there are jobs here that Americans truly won’t take, then I’m 100% in favor of allowing Mexicans to come here to work via a legal path. However, it is absolutely inexcusable to allow people to cross our border ILLEGALLY and these illegals should be sent back for a first offense and put in prison for subsequent offenses.

This problem has been caused by politicians of both parties looking the other way for decades. The last congress FINALLY agreed to put up a border fence (a small step in the right direction), but that has been stopped by the socialist regime currently in power. We should be building that fence. We should ensure that there are enough border patrol agents. We should not give ANY entitlements to illegals or children of illegals. Finally, we should ENFORCE OUR LAWS and kick the illegals out!

Since this is grammar class…Capitalize the first letters of your sentense. :cool:)

no, it’s not grammar class…that’s why I nicely showed that you had an error in your sentence.

would you rather I said nothing, and the sentence in your signature would still be wrong.

lighten up a little man.

I was just nicely showing you the error in your sentence also. Lighten up a little. Dude im just playing with you.

A friend of mine came here from Argentina legally. He had to go through a ton of paperwork, appointments. etc… and it took over 6 months. I suppose when you’re desperate or too lazy, going the illegal route is a better option. My solution is to take that better option away. I don’t believe that people need to be shot. Just send them back. I also agree with FDJAKE’s assessment on the indirect voting power of illegals with their ties to “legal” voters. As heartless as it seems when Propertymanager evicts a mother with a newborn baby, if he lets too many do it, he’s out of business. Deporting illegals is no different.
As far as the “bleeding hearts” who think we should allow these people in is a slap in the face to the ones who do it legally. Why are they any different? Does your sob story qualify you to come in? Legally is the only way you should be allowed in. This nonsense of having a baby become a citizen just become its born here is ridiculous. Simplify the rules. Legal = stay… Illegal= Go… No exceptions… All this talk is well and good but the bottom line is that unless the MAJORITY of voters change, the polititians and their agenda’s won’t change. After all,they need to get elected/re-elected…


Good points.If the floodgates were’nt wide open it would help too.I seen a documentary on border patrol agents there was like 1 for every 5,000 miles or more.It was ridiculous.This is a big part of the problem,not to mention with the terrorists also.

Right now there’s basically no reason for them to go through the trouble of being legal.Its a shame when a state is demonized for just wanting to keep it’s citizens safe.I thought this was one of the fed govt basic jobs,to keep the borders secure.ABout as ridiculous as putting a navy seal on trial for roughing up a terrorist.Going backwards will get innocent people killed.

Look what happens when people cross the border illegally in China, North Korea, etc… they get locked up and sent to jail.

Perhaps the correct way to enforce to stop illegal immigration is to make it illegal and punishable by HUGE fines or jail time to hire illegals.
Once they can’t get jobs here they will stop wanting to come. I am all for immigrating LEGALLY.

What is so freakin’ horrible about sending citizens of Mexico back to Mexico? It’s a beautiful country with lots of resources. There’s food and good weather, free education and a national health service. There are plenty of jobs.

It’s not like the government is going to chop people’s feet off without anesthetic if they catch them in Arizona illegally.

Just a note: the Arizona law is not racist. It does not say anything about Hispanic. It says undocumented aliens. Undocumented aliens come from every country in the world. And yes, indeed, some undocumented aliens are blond and blue eyed and the new Arizona law applies to them, also.

I think the problem most people have is that the police can stop anyone that they deem to look like an illegal and ask them for documentation.

All they need to do to find these guys is to go drive to a home depot and look for the day laborers…

I think the problem most people have is that the police can stop anyone that they deem to look like an illegal and ask them for documentation.

Why bother commenting Chris when you clearly haven’t done ANY research into the law? The police CAN NOT stop anyone that they deem to look like an illegal. That is not now, nor was it ever in the Arizona law. It IS A BLATANT LIE. I understand why you might believe it - because you heard the Socialist in Chief say it on TV. Unfortunately, he was LYING to stir up racial tensions (what he does best) - plain and simple.

For anyone to be questioned about their citizenship under the Arizona law, there must be reasonable suspicion that they are illegal AND they must have been stopped for violating another law.

Here’s one of the myriad of articles about the law:


Glad to see you could take time away from hoarding food and digging your bunker to join us today.

Under the law, police would be able to detain an individual based merely on the suspicion that he or she entered the country illegally. But one of the changes – which had been adopted by state lawmakers Thursday night – says police could stop suspected illegal immigrants only while enforcing some other law or ordinance.

Your right though sorry I had not read up on on the laws of ANOTHER STATE since Thursday night.